- 99 SPIRULA nr. 351 (2006) 99 Tijdschriftartikelen Journal papers W. Faber Artikelen andere over mariene weekdieren in tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen in redactionele perfamilie alfabetische volgorde. [] opmerkingen. about marine in in Papers molluscs other magazines. Gastropods andbivalves per family alfabetical order. [] editorialnotes. GENERAL/ALGEMEEN Lawson 1: Ordovician Polyplacophorafrom North Morch. some type specimens * - — — BOUCHET, PH., 2006. Valid Until Syn- America. J. Paleontology60(suppl. to and identifïcations. Miscellanea Mala- onymized or Invalid Until Proven Valid? 3): 1-27. cologica 1(5): 81-99. A Response to Davis (2004)on Species * NUMAKO, C., Y. TSUKIYAMA & K. KOTO, — - Check-Lists. Malacologia 48(1-2): 311 2006. Characterization of Iron Compo- FAMILY UNKNOWN * * BANK, R.A., G. FALKNER, E. GITTENBERG- nents in the Radula ofthe Japanese Chiton STRATHMANN, M.F. & R.R. STRATHMANN, - ER, T.E.J. RIPKEN & T. PROSCHWITZ, 2006. Acanthopleurajaponica.— Venus 65(1- 2006. A Vermetid Gastropod with Com- - Check-Lists and Clecam: A Response to 2): 153-163. plex Intracapsular Cannibalism of Nurse * Davis (2004). — Malacolgia48(1-2): 321- OKOSHI, K. & M. HAMAGUCHI, 2006. - Eggs and Sibling Larvae and a High 327. Two Morphologicaland Genetic Forms of Potential for Invasion. — Paicific Science * SCHELTEMA, A.H. & C. SCHANDER, 2006. - the Japanese Chiton Acanthopleurajapon- 60(1): 97-108. Exoskeletons: Tracing Molluscan Evolu- ica. — Venus 65(1-2): 113-122. * tion. - The ACMAEIDAE —Venus 65(1-2): 19-26. SALVINI-PLAWEN, L. VON, 2006. sig- * WELLS. A.F. LONGBOTTOM & J. * F.E., nificance ofthe Placophora for Molluscan HICKMAN, C.S., 2005. - Seagrass fauna of - LONGBOTTOM, 2005. The marine mol- Phylogeny. — Venus 65(1-2): 1-17. the temperate southem coast ofAustralia and the * M. & S. NISHI- II: luscs of Esperance Bay Recherche SASAKI, M., HAMAGUCHI The Limpets Naccula parva and Aster- - Archipelago,Western Australia. — Proc. HAMA, 2006. Distribution ofAcantho- acmea stowae. — Proc. 12th Int. Mar. 289- 12th Int. Mar. Biol. Workshop, vol 1: pleura spinosa on Miyako an Irabu Islans, Biol. Workshop, vol 1: 221-233. [see new 313. [see new books] Okinawa. — Venus 65(1-2): 165-168. books] * - SCHWABE, E., 2006. On a Small Collec- REGIONAL/REGIO tion ofChitons from Papua New Guinea. ANGARIIDAE * * - CLAVIJO, C., F. SCARABINO, A. ROJAS Y S. — Venus 65(1-2): 97-112. TOMIDA, S., 2005. A fossil of Angaria * - - 2006. Late MARTINEZ, 2005. Systematic list of the SIRENKO, B., New Outlook on the delphinus (Linnaeus, 1758) from — marine and estuarine molluscs from the System of Chitons. Venus 65(1-2): 27- Neogene of central Japan, and lts paleon- Quatemary ofUruguay, [in Spanish with 49. tological signifïcance. — Buil. Mizunami — Englishabstract] Comm. Soc. Malac. Fossil Mus. No. 32: 223-225. Uruguay 9(88): 381-411. * DEY, R.A. & J. SARKAR, 2005. - Molluscan BUCCINIDAE * from Beach S.Y. G.