- I. THE NOELIST MOTIVE Sales Exceed Quota THE PUBLIC GOOD By $3,356; Veterans, Spears End Campaign Organizations Yesterday Sold Total of $6889.90 Already over the quota set for the campus Fifth War Loan VOL. XXXII SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944 Number 155 campaign by $3,356.85, bond and stamp salesmen on Washington Square will continue their work as scheduled today and tomorrow to SENIOR WEEK BEGINS see how far the quota may be exceeded. Total sales so far amount INVASION DAY to $28,356.85. army is going to invade Howfard Riddle, genera-I chairman of the campaign now in tis AT 'SILVER BALVIAST, The Washington Square tomorrow. fifth day made the above statement, at the same time stating that Howard Riddle, general chair- students have real reasons to feel proud, for the success of this clrivik DANCE OF QUARTER man of the campus Fifth War gives the college a perfect record in all campaigns. Loan campaign, has announced Introducing Senior Week in impressive style, fourth-year students that Friday, the last day of the Sales yesterday, when Allenian, Beta Gamma Chi, and Kappa will attend the last dance of their college days Saturday night when drive, has been dubbed Invasion BENTEL TO TAKE Phi they deck out in their formal best for the "Silver Ball". day because of the prospective in- took charge of the campaign. " Sit* of the annual affair this year is the main dining room of vasion of the campus by two ar- EDITOR POSITION amounted to $6889.90. Members of complete equip- the organizations, who wore tri- Hotel Sainte Claire. Dancing will be from 9 to I o'clock to music mored cars with Dwight Bente', head of the a full quota of service- colored emblems with a war stamp ment and Journalism department who has of Frank Beasley's "Spardi Gras" Band. to man them. during the day, sold stamps and men been on leave the past two years, Sweet and swing music to suit -day bond bonds at the booth by the Library. To climax the six has -just accepted a position with everyone's taste is promised those Co-chairmen for the day were drive, Spartan Spears and Veter- Editor and Publisher. attending the dance. ans will stage a complete war Barbara Lee Rico, Pat Cook, and AVALONS Mr. Bentel has been at Colum- BIDS show with demonstrations of many Shirley Forbes. bia University in New York, work- Bids for the ball are still on sale weapons used on the fighting In charge of sales today are ing on his doctor's degree. For the In the Business office and may also BEAT_DAILY fronts. Phi Kappa Pi and Theta Mn-Big- next month he will be editor be purchased Saturday night at of the ma. Winkle Duncan and Jeri.* including Chicago bureau of Editor and the door. Price is $2,60 TEAM, 9-6 Evans are the co-chaIrmen in Publisher, then we taxes. Bids are on sale to all will return to charge of the activities. students. By ED MARION LIST OF WAYS New York to cover New York The drive will come to a close Servicemen and other off-campus Bunching 7 hits and 10 walks, newspapers. His wife and son, tomorrow when Spartan Spears guests are welcome to attend the the Avalons yesterday pulled an TO GET GRADES David, are with him. and Veterans take over. Besides dance, reports Chairman Gerry undermanned Spartan Daily squad Editor and Publisher is the of- Students may obtain their the regular sales the two groups Reynolds, but one member of each into a tie for cellar position. ficial publication of the news- grades in any of the following will sponsor a war show, complete couple Must be an ASB member. Despite a triple and a homer in paper profession, having a national three ways: . with real equipment ..iii demoile _ PATRONS the sixth, the Dauntless Deny circulation. It is a weekly. (1) det an envelOpe from the strations of the use of various Patrons for the affair are Dr. couldn't punch out the hits to over- table in front of the Business _of- weapons, Co-chairmen are- Madge * andMrs. T. W. MacQuarrie, Dr. come a 7 run lead, mid went down fice, room 34, address it, and -en- Jennings and Angebliova. Bill and Mrs. iC. DeVoss, Dr. and Mrs. to a 9-6 defeat. close five centh. Deposit the self- Demonstration Shapiro is making arrangrammits J. C. Elder, Dean and Mrs. Paul Playing with a four-man-five- addressed envelope in the box on for the show. Pitman, Dr. and Mrs. Robert woman team until the sixth, when the table by Thursday, June 22. Rhodes, Dean Helen Dimmick, Dr. This Summer Laurence drafted three Seabees (2) Bring a self-addressed en- School Gertrude Witherspoon, Miss Eunice for active duty, the Longhairs ral- velope and deposit it in the box Eighth consecutive session of Speer, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc- USO Pins Given To lied to the tune of five runs near on the table outside the Business the popular Demonstration school Callum, Mr, nad Mrs. Mel Wright, the end of the game, but to no office, room 34, by June 22. will be conducted this summer Dr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mr. avail. (3) