2,833,628 United States Patent Office Patented May 6, 1958 2 lation process. Other objects and advantages of the pres ent invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art 2,833,628 from the following detailed description and the appended claims. MANUFACTURE OF SILICON TETRAFLUOREDE 5 The process of the present invention comprises react Melvin C. Molstad, Swarthmore, Pa., assignor to W. R. ing fluosilicic acid and silica in the presence of sulfuric Grace & Co., New York, N. Y., a corporation of Con acid of a concentration greater than 70% by weight necticut H2SO4 to form silicon tetrafluoride. The reaction in No Drawing. Application June 9, 1954 volved in the present invention proceeds according to the Serial No. 435,628 10 following equation: 5 Claims. (C. 23-205) 2H2SiF6 -- SiO-> 3 SiF4(g) -- 2HO While the reaction is conducted in sulfuric acid, the acid does not enter into the reaction. The sulfuric acid serves This invention relates to a process for the preparation 5 as a dehydrating agent, being diluted by the water of the of silicon tetrafluoride. In one specific aspect, it relates fluosilicic acid solution as well as that formed in the to the preparation of pure silicon tetrafluoride. In an reaction, and as a reaction medium in which silicon tetra other specific aspect, it relates to the recovery of pure fluoride is not soluble to any marked extent. The affinity silicon tetrafluoride from the gaseous reaction products of the sulfuric acid for the water present prevents the of the phosphate rock acidulation process to form super 20 normal reaction between silicon tetrafluoride and water phosphate. as illustrated by the reverse of the above equation. In the past silicon tetrafluoride has been prepared by The fluosilicic acid starting material may be technical reacting silica with either a fluoride or silicofluoride salt grade acid which usually runs about 20-28% HSiF6 and and an excess of sulfuric acid. The products of these contains a minimum of silica. In this case, additional reactions, in addition to silicon tetrafluoride, include 25 silica will be added to satisfy the above equation for max water, and the corresponding sulfate. These methods imum recovery of silicon tetrafluoride. However, the require the addition of heat and, of course, consume Sul present invention is particularly well adapted to the use furic acid, which is left contaminated with the sulfate of unfiltered fluosilicic acid which is readily available at formed. Silicon tetrafluoride may also be prepared by existing superphosphate manufacturing facilities. This thermal decomposition of a metal silicofluoride. The 30 mixture of fluosilicic acid and silica results when the off other product of this decomposition is a solid metal fluo gases of the rock acidulation process are scrubbed with ride. While this reaction provides silicon tetrafluoride of . water. This fluosilicic acid containing as much as possi a high degree of purity, considerable heat is required to ble of the silica formed may be fed directly from the effect the decomposition. For example, when the reac Scrubbing towers, and, without filtration, to a reaction tion is conducted with barium silicofluoride, a tempera 35 vessel containing concentrated sulfuric acid. In accord ture of 400-500° C. is required. Furthermore, the de ance with the present invention, the above equation is composition is usually conducted at sub-atmospheric pres caused to proceed from left to right in the presence of SCS. - strong sulfuric acid, and silicon tetrafluoride, free of con Phosphate rock contains about 3-4% fluorine, about taminating air and carbon dioxide as well as other in 20-40% of which is evolved in the sulfuric acid acidu 40 purities, is evolved, passed through a suitable drying lation process to form superphosphate. The off-gas Zone and recovered in substantially quantitative yields. stream contains air, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and The sulfuric acid reaction medium is maintained at between about 4% and 1% by volume of silicon tetra all times sufficiently concentrated so that the dehydrat fluoride. While these off-gases represent the cheapest ing ability of this acid may be utilized to hold all of the known source of silicon tetrafluoride, separation of that Water present, thereby preventing hydrolysis of the sili material in a pure form from the gas stream is technically 45 con tetrafluoride product. The lower practical limit of and economically impractical. Fluorine values are recov concentration is about 70% by weight HSO4. While ered by absorption of the off-gas stream in water to form the reaction between fluosilicic acid and silica proceeds silica and fluosilicic acid of concentrations between about Satisfactorily in sulfuric acid of below 70% concentra 20% and 28% by weight H2SiF6. Approximately half 50 tion, silicon tetrafluoride becomes increasingly more sol of the silica formed is easily filtered from the crude fluo uble in sulfuric acid