THE BRUTAL REALITY Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’ Report and recommendations on the destructive practices of electroshock and psychosurgery Published by Citizens Commission on Human Rights Established in 1969 IMPORTANT NOTICE For the Reader he psychiatric profession purports to be know the causes or cures for any mental disorder the sole arbiter on the subject of mental or what their “treatments” specifically do to the Thealth and “diseases” of the mind. The patient. They have only theories and conflicting facts, however, demonstrate otherwise: opinions about their diagnoses and methods, and are lacking any scientific basis for these. As a past 1. PSYCHIATRIC “DISORDERS” ARE NOT MEDICAL president of the World Psychiatric Association DISEASES. In medicine, strict criteria exist for stated, “The time when psychiatrists considered calling a condition a disease: a predictable group that they could cure the mentally ill is gone. In of symptoms and the cause of the symptoms or the future, the mentally ill have to learn to live an understanding of their physiology (function) with their illness.” must be proven and established. Chills and fever are symptoms. Malaria and typhoid are diseases. 4. THE THEORY THAT MENTAL DISORDERS Diseases are proven to exist by objective evidence DERIVE FROM A “CHEMICAL IMBALANCE” IN and physical tests. Yet, no mental “diseases” have THE BRAIN IS UNPROVEN OPINION, NOT FACT. ever been proven to medically exist. One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug sales) is that mental disorders 2. PSYCHIATRISTS DEAL EXCLUSIVELY WITH result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. MENTAL “DISORDERS,” NOT PROVEN DISEASES. As with its other theories, there is no biological While mainstream physical medicine treats or other evidence to prove this. Representative diseases, psychiatry can only deal with of a large group of medical and biochemistry “disorders.” In the absence of a known cause or experts, Elliot Valenstein, Ph.D., author of physiology, a group of symptoms seen in many Blaming the Brain says: “[T]here are no tests avail- different patients is called a disorder or syndrome. able for assessing the chemical status of a living Harvard Medical School’s Joseph Glenmullen, person’s brain.” M.D., says that in psychiatry, “all of its diagnoses are merely syndromes [or disorders], clusters of 5. THE BRAIN IS NOT THE REAL CAUSE symptoms presumed to be related, not diseases.” OF LIFE’S PROBLEMS. People do experience As Dr. Thomas Szasz, professor of psychiatry problems and upsets in life that may result in emeritus, observes, “There is no blood or other mental troubles, sometimes very serious. But biological test to ascertain the presence or to represent that these troubles are caused by absence of a mental illness, as there is for most incurable “brain diseases” that can only be bodily diseases.” alleviated with dangerous pills is dishonest, harmful and often deadly. Such drugs are 3. PSYCHIATRY HAS NEVER ESTABLISHED THE often more potent than a narcotic and capable CAUSE OF ANY “MENTAL DISORDERS.” Leading of driving one to violence or suicide. They mask psychiatric agencies such as the World Psychiatric the real cause of problems in life and debilitate Association and the U.S. National Institute of the individual, so denying him or her the oppor- Mental Health admit that psychiatrists do not tunity for real recovery and hope for the future. THE BRUTAL REALITY HARMFUL PSYCHIATRIC ‘TREATMENTS’ CONTENTS Introduction: Destroying Lives ............................2 Chapter One: Deadly Electrical Assault ................5 Chapter Two: Devastating Effects ........................9 Chapter Three: Human Butchery Still in Use ........15 Chapter Four: Provide Help, Not Harm ..............21 Recommendations ......................23 Citizens Commission on Human Rights International ........24 ® THE BRUTAL REALITY Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’ 1 INTRODUCTIONDestroying Lives lectroshock treatment—also known as electro- is not mentioned in conversations to convince the convulsive therapy (ECT)—and psycho- unwilling or unsuspecting. surgery “treatments” are reportedly trying to And, as Conchita Garcia [a pseudonym] would stage a comeback. Yet, since their inception, attest, if all else fails, psychiatrists will readily resort to these procedures have been dogged by con- coercion or fear to extract “consent” for treatment. Eflict between the ECT psychiatrists who swear by them, In 2001, Conchita consulted a psychiatrist for her and the multitudes of victims and families of victims depression and was prescribed psychiatric drugs. After whose lives have been completely ruined by them. experiencing uncontrollable body movements—the direct So who is telling the truth? Anyone who has seen result of drug-induced damage to her