THE ST.JOHNS NEWS :xni. —NO. 1 THE ST. JOHNS MEWS, THUMDAY APTEKNOOM-^UGUST 10.1911. BRarrpj OWE DOI.tAB A TEAM at dtr. Mia. (Iiwm C. HmiA wmm tofar o Um am aieapsi, aai Attraeioi I at Lamalmm a^ CIiaub H. of Do- BO IttUo Attoatioa. UAit. Ho a Jm Iooyoo tliroo IHtlo Bat tto crowalag oYoat wao tto' <rAa4MAM«iitorK. Joamm Uo Kmn —. GLMBimf torse moo la whiofc aaae tot fanaors MtsAWth H om Aoioom aii 4 Poom wore Alloered to paitldpate. Doukt- I IT ML? W^nor. lea A pmfssoieaal starter wooia tore ! PUMomI -oonrteoo will to toM At ttoMaht tto whole Affair ooaMwtot Ir- OR WRIJLB T«r RdM IIIIST tto to«M> oa I^Molos oirooc tklo Af* tnisizEss retpilar. but tto haroos toew tto)r| KTIESmilLM tinistn. AMd tto tatiifsat wode la ------------ . wore tto eoater at Attraetloe aad ANIKAL Pll lit Joluia rooMtOTT. ! wMt down t?Mk nMl up mbIh tn i »mi HKLD RALLY AT PAIR ttRilUMRHja oMnaor that was sure waoaah elAA>| PARIHH WILL TRLIRRATE BIA. You smat osrtalaly would aat. aa ICLINTBR COfniTT MTIIRAY NCI LAHT TRrRHRAT. sy. aad tto «rtuv. At^. J. M. Ho^o. ■miR JITMLBR. ywu know from expertaaoe that lf| FMESMEDBrillTO now A farwier la Oreoabuoli, aaro orl* you aaa tto aaimal aad haap both epaa ^ ABBMTIATHMI ------------ > toacr of considerable trottlas up ead j opan bafore maktag a bargain, you; ORNBIBT N. 6.1NBDMN ____ __ down the good roods of hie townohlp I adll ataad a chaace to laaa. FNF PHIMi mniFD (IIITI Tton why not exarelae tto a UDTOIffEILOKE UMIHILS UUI I Thursdar was Alsipljr a practloo REV. FR. ESPERi good Judgmaat in the purebaaa of I .HT. J»H!«S BA.VN XAl ( irHE ‘rally,’* said Hr. Stllooo during tto ; your cloChlag. furniture, lumbar aad NiROIDOEIMrTWVEI IIP Hirr TIME. Afteraooa. .Vest year a real thing' othar nsrmaitlss that you uae la as-1 ------------ I'tVB Til HT. JOBM M 119 <»VKR PROPLP. HPK9T RONT will be pulled off. If the real thlac lectlag a home? ....................... ........... beeu the practice meet It will be a KIRBT PRIBHT CAWS BCYBNTY. Mire Yaar Basiaees Te Yaar Haam BBRBRRBR TRB BATB—TfTBRBAT« •• TBAM AOO. W. (1. Woldmaa. la aa esceptloBAlly ENJOYABLE BAY. hummer In earaeot. PIYB YEARN ARB. Rrmhgg f _ aob . a^R, Itll. queer maanor, was rwpoaol ble for a fire ttol deotroyed a cow lUble and You know that a clemr mail order j RARUBD. adtrertlelng man can give a daaerlp- j ---------- Ued iMm •Was atraw etaek oe the fartn o( John Hr. 1.00 YouiiglhP of Haple Rap* Thome la Wrotptolla one day last Heaateeaa Dlaaer—Elegaeat Hpeeoh- Aaalrersary Xe«t Reaili la Bs Oe. tloa of aa oM apavlned. rtag»boaed. WaSMl* mmd *~ ____ liar of tto of Ids and Hiss toari ateadman of sway*back. wlBd*brokoa home that " wmiww aaa aeswra week. Hr. WeMman la digging a ee- Hand ('earert and IN«em (Ireenbush were married In Ht. Johns easlea sf Hsam eemli Raak. ditch In Westphalia township wtth a would make aay aacieat aaimai look AdaMs #LMt Ibr HtalS Atbletir Sports. on the secoad day of August. The like a two-year old. In a oaulog. It » ateaai dredge, ead while be was at* j cemnoay was performed by Rev. J.; Ursa tending to some matters connected la his buslaaaa to make the coasaamr ' { H. Wilcox, at tbe Hethodiat parBon*i believe be can buy by mall aad receive Afigr weTcral the of gradually with the Job had orcaalon to call ht Thuraday was the day of days for age. and waa witasaaed by Mr. and illtoB hsHlth (i«-oiBe.W. HnHDons on the Thome farm. While halting to It Is a aevsnty*flve yaam since tor* Hsamthlag Per 9ethlag. Attractioaa: A first olaaa social close a gate he stopped his autoato- the (lleaners of Clinton county when. Hrs. Ray E Thayer. dy (lerman aattlsrs came from tbe In the same way he may by Jug* i time; a hundred ndls ride through a Mandgy evening. Aagaat 7. lAll. sue* with members of similar nrganisa-i ----------- — Uinhgi to disease and tto inftrmltloa bile in the road directly orer some l^tberlaiid, satllsd In Westphalia and ■ gling and leaving out saaentlal points i beautiful farming aactloa; a vlalt to tlooa and many independent farmers.' IM o Miobp . i>Asalag from earth at 7:S0 straw, and had been gone but a mo ­ eaublished tbe partsb there and and dilating on otham, make a cull; the great laetiwpolla of Hlchlgan; #‘clo»di at the Age of aoorly eighty- ment or two when the fire was dls- ! to the number of over 2.0M they their deaesadsnta propone to celebrate shingle or a .No. 4 board look lito a i Belle isle with all Ita aumetiona; gathered at the fair grounds for their IRS. ESSIE mmis Ight tr^. and In hm death Ht. Johns