A Publication of the American Association for Hand Surgery Spring 2004 ANNUAL MEETING 2004 IN REVIEW Report of the Program Chair Vargas Award for 2004. Based on Scientific for the AAHS 34th Annual the groundwork laid at our Palm Program Chair Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Springs meeting, Lynn Bassini Warren January 14-17, 2004 MA, OTR, CHT and Dr. Miguel Schubert MD Pirela-Cruz are presently orga- (left) receives nizing this year’s Vargas trip to well-deserved he Annual Meeting of Guatemala. The program will recognition from the American Association include a two-day Central out-going president for Hand Surgery American hand conference at Allen Van Beek MD. (AAHS) was held at the Hotel Santo Domingo in T beautiful Westin Mission Antigua, Guatemala, August 5-6, Hills in Palm Springs, California. and a surgical/therapy team We had perfect weather, a great operating August 9-13 in program, great camaraderie, and Guatemala City. wonderful opportunities with Concurrent Panels included our families and friends for fun the Management of Radial and relaxation. The program had Nerve Palsy, Thumb 233 registrants, with 70 scientific Carpometacarpal Joint Disease, paper presentations, 8 poster Computers in Your Practice, presentations, and 20 instruc- Failed Nerve Repair, Nerve tional courses. In addition, for Decompression, and a stimulat- the first time we offered 12 excel- ing debate on Clinical lent computerized instructional Challenges for the Past courses. Our 46 exhibitors repre- Presidents of the AASH. sented the largest number we Dr. Susan Mackinnon have had at any meeting. addressed the landmark Hand Therapy Specialty Day advances of her career in her Nash Naam, MD (left) receives the 2004 was coordinated by Paul Brach presentation “Merging Science Clinician/Teacher of the Year award from MS, PT, CHT. It was an out- and Multidisciplinary Expertise: Richard Berger MD and Allen Van Beek MD. standing day with an excellent Nerve Allograft to Nerve overview of key challenges fac- Transfer.” Dr. Elvin Zook gave a ing therapists and hand sur- stimulating and thought-provok- geons. Dr. Sue Michlovitz and ing presentation entitled Paul Brach reviewed their expe- “Generation-X. Out of Hand?” riences in Chinle, Arizona, on Our combined AAHS, the Navajo reservation this last American Society for Peripheral year as part of the Vargas Nerve (ASPN), and American International Hand Therapist Society for Reconstructive Teaching Award. It was a very Microsurgery (ASRM) day on moving presentation that out- Saturday, January 17, included lined the expanded role that the Presidents’ invited lecturer, therapists play in the Indian Dr. John McDonald, who has Health Service. Sharon Dest PT, pioneered many advances in the CHT and Paula Galaviz OT, management of spine-injured AAHS luminaries at the gala reception. CHT were recipients of the continued on page 6 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK fectly acceptable to the former top “You DO?” said Gary, clearly flab- “I Have All specialists no longer was. Their bergasted. “I didn’t know you were income had not gone down; it doing so well!” The conversation The Money bought the same amount as it had quickly turned to other topics. the year before. But it was no Of course, Steven was not any longer the biggest pay, so somehow better off financially than Gary. In I Need” that meant in the eyes of those spe- fact, it is quite probable that cialists that the value of their spe- Steven’s income was considerably ow much money is cialty, and therefore themselves, smaller than Gary’s. But, unlike enough? To gauge from had dropped. Gary, Steven knew what he needed, television and popular Of course, while most people and knew that he had it, and that magazines, no amount is gauge their own worth by looking was enough for him. Mostly, what H really enough. People want around them, and seeing what oth- Steven needed was a muskie on his to be as rich as “the Donald” so ers have, some are guided by an fishing line, good friends, good badly that they will do or say inner compass. Which brings me health, and a loving family. He had almost anything, in living (finally!) to the title of this article. a warm, comfortable home. He did- color and in prime time, just A few years ago, I was at a dinner n’t need a mansion, or a second to have a chance to be his party with friends. I was not the place in Vail, or New York, or apprentice. I remember an host, so some of the guests were London. He had a perfectly service- article once, in New York mag- able minivan, and felt no need to azine (Thy Neighbor’s Budget, trade up, or to own multiple vehi- by David