CASS CITY C HRONICLE VOLUME 25, NUMBER 9. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930. EIGHT PAGES. president's address, and Alex Ross as D[FO~[~ AWt~D[D ]D DAILY VACATION BIBLE class historian reviewed the events of Flag Day SCHOOL [IB/ OlJ ll (l [X[RCIS[S school life reiating particularly to the! l STARTS MONDAY NhNESUPERINTENDENIS I Class of 1930. TlJe giftatory by Bar.- i ~ W e I II R~N[R bara Taylor and the prophecy by Ira [_.The second annual daily vacation ...... 5 >: FuR eAS e Ty nor to the program. These, of course, .... Iday morning at 9:00, at the Baptist were most appreciated by the high I church. A parade will be the feature Class of 44 Are Presented with school students who were familiar That Town Showed Larges t log the first morning, and all m~tomo- Directors Set August 12 to 15 High School Diplomas with the peculiarities of class mem- Gain of Membership in ]biles donated for the parade ~vill be as Dates for the 1930 bers. Phyllis Lenzner as valedictori- t appreciated. Those participating are Exhibition. Tuesday Night. an expressed appreciation for the Tuscola County. ]requested to bring horns and other sacrifice of parents, teachers and Icontrivances for noise-making. The program for each day at the Class of 1930. friends of the class. Louis Chaffee The forty-eighth annual convention The following appointments of su- \ read the class will as the last num- school will have five divisions as fol- perintendents of divisions for the Robert E. Edgerton, Pres. of the Tuscola County Woman's f0fH~ I~P03LI C [OR ber of the evening's program and in Christian Temperance Union met at i :lows: worship, handicraft, Bible les- Cass City Fair were made at the Lewis C. Pinney, Vice Pres. son, recreation and Bible drama. A Elizabeth Ross, Sec. it conveyed many of the idiosyncra- Pleasant Hill, northwest of Caro, on meeting of fair officers and directors 0~E NATION,!NPlVISIBLI% nice certificate will be given each Francis W. Elliott, Treas. sies of the graduates to the under June 3 and 4, on Friday: child who ereditabl~r completes any Bernice C. Atkins classmen. The county president, Mrs. Geo. dugl(g g0R Cattle, sheep and hogs--J. D. ALL . full department for the two weeks. Roberta Bond Those who participated in the pro- Martin~ was presiding officer during Tuckey and H. T. Crandell. All children from beginners up to J. C. Blades gram observed John Neal's advice the convention. State corresponding Agricultural hall and poultry-- Frank O. Bullock and including intermediate grades when he 'said: "Talk to the point and secretary, Mrs. Norma F. Mudge of Herman Doerr. Wilma R. Coller are welcome. Parents and visitors stop when you have reached it." The Belding, was an honored guest. Mrs. Club exhibits Willis Campbell and *Louis A. Chaffee are welcome at any session. The va- program was over in an hour and Belle Waters of Lure, president of Jim Milligan. Kenneth W. Clement was none the less enjoyable because cation school will close with a picnic. Marguerite L. Carpenter 7th District, was present the second Races L. A. Koepfgen. its brevity. Reeva M. Freiburger - :of day. Entries--Andrew Bigelow and S. Delpha Ilene Gracey Roll call of officers, vice presidents Champion. Ira C. Gerou and directors showed every union in [ j 71 Free acts and band John May and Audley E. Horner county with delegation present. Andrew Bigelow. irene C. Jones the a CHURCH[S I]NIT[ Ephraim Knight TUS[ ]L THLETE During the Tuesday afternoon ses- Night show S. Champion. *Mildred G. Karr sion, Mrs. H. W. Ambrose, wife of Baseball~Jim Milligan and Willis Esther Mar~e Krake the Baptist pastor of Care, gave a Entries must be made by "Septem- Campbell. bet 1 and awards will be made dur- IN [V[NIN[ Katherine M. Kelly 8[ T 3 RE ]OI{ 8 very inspired and educational address Horseshoes John May. Gladys M. Le Pla on "The American Home." The school LAR[IE AUBIE[;E ing the week from Aug. 26 to Sept. Premium Book S. Champion. *Marion E. Leishman children of Pleasant Hill gave a G Wheat, oats, and barley are the Arrange Schedule for Sunday Hay and straw J. D. Tuckey. *Phyllis Marie Lenzner Caro Is First in Class C Schools play on "Americanization" Which was grains upon which prizes will be giv- Midway Andrew Bigelow and t-t. Charles B. Malcolm good. During' evening" en. Evening Meetings During T. Crandell. James Alexander Milligan and in Class D very the ses- Akron sion, Roy. R. R. Terwitliger of Care, l the Summer. Advertising--S. Champion. Beatrice OIive Martin Division. *Alison G. Milligan pastor of the Pleasant Hilt M. P. ROTARY CLUB FORMED Labor employment and bleachers-- Esther E. McCrea church, gave an address using as his Local Churches United for Ser- Robt. Warner. At. a meeting of the