covered making mpld headway the event HspL 3.10 srith a diamond ; serviceable piece of lumber suitable! the loologiloal garden; the aguarlum; i first annual rally. •• iggi the cltliea who hate the die strawetacke aad buHdlngs osar by. RHEIPTED HIM LIFE jubilee. At the same time the Got - for building purpoaea. the botanical gnrdeas; lapoo na. Inrtigg of being the first settler Neighbors were the first to sas tb«> The weather wsa kind and thought* man (^thollr Society of .Michigan We refer pnrtlrulariy to lumber aa I hatha, etc. %'tthla the ('orpovsts limits of the blaxe and promptly gave the alarm fully withheld the rain that had been will meet at WestphalU and the Ht- that is our line. , Read hand bills for special attract* HY THE OP CANE K.YIPE AT Jty. aad lent aiwlsiaace to save the pro ­ predicted and looked for for many, He village will ase more life for a por your information we would atnte ( Ions and train schaduie. Tha aarly years of the man who perty. One small stable aad a alack days, and nothing occurred to mar PATHER*N HORE. week than it has In many a day. that all lumber, lath shlnglaaarei Signed. |f|v«d to ouch an advaaead age was a of straw were burned, hut far greater the succea of the wcasalon. aad from Rev. Fr. Haper is in charge of the purrhaaed and aoM by the ratall daai* W. R. OSGOOD. L-ertod of iinremitting toll. He was damage would have been wrought had early morning untiT late afternoon the arrangsmsnu and there will be a ga* I ere' aaaorlatlon ntlaa of grading. We i T. H. TOWNSEND. Because she wanted * ‘to eurt some- >m la SeneCM twunty. Mew York. it not been for tbe tlately aoslstaace Oleaners held sway, entertaining the theiing of clergy, noted men In the therefore ank that you daai frankly I Commlttae. 'ptsaBar 12. It?:-, but came to of frlsads largest crowd evqr neasmbisd at thoj thing up.” Mrs. Haale Wililama on ...ehureh and old rodents such aa few with your home dealers. Go In and ! with bia mother when still The accident created considerable ■ fair grounds with the exception of the .Monday evening made an attempt to communitlea In the state have beM. i talk with them; look over the quality llrh cut her throat. On Tueoday she waa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■ier y«^Ha his tettor having , apwulatlon in the southwest part of great gathering that always roogre Ft. Hapsr has wrlttan a comprshen* i of their stock and bnve them aubadt ' B ♦ the county but It Is generally cob -: gate for the (Tllnton county fair. uken before Judge Msrrl11.^eMminsd la the >*hBplr«' state some years sive history of the parish fron. lu la* | a bid on aaaoclntlon grades, ♦ riTY BBRYITIBH. B i-edMi that the fire waa taartsd by hot Although the program of athletic; Weller and Onis. adj udyd in* caption and this with protralts of Yewr home dsaiar la not afraid of! B B .Vhan thirteOB yearn old he was oil lewklngfrom the trsnanilsston case, eyeais was billed to commence at 10 r t*®*. ****• same day waa taken to many of the prlsata aad toif tone ; mall order compatlUon If you give I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'ugB ‘'oat to (laorg* Bojs rn of Oak- while tbe machine stood over the o'clock sharp, nothing was doing in ' ***** state hoapltal at Kalamaxoo by I pirtursa of the magniflcsat church him a chaace to figure on the aame i ■agt>. rasMiliiinc with him un- loose straw. ! the way of sports until after the pic-' Hherlff Bchavey. buildings will be Incorporated Into a I quality of atoek and on the anme I I ho hod rcsoM his aMlor<»y. At The financial loss to Mr. Thome nic dinner, which was served at long Mrs. Wililama. who la the wife of souvenir_ booklet,___ which________ la now______ being ' tei CABH.__ .Mias .Vellls Holbrook rsturasd hat ttos Mr, Rogers gave him eighty was not great and this Mrs. WeMman ubies In the dining room, the fore- , Charles Williams, had baen living pubijgh'^ by tto Rsvlsw. At laaM Rsmensbsr that aaaociatlon grades I W*^®*^***-** ’ ^ro«® »***> r"*** Vecrss of land where this city now made good. noon being enjoyed In aortal con- : srith her huakand aad little son In bishop aad perhaps three will be' govern the sale of all lumber in the | friends in St He tratoedistely bagnn dear- verse and listening to selections from Battle Creek for a number of months ^ad clergy from all this part Unltad Stataa aad they are ideaUeal lag the prsi»erty of its, forest, selling the St. Johns band. Immediately af- past.
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