-M. & egg capsules Digha [West CHUNG, E-Y., KIM, PARK, Bengal]. — Ree. Zool. Surv. India 105(1- J.M. YOON, 2006. - Germ Cell Differenti- 2): 1-4, plates. ation and Sexual Maturation ofthe Female * EDGAR, G.J. & C.R. SAMSON, 2006. - Cata- Neptunea (Barbitonia)arthritica cumingii strophic decline in mollusc diversity in (Crosse, 1862). — Malacologia48(1-2): Convergence in chitons. I. Chaetopleura cabover- eastern Tasmania and its concurrencewith 66-76. densis; J. Lepidochitona thomasi; K. Cheatopleura * - shellfish fisheries. — Australian Shell FRAUSSEN, K., 2006. Deep water Nas- sowerbyana; L. Tonicellasquamigera. - Venus News No. 128: 1-6. saria ffom Banda and Arafura Seas. — 65(1-2): 31. *. FISCHER, W., 2005. - Die marine Mollus- Novapex 7(2-3): 31-46. * kenfauna des Amvrakischen Golfes (Epi- KOHN, A.J., K.M. CURRAN & B.J. MATHIS, * rus, Griechenland).— Nachrichtenblatt SIRENKO, B., 2006. - Report on the Present 2005. - Diets ofthe predatory gastropods der Ersten VoralbergerMalac. Gesell- State ofour Knowledge with Regard to the Cominella and Conus at Esperance Bay, — schaft vol. 13: 75-80. Chitons ofthe MagellanStrait and Falk- Western Australia. Proc. 12th Int. Mar. * — Venus 1: SASAKI, T.,T. UBUKATA & K. TANABE, land Islands. 65(1-2): 81-89. Biol. Workshop, vol 235-243. [see new * - 2006. - Marine molluscs from Iriomote TAKADA, Y., 2006. Long-term Fluctua- books] * Island, Okinawa, Japan.— Chiribotan tion in a PopulationofAcanthochitona VERMEIJ, G.J., 2006. - The Cantharus 37(1): 21-39. defilippiion a Boulder Shore in Japan.— Group ofPisaniine Buccinid Gastropods: Venus 65(1-2): 141-151. Review of the Oligocene to Recent Genera * POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) E. & E. 2006. - — Cainozoic Res. 4(1-2): 71-96. YOSHIOKA, FUJITANI, ..... * Two BOYER, F., 2006. - Nouvelle observation de Activity and Horaing Behaviour of Leptochitonafurtiva (Monterosato, 1879) Species ofAcanthopleura ona Subtropical CANCELLARIIDAE * è Djerba (Tunisie méridionale),[also in Shore in Japan. —Venus 65(1-2): 123- SCHNETLER, K.I. & R.E. PETIT, 2006. - English] — Xenophora No. 114: 9-11. 139. Revision of the gastropod family Cancel- * BROOKER, L.R., A.P. LEE, D.J. MACEY. J. lariidae from the Danian (Early Paleocene) - WEBB & W. VAN BRONSWIJK, 2006. In GASTROPODA of Fakse, Denmark. — Cainozoic Res. situ Studies of Biomineral Deposition in GENERAL /ALGEMEEN 4(1-2): 97-108. * - * the Radula Teeth ofChitons of the Subor- MEEUSE, A.D.J., 2006. Albinism in Gas- LANDAU, B, R. PETIT & R. MARQUET, 2006. — der Chitonina. Venus 65(1-2): 71-80. tropoda. — Basteria suppl. 3: 49-50. - The Early Pliocene Gastropoda of * BUCKLAND-NICKS, J., 2006. - Fertilization Estepona, Southern Spain. Part 12: Can- in Chitons: MorphologicalClues to Phy- REGIONAL/REGIONAAL cellarioidea, Cystiscidae. — Palaeontos * - logeny. —Venus 65(l-2):51-70. FABER, M.J., 2005. The Caribbean marine No. 9:61-101. * * R. D' & J. POJETA 2006. - described MOGOLLÓN HOARE, JR., gastropods by Otto Andreas AVILA, V.& G.V. MONTALVAN 100 SPIRULA - nr. 351 (2006) - * NARANJOS, 2006. First Peruvian records 1'inflation galopante.— Xenophora No. OWEN, B., 2006. - The re-discovery of oftwo of Cancellaridae. — The 114:28. Haliotis 1826. The real species squamosa Gray, * Festivus 38(4): 41-43. DUBOC, J.