MARCH 24, 1977 ADVENT REVIEW ANDevie SABBATH HERALD • GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Huguley Memorial Medical Center Opens in Texas Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe, center, cut the first of seven ribbons that officially opened the Huguley Memorial Hospi- tal in Fort Worth; Texas, to the public. Others who participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony were, left to right, B. E. Leach, Southwestern Union Conference president; William V. Wiist (back to camera), hospital administrator; Robert H. Pierson, General Conference president; Cliff Overcash, Fort Worth mayor; and Betty Andujar, State senator. Be- low, the most recent architect's drawing of the Huguley Memorial Medical Center shows the hospital and adjacent medi- cal offices as they appeared on the opening-day ceremonies. Landscaping is partially completed. See page 13 for the story. Editor's Viewpoint to its possessors, and through their influence it is a curse Theory v. Practice to the world."—Ibid., pp. 309, 310. Human beings cannot, of course, make themselves When Jesus was here upon earth, He "went about "sincere, kind, patient, forbearing, [and] heavenly- doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the minded." They cannot change their hearts. They cannot devil" (Acts 10:38). He said of Himself: "The Son of make themselves righteous. But God can, and He has man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister" made full provision to accomplish this. "I will dwell in (Matt. 20:28). The one great object of Christ's life was them, and walk in them" (2 Cor. 6:16), He has promised. service—helping others. If people were hungry, He de- By His Spirit Christ lives within the believer (John nied Himself food, if necessary, in order to supply their 14:17), bringing a new controlling principle into the life. need. If people were discouraged or bruised in spirit, He Love replaces selfishness, and the believer lives in har- spoke words of courage and comfort. If people needed mony with the Ten Commandments, the law of love. money, He drew on His limited funds and gave what He "The soul thus touched will hate its selfishness, abhor its could. If people were sick, He reached for their hand of self-love, and will seek, through Christ's righteousness, faith and healed them. for the purity of heart that is in harmony with the law of Jesus' selfless attention to the needs of others was not God and the character of Christ."—Steps to Christ, p. the result of external compulsion. He lived the way He 29. did, not for duty's sake, but because He loved, and love "seeketh not her own" (1 Cor. 13:5). God is love, and Selfishness Must Die Christ, as God, revealed the divine character. Before Jesus left His disciples, to return to His Father Now, Christians enjoy talking of Christ's unselfish in heaven, He said: "It is expedient for you that I go character. They express admiration for His willingness to away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come accept effrontery, poverty, fatigue, hunger, pain, and unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you" (John numerous other jolts to the spirit and body, in order to 16:7). "Through the Spirit, Christ was to abide contin- bless others. And it is well that they should. Christ was ually in the hearts of His children. Their union with Him the most noble, inspiring Being who ever lived on earth. was closer than when He was personally with them. The But merely admiring Jesus is not enough. Merely talk- light, and love, and power of the indwelling Christ shone ing about His loving, unselfish, others-centered life is not out through them. "—Ibid., p. 75. enough. Christians must be like Him. They must reveal "Only when selfishness is dead, when strife for su- Him to the world. "He that saith he abideth in him ought premacy is banished, when gratitude fills the heart, and himself also so to walk, even as he walked" (1 John 2:6). love makes fragrant the life—it is only then that Christ is "Christians are to represent Christ. Unless there is abiding in the soul, and we are recognized as laborers practical self-sacrifice for the good of others, in the together with God."—Christ's Object Lessons, p. 402. family circle, in the neighborhood, in the church, and Let us review the line of thought we have been fol- wherever we may be, then whatever our profession, we lowing: (1) Jesus lived for others; His life was controlled are not Christians."