as the acid is further diluted, with silicic acid, while the balance of the silica in very finely the result that the yield of product is significantly re divided or colloidal form remains suspended in the fil duced. The solubility of silicon tetrafluoride in sulfuric tered acid. Fluosilicic acid is a well known article of acid of varied concentration has been noted as follows: commerce and reacts with alkalies to form the corre sponding silicofluorides, which have many uses. Solu 55 TABLE tions of fluosilicic acid decompose upon heating to form silicon tetrafluoride and hydrofluoric acid, and it is diffi Solubility at Percent H2SO4 by Weight 75° E. cc. cult, if not impossible, to separate the gaseous products. SiF/100 cc. In accordance with the present invention, it is now 60 Acid possible to prepare pure silicon tetrafluoride in substan tially quantitative yields from fluosilicic acid. 4. 4 It is therefore an object of this invention to provide 6 an improved method for preparing silicon tetrafluoride 2 36 of a high degree of purity. It is another object to pro 132 vide a method of preparing silicon tetrafluoride from 580 fluosilicic acid. It is still another object to provide a process for recovering substantially pure silicon tetra Thus, at 75 F. the solubility and consequent loss of fluoride from the off-gases of the phosphate rock acidu SiFA becomes significant at about 73% HSO4. Since 2,833,828 3 4. - the process involved in the present invention is slightly ess. The off-gases of the rock acidulation are scrubbed exothermic, the temperature of the reaction medium will with water and the resulting crude fluosilicic acid-silica ultimately reach about 120-160 F., and at these tem mixture is continuously fed to a reaction vessel which is peratures the solubility of SiFacs) is somewhat lower than continuously supplied with 93 to 98% sulfuric acid. Addi indicated above. Therefore, the lower practical limit of 5 tional silica is added to the reaction vessel to maintain an sulfuric acid concentration is about 70%. excess over that required to react with the fluosilicic acid At the start-up of the present process the reaction vessel for reasons already mentioned. Pure silicon tetrafluoride is provided with sulfuric acid of a concentration above is evolved, passed through a suitable moisture trap and 70% and preferably about 93% by weight HaSO4, because thence to storage. Sulfuric acid which has been diluted of the ready commercial availability of acid of this con O by the water of the flucsilicic acid solution and that which centration. Obviously, the higher the concentration of is ferined during the reaction is continuously withdrawn HSO, in a given quantity of acid at start-up of the present from the reaction vessel and is employed to acidulate process, the greater the volume of fluosilicic acid of a phosphate rock. The acid usually employed in phosphate given concentration which may be added thereto before the rock acidulation is between about 70% and 75% H2SO4. concentration of sulfuric acid reaches its lower limit. As already mentioned, the final concentration of the sul The reaction involved in the present invention proceeds furic acid leaving the reaction vessel is preferably above smoothly with quantitative yields of pure dry silicon tetra about 70% by weight H2SO4 in order that it contain only fluoride. Excess silica is not required; when, however, a small amount of fluorine as silicon tetraflucride. If the more than that stoichiometrically required is present addi acid is permitted to become more dilute a progressively tional reaction surface is provided, which tends to facili 20 larger amount of silicon tetrafluoride will be absorbed tate the reaction with fluosilicic acid. When crude fluo therein. This absorbed silicon tetrafluoride will not be silicic acid, i. e. the unfiltered product obtained by scrub lost in the cyclic process, however, since it will again be bing of the rock acidulation off-gases, is employed, theo liberated by the heat generated in the rock acidulation, and retically no additional silica is required for complete re may again be recovered. covery of silicon tetrafluoride. However, additional silica, The present invention thus provides a very efficient and facilitates the reaction as noted above. The silica which economical method for recovering pure silicon tetrafluo is added is preferably substantially pure dry SiO2, for ex ride from the off-gases of the phosphate rock acidulation ample, silica gel. Impure silica may also be employed so process as well as from crude or technical grade fluosilicic long as it does not contain constituents which react with acid. Furthermore, the process is easily controlled, and or become volatile upon contact with H2SO4 which would 30 does not require the addition of heat. contaminate the silicon tetrafluoride product. The par I claim: ticle size of the silica is preferably between about 8 and 30 1.
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