1 I : i ,, ti , < Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonta, Fords. Hopekmn, Iselin, KeasWey, Port Reading, Scwaren and Edition »e Woodbridge, New Jersey, Thursday, March 25, 1965 PRICE TEN CBNTS VII -3 OB mondtT • %.• Cassidy Gets Support •hoolsWillBe •' \ 10 Of County Committee Join Bandwagon ..--' — - • -•-•:, I ...... ..... ' ••••I.IHIIIMIIIIII—| <IT^ .••;,-,- <« WOODBRIDGE - True it is that politics mak«s strange not attend the meeting." sed As Polling bedfellows! Those not present were Joseph Baker, l.ucy Cilover. Walter Charles Dudley Warner said that back in the Victorian days Het-Jikn, Helen Jacobs, William Lemiska, Caroline Rose. Rita and it still holds true today - even in Woodbridge. Ann Shissias and William Cfoshy. When John Cassidy. 88 Grand Avenue, lselin, was appointed "We now have a net gain" of two additional members of the •Fourth Ward Councilman Tuesday night upon the resignation Fourth Ward County Committee and fr«m the look* of things laces, Valenti of Thomas .1 Costello, Dr. Ralph P. Barnne, councilman-at- maybe more will come over to our side." Mr Murphy pre- largc, who has been opposing Mayor Walter Zirpolo, read a dicted. statement against the appointment. He said In part that the The chairman also predicted that Mr. Cassidy will win over 1T\er |KI Cassidy appointment "does not reflect the wishes of the people Mi Tomasso in the primary, "by a large majority". | lie moved in the Fourth Ward, the political leaders of the Fourth Ward Barnnr Statement ^^^ nor any other leaders in the Fourth Ward. A week agd last I1"1-' Comment', Says "Prior to the vote on Mr Cassidy's appointment. I)r H,ti\mcV Sunday, he failed to get even a second to his nomination at a read from a statement as follows: meeting of the Fourth Ward County Committee whereas Mr ; < ll'lk 'It is obvious that this man is being placed on this counci. Ocne Tomasso was then unanimously endorsed by that group." , I -1M 1.0 to fulfill the dictatorial wishes and purjxises n( Mayor Zirpolo Informal SeMton and Koberl Jacks This man you are about to appoint has .1 mi* irV I'I Counsel To Question M- \.i said. Yesterday Frank Murphy, Township Democratic Parly shown hy his past actions in the Zoning Board that public WOODBWDCF. - "No com- pl;icc Ih.f lime the Board chairman, said that an informal meeting was held Tuesday opinion be damned, if il is contradictory to what Zirpnlo ami , rlMIt ,,; mcnmcntt " was the answer gives n b\ indicated thai it would be able .lacks want. This public be damned attitude was alsn held hy ., it.lt- lor '» night of members of the Fourth Ward County Committee wtio Kruncis Foley. Board of Kduca- l» >ettle with Tischy for any will support John Cassidy." Mr. Costello and because of it he was forced hy an aroused !!ini places in (jnn (;wlnse| jn il)Mwer t0 a t{\\{'a- work " he might h:iVi< done for a ,ti Mr. Murphy named those present as follows: .John Pannone. public opinion to leave office.- The people of the Fourth Ward ,un re- ||()n (,y .Donald Macdonald. Kiwi- nomin l sum." Insipid, Tisc-hy, see through this farce. They know that you are meroly ex- in chairman. Mrs. Marie Schott. Mrs. Mildred Seubert. Kenneth I.IW wood Road, resardlnKtte threat- through h his attorney, former Sen- changing one yes man for another. I guarantee you that they ened mil of lister C. Tischy, alor John F. TiKilan. submitted a Hathaway. Mrs. Ann Mclntyre. Mrs. Naomi Beveridgc. .lamr.s I he keys are will not idly stand by gentlemen, . architect, agiiinst the hill for WM, Adams. Anthony Zielinski. Walter Mltchel and Mrs. Nadine he bui Councilman Jacks said that he regretted that Dr. Harone Mullen, I Education Sclwmalir Plans Ready found it necessary -to make such a statement "to mar this MMrr . I,, uei iht- build- Macdonald had asked Last night. Mr Bihlcr n- "All these people", Mr Murphy declared, "have pledged man's induction into office." However. Mr. Jacks said, in NF,u I'OL'NI tt.MAN: John (assidy, 6H Grand Avenae, 1i''1''ihi-'in;ichiiiescould!whcther "*•* *al any further nounced that Merchant U Seidei their support." regard to the statement "I don't think it is important." Dr. left, is shown heinc sworn Into office as councilman of the i" in other cases, correspondence between Mi will have preliminary schematic Fourth Ward Tuesday night hy Municipal Clerk Jwefh V. Tist h and B artl wnen Mr ll Of the remaining eight, when asked if they would support Barone cast the only negative vote against Mr. Cassidy. nil that when the ' y "*' " ' l>ln»"> 'ady on March II and set Valenti. Mr. ('assidy succeeds Thomas J. Costello whose reta- ' ""-i'delivered there^'"'^ roa* nii "no c"mmi'nl -' mivting for that date for Mr. Cassidy, Mr Murphy said that seven said they would not, April 22 is the last date for filing petitions for the primary v election, which as of this dale is still June 1. liation was accepted with regret. -tm or wills" l-'UKwer" *ry quietly. Hoard members to look at the "but the eighth man said he would support Cassidy, but could a,,.) nips or ».M.. ^.