-P. & S. PINEAU, 2006. - Porce- story. - Of Sea and Shore 27(3): 164-169. * * VERHECKEN, A. & L. BOZZETTI, 2006. - laines de Ste. Hélène. — Xenophora No. OWEN, B., 2006. — Aphoto study and 115: New data on East-African Mericella 16-17. brief review ofthe tropical American * - species, — Gloria Maris 45(1-2): GOUTAL, F., 2006. Cypraeidaeet Conidae Haliotis, and proposed reclassifïcation of 14-25. du Nord de Santo Antao (Archipel du Cap Haliotis aurantium Simone, 1998. — Of — Vert). Xenophora No. 114: 12-16. Sea and Shore 27(3): 178-184, 190. * * CAVOLINIIDAE HEIMAN, E.L., 2006. - Diagnostic shell OWEN, B., 2006. - The correct identity of * See under Cuvierinidae (2). characters ofErosaria acicularis and the type lot ofHaliotis speciosa Reeve, — 3: 39- Erosaria spurca. Basteria suppl. 1846, and proposed appropriate nomen- CERITHIIDAE 43. clatural changes to reflect this discovery. * * AARTSEN, JJ. VAN, 2006 - Indo-Pacific HEIMAN, E.L., 2006. - Intraspecific varia- — Of Sea and Shore 27(3): 204-214. migrants into the Mediterranean. 4. tion in living cowries part 1: Nomenclatur- — Cerithidium diplex (Watson, 1886) and al results. Triton No. 13: 17-22. HAMINOEIDAE * * Cerilhidium 2006. - More about J.J. & J. 2006. - perparvulum (Watson, 1886). HEIMAN, E.L., cowry AARTSEN, VAN GOUD, — Basteria 70(1-3): 33-39. forms and form names. — Triton No. 13: Indo-Pacific migrants into the Mediter- 23-26. 3. 1872. — ranean. Atys angustatus Smith, * - CERITHIOPSIDAE HEIMAN, E.L., 2006. The Jean Saul cowry Basteria 70(1-3): 29-31. * ROLAN, E. & J.PELORCE, 2006. - The collection. — Triton No. 13: 27-29. * 2006. - Seila in Africa. — Basteria Zadela LITTORINIDAE genus West MERLIN, J-C., oupas ! (lère * suppl. 3: 73-79. partie). [also in English] — Xenophora GRAHEME, J.W., C.S. WILDINO & R.K. No. 114: 19-24 BUTLIN, 2006. - Adaptationto a steep * COLUBRARIIDAE MERLIN, J-C., 2006. - Zadela ou pas ! environmental gradiënt and an associated * MIENIS, H.K., 2006. - The vampire snails (2ième partie). [also in English] — barder to gene exchange in Littorina sax- (Colubraria) occurring in the Red Sea. — XenophoraNo. 115: 20-22. atilis. — Evolution 60(2): 268-278. * Triton No. 13: 11-14. TORREY, C., I. HUMPHERYES& G. DUSSART, EULIMIDAE 2006. - Littorina littorea (Linnaeus, 1758) * CONIDAE 2006. - of host of considered indicator of HALES, L., Discovery a as an recovery * DELSAERDT, A., 2006. - Conidae in the the eulimid Apicalia brazieri (Angas, from sewage pollution. — Basteria suppl. Maldives. Report on species collected 1877). — Australian Shell News No. 129: 3: 61-68. during the Int. Sc. Maldives Exp. 2003. — 1. 46-59. * Gloria Maris 45(1-2): KUBO, H., 2006. - Four eulimid snails from LOTTIIDAE * * See also under Buccinidae and Cypraeidae. Okinawa. [in Japanese with English See under Muricidae (Wells) and Patelli- abstract] — Chiribotan 37(1): 1-6. dae. CORALLIOPHILIDAE * - TAN, K.-S., 2005. Notes on the endemic FASCIOLARIIDAE MARGINELLIDAE * * southern Australian corallivorous - of R. LA PERNA & R. gas- SINGER, B.S., 2006. Shells east Sinai, LANDAU, B., MARQUET, mira. — — Triton 2006. - The Pliocene of tropodod Coralliophila Proc. an illustrated list: Fasciolariidae. Early Gastropoda 12th Int. Mar. Biol. Workshop, vol 1: No. 13: 15-16. Estepona, Southern Spain. Part 10: Margi- — No. 9: 246-260. [see new books] nellidae,Cystiscidae. Palaeontos FISSURELLIDAE 22-60.
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