A-1 SATURDAY ONLY herald 090930jz YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN BLACK 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% Next page > Saturday October 31, 2009 2 sections 28 pages Sharon, Pennsylvania BooOOOoo! www.sharonherald.com Laura Foster Volume 146, Number 201 S ERVING THE S HENANGO V ALLEY AND M ERCER C OUNTY A REA FOR 145 YEARS 50 cents tablishe Es d I864 NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA They’re not in Greenville anymore, Toto INSIDE ˛ FARM & GARDEN: An Nat Fuel upcoming Food for Profit workshop will offer tips for starting a food busi- ups gas ness. page A-5 prices ˛ SPORTS: High school football roundup. 1.5% page B-1 A bump in natural gas ˛ BUSINESS: Penn prices will lead to a slight 1.5 Northwest finds bright percent increase for National spots in gloomy year. Fuel Gas Distribution Corp. page A-7 customers, the utility said Fri- day. ˛ OPINION: Lynn Sater- NFG said the rate hike for now thinks our justice a typical customer using 100,000 cubic feet of natural system has gone awry. gas a year will mean a $15.35 page A-4 annual hike to $1,019.60 from $1,004.25. The rate hike is ef- ˛ COMMUNITY: Brook- fective Sunday. field police teach kids The price hike reflects the how to stay safe. cost NFG pays for natural gas. page A-8 By law utilities are not allowed to profit on the price it charges for gas but are al- lowed to adjust for costs every COMING SUNDAY quarter. ˛ Voters guide “This adjustment is neces- Jason Kapusta/Herald sary to more accurately reflect the price of the natural gas The Thiel College admissions staff dressed as the cast from “The Wizard of Oz” to celebrate Halloween Friday. The holi- day will be celebrated in all manners all day today. the company purchases for its customers,’’ Sandra James an WORTH NOTING NFG spokeswoman. “The amount is directly related to GREENVILLE, PITTSBURGH Watch out for kids the actual market price of nat- ural gas during the past three Motorists should be alert months as well as the project- for trick-or-treaters today in most local communities. ed price of gas that the com- pany will be purchasing for its Ross back on stand customers from now through Just a test July 2010. Our next opportu- Mercer will test its emer- nity to adjust gas supply gency siren at 1 p.m. Monday. charges is Feb. 1, 2010.” Despite the latest increase in appeal of firing Leaf pickups in gas costs rates are nearly ä Sharon will pick up 40 percent lower than last Describes use of former colleagues at Hemp- concerns to school administra- at a school board meeting that leaves Nov. 13 and Dec. 11. year, she added. field Elementary School, say- tors and board members while month to invite the board to Leaves should be put in plas- “There are things cus- ‘flirt,’ ‘attractive’ ing they were just a “slice of a he was president of the teach- the third-graders’ reading pro- tic bags that do not exceed 30 tomers can do now to prepare conversation.” ers’ union, Greenville Educa- gram. Before the meeting, the gallons and placed at the curb. for the months ahead,” James By Monica Pryts The school’s attorney, tion Association. two men came to Ross’ class- ä Pymatuning Township added. “We urge customers Herald Staff Writer Diego Correa of Pittsburgh, Ross testified he believes room, urging him against talk- will hold a leaf pickup the to take steps to make sure called on Ross and several his role as president in the ing at the meeting, Ross said. week of Nov. 16. their homes are energy effi- Jon Ross on Friday testified others in day seven of testimo- union’s May 2008 vote of “no They didn’t threaten him, cient: drafts around doors for the second time in the ap- ny in front of the state Labor confidence” in school adminis- but Ross said he felt trapped and windows should be peal of his firing from Relations Board, Pittsburgh. trators contributed to his fir- and uncomfortable because sealed; attics and walls should Greenville Area School Dis- Greenville school board ing. Downing and Ziegler closed be well insulated; heating trict, saying he used the members fired Ross, 48, who Ross, who also testified Oct. the door, briefly blocking it. DEATHS equipment and appliances words “attractive” and “flirt” taught third grade, April 20 for 9, described a February 2008 Ross didn’t think the men should be checked to make with the women who accused allegedly sexually harassing encounter with board Presi- knew what he wanted to dis- Aurora F. Carnino, 84, for- merly of Brookfield. certain they operate at peak him of sexual harassment. his co-workers. dent Michael Downing and cuss with the board. Ross however couldn’t re- Ross appealed the decision, then-high school Principal Dr. A few days after Ross spoke Timothy A. Murray, 50, of efficiency.” 