Chemistry for Everyone Liebig–Wöhler Controversy and the Concept of Isomerism Soledad Esteban Departamento de Química Orgánica y Bio-Orgánica, Facultad de Ciencias, UNED, Senda del Rey, 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain; *[email protected] The chemical revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was marked by a number of significant breakthroughs, including the downfall of the phlogiston theory and Dalton’s theory of atoms and molecules. At the same time, ways of com- municating research results grew as scientific journals, academies, and meetings were founded. The exchange of ideas also gave rise to disagreements that often led to scientific battles. However, sometimes, these controversies were the origins of friendships and scientific collaborations. Such was the case with Justus Lie- big and Friedrich Wöhler (Figure 1). These two great scientists had many things in common: Figure 1. Justus Liebig (left) and Friedrich Wöhler (right). both were German, lived in the same period, were disciples of brilliant chemists in their youth, and worked successfully in different fields of chemistry. Nevertheless, the most important point of connection in their lives was perhaps their scientific to study medicine, but he always felt a great attraction for ex- disagreement that contributed to the emergence of the concept perimenting in chemistry. After completing his medical degree of isomerism. in 1823, Wöhler studied chemistry under Gmelin and Berzelius, This article retells the story of the Liebig–Wöhler contro- and beginning in 1825, Wöhler taught chemistry, initially at versy and their later friendship and shows how the seemingly the Technical School of Berlin, later at Cassel, and finally at the contradictory findings of the two scientists led to the develop- University of Göttingen. Brilliant as professor, he was also a ment of the theory of isomerism. These bits of history can serve great researcher. Among other achievements, his investigations as anecdotes to add life to university lectures and to increase of quinone and hydroquinone were noteworthy in the develop- interest in science at the high school level. ment of organic chemistry. But after 1839, he mainly focused on inorganic chemistry and made important contributions to the Early Years of Liebig and Wöhler study of boron, silicon, and phosphorus, as well as the prepara- tion of aluminum. Nevertheless, Wöhler’s name is generally as- Liebig and Wöhler emerged in the 1820s as part of the sociated with his synthesis of urea (1828) because of the decisive second generation of important chemists who were disciples of contribution to the overthrow of vitalism (4). the great masters of the time, such as Berzelius and Gay-Lussac. Like Liebig, Wöhler was also learning analytical techniques Justus Liebig (1803–1873) was born in Darmstadt, Germany, during the 1820s but in another city, Stockholm. While work- into a lower-middle class family, and his interest in chemistry ing in the laboratory of Berzelius, Wöhler analyzed a silver might have been due, in part, to his father’s business in drugs, compound, silver cyanate, and concluded that it was a silver salt dyes, and chemicals. The increasing poverty of his parents, of an unknown acid (cyanic acid). The results of this quantita- caused by the economic depression after the Napoleonic wars, tive analysis were the same as those of Liebig (5). The obvious led to Liebig’s withdrawal from the gymnasium and his appren- conclusion was that one of the analyses must be wrong, and ticeship to a pharmacist. The latter experience lasted only for six one of the chemists must be a poor analyst! Liebig, pushed by months, probably due to lack of finances or to the detonation his aggressive character, rapidly accused Wöhler of erroneous of an explosive he had prepared at home (1). Later, Liebig at- results. But Liebig analyzed a sample of the silver cyanate sup- tended Bonn and Erlangen University to study chemistry, as plied by Wöhler and verified that they were correct(6). At this well as French, Latin, mathematics, and botany. His impressive point, Liebig openly admitted that he had made a mistake in accomplishments led the Grand Duke of Hessen–Darmstadt to his initial accusation. And curiously this was the starting point give Liebig a travel grant to study in Paris, the center of European of a friendship and even a scientific collaboration between the science at that time. two scientists (7). Liebig attended lectures by prestigious scientists, such The contradictory findings of Wöhler and Liebig created as Thénard and Gay-Lussac, and he was able to learn organic a dilemma: two compounds with many different properties analyses in Gay-Lussac’s lab. As a result, he was able to continue had the same composition. At the same time, this conclusion his studies on derivatives of fulminic acid, the explosive of his could not be possible since it was assumed that the properties childhood (2). By applying the newest techniques of analysis, of a substance were correlated with its composition according Liebig