—The Desire of Ages, p. 504. by love, not selfishness. (2) Christ's followers are to live In Christ's day the rabbis were exceedingly well in- as He lived (see Steps to Christ, p. 115). (3) This is formed about the theory of truth. They could philoso- possible for, through the Spirit, Christ lives in them. (4) phize about, and debate endlessly, the fine points of the The Holy Spirit transforms the life, replacing selfishness law. They knew the rites and ceremonies of their reli- with love as the controlling principle. gion. They had a clear grasp of the intellectual content of Do God's people understand clearly what He expects their faith. They knew "the truth," and they assented to of them, and that He has made provision through the it all. Spirit for them to reflect the image of Jesus fully? Do But there was a great disjunction between their theory they realize that self-seeking is completely alien to the and their practice. They talked piously about the needs of spirit of heaven? Do they realize that jealousy, backbit- the poor, but oppressed and robbed the needy. They ing, immorality, dishonesty, and other sins reveal that talked of sacrifice, but worked feverishly to satisfy their selfishness still controls the life? Do they know that greed. They boasted that God had committed to them the people who are controlled by selfishness cannot be ad- divine oracles, but they disregarded the moral precepts mitted into heaven? Do they know that love—the antith- whenever it was to their advantage to do so. esis of selfishness and sin—will govern totally the lives of Unfortunately, the terrible mistake of accepting the Christ's true followers who will be translated to heaven theory of truth intellectually but failing to put it into when Jesus comes? practice is being repeated in our day. "Many take it for God has been patient with His remnant people. But granted that they are Christians, simply because they how much longer will He wait for them to understand the subscribe to certain theological tenets. But they have not nature of true religion, to open their hearts to the in- brought the truth into practical life. Men may profess dwelling Christ, to replace selfishness with love as the faith in the truth; but if it does not make them sincere, controlling principle of the life, and bring forth the fruits kind, patient, forbearing, heavenly-minded, it is a curse of the Spirit? K. H. W. 2 (298) R&H, MARCH 24, 1977 This Week Contents places mentioned in the Bible Pharaoh are thousands of years New English Bible. © The Dele- Cover Story Pages 1, 13 such as Cush, Sheba, and Cyrene old, the intricate and exquisite gates of the Oxford University General Articles 4 can be located on today's map of workmanship shows, as do the Press and the Syndics of the Report to the Church 6 the world? R. W. Taylor, secre- pyramids and other monuments, Cambridge University Press 1970. Fellowship of Prayer 7 tary of the Australasian Division, the many capabilities of that an- Reprinted by permission. Texts For the Younger Set 8 solves part of the mystery in cient civilization. credited to T.L.B. are taken from Family Living 9 "Africa in the Bible" (p. 4). An Robert H. Pierson, president of The Living Bible, Paraphrased Especially for Women 10 area of the world with a highly the General Conference, in a re- (Wheaton: Tyndale House Pub- From the Editors 11 developed culture centuries be- port to the church ("When the lishers, 1971). Used by permis- Inspired Gems 11 fore the birth of Christ, ancient Church Is Taken to Court," p. 6) sion. Respsonse From Readers 12 Africa, especially Egypt, was the talks about several court cases Art and Photo Credits: P. 5, Newsfront 15 focus of attention recently in involving the Seventh-day Ad- Harold Munson; p. 8, H. Arm- News Notes 20 Washington, D.C., where the ventist Church and the possible strong Roberts; p. 9, Skip Baker; Bulletin Board 22 treasures of Tutankhamen were effect these cases' outcome can p. 11, Ken Photo Shop; p. 23, Spotlight on God's Law 23 on display at the National Gallery have upon the church. Tom Dunbebin; all other photos, Back Page 24 of Art. Although the treasures Bible Credits: Texts in this issue courtesy of the respective au- Have you ever wondered where from the tomb of this minor credited to N.E.B. are from The thors. Letters [Letters submitted for publication cannot our apologies for having included beings were a new and distinct but instead, as in the case of Gen- be acknowledged or returned. All must carry the writer's name and address. Short letters the anecdote in our article, and order. They were made 'in the esis 6:1-4, the absolutely ridicu- (less than 250 words) will be given preference. our assurances that we will make image of God,' and it was the lous idea that supernatural beings All will be edited to meet space and literary requirements.
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