USOOD785586S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D785,586 S Kim et al. (45) Date of Patent: . May 2, 2017 (54) PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICE OTHER PUBLICATIONS (71) Applicant: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Galaxy S5 concept like iPhone 6 (via PR), available Sep. Suwon-si (KR) 23, 2013, online), site visited Sep. 13, 2016). Available from internet, <URL: http://www.product-reviews.net/2013/09/23/ (72) Inventors: Namsu Kim, Seoul (KR); Dohyung Samsung-galaxy-s3-concept-like-iphone-6/. Ha, Gwangmyeong-si (KR); Saehee (Continued) Lee, Incheon (KR); Hyunsook Kim, Seoul (KR) Primary Examiner — Cathron Brooks (73) Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Assistant Examiner — Teddy Falloway Suwon-si (KR) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — NSIP Law (**) Term: 14 Years (21) Appl. No.: 29/504,717 (57) CLAM (22) Filed: Oct. 8, 2014 We claim the ornamental design for a portable electronic device, as shown and described. Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 29/504,002, filed on Oct. 1, 2014. DESCRIPTION (51) LOC (10) Cl. ............................................... 14-03 (52) U.S. Cl. FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of a portable electronic USPC ..................................................... D14f138 G device showing our new design; (58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 2 is a front view thereof; USPC ...... D14/138 G, 138 AD, 138 R, 496, 203.1, FIG. 3 is a rear view thereof; D14/203.3, 203.5, 203.7, 248, 218, 439, FIG. 4 is a left-side view thereof; (Continued) FIG. 5 is a right-side view thereof; FIG. 6 is a top view thereof; (56) References Cited FIG. 7 is a bottom view thereof, and, FIG. 8 is a rear perspective view thereof. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The dash-dot broken line, and the dot-dot broken lines D303,111 S 8/1989 Paley shown in the figures that are immediately adjacent to the D534,183 S 12/2006 Leija ............................ D14.f496 shaded areas and define unshaded regions, represent the (Continued) bounds of the claim. All other dot-dot broken lines, includ ing the top and rear of the portable electronic device, and the FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS broken lines on the front surface to the right of the speaker, are directed to portions of the portable electronic device. The CN 3543532 S T 2006 broken lines form no part of the claimed design. CN 3.01090576 S 12/2009 (Continued) 1 Claim, 8 Drawing Sheets US D785,586 S Page 2 (58) Field of Classification Search JP D1472870 S 6, 2013 USPC ........ D14/250, 341-347, 138 AA 315, 336, KR 30-2006-0008340 3, 2007 D14/338 340; D21/517, 329; D13/168: SR 39-299.99999 12/2009 455,575.5562,5753.57s566.s s s s s KRSR 30-2009-00013612997557 4/20102, 2010 379/.433.01, 433.04; 361/679.3, 679.56; KR 30-2009-0025463 T 2010 D6/300-303, 308-314: D9/414. 433 KR 30-2009-0026909 8, 2010 CPC. 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