^^ B,wer ^|d presi-,,|an.s. The Board president also ,„„, ftrrfwuses. poll* ertl. in interpreting Mr Foley'* stated, that from all indications niwer (aid: the schedule will he kept and local Library •rk. complained of -.. "Mr. Foley said then1 wa, no (olonia Senior High School will n:1;it>!r due to lack 01 further correspondence" he rl.a(|y for Sopl-mber. i%7. Warned Federal W /odbridge Way i To which Board member Hoy „ , . „ lotion of (riling Pl««! Mufldy declared lU-soJutiom »vn- received- iB completed r before next *~ . , .,... —. !r* .Mr. ^Folcj . i dul not s.iy (rom the William Warren \s- "Depository" Mr valenti stated. A list , was no furttfr corre«|>un- suri.ilion, (Ireiitcl Srcnnd Ward Out "In Front" WOODBKIUCiE - Represent* Wve polling placei, with deocf He replied ,Ho comment'. c Club. I'roiection Fire ive Edward J. Patten will come Ti,ii,,n of the Second Ward 1 fe<| if there has be*n any cor- Aid Squad. Fords Fire De- ii Woodhrid^e lomorow morning .. -n'lipleted. respondence we *ho«4d say so- i oil ici illy hand over the paper should not be a dark secret. partment and Fords Women's Kified Stte* Democratic Cluli asking the i the Board of Trustees of th 1 . feel there should be a more C of C Is Told •wtod polling places Yoodbrid^e Free Public Library definite answer and the secretary j??' to «tom the fmlraw: li-signating the local system a; should Jx iMtructed ta reveal ni Junior High W00BBK1DGE - Emphasis on the (act that Woodbridge is | i District 1, School 11, li-positnry of federal documents. there well ahead of most communities in the state in its various plan- h voted in Municipal JCdwin Reckcrmnn. library di- for a better place in which to live, and especially w- District I, Woodbridge •ector. said yesterday that alto- Wjjlliam Hi* School; District », ;eiher ihe government printing so with its youth program, was Bureau of the Depart- 11; District 4, School i; itfice publishes 1,000 series of doc- J. Clark, director of ti* Wage and of better than 80 repre- Finally Mr. Foley st 6, Woodbridge Junior iments. hut the staff will decide ment of Labor and Industry before a ,. organizations yesterday 1: Msbfct 6, Municipal "Wheir|n)fltteruin t which is expected to open its doors sentatives of industry, urnfessions 8M 0 Distii* 7 will ior this ai-8? ot the state. | noon at the Brass Borant. rjwating of the Greater _ol 11 to school 1; The federal documents will be, tt wa8 o^ first gener*l me ; Lsc'nn Junior Hj£ leposHpd , the new Central ti- WhoiM*- Chamber of 9 Woodbridl* „. jrary "^vHii 'l'«j*a>' A'-V<TOK\- 1 tool; New 10th DdWct vhich'i&.exjiected to open its dSSri ...„ many problems facing youth, th in high school and those Woodbridge youth wa* ?'• But'dtM. ' t the public the end of April. intending to enter college. He J barraiji" the Bsard. but as far a.s could be determined Furniture for the building has the forefront in its youth r Wstrwt ^, Sci*ol 9 fortunate for the municipality "is .. "I dotft tUik aajr Mnbtrrw nothing of value was taken 'ie;;ily arrived and shelving is X Schools 4-5; District endeavors."' Itnent was Inteided", derived Mr. either house of worship Jue to he delivered the early part Kl 12; District 4, School 9 He said that statistics prove the educational system is 20 yeavs Mnady "It wan a straightforward Detective Frank Payli said he jf next week. 5, Avenel First Aid*6quac question and dewrved a straight- expects to question some juveniles behind the times and only "20 percent of the graduates are going j [in scliool in the dis forward answer. There Is con- tin the matter. ANMAI, DONATION: Wnodbridxe Linns (lull presented a check to Kl. Rev. Ms«;r. Charles (1. to college." <«• District 6, School 23; Di* siderable interest in the matter." Kntereil were the Fords 1'restiy- McCorristin at Monday's dinner meeting at Kmiv Acres as a donation to Ml. (armel Nursing "We must find more vocational opportunities and mfce school ... „ Heights School Guild. The Little Servant Sisters ol the Immaculate Conception make hundreds of visits to pa- Onaced ArckHwU terian ('lunch on Hoy Avenue, and Police Cadets ft 3, \u-nel First Aid Squad tients in the area regardless of religion.
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