members of Marguerite McQueen Care high school athletes won the subject, "The axe was laid at the AT CASS CITY FRIDAY The dates selected for the 1930 Luella J. McBurney vice at H. S. Auditorium the Cass City Ministerial Union, Io- greatest number of points of Class C root of the tree." fair are August 12, 13, 14 and 1.5. Valma L. O'Deli Mrs, Mudge gave the principal a(l- Sunday Evening. A Rotary Club was organized in cal pastors decided to observe the Directors of the fair are J. D. L. Marie O'DelI schools at the 24th annual field meet following schedule for the union 2 • -i dress of the evenin~• in which she Cass City Friday with the following Tuckey, Herman Doerr, Willis Ronald Quinn of the Tuscola County H~gh School l services during the summer: Athletic Association, the track team stressed the importance of continued officers: President, M. B. Auten; Campbell, Jim Milligan, L. A. Koepf- Evelyn O. Raduchel The high school auditorium was Date Place Speaker Winton K. Roblin capturing first place with a total of work along the line of prohibition. vice president, Rev. P. J. Allured; gen, Andrew N. Bigelow, H. T. Cran- well filled Sunday evening at the June 15 Evangelical Church Alex Ross 62 1-3 points. Care also won the Wednesday morning, the officers secretary, H. F. Lenzner; treasurer, dell, S. Champion, John May, Robt. baccalaureate service. Musical num- Evelyn Eleanor Schmidt county championship in baseball, de- for the coming year were elected: Frederick Pinney; directors, Dr. S. t ...................................... Rev. Allured Warner and Guy Rench. bers during the evening, excellently Helen G. Severance feating Reese, a Class D school, 12 to President, Mrs. Genie Martin, De- B. Young and F. A. Bigelow. I June 22 Presbyterian ............ Rev. Hill Officers selected recently by the *Barbara E. Taylor rendered by a union choir under the 29 Methodist ............. Rev. Curtis 9. ford. The club was organized by H. P. June board of directors are: President, Stacy J. Vatters Vice president, Mrs. Adaline Everts, direction of Mrs. F. A. Bigelow, were July 6 Baptist ................Roy. Allured In the track meet, Cass City was err of Care. Fred Striffier, Carl John May; vice president, Andrew Gladys L. Wentworth "Gloria in Excelsis" from "Twelfth July 13~Evangelical ............ Rev. Hill second with 51 1-3 points; Vassar, Vassar. Palmer, Clarence Myers and H. D. N. Bigelow; secretary, S. Champion; Raymond Wallace Mass" by Mozart and "O Holy Fa- July 20 Presbyterian .... Rev. Lydian third, with ]9; and Unionville, fourth, Turn to page 4. Kedzie, alt of Care, were present at treasurer, Guy Rench. Donald E. Wallace ther" by Marchetti-Parks. July 27--Baptist ..............Roy. Allured with 10 1-3 for the Class C division. the initial meeting of the club here. As Mrs. I. D. McCoy played the Aug. 3 Methodist ..................Rev. Hill *Honor Students h~ Class D, Akron high school's The club will meet each Tuesday. "Marche Orchestrelle," members of Aug. 10Evangelical ........ Rev. Curtis well balanced team ~ook the lion's TUSCOLA SURVEYOR MISS LOWE IS BRIDE ~he senior class were ushered to seats Aug. 17 Baptist .............. Rev. Lyman share of honors with 83~ points. This week the graduates of the DIED SUNDAY in the auditorium by Janet Allured Aug. 24--Presbyterian ...... Roy. Curtis OF HENRY HACKER Cass City High School 44 talented Gagetown came next with 32 and and Caswell Hunter, president and Fairgrove athletes secured 25~ Aug. 31 Methodist .......... Roy. Lyman young men and women, who have Warren Leonard, 60, for many vice president of the junior class. A pretty wedding was solemnized points. Some very important and timely completed their education in this Roy. P. J. Allured gave the invo- Saturday morning in the Methodist County records were shattered in years surveyor for Tuscola county, %homes are to be used during these city, several to go farther in the field cation, Roy. W: R. Curtis read Episcopal parsonage at Port Austin three events Friday. Rajkovich of died at his home near Care Sunday sumrner union meetings. of learning, some to enter business Proverbs 22 as the Scripture lesson when Miss Nora Lowe, youngest Care tossed the shot for a new record night. Funeral services were held WHIL[ PASflJR[ life and others to take up various and Rev. Gee. Hill offered prayer. daughter o ~ Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe of 43 feet 2~ inches, bettering the Tuesday afternoon, Rev. W. H. KUhl- pursuitshave occupied the center of Rev. Chas. W. Lyman gave the ad- of Cumber, was married to Mr. Hen- county record of 42 feet 11~ inches man of the Care M. E. church officiat- the stage.
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