Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-10-1958 The B-G News October 10, 1958 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News October 10, 1958" (1958). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1438. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Weather Thought For The Day Friday, cloudy, wlndjr and Never try to reason the preju- cooler with scartorad showers Uk.l,. dice out of a man. It was not Hiqh 48 to 56. reasoned into him. and cannot <%i%-GJ<e be reasoned out VoL43 Bowling Green Start* University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. Oct la 1 No. 6 Student's Deceit Newman Clubs Chapel Finished/ Revealed By Court BG Students Teaching In Session Oct. 7 "Guilty of fluRrant violation of court orders" was the decision of Constructed By Student Laborers Cromor Smith, chief justice of the In 16 Local Schools Student Court, and his associates ices will be made at a later date structure, "was built because we Dr. Charlos Young, chairman of the department of educa- Members of the Newman <'lub in the case of James Telb, who will celebrate the first Mass in with the Bishop of Toledo offici- need it. St. Aloysius parish isn't tion, has released the list of student teachers for the weeks the newly-built chapel Oct. 19, ating. large enough to support both the attempted to circumvent the ord- from Sept. 16 to Nov. 7. according to Father John Olliver, Father Olliver stated that the parishoners und the students." ers of the court, The chapel was started lust year Those teaching in Bowling Green elementary schools are: -'.aplain. Formal dedication serv- new chapel, a 40 feet by SO feet Telb had had his car and driv- after Faster vacation by volunteer Conneaut: Iona liaker, Gayle t'hanady, Carol Craiu, Mar- members of the Newman Club, ing privileges suspended by the who have been responsible for al- court last year for a period of garet Falor, Arlene Harrison, Smyrna Jackson, Roberta Mc- Call Carol 1'awlak, Gail Traver, most all the construction. Mater- one year. In an attempt to outwit and Kenneth Wulff. and Ernestine Wircbaugh. ials have cost more than $15,000. the court, Telb had his car regist- Those teaching in Perrysburg Mathew Sobon of New Jersey, High School are: Judy ('lark, Jam- a 1957 graduate of the University ered in hia roommate's name this dim: Elaine Adams, Nancy year. The deception was uncov- Kckcrt, Janet Kaneshiro, .Martini es Derr, Dee D'Zurik, Philip Lowe, is building the altar. One of the Patricia Mallory. antl Rupert last furnishings, 10 fifteen - foot ered when the car was ticketed Matthews Mary Morgan, Judith Windhager. pews, were acquired recently from for being parked in a restricted Nichols, Marilyn Nore, and Ann Teaching in Maumee High the Catholic Church in l.eipsic. area. This was Telb's third at- Thompson. School is Lynn Koestcr. Maximum capacity will be 400 tempt to drive while under court Kenwood: Mary Ream, Marjorie Those teaching in McClure High persons. School are Jane Long und Bur- The church, located on Thurs- suspension. Castanien, Sandra Evans, Patricia Franti, Donna Kent, Sully Magic, barn Tobias. ten St., behind the Dairy Bar, con- The court suspended his driving tains six lamanatcd wood arches Jo Ann Miller. Dcannn Pitls, and and three asphalt tile aisles. There privileges for the next two se- Marilyn Wall. are two stained glass windows mesters that he is registered at Portage: Jessie ltobel. flanking the main door ns well the University. He also may not Royal Hopefuls as two on each side. The exterior have a car owned by him or his Ridge: June Drinkard, Janice Konsehak, Nomie Prcnio, Janice is of brick veneer and sandstone. family registered under his or Tentative plans are now being Semer, and Constance Stanford. made to have two choirs, men and anyone else's name on campus. Deadline Nears women, to sing on alternate Sun- His case has been forwarded to South: Jitcitueline D'lsu, Sand- Candidates for Homecoming days. Members of choirs have the personnel dean for further ra Genek, Vivian Utilizer, Jeanne Queen and attendants must have Photo iy LawloM started reheat sals. action if the dean deems it nec- McCoy, and Judith Rttdeloff. their pictures in the Office of the NEWMAN CLUB'S CHAPEL. This ild. view ihowi on* ol lh« .lainod ales* essary. Father Olliver said Sunday Mas- Those teaching in Maumee ele- Dean of Student*, 218 Administra- windows in Iho buildlnq, which la constructed o| brick itnnt and iand.lon. The tion Bldg.. by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, first Mau will b. (aid