- STATIONARY ENGINEE'RS LOCAL 39 .. ~ . SAN FRAN;CISCO, CAli~ORNIA NO.VEMBER, 1954 !Labor Vot~ is -Big Factor !In '54 EleCtiOn Up~et By VICTOR 1S. SWANSON From crowded industrial .sections .of. the East to cities on the western shores, the Ameri· can publie gave new heart to the democratic process on Nov. 2 and exercised a vast, mod· erating influence over its elected leaders and any extremist attitudes they may-hold. Sparking· this giant voice of I - . ·, . ' democracy was the Americw1 labor conuuon people. \Ve ca:n do this by ' life it' deserves in return· for a life· movement, which turned out in supporting our . union and LLPE time of ha.rd work! greater force than ever to speak activi~ies to the fullest. Our progress toward these goals the wants· and needs of the people We have shown our ability to truly will depend not so much upen w ho work, produce, consume, and, speak up. Let's continae with it and those wbo oppose 1 us but rnther ' j ~aJ: taxes-the ov e rwh~bning ma- make it _g_row tintil we finally re.ach 1 upon_ us and: what we ~c~ually du . i JOnt:y. the · .pos1hon where labor can re-~ or f~1~ to do towards.attammg these 1 IVIembers of our. union, it was 1 spectfully a.sk and get the better goals. _ _ · apparent fr-om checi{S on all branch .offices, responded to the m;1ny pleas 1 and ,·ot ed and got out the vote on Official ·Notice to Mem.bers: II Nov. 2. Candidates and propositions: An assessment has been levied on the Burial Expense supported by Local3 Illembers were 1 and Good Standing Funds as of October, 1954. The #5 ' successful in nearly every district assessment, in the amount of $6, is now due and oayable. · of otir jurisdiction. I . New governor of California is Goodwin Knight, who had the D V K ·· Lt? fullest support of the Operating '0 .1. 0U ,nOW · · . -·· 1 Engineers. We regret the failure · ·GOVERNOR-QATSKINNER:-·rhough he .ho:ds a1~ honorary m em~ of some labor endorsed Congress I t e rship ciud in t l ~e Operating Engineers Union,- Governor Goo(lwin cangidates to win- in this we. Iiltight, elect ed.' as Californiii.'s 1ie,;. ·governor oil Nov.- z with the full lagged behind the industrial east- , ' · but " " ~ · a•·a· ·--'--appy• to note· that -- · "'· -·. ~ By ~P. •., _ E_ ._:;~[-<\NDE~_~ARK · bi~liing'-5" ou'f' ullioit;''fs' l1ot lnucii' of a hm!d · on a big' -Mese) ' · c at ~ ,. ,:!:;' "-.. ., ~ ·-- '~ '"''' . .- . - many lab~r-ba~ked Assemblyme-n A · ta: t L al U · i}Iami;,. t his pictlure· shows .. However, we do fully trust · Gov. linlg,ht witJ1 the SSlS - ~~ • 0 9... .\ . _. ~Wn,_ ?;;:.-.-,_ ,.e_f --.,,.,., -.->(.':;,~~w' and State Senators in <:;alifornia d ' -· .. reins _of stat_e .gove.rnment, as shown by -otir votes on election day. He The followin!! question an ·answer cojumn· WI' 11 appear- ·m· were elect ed. ~ - ~ho\Vn here". wiU~ - ~ - .C. i.\{cCh,re, a.t left, m ember of state highway · Ithe next few issues to better acquaint you with your Health coil'uuission, ·and B. \V. Chaee, L A. county sup 'en~ isor. , I "RIGHT TO WOJ;t·K" LAWS • d W lf , PI · I ~ This fact, plus election of labor's an e are an. _ man ·for GoveFnor o-ive 'us consid- 1. QUESTION. 'Who pays for your Employer, which was made · erable assurance ' tl~at there . will your \Velfare Plan, possible for you by your Union Mt likely be vicious anti-labor leg- ANSWErR. The cost of your Wel-_ through contract negotiations. islation passed in this state in the fare Plan is paid for entirely by 2. QUESTION. What Districts of near future, measures such as the Local 3 has coverage unde r the 'Welfare Plan. 1 1 "right to work" law. · -ANSWER. IN MEMORIAM 1 The Health and Welc 1 vVe a r·e sorry to report that such 1 r N is not the case in Nevada, where EDWIN PRICE . 1 fare progr.a_m ~nly app Ies to - o~ - labor made a strong effort to repeal Cedar City ·utah Oct. 12 1954 1 thern _Ca l!forma _at the moment, ' ' . ' but will be effective on construc- ·Nevada's "right to. work'' law. A J. H. FRANKS tiori work in Nevada after Febru- proposition to repeal t he ·Jaw failed Eureka, Caiif.. Oct. 15, 1954 1 ar y 1, 1955_ · to pass by 2l05 vot es- 38,391 tp DONALD J. SHERWOOD I 3. QUESTION. Who are the Em- 36,286. Labor 's man for senator, Gricl_lev, Calif.,. Oct. 22, 1954 I · ' however, was successful, and thus " ployers that are paying for the Ala n Bible will succeed the late JOSEPH i'\1 .