Mr. Blackpool and His Wurlitzer · OY STANLEY R. WHITE No cure has been found-none is be­ Reginald Dixon was born in Sheffield next year to listen and dance to the music ing sought-for the true ORGAN EN­ in 1904. At-school he won a Gold Medal of chis sensational personality. They did THUSIAST. Here is one of England's Award for piano piaying. Ar 14 years of return, and thirty years later are still best giving his report on one of their age he was the organist at his local doing so. best known and loved organists. Church and a few years later was work­ In 1932, the first commercial gramo­ Walk up to almost any person in Eng­ ing as the musical advisor to a cinema phone records featuring Reginald Dixon land, and enquire, "Who is Mr. Black­ circuit. In 1923 Reginald Dixon, then at the organ of the Tower Ballroom, pool"-nine out of ten people would only 19, was involved in a motorcycle Blackpool-appeared on the market. The know the answer and reply, "Reginald accident which was to cause much worry first records were for the "Sterno,. label. Dixon." If you were in a Northern town for him many years later. He continued Later he switched to "Zonophone," fol­ rhe reply would be, "Reggie"-you cinema work until 1930, when he ob­ lowed by "Regal Zonophone"; then onto would be expected to know the rest. tained the post of resident organist ar the "Rex" label, back then to "Regal That is the fame enjoyed by Reginald the Blackpool Tower Ballroom. Zonophone," and finally to his present Dixon, they call him, "Mr. Blackpool"­ label, "Columbia." One or two of his "The Man With The Magic Fingers"­ The Tower Ballroom organ at that early "Sterno" discs were later re-released ''Mr. Tower of Blackpool"-lt all points rime was only a small cwo manual Wur­ by the company under the name of "Roy ro one fact, the most famous entertainer litzer pipe organ. Influenced by the ne­ Wilson"-but such information is the in the great Northern seaside playground cessity for him to play intricate dance concern of the "Mel Doner-Reg Man­ of Blackpool, which in rhe Summer holi­ rhythms in strict tempo for the ballroom der discography-Theatre Organ Discs day season becomes the showplace of the dancers, Reginald Dixon soon developed Of The World' "-I haven't the space to nation, is none other than the organist in a unique style of organ playing. He also deal with such matters here. rhe Tower Ballroom. But what an or­ introduced popular organ recitals for the The small two manual Wurlitzer can ganist and what a ballroom! pleasure of holiday visitors who did not still be heard, but only on the early rec­ wish to dance. ords, for in 1934, the directors of the STANLEY R. WHITE is a regularly featured Then, as now_, the recitals were sup­ Blackpool Tower Company decided that member of the staff of RADIO AND TV ported by a large public who just love to Reggie needed a more ambitious instru­ REVIEW. His column is filled with news of ment to match his talent. So it was that organists, their current activities, and is en­ hear Reggie tearing off the latest pop­ thusiastic in its criticism of reco'rdings. Mr . ular tunes. a three manual Wurlitzer organ was in­ White sees and hears much that pleases him, stalled. It remains to this day. and he writes in a manner that passes on this happy mood. Reginald Dixon's fame spread fast. Almost at the same time as the record THEATRE ORGAN is grateful for his With the sounds of the Wurlitzer organ people took an interest in Dixon so did thoughtfulness in sharing with us a glimpse still ringing in their ears, the holiday the British Broadcasting Corporation, into the life of one of England's great Or­ crowds returned home to all corners of and today, Reggie can look back on hun­ ganists. the British Isles, vowing to return again dreds of broadcasts. His regular BBC 10 pool bestowed upon Reginald Dixon the played by Horace Finch. In 1957, Dixon highest honor it can offer to anyone. He recorded for Columbia, at the Wur­ was asked to perform the ceremony of litzer organ of the Opera House. All of "Switching On" the famous, "Blackpool this rather upset -the normal routine of Illuminations" a display of artistry in the Blackpool organ scene. Dixon was lights ( thousands of them) in various playing Horace Finch's Wurlitzer, and shapes and forms. These create a night­ for some time Horace had to use an time Fantasia which can be seen al~ost electronic organ and share the spotlight one hundred miles away on a clear night. with an Orchestra. Watson Holmes, or­ The giant Tower dominates