619 Mert Way, Sharon. She encouraged NFG cus- member exactly how he used claiming he was wrongfully John Ziegler. at the meeting, Hempfield Ele- See ROSS, page A-2 tomers to contact NFG about those words with two of his fired in retaliation for bringing Ross was planning to speak payment programs and servic- es that may help them. NFG serves about 214,000 INDEX customers in 14 northwestern Pennsylvania counties includ- State renews push for federal Annie’s mailbox ................A-8 ing Mercer County. Business ..........................A-7 Classified..........................B-7 NFG customers can contact Comics ............................B-6 approval to toll Interstate 80 Community........................A-8 the company at: 1-800-365- Corrections........................A-2 3234. HARRISBURG (AP) — leases elsewhere in North Crossword ........................B-9 Pennsylvania is making a new America. The proposal calls AG subpoenaed documents, Dr. Gott ..........................A-12 push to get federal approval for PennDOT to lease the Farm & Garden ................A-5 for tolls on Interstate 80, the roadway to the turnpike, turnpike commission says Health & fitness ............A-12 heavily used route that bisects Time for which would operate the tolls. Horoscopes ......................B-6 the state for more than 300 They also added informa- HARRISBURG — The governor’s office Friday to dis- a change Pennsylvania Turnpike Com- close the receipt of a subpoe- Jumble..............................B-9 miles, from Ohio to New Jer- tion about how much money Lotteries............................A-2 Remember to set your sey. will be needed to maintain mission said Friday it was co- na, and aides informed Gov. clocks back one hour at 2 operating with a demand for Ed Rendell. Obituaries ........................A-6 The Pennsylvania Turnpike Pennsylvania’s interstates, cur- A-4 a.m. Sunday as most of documents by state prosecu- “I talked to the governor, Opinion ............................ Commission and state high- rent conditions on I-80 and de- Police, fire ........................A-2 the nation ends tors, but the subject of the in- he said, ’Well, certainly they way department submitted tails about the nine potential Public notices ..................B-9 daylight- vestigation was not clear. need to comply and cooperate supplemental materials late locations for toll collection Sudoku ..........................B-11 saving Thursday to the Federal High- sites. Turnpike spokesman Bill fully with the investigation,’ “ time. Sports ..............................B-1 way Administration that are “We’re hopeful that we’ve Capone said records had not said Steve Crawford, Rendell’s Theaters............................A-8 designed to answer questions provided enough information yet been turned over. chief of staff. TV grid ..............................B-7 about the financial structure of for them to make a good deci- “We can’t provide you with Crawford said the subpoena Weather ............................A-2 12 1 a proposal that has generated sion,” turnpike spokesman any other details of when it was the first official notice the 11 spirited opposition in the Carl DeFebo said Friday. “If came, or what it’s about or administration has received of 2 northern part of the state. it’s not enough, we certainly anything like that,” he said. an investigation by the attor- 0 The agencies provided a will be providing more, what- Kevin Harley, a spokesman ney general’s office. 3 consultant’s analysis that the ever we need, to address their for Attorney General Tom Capone said he “did not value of the transaction would concerns.” Corbett, declined comment. know anything official” about John Zavinski/Herald be in line with recent highway See TOLL, page A-3 Turnpike officials called the See DOCUMENTS, page A-3 A.M. RAIN: 54/36 Maddie Bartley Mercer Elementary a-2 fill-in 7d herald 090930jz YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN BLACK 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% Next page > Sharon, Pa. October 31, 2009 Saturday A-2 AccuWeather® 5-Day Forecast for Sharon GROVE CITY LOTTERIES TODAY TONIGHT SUNDAY Man charged with ogling PENNSYLVANIA Friday Daily number: 075, 785 women, refusing to leave Y Big 4: 4339, 0051 Quinto: 43728, 38526 A.M. rain; mostly Clouds breaking; Sunshine and patchy By Matt Snyder while aerobics classes were in down next to her desk. Treasure Hunt: 2, 13, 15, cloudy, breezy, cooler clouds Herald Staff Writer session, staff told police. When the boy was done, 23, 30 cooler During two weeks in July they left, the staffer said, but Cash 5: 11, 13, 16, 20, Charges were held and August, staff told police, later that day Locktosh re- 54 36 52 34 34 Wednesday against a Pine Locktosh would bring his son turned. The staffer told him Super 7: 2, 3, 15, 19, 38, Township man who had re- into the club a drink or to use he wasn’t allowed in the club MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 43, 49, 62, 67, 69, 73 peated brushes with YMCA the restroom, even though his and they had an argument OHIO staff when he continued to en- son hasn’t had a membership over whether or not his son Thursday ter the building without a since January.
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