SNffUBK* >raft Perspectives, 1979-1980 THE SHIFT IN GLOBAL POLITICS AND THE NEED FOR X :^ A PHILOSOPHY OF REVOLUTION In this special issue we are publishing our Draft Perspectives Thesis, part of our preparation for tbjSnitional gathering of News and Letters Committees over Labor Day weekend. We are asking you to join in me discus­ sion of these Perspectives with us. We have done this every year since 1975, breaking new ground for the Marxist movement as we work to overcome the barriers between "inside" and "outside", workers and intel­ lectuals, theory and practice, philosophy and revolution. i nrroduction peasement in its purest essence") — we are also term is that that flow of oil is nothing short of '••I ml So perilous are our times, economically and offered appeals for "philosophical meanings." "a life and death" question. Dlitically, militarily and intra-imperialistically— 2: , Thus, James Reston devoted his Sunday New nd in a state-capitalist age this means East as All the meanderings through history and York Times column (5-27-79) to a speech by ex- o eJI as West — that the two truly global nuclear geographic switching from the Near to the Middle Foreign Minister from Lebanon, Charles Malik, owers, U.S. and Russia, urge adoption of SALT East, and from the West in general, to the U.S. who asks us to go beyond "the loss of gas" to , not just as a sort of holding action, and, as in particular, may have satisfied the Middle East "the philosophic meanings of the fuel crisis." resident Carter put it, not even as only a question professorial politician and a top bourgeois West­ F war and peace, but as nothing short of the We are asked to go deep into the West's ern journalist, but the only thing it proved is that, +~» jrvival of humanity. He ought to know, as he is "origins," and to do so "in all humility," for though U.S. imperialism has the most nuclear riving for a possible nuclear holocaust. where would we be "without Athens and Con­ weapons, even they recognize that unless one At the same time, the great mass unrest — stantinople"? And where "without Antioch and first wins the minds of men, there is no way to hether in ordinary strikes and Black confronta- Jerusalem, without the 27 characters, of the win such a war. Dialectics teaches us> however, U ons with .racists in the U.S., by no means re- alphabet that were first perfected at Byblos on that philosophy is no playing around with words; ricted to Decatur, Ala.; anti-nuclear demonstra- the coast of Lebanon"? And since we are the it is either a philosophy of liberation, or it is noth­ tn ons here and in Western Europe as well as heirs of this most "creative civilization," what ing. Their "philosophic meanings" are so many 3pan; or outright revolutions as in Iran — has next? Wejl, suddenly, the "beyond" significance nothings. Without confronting reality, the real irown such fears into the world rulers and their of the "loss of gas" for the individual has turned objective world where contraditions abound, class .n leologues that — despite the tide of new Con- into "flow of oil" for the West (Japan included!}, struggles are fought, and visions of totally dif­ ;rvatism (be it in Thatcher's victory in Britain, not, it is true, through the individual pump, but ferent human relations are striven for, there is r the well-paid idiocies of Senator Jackson, then one cannot directly mention Pax Americana no way to work out a philosophy of revolution, of hose irrational words would make us believe and "nuclear holocaust" when one speaks of liberation Toward that end we must examine the Kit any reduction in nuclear armaments is "ap­ "philosophic meanings." A more euphemistic present capitalistic-imperialist world disorder. A NEW GLOBAL RECESSION! N-THE- $20 (or even the fantastic Rotterdam "sjxrt pric­ Unemployment is on the rise and, again, the tAKING—AND THE REVOLUTION IN ing" of $37 a barrel) — so none of these high "average" of 7 percent, when it is 10 percent in jumps can hide the fact that OPEC countries all industrial cities,' needs no backing up with HAN aren't the only ones luxuriating in a fool's para­ weakness in consumer spending to convince them This last week in June is witnessing two dif- dise. The U.S. oil magnates — the infamous we are in recession now.' Presently no less than ;rent types of meetings with more than two dif- "Seven Sisters" — have made as unconscionable a full 52 percent of Black youths are unemployed. ;rent types of perspectives. One thing, however, profits as OPEC. Which is why the American And even when the U.S. Census Bureau gloated laracterizes both "summits": the industrialized people, angry as they are at OPEC, are even about how many Blacks have gotten