the scene ganist of the Palace Ballroorp which and looms high into the sky above the houses yet another Wurlitzer, was the Tower buildings and the ballroom. This only organist employed by the company ceremony usually is performed by high who was able to continue normally. ranking government officers or visiting This time it was not only the organ diplomats from other countries. Reggie which was silent, for Reginald Dixon REGINALD DIXON carried off his part in the ceremony with was out of action. People were worried flying colours and to fhe cheers of his -would the operation at the week end series broadcast at 10 a.m. in the morn­ public who certainly agreed with the do the trick? Or, as was the thought at ing, usually on Wednesday or Thursday, choice made for the honour of "Switch­ the back of thousands of minds, was has been running for years. The Summer ing On ." The whole ceremony was tele­ this the end of Reggie's career? The series of programmes broadcast from vised by the BBC. A wonderful sight! week end arrived. Sunday July 6th was Blackpool each year, and called, "Black­ the date set for the doctors to try to On July 3rd, 1958, the morning pool Night," always feature Reginald save that hand. The week end was over papers came out with front page head­ Dixon and his Tower Wurlitzer as the and the newspaper headlines on July lines such as-"Bid To Save 'Tower' resident music maker. He also uses an 7th read, "Tower Dixon 'fine' after Op­ Dixon's Hand"-Dixon told the press, electronic organ in the programme to eration"-"Reggie's Back." A few days "I have to have an operation, a nerve in accompany community singing. The later Reggie was back in his rooms at my right elbow is affecting the hand, BBC North Regional' programme called, the Tower, practising on a piano. With­ the result of an injury received in a "Reginald Dixon's Half Hour," is heard in a week or two his name appeared in motor-bike smash in my youth." Pro­ by thousands of Northern listeners on the "Radio Times" billed to play his gressive stiffening of his right hand had Tuesday evenings. This programme is morning organ session. But it was still been causing Dixon increasing anxiety also a.regular yearly series. not certain. Would Reginald Dixon be for some time, and it had been evident Reginald Dixon has been seen several recovered fully enough to broadcast, or in his playing. Dixon wanted to post­ times by TV viewers on the nation-wide would someone el~e take his spot? pone the operation until the end of the BBC network seated at the console hap­ The time rolled around to 10 a.m. on Summer season which was in full swing pily swinging out a Quickstep for the July 24th. Listeners to the BBC "Light at Blackpool, but doctors warned him 3,000 dancers on the huge ballroom floor. Programme" would not know the an­ that any delay would certainly cost him The TV cameramen never can resist swer until after the time signal. It was the use of his hand forever. some close-up shots of Reggie at "full a terrible wait. I know-I was one of Two years before, at the close of 1956, pressure"-with hands and feet flashing those listeners. And if he did play, what his famous Wurlitzer organ, which is across the manuals and pedals at a tre­ would he sound like? The audience in now valued at well over 5,000 pounds, mendous pace. Such is the work to keep the Tower Ballroom already knew. At has been in the Tower ballroom almost that wonderful Dixon dance tempo in t~n, the BBC time signal piped through as long as Reggie, was seriously dam­ perfect time and in weaving a melody its six bleeps and as the last one faded aged in a terrible,fire which ravaged the pattern which has to be heard to be be­ away a fresh sound took the air. The beautiful ballroom. It was a complete lieved. It would be easy for anyone lis­ mighty Wurlitzer roared across the air­ write-off for the 1957 season. At the waves of the British Isles. Accompanied tening to a broadcast to imagine that a time Dixon said, "This is quite a blow multi-recording technique had been used, by a wildly cheering audience in the -this organ is almost my life." Now the bur that is not and never has been so. Tower Ballroom, the strains of, "I Do organ, which had been completely re­ Like To Be Beside The Seaside" told us During the early years of World War stored by a team of experts from the that Reggie was back! Never was he Two, Reginald Dixon toured the country Wurlitzer company, was silent once more welcome.
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