determined the composition of silver fulminate. He to the law of definite proportions. Gay-Lussac argued that the finished the analyses and published them together with Gay- difference in properties could be due to different arrangements Lussac in 1824 (3). of the elements, and other chemists, such as Gmelin or Davy, Friedrich Wöhler (1800–1882) was born in a town near were of the same opinion (8). But no real explanation could be Frankfurt, Germany, the son of a veterinary surgeon. He began found for this phenomenon. © Division of Chemical Education • www.JCE.DivCHED.org • Vol. 85 No. 9 September 2008 • Journal of Chemical Education 1201 Chemistry for Everyone The answer was given by one of the greatest chemists of that ways. His idea, which was understandable in terms of Dalton’s century, Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779–1849), the Swedish master atomic theory, had general acceptance. At the time, the con- of Wöhler. Initially, he posed some doubts about Leibig’s and cept of molar mass was still hazy, but the term isomer gradually Wöhler’s results, but later Berzelius admitted that the compo- acquired its present-day meaning: compounds with equal com- sition of cyanates and fulminates was identical, although the position and molar mass, but different properties. compounds had different properties. Moreover, other facts of The first explanation of isomerism involved differences in this type were observed: connectivity (constitution), so that the corresponding molecules would have different structural formulas, depending on the • In 1825, Faraday studied the oily material obtained as order of attachment of the atoms (e.g., cyanic acid, H–OCN, by-product in the preparation of illuminating gas by and fulminate acid, H–CNO, or urea and ammonium cyanate). heating whale oil. From that material, Faraday isolated Butane and methylpropane, 1-propanol and 2-propanol, and two products: one of them was a liquid, benzene (C H ), 6 6 ethanol and dimethylether also represent pairs of constitutional and the other, the more volatile portion, was a gas. The isomers. Acceptance of the existence of isomers led to the im- percentage composition of the new gas proved to be portant concept of the constitution of molecules as the ultimate identical to that of the well-known olefiant gas, although cause of the properties of compounds. the densities were different (double in the first case). Isomerism became a fundamental tenet of organic chem- Nowadays, we know that these gases are, respectively, istry, which in turn provided many examples of isomers of dif- isobutylene (C H ) and ethylene (C H ). 4 8 2 4 ferent types. These findings reinforced the concept of isomers, • In 1822 Berzelius observed two different tin oxides with and they also led to an entire theory of isomerism. As time went the same composition, and in 1825, he noted two forms by, the initial concept of isomerism became more complicated. of phosphoric acid with identical compositions. Compounds with the same connectivity also showed different properties. These molecules had to be understood from the per- • In 1828 Wöhler obtained urea, which had the same com- spective of stereochemistry, that is, how atoms in a molecule are position as ammonium cyanate (CH N O), but different 4 2 arranged in space relative to one another. This led to the concept properties. of permanent shape (configuration), which explained differences • Mitscherlich, in 1823, observed that sulfur crystals had in some molecules, such as the two forms of tartaric acid (sepa- different forms (monoclinic or rhombic), according to rated by Pasteur in 1841) or maleic and fumaric acids. the method of preparation (9). A more subtle kind of isomerism appeared when differences were observed despite identity in constitution and configura- • Aragonite and calcite were both crystalline forms of tion. The temporary shape or is due to the different calcium carbonate. Iron pyrite and marcasite were both conformation geometry of molecules because of rotation around single bonds. FeS . 2 Generally, the amount of energy required for this rotation is low, • It was known that diamond and graphite were both so it can occur easily. However, the small differences in energy carbon. between conformers sometimes play a decisive role in the chemi- cal behavior of compounds such as enzymes. • In about 1826, it was discovered that tartaric and racemic The discovery of isomerism represented the beginning of acids had identical compositions but some different prop- structural chemistry, opening the way to the establishment of erties (10). structural formulas and contributing to the explanation of the With the above data in mind, Berzelius devised a system that great abundance of organic compounds (12). As a result, it was could cover all these cases. possible to classify organic compounds and understand their structures, making organic chemistry clearer and, in the words The Same, but Not the Same of Wöhler, not a “dark forest with few or no pathways”.
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