white collar •tions' rulers meeting in Tokyo, like the OPEC angrier at both the "Seven Sisters" and the Carter jobs at whites' pay, it has had to admit that be­ Dtentates meeting in Geneva, will be totally re- Administration. tween 1974-77, Blacks in poverty level rose by loved from their own masses. Just as President Above all, they know that already they are half a million, to a total of 7.7 million. As for arter acted as if he were unaware of the ir- the victims not only of oil price gouging but the weakness in consumer spending, spelled out, it jconcilable contradiction between claiming to total economy plunging downward. They know means sales in April fell the most sharply since rive for peace and ordering the production of that they are suffering from a recession that is World War II, even more than 74-75. which was le monster MX rnissile —- with a price tag of already here; no need for them to wait for fall the deepest recession of all five post-World War 30 billion when the economy is in recession and when two back-to-back quarterly declines in II recessions. As for the business climate, which nemployment is increasing — so both the in- the Gross National Product (GNP) will meet the is supposed to have shown a rise the last month, jstrialized conclave and the OPEC behave as if capitalistic-academic criterion for defining a re­ the truth turns out to be that what business was U.S. restraint," especially by the masses, of oil cession. getting large bank loans for was not investment jnsumption would, if not solve all the problems in plant and equipment, which shows a healthy economy and creates jobs, but for financing in­ F an economy plunging downward, surely amel- 2 •rate it so that business can continue as usual, ventories and accounts receivable. he masses, on the other hand, reject all apol- Nor is this characteristic only of the U.S. jetics. which is still the richest country in the world. There are no less than 7 million unemployed in ) OIL FOR THE MILITARIZED ECONOMY Western Europe and Japan. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development has There is hardly a soul that believes a single shown that, instead of the 5 percent growth pre­ ord on energy that comes out of the mouth of dicted by the U.S. for 1979, there has been only lat incompetent oil millionaire and militarist a 3 percent growth; world growth is predicted as xupying the position of "Energy Tsar," Schies- falling to 2.8 percent for the first half of 1980 iger. Nor is there a soul who believes a word when the "consensus" has been that a 4 percent jt of the President's mouth with its pretentious- rise in economic growth is necessary to prevent 2ss of stopping "windfall profits" now that he unemployment from rising further, and already 3S initiated deregulation at the very moment there is fear of proletarian revolts. hen, even with regulation, the oil barons' un- mscionable profits have skyrocketed. While the As for double digit inflation which is hitting asses know oil prices are the biggest-ever ripoff the U.S., with the sole exception of West Ger­ : the public, it isn't that they don't recognize many, this is no stranger to Europe. Geoffrey H. tat oil is critical. But the crisis isn't because of Moore, director of the Center for International le individual motorist's needs; rather, it is be- Business Cycle Research at Rutgers University, luse of the insatiable appetite of the Pentagon (Continued on Page 2) ;aring for war. 1 A recent Louis Harris poll shows that, while the ideologues were Nor is it that OPEC hasn't and isn't using fighting over which word to use to describe "economic slowdown", three out of five American adults held that we already were in as a political weapon. But just as the boycott recession. dn't end with the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli 2 See the NYT, 6-24-79, Business & Finance Section, "How Long 'ar — the quadrupling of oil prices came in A Slowdown?" by Clyde Farnsworth. See also Marx's Capital and Today's Global Crisis where 1 argued, against Ernest Mandel's con­ ?74, and they will soar again this very week "Better to light one candle rather than curse the dark­ tention that the 1974-5 recession had run its course, that the deep capitalist crises by now are so structural that "There is to om the present inflated $14 a barrel to $18 or ness, eh Brezhnev, ol'pal?" be no next* boom." Page 2 NEWS & LETTERS July, 1979 News and Letters Committees Draft Perspectives, 1979-1980 (Continued from Page 1) question mark on civilization as we have known is the passion for a serious philosophy that is anti- speaks euphemistically of "the beginning of the.
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