• \VHALEN cost of the W elfare Plan·? · · Pat IVI cCarrari. Santa Rosa, Calif., Qct. 23, 1954 ANSWER. All Employers engag- . · BOYD B. TERRY , ed in Construction work in North- Labor's frienas in Utah were not Farmington, Utah, Oct. 24, 1954 ern California; Dredging in an· .,o f too s uccessful, . though there was c · R 1 s d G 1 better s howing on some of thfil local HAROLD R. VANSCOY Palidforma ; Soc ~ . ra nd aSI~ . rat iss San Bruno; Calif., Oct. 25, 1954 1. ro ~ctJOn; CI~a p ron; l!pyar s; ues. '- . Bmldmg _Matenal; and most Trac- NOW IT'S UP TO US GEORGE R. THOMSEN ? tor ancl Equipment Sales and Ser - , Reviewing the election on a Fallen, Nevada, Oct. -8, 195'\ _ 1 vice Shops. CLARENCE T • • • , . national basis, we join with labor A. FARNQUIST I 0 generally in· looking forward to a Campbell, Calif., Nov. 1, 1954- . 4. QUESTIO~ . Who ·?Is m chal,e H . VAILLANCOURT - , of better break from the 84th Con­ y~ ur Welnue ~ l ~n . gt;ess. The administration i s Redwood . City, Calif., Nov. 15 ANSWER. A JOmt Board of already 1954 ' Trustees, composed of equal num- UPSEY DAISY AND DARN·. NEAR OVER a 1500-foot cliff went much more sensitive to labor's . _ * * * I ber of representatives from th7. t)lis shovel" l!t Isbell's strip mine-at Ruth, N cvada, whei1 a. gre-en operator views, because o( the s howing in · · · Employers and your Union. t ried to pick up foo big a hunk .of fr02i!\ l_l enrth . a-nd it u]_lset thlngs_tl tis this election. ' . ·· w·'hd I ;~ d I s: QUESTION. Who underwrites_' 'vay. Looking dowi1 ~t l1 e . hoofn "of ·t.)1e shovel ·you see· the offending l~ould '- It is now . up to us to fig:ht for SefVICe h rawa. ·\;ar S.1 the Welf!J,re Plan -or what Insur- e:r, also the botton;. of the pit "-1500 feet below. No .one w ~1s hurt, not our program of more · jobs, more . FOREST A. BROwN !lilllle Company is the Can-i.er? . ' even· the shovel, and this opei·ator is one-of the best informed in Nevada, honking, better. medical care,. and GARY L. lUNG ANSWER The New York Life to _the evils o'foverloading ·a machine. ~~ , _ . I· otl~:_r basic g_ains for labor a1id th~ JOHJS" E. PIPER _ Insutance. Company was the suc- l cessful bidder out of eleven Com­ panies \'-:hlch were requested to · Eastbay Speedway submit bids. Fast becoming· the inajor arte- ~ 6. QUESTION. -What Covera.ge is rial .out' of the Bay Bowl Bottle- pr,ovided for me in the :\>Velfare neck is this northbound express- Plan? ' · g ANSWER. Life Insurance and way over the watery sh01·elines of hospitalization for you and hos­ the East Bay, a:nd this junction pitalizatiqn· for. yo.ur dependents. with Ashby Avenue will become 7. QUESTION. W h <,> ca,n I claim an important off-shoot to the east as dependents? through the Berkeley hills tunnel ANSWER. Your lawfu1 wife, freeway. · G1:eat fills, wide pavii1g your unmarried children, y our areas, over and underpass!Js- aU step-children, your foster children are pa.rt of this $50-millioii. im­ if they are supported by you. -Any provement leading northward -from one of these children must ' be 14 the uew bridge •approach · i'naze I days old and less than 19 years ·or now buihlilig, zooming through age. · Richmond, over the foothills to I 8. QUESTION. Do I or my ct•e­ Carquiliez . Stra-its, ' thence _ ~asily ·t· pendents h ave to underg·o a phy- • to the long op_en reaches of Rout:e sica,! examination in order to !}e· 40 to Sacramento and the . Sierras.l covered by the Welfare Plan? -(Another · .fine aerial picture b_Y'I .ANSWER. No, 1l;ll that js ne,ces· Jim Jem1ings, member of Local 3.) _(Continued op. Page 12) • , ENGINEERS' NEvVS November 19, 1954 COMMENT war s Changes Made- Report of ~ast eeting (Compiled by P. E. Vandewark 1 dition and resurf. a pprox. i3.5 mi. The m ee.ting was called to order at 8 :05 p.m., President Clancy 9 and H arry l'!Ietz) l of access roads to training areas I H 4Jn~ (' al presiding. Roll cal! sh owed all officers present w ith exception of Busi- sed 'by reason of. being aw ay OCT OBE R 21, 1954 1 and inst. culvert, a t Fort Ord. ~ i1 ~ •~ C JO. (~ ~~ ~ ness l\Ianager Swanson who was excu 011 [; AN FRANCISCO, c on t r a c t OCTOBER 28, 1954 Union busin ess · -a w J.rded to S. J . Amoroso Canst. OAKLAND, co ntract a war ded t o f' l A Synopsis of the Reg·ular lUeeti11g Minutes of October 2 w as read 1501 Co., 2100 Oakdale Ave., S.
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