nervous system— and been sickened by a recording of an actual ECT or the psychiatrist recommended ECT. She refused, but psychosurgery procedure when later admitted to the knows the answer too well. “Despite the general belief that ECT hospital for drug detoxifica- They have all the marks tion treatment, ECT was rec- of physical torture meth- ceased to be administered with the death ommended again. Although ods that might instead of Jack Nicholson’s character of McMurphy she resisted, the psychiatrist belong in the armory of a in ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ told her, “Your fears are KGB interrogator, rather hundreds of thousands around the world nothing but Cuban supersti- than in the inventory of are still subjected to it each year.” tions” and “unless you have a “medical practitioner.” these treatments you are — Jan Eastgate However, very few people going to die.” She was given have seen such recordings, five shock treatments. including, it would seem, those who legislate their Her husband relates what happened: “As a result mandatory use—and fewer still have witnessed them of the ECT treatments … my wife’s memory has been firsthand. greatly impaired. … Although she spoke English as a Psychiatrists deceptively cloak these procedures second language for 42 years, she has lost most of her with medical legitimacy: the hospital setting, white- ability to speak and understand it. … The whole expe- coated assistants, anesthetics, muscle paralyzing drugs rience has been a deception, a lie, a bully’s punch. … and sophisticated-looking equipment. The effects of Her depression was not cured and her memory is shock treatment are horrific, but the full ramifications quite defective now … we are both enraged at what has are not explained to the patients or families. Worse, taken place. I feel as if she had been raped right in front when objections are raised, they are overruled. of my eyes.”1 That both procedures are extremely profitable to With literally billions in profits realized from ECT psychiatrists and hospitals, while resulting in continued and psychosurgery, there is an appalling level of misin- long and expensive psychiatric “care” afterward, guar- formation about them today, most of it spread by psychi- anteeing future business and income to the psychiatrist, atrists. There are many scientists critical of the procedure. INTRODUCTION Destroying Lives 2 In 2004, Dr. John Friedberg, a neurologist who has researched the effects of ECT for over 30 years, stated, “It is very hard to put into words just what shock treat- ment does to people generally. … it destroys people’s ambition, and … their vitality. It makes people rather passive and apathetic. … Besides the amnesia, the apathy and the lack of energy is, in my view, the reason that … [psychiatrists] still get away with giving it.”2 Mary Lou Zimmerman understands about losing her ambition and her vitality, but as a victim of psychosurgery, not ECT. In June 2002, a jury ordered the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio to pay $7.5 million (€6 million) to the 62-year-old over a 1998 psychosurgery operation. Mrs. Zimmerman had sought treatment for compulsive hand washing. The clinic’s website claimed a 70% success rate. Mrs. Zimmerman was told the remaining 30% of patients were unchanged but unharmed.3 She was subjected to an operation in which four holes were drilled into her head and sections of her In spite of their sophisticated trappings of science, brain, each approximately the size of a marble, were the brutality of ECT and psychosurgery verifies that removed. As a result, she was unable to walk, stand, eat psychiatry has not advanced beyond the cruelty and or use the bathroom by herself. Her attorney, Robert barbarism of its earliest treatments. This report has been Linton, stated, “She lost everything—except her aware- written to help ensure that just as whipping, leeching ness of how she’s now different. … She is completely and flogging are now unlawful, these “treatments” disabled and needs full-time care.”4 should be prohibited or prosecuted for the criminal Today, the psychiatric industry in the United States assault they are. alone takes an estimated $5 billion (€4 billion) from ECT per year. In the U.S., 65-year-olds receive 360% more Sincerely, electroshock than 64-year-olds, since Medicare (govern- ment health insurance) takes effect at age 65, evidence that the use of ECT is guided, not by medical compas- sion, but by profit and greed. Although psychosurgery is less common today, up to 300 operations are still per- Jan Eastgate formed every year in the United States, including the President, Citizens Commission notorious prefrontal lobotomy. on Human Rights International INTRODUCTION Destroying Lives 3 IMPORTANT FACTS Electroshock
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