Sunday. Od. It. with fonoal dedication services to loUow ses will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m., In other actions, the court mentary schools are: Oct. II, Bob I'elton, chairman of lator. a high Mass. and 11 a.m. found Phil Sheffield and Joseph Arcara not guilty of parking in Wayne Trail: Janet Clymer. the Student Elections Board, has a restricted area. Richard Noblitt Ft. Miami: Philip Schneider. stated. If the pictures are not in was found guilty and fined $1 the office at the deadline, the can- Tickets For Production Teaching at Pcrryslturg elemen- for parking in a restricted area. didacy of the entrant will be can- AFROTC Seniors Make Decision; tary school is Mary Louise Miller. Go On Sale Monday It was Noblitt's first offense. celled. Three students, Hruce 1'inover, Those teaching in Howling Two pictures must be submitted Green High School are: Heth Ad- Stay In Flight Training Program Larry Fruth, and Mary Whipple. by each candidate. One is to be ams. Rodney Alexander, l.ois Hnb- In Different Location choosing to continue the pilot or were found guilty in absentia of an 8 by 10 dull print, and the Seventeen of the eighteen sen- son, Patricia Bauer, Donald Ben- navigator training in AFROTC improper display of their regis- other must be a 4 by 5 glossy Tickets for the first major pro- ior AFROTC cadets at the Uni- lo, Ruth Campbell, l.uAnn Court- program after their freshman and tration stickers and were fined print. These will be returned later, duction, "Visit to a Small Pla- versity have made the decision ney, Patricia Courtney, James recently to remain in the flight sophomore years will automatical- $1 each. Pelton adtled. net," will go on sale Monday, Oct- ly be obligated to further their Pierickx, Barbara Dravos, David program and thereby qualify for Onn ('ummings, also found The election of the queen and ober 18, according to Mr. F. Lee training when they receive their Gagnnn, Kathleen Garber, Carol further pilot or navigator train- guilty in absentia, was fined $1 Geiosler, I.arry Geissler, Robert her court will be held during the Mieslee. director of the Univer- ing upon their graduation. They commissions. lattW part of the week of Oct. 10, Among the seventeen men, there for his first offense for parking Godfrey, James Gregory, Edward sity Theatre. will have an obligation of spend- in a restricted area, and was fined Marling, Hildegttrd Keinrich, Joy Pelton added. The date has not ing five years in the United States are two who are preparing for Tickets will be sold at the win- %'.i with car suspension of a one llennnge, Donald Hummel, Anne- yet been officially set. Homecom- Air Force once they receive their navigator training. They are Her- ing is Saturtlay, Oct. 2Ti. dows of the old business office week period for his second park- belle Isaacs. Janice James, Mari- commissions, stated Major Jack bert F.dwards and Douglas Wil- ing in a restricted zone offense. liams. The remoinini; fifteen men, lyn .lurko, George Kalligeros, Ger- Candidates for queen must be located on the second floor of the 0. Horton, commandant of cadets. ald l.aukhuf, David Mcissner, Wil- The eighteenth senior is not in preparing for pilot training are: It was announced that court seniors. The senior queen candi- Administration Bids- The windows liam Polk, Yvonne Rudd, Carol date receiving the second largest pilot or navigator training, and Paul lierens, Rodger Bow, fines are not to be paid ,to the will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 Senrfoss, Ronny Sutler, Gloria number of votes will be the senior hence did not have to make .the Clyde Enderle, Thomas Gerken, court clerk. When a student re- Teet, Marjorie Urhammer, Rich- attendant The three other atten- noon and from 2 to I p.m. Mon- decision, Major Horton added. Gary Goldenhogen. Ronald Har- ceives a ticket and wishes to plead day through Friday of next week. mon, David Holtz, Robert Huff, guilty and pay the fine, he is to ard Veil, Alvin Waldrun, Gordon dants will be representatives of It is rather unusual that the Wilkerson, Terry Wondings, and Tickets may also be purchased per- Robert Mazzei, Richard Nohlitt, report to the court clerk who will the freshman, sophomore, and jun- majority of senior cadets in a Daniel Zunk. ior classes. formance nights, which are Thurs- program at a university should be Robert Rask, David Riggs, Rich- give him a statement to take to day, Friday, and Saturday of next preparing for pilot or navigator ard Salchow, Charles Schnee.
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