Kirkpatrick, New WHILE MOST PEOPLE cles when he could only drive one York, 8/7/2000), which dis- at a time anyway. Steven spent his cussed the personal finances GAUGE THEIR OWN WORTH BY time mostly with his family, or fish- PETER C. AMADIO MD of people whose incomes ing, while Gary seemed to be ranged from $25,000 per year up to LOOKING AROUND THEM, AND spending all his time looking for a $10,000,000 per year. A common competitive edge. thread ran through all the inter- SEEING WHAT OTHERS HAVE, I was reminded of all this recent- views: ‘I can get by OK on what I’m ly when Steven told me that his making, but if I only had a little SOME ARE GUIDED BY AN friend Gary had passed away. I did- more, THEN I would be living on INNER COMPASS. n’t ask, but I wondered whether Easy Street!’ Of course, the $25,000 Gary had still been looking for earner thought that her life would another score, and whether he was be complete if only she could afford any more content with himself than a few meals in restaurants, while new to me. One of them, I’ll call he had been at that dinner party. I the $10,000,000 man longed for his him Gary, was a real go-getter. He don’t know the answer to that, but I own private jet, but at every level in had at least a half dozen business do know this: my friend Steven between it was the same: I am OK, ventures in process. He was always was, and is, on to something. but.... looking for new opportunities to Contentment and money have little The article goes on to quote an turn a profit. He spent much of the in common. The French call it being economist, whose research has evening talking about his business- comfortable in your own skin. If shown that it is not absolute es, how much he made, and the you are, what more do you really income, but relative income, that opportunities there were for the need? If you’re not, it’s unlikely matters most, when people are other dinner guests to invest with that any amount of money will ever asked if they are satisfied with their him, and share the wealth. As he buy you a skin that feels right. I’m Hand Surgery income. At one medical institution went around the table with his glad Steven’s my friend. You might Quarterly with which I am familiar, everyone pitch, he got to a person I’ll call say I’m comfortable with that. H ..... draws a salary, which is specialty Steven. “C’mon Steven”, he said. Spring specific. There had been a pecking “Everyone can use a little more 2004 order to the specialties that was sta- money!” The URL for the NY article is ble for years. Recently, a new spe- I still remember what happened http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/ cialty moved from the middle of next as clearly as if it had been yes- bizfinance/finance/features/3620/index.html. the pack to the top. Suddenly, the terday. “Nope”, Steven said. “Not 2 compensation that had been per- me. I have all the money I need.” FROM THE PRESIDENT from all of our previous leaders and reaching these mission goals and it Challenge in continue to do so. In particular, I is our charge to continue these would like to acknowledge the per- efforts. Having just completed an 2004: Core spectives that close proximity and ACGME accreditation renewal site friendship can bring, my partners at visit, I have become acutely aware the Mayo Clinic, Past Presidents of the concept of “core competen- Competencies Drs. Robert Beckenbaugh and Peter cies” as they relate to Hand Surgery Amadio. Our previous leadership Fellowship training. I believe we for AAHS has been exemplary, and the men- can apply the “core competency” torship offered by those individuals concept to organizations, as well, has been invaluable, and still is to and derive those competencies from ince my introduction to the this day. In particular, the close the principles defining the Mission American Association for partnership I have developed with Statement. Hand Surgery, I have devel- our immediate Past President, Dr. The first group of competencies oped a deep respect for its Allen Van Beek, will always be with could be under the heading of Smission and its unique and me. Dr. Van Beek did an outstand- “Service to our Members” and positive traditions. This organiza- ing job as President and adhered to would include Education, tion is composed of good, good the Mission Statement while intro- Communication and Fiscal people from a variety of training ducing numerous innovative initia- Responsibility. Our education- backgrounds. The very constitution tives. The annual meeting in Palm al commitments are strong, of this organization celebrates those Springs that Dr.
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