Ram Eqas Tooarder..6 Ps8s AD & &T & STEAMBOAT DEPARTURE5

Ram Eqas Tooarder..6 Ps8s AD & &T & STEAMBOAT DEPARTURE5

&T & A DEPARTUREs. STEAMBOAT DEPARTURE5. STE EBOAT DERPFATURES STEAMBIOAT D ,.ft, RED RIVEB. REGULR ih s r& Thlde. hhdas UPPER xI 88B81IPPI. OHI0810 RIVBB. SHRE VEPORT AND ROUTE~p 011ul olmtNOBTUH LINN. ane LY PACKET do J d1PG nell.l.ae ABALROUTE UI V nLLd N. ORLEAIS LIGHT1NINLIE. THROUGHTIOKrTS vaMNeMPBIO tnd NEW ORLUANI I abmolasses J Bleattman..1 O of hmpt oowlnglhe unsurpaed paSonYlapOkts: Shreveport, Greandlou, PAOKTSyTO RMEMPHIS bail" auMHe.l9 do 5 hf do Lave -To li PoIots- Campta, Grand eoro, R. J. Wa ............... SilasF. Miller,mster. St. Mauriee, Montgomery'e, MEMPHIsAND OAKLE0 RA OAD & tO0 .. or1.*Atal 408 lales cotter NORTH AND EASTI stiair...................... i.. T, Sthrgeen,mater. Dmnd'so aadEoatoa'. Lanodiaoge, C , A.ndcontinuous eo~aoetin. Rellwp, through ]bit .Te.:--•2 Stma oolato .JaIg........... .W.tlI.0. MLeeln, muter. C hoGal., lio. Cte River, St. LeIns, Calro and New Orleans John e ............... w. Underwood,Uadaesa mser . Nomle, AexBndri., an Y t OriseamerD Antelope ................... .Brown. NEWYORK, ( oylor..Teal alect RAILBOAD LINE. ranter.saats Norman'd Harbin's, PHILADELPHIA Pa e ..................... A. UeOill mater. SBALTIMRII ompcadllthe followlngNEW and Woodtorrd ..................toore Ilrl, muter. Compoad of the follor.tg inlendld adswift prptenger ELEGANT 8PASSENGE PACKETS: afleSon~tomery....8S.ea Motgaomer,.musts. baot, whlohwill leaveo New Orleansand Sbhreoveotltar- WA•dINOTONRICHMOND, hed..81 hhds tobaco 1bae too 400 so con i•W Sn|J ............LB. bnham,muatsr. nrall, onTuesday., Tbhureday and Saturday., at 5 P. Id.: PRNTDj URO oRtea t ao.a.e40ac oorn 14 do feather W KILk- Willlanw New Orleanc fllowo,defluyer y 189: FairchlEi td......... 01fH.FPakeltt,raster $ Wao M.. Moree n.......Capt. Bolnoe. mpreu ....... Josb........ F. Leyden, master. TUEBDAYS: ATLANTA LYNOCHURG gasuo astdG , Grand Duke ............ Cpt. SamuelApplegate. NASHVILLE, VIKOINXASPRINGS. ite, a66,Lixot Idto Feb. 1, MarchS and 4 Apl 1, May end , Je l, Jtuly PTsags ass reslyon the aboveboats learing rgularly Lusy Holeombnb... ... apt.W. D, Batoman. Expreesmall trai| saco Memphisdub at S P.M., Idl , Aug.1 and l thbouaat the ontireseaso. makLugd0ret consnectionsat THUBRDAYS. tookng mumeonnatlbou through toNew York a liesans-s ".la p• _Jc *sWo•l•ao.1128l do.8 H lc Laot1slwith the Cnoteutli hau aon ......... ...... pt. aB.MJore. MallPaokets J&AOB STR ADIR Natlonal.................Capt. P. Montgomery. andtilm tha yOtharreet. doolo Broo&o. .250 do Pedosa&ab Oh andTSLMGR PH No. , andsad packetsconnecting t CIa. -•Memphiseaket8 leave Now Orleoas a) P. M.- Feb.1S, MachBcnd 1S, 14. 4 nd 4, Juoe17, July clnbtt withthe Littl MiamiRItlroad, sod Itscaneadonas for Judah Tour.........Capt. CharlOW. Ehwnl. Br:s. .5 do 34 b6 orkJA Docgherty..107 bIll alt ppntesNothand adsta: ,Wsdltltngt,Batilmor. SATURDAYS. MONDAY T amFalUs,deliria Now York.Baets ton aratbgttN/ buffalo,Phtls- Nelbrska .................Capt.A. B. Irvtn. pork 578 tffi boo a ndti X1. .bbls247 bbls iapeetal................. R.A. Roes. Er~e,Otevehmnd atso Columbus. B. lOdgeed ........ Capt.John Smoker. Feb. 1, MarachI end , A il , ly 6 sd 6, Ju IS.July 1 e- Allof thedlove mentioladsplendid paOsenger paIkoe WHDNEDAYBS: Theaboe packetsare wall anss tot publioabe as the sit- w1elloaveontheir regular days, wthoult f I at the hour I.- John SImonde...............aptJ. lmith. Ilste..a00h BGoo ore2nin h .s satand eutboats sauIt, in bhargeoffiterls ofuparinaae sad pointed,All boalunaoenlrsted to Btheircare will be promptly IRngolar ......................CaptH. Put. "ottoorer J. C o.Swn ..... I........... lpt Jods. establishedrplwtatboa. andfaithfully attended to. FRIDAYS: Feb.17, Mbaeh9 andt, Ap l, I MayBcnd 28. June iT,July THROUGHTIOKETE-.-•lnd until ued, sre old by thus lStote no e.a be eenreodon eitherof them boat. for •Wll............... apt. N-tweL 50Lbbile hiOH Titms..l sbids pork 89irad 11 bomatauestablshedod auniftorm trip,by spplytogoat the omeoeof the agents. H. R.• W . T. te lardFellowes co..sundriesto Dix & Raolett. 7 ad l, Aug.I6. ratr. an BelSat ...................Capt.W. isy. eek Seott.......... Capt.B.A. Beilly. BAGGAGQEhslied through,aMdao cbasge forhandltng, S G. L. KOUNS B0RO0., Agents, Forfreight or parUn, andap through tfcketo, y to toePiOto n..J Duff. &o : A iSrnslmand'&co. nor omnibustare charged to or roi thedepots to the bats. dIStf No. Front.t•eat. J. H. FRELIOR GOeor n1t Feb.19, March 1 andS, April , May 10 and N0,Julo 19, F.orany thormalto orthbrough tlcketsby pakesU S the toma- Ar. bn..MoKleeroy& Bradforde.A. Bermon..De July9 and19. Aug. 1. to Lonl. MemphilsParket Ome, .L lbulatHotel left welg. homm vll. snd Clnilonntt.sod theno by theLitttl Miami Railroad Leave TUEBDAY. I6 h inst.,at BP. M. WM.INSRI.E Pasanseegea Agent. Vieeh&o..bPerklae &ho..Lewis & Oglesby..Harris, NewI fal CVitm........... Capt. Wots. andIs conneattonto all pohnteNorth and •st, applyto FOR RED EIVER-POR JEFPER- o., Smltblaod.Benton, Port Caddo, Sowanson'., N. B.--Tieetstwythis roatesed foranylengtth ots - Morgan oo..Martin, Cobb &co..Franke & Daolelo Feb, .Mach I, April and May Je I andl, July JOIEPH8. PAOAUD,Ticket Agent m & checkedthrough. nH tr Il, St St. Charlesstreet, corer Moorlog,Albny, SBbreveport,Oaolld oBayou. asgBargs .- HNarisl . .Graham & Boyle..Total 29 balescot- 11tand I, Act. N. Union, GrandEore, Alexandlria,Norman'., robin's,and all ran. tons91 hhds tobacco. Jal It aonsquare above St. CharlesHotel, Couopte, LavesosMONODAY 4I1hlnbL, tli6 olobe P.M. New Uncle Sam...........pt. Bellter. .ntermediatolandlga oNoRd river--Thanew light drought Mm MMBPHIN AND NEW bRLEANU .r.om Bayou olataO. ST IOADTINSVILLE..SteamerE M Bicknell..825 Feb.l, Mauh 1, April4 and 4, Y 14,June B and 1, July Leaveson WEDNESDAY16lh, •taP. ,. nar. psaketComet. fuboenStlde .aster W C. Slesade.clerk, United StolateNMil Ptcket - Fr Memphi IS, aDnd Zj FOBR CINCINIA*I, WHLEIRLING wll pomtlvelylve saabove. Forfreil or pasge, hoaving and thb Baend.-T Ihn aenser stlam front " hhdasugar 61lbils molaese Durby& Trsmoulet..2 Au4. -oa accommodations,apply o hboard. ia Hepob Johe Walta............Capt. J. Molloy. _I___ AND P ITOIRIG -Tho ragultarps0gr CaptlenJ.D. Colark,roll be rrd torep bales cotton 122 bble molae Bellocq, Noblom &oo VIRGINIUSC. DENTZRL, freighton morning of Feb.25, Marc 1I7,April 6 and 86,May 1, June andld, July ometpsak J.S.. C F t Stookladn,master, ol4 iatnrda/ aetoot Ored treemtd wrlp er, ori'n In. p. .towed S.24Ihhds:er 19bbl molasses Lobitt&Charpentler FollIssa torPlttabarg oand al Intermediatelandings as above. AdvertisingAllgent. leae s above.tero fight or s , Supluonbeard, o .. hhdsugr J F Wyohe.. 10,Aeu.4 and l4. Por freightor pastsaeapply on basrd. d'wdato aeo on the 10thlnt ship Medl. o.91e189coon. G 21 Lea. n TUESDAY.Feb. IS. at B P. N. St. 9do Gordo & Costello..31do 6 bbls molassesto Coty of Memaphl ... ....... apt.KaelMt. VIROINIU8C. DENTZEL, S FOR HURIUCADEE AND CARO- Ooe enderthe Cbarlmsbots. Feb.27. Mach19, April B ad N18,May 18, Jne 7 and 27,July id AdavertisingAgent. lne 0u10, Bhreyeport,Grand Ecore and Alex. TI'hsIlne eorenoto at Nara1nn withl regular kewLto fil Ba1s ETo1DeACo..24 bds sgar Hay, Saoundersn IT,Aug. 6 and2: andeta--Tbeelnt maodswifteruonnlntg pIlBeBr theWhiltead Arkeau rivers,ad at Mephblawltheapesor bibo.ld d molassestoB OuMisglam..45 hda Laves onTHURSDAY, the 21thinst., lat P. I. .,aketseamer Leomte, CbhonyJohnson, pabkettretot. Loulsasd for Leesville. iadlator ................Oapt. Kiltelelter. NaewOleaa andLotlls••tle Lghtning .,ine. mester, will carriedregularly this line. weae Aflltenbea &mo.a.r do806brs 1 hIf bbls above. ofeht o pamoar appleyon board. /S-Ada.tm.RExpree by teot Marah andll, Aprl i0 and 0. Mytt June 9 and I•9JulyI FOR LOUISVILLE.--THE FINE Yaea U. molasses Bethel" osre..4 h1hdssearertoW &D 19,Aue. 8 and B. areaiorpay5er paaketDiasa, YItGIINIUS DENTZEL, o'tloc,P.M. Capt,g. T. oill AdvertoltngAgent. L•a. oneWRDNESDAY Fsb 1,at Ufoharet,.a do 2 herbbs l molasseslbldher, Good, -paneoercen relythlc ecdede to the AIboveaot Strlgeon wrlllleves for Loolsvilte and all itter- . M•DSrpPIN AND NEW Ow- arhdo..10 hhds saoga 10 bbls molass Hall, Rodd medala IsndlIsabo,. as For tfrlaht or pasga, applyon LeavesonWEDNESDAY. Febroary B16, •tP.M. isa; U.S. mail packet lbm-For Mempbt ' Ve aced SA.LeUt Ae baird, orto BELL,BUCIHANAN & CO., AgeaUts. •ISEGULARI SHEBIYSPORTPACKET-- theBend--Tbs frs eiae pse fksightsrJol- & Putnmm..10hhdoe egar to Smith, Harris &do..14 No.97 Poydras streest. .F oUAhreort, Grnd Bayo, CeOpt, GOnod lamcndst, Csptio, J. F. Smith,will loke Ft frobtrm tlb Silano thebscabin a b saeesand satatoromas secured toet at Hirod itrest,endwill ae hbos,Fsr ,l De,"to GA bblssugarS.8 bblaoleu e P Sanches..18 bdls hides S theLiao up alm m VkeIRGIN Tco 4 aet honeat Neareand Aleoandoda-Thelight draught pas. lea,. s 0 tgbt r oloon Dettcan oo..12 do B L Meann..eaodriesto by applylngto th agents. fel oentg packet tetrlhtC Htyes matoerC. F. Haye, pUse applyIon bOad, or to J.H. FRSLIGH, ILLINOIS UBNTBRAL--w ltthe- RAILBOADS has. OHceander BS, Chart• otels. `Monttfromaol, St Theams,to J Ash. orders.Tota1 42 bales cotton 291 hhds sugar 510 bbls will lave ou rDO. For Ifoghtor pan." applyon fivs Porall Towns,Cities and W alegPlace Ilnthe -This lineeosneets at Nepoleon wiN reate riaboak tr hbfble molasses OHIO AND MIS•BSIPPI LOWER MESSISBIPPI. Whiteand Arkstss rsveraNd at Memph withmr•pai p North, •sEt andWest, VIRGINIUSC. DENTZEL, rell AdverthdngAgent. pket ftaorat.Len. tnd l.lavdsile. L. Y a D.SteeaE .. er Vxe.... 18 hhdsaagr Frm Cart toBt. Paul, i -edthe Nrolhwect,and to Washing- LeaveseveryWEDNES6DAY at 5P, M. NE Adams'Epres earrlted regularly bythist lie te0 11 bLLmoleees Bogart, oley& Avery..B0 hbdsNton,Ecltbmoae Phlladelphc, New York, Beaton. Sacarteg, STRIM SPLE.NDID STEAMER I-. Lotv everyWEDNESDAY aEd SATURDAY. at 5P. M. ueon 18f, oeoek P.M. emolm•3I bb moblae E Doare.. 15a s molasses am FalIreM OaQebead PethlTad. In theNehorut. Kate I CSwad.0. Gross,maslt. i • • NIEW ORLEANBI GRAND NOOSEC. ls, FRIDAYFaoana at a YJtQ * eooqo.. Beand & Laudro..2 hlWs sgar FJDaeslv &co. .60 Hillard,6 lr leave6N11, 1rl.6.

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