Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Information Technology and Communication Services (ITACS)Computer Center Bulletin 1995-01-03 Bulletin of Computing Services/Information Services / 1995-01-03 Monterey, California, Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/52593 . NllY5 ~- 5 c ?-- BULLETIN OF Computer Information a Services ~ Services Q;\ Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California January 3, 1995 Bulletin's New Look Knox Library News Computing and Informing ATIS (Advanced Technical Didn't this used to be the Computer and Information Information Support) Services Bulletin? (Yes.) So, why the The ATIS system is a Naval Sea new format? Basically, to draw N s D E Systems Command program attention to the fact that Computer developed to assist personnel in the Services and the Library are going to be ATIS (Advanced Technical Information Support) . 1 storage, retrieval, and use of a ship's working together as a closely-coor­ New on the CO-ROM Shelf 2 technical documentation. It is a dinated unit; the Bulletin will report Getting to Know 05 . 2 component of the U.S. Navy's news from both. Internet . .. .. .. ... 3 approach to implementing CALS What do libraries and computing have to Planning NPS Home Page 3 (Computer-aided Acquisitions and Tour I ntemet with Netscape 4 do with each other? Well, have you Logistics Support) technology and More Great Web Sites . 4 been to Knox Library lately? You're Cancel on the Web . 5 standards. Specifically, A TIS probably aware that the card catalog is Defense Info on the I ntemet 5 employs digital and optical disk onlinc now. Besides that: when you ask Graduates: Sign Off Lists . 6 technology and data exchange the reference librarian a question, LRCs: Borland Site Licenses 6 standards to: chances arc, he/she turns to a computer Email and ftp . • . • . 7 • capture technical data in raster, keyboard. The Library has access to a begin 123 . 7 inteJligent raster, and ASCII number of huge online databases. And Emailing Word Proc. Files 7 ftp to NPS . 8 formats. rc\'icwing some recent issues of this Mail to Site: No Address . 8 Bulletin: the Library has Pr·o-Cite "Please use this password ... " 8 • index and store the technical data. software to search and format biblio­ Email All Over NPS . 9 • request and retrieve data. graphics. Several CD-ROM databases of VisLab News . 9 particular interest to NPS faculty and HTML Document Preparation 9 • establish a standard for student researchers are available in the Postscript Converter on SGls1 O engineering data display. ColorPrint Wkstn. Windows 1 O library. And more. (see Info p. 3) Ntwk Common Data Formt 10 The A TIS system in the Research Color Scanner . 1O Reports Division (RRD) provides Workstation News . 11 two principal functions: Be sure to look at the Screen Lock on Public Wkstr11 1. allows the user to import digital end of this Bulletin for Computer Srvcs Wkstns. 11 Matlab 4.2 Installed . 11 images and the indexing data that the schedule of talks Maple FAQs . • . 11 identifies these images into the given by Computer Amdahl News . 12 system. Anonymous FTP: Amdahl . 12 2. allows the user to retrieve an Senrices! SUDAAN Statistical Softwr. 12 Naval Postgraduate School January 3, 1995 imported technical manual or engineering drawing Government Publications, Superintendent of Docu­ image using the indexing data that identifies it. ments, Government Printing Office. Coverage: July At this time, RRD has pre-loaded the A TIS CD-ROM 1976 to date products for four ship classes and more will be added. Using the most accurate data available from the U.S. The three classes currently loaded are: DDG-51, CG-47, Government Printing Office, GPO CAT/PAC provides FFG-7, and LHD-1. Boolean searching, as well as keyword and browse If there is another ship class you wish to have pre· access to documents by title or series, author, agency, loaded, please let us know as soon as possible because subject, and by: Superintendent of Documents, technical the load time is substantial (usually several days). report, and Government Printing Office control num­ bers. The range of topics is quite large, including infor­ Text and graphics from any manuals for the ship class­ mation on transportation, technology, engineering, es can be downloaded or printed using the HP LaserJet health, politics, and much, much more. 4Plus printer. Larry Gaber [email protected] Joint Electronic Libnuy (JEL) -- Subjects: Military, DoD. Sources: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air University. Coverage: varies, 1989 • present. New on the CD-ROM Shelf The Joint Electronic Library contains a large collection In order to make available to library users a wider of full-text joint, army, marine corps, air force and range of our current holdings, increase the ease of their allied publications; military related papers, articles and searches, and expand their knowledge of informational studies; and a database of DoD approved terms. Also resources, the Dudley Knox Library has added the included are the Air University Index to Military Peri­ following titles to its list of CD-ROM databases: odicals (1990 to date) and a bibliography of documents NTIS •• Subjects: Government, Science and Technology on the Gulf War. reports. Source: National Technical Information Ser­ LePac -- Subjects: Cataloged collections of the vice. Coverage: 1983 to date. Monterey Bay Area Cooperative libraries (MOBAC). NTIS contains bibliographic citations and abstracts to Source: MOBAC. Coverage: Reflects member holdings over 490,000 government sponsored research and devel­ through the end of 1993. opment reports. The reports document germane, and This database is ideal for verifying citations and check­ sometimes very difficult-to-find, information on engi­ ing to see if any of the local libraries have cataloged neering, environment, communications, robotics, bio­ copies of sought after titles. Includes both public and technology, transportation, and a variety of military community college libraries and allows for Boolean or related topics. Note that no full text records are avail­ alphabetical index searching. able through this database. For descriptions of other electronic databases available EconLit -- Subjects: Economics. Source: Journal of (Computer Select, Applied Science and Technology Economic Literature. Coverage: 1969 to date. Index, Expanded Academic & Business Indexes, SPIN) Published by the American Economic Association and sec the November 8 edition of this Bulletin. produced by the Journal of Economic Literature, George Goncalves [email protected] EconLit provides citations and selected abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, books and conference Getting to Know 05 proceedings on economics. Specific topics include economic theory and history; monetary theory and Greta Marian, the new government documents librarian financial institutions; labor economics; international, comes to us from San Diego State University and regional, and urban economics. Coverage is internation­ brings some 13 years of experience with Federal depos­ al in scope. itory materials. She had previously worked at Arizona State University. March·e GPO CAT/PAC·· Subjects: U. S. Govern­ ment Publications. Sources: Monthly Catalog of U.S. She was born in Tucson, but moved around a lot while growing up. including over 5 years in Australia. but she 2 Naval Postgraduate School January 3, 1995 notes that she is not a "military brat"! most current listing of interesting sites to explore. Greta has a BA in English from Arizona State Universi­ ty, an MLS from the University of Arizona, and will Planning the NPS Home Page soon be completing an MA in National Security Studies from California State University - San Bernardino (she The World Wide Web (WWW) Implementation Group ONLY needs to sit for comp exams to finish her re­ is hard at work to organize, support, and guide the quirements). development of the newest mode of the Campus Wide Information System. However, as we "architechs" plan, For over four years she has volunteered with the San make blue-prints, and ponder the evolution of the NPS Diego Airport USO Center of which over 3 years were WWW domain, the web continues to grow-up around spent as Director (on a volunteer basis). us. Over the last f cw months readers who have access Greta notes that she thoroughly enjoys working with to the WWW have seen this newest information fonnat people, loves animals and likes to watch or participate at NPS taking shape. If you haven't seen it yet, you can, in most sports. on one of Computer Sservices's public terminals by The Library is happy to have her aboard and eager to entering xmosaic (or netscape; see article in this Bulle­ see our government documents collection improved and tin] at a Unix prompt. expanded. The challenge of providing: Larry Gaber [email protected] • an easy-to-use interface to the WWW throughout the campus on UNIX, PC and MAC machines, • guidance to page developers, and Info • support to users raises numerous issues, from technical to aesthetic, (from Computing and Informing, p. 1) from policy to publicity: So the Library uses computers. What does Computer Who can have a page? Services have to do with the Library? Well, stroll Where do pages reside? through any group of workstations. What do you see on How to support users? the screens? Gopher. Mosaic. The Infonnation Super­ What is the best logical organization to make highway. All this is infonnation retrieval. It isn't books information easy for users to find? and magazines, but it ~ finding answers to a lot of the What do people want on the web? questions that have traditionally been answered at li­ How do we make people aware of what's available? braries. At more and more universities, Computer Ser­ Can the campus' various networks handle the increased \'ices and the library are being managed as a single load? unit. Be assured that these and other issues are getting the closest attention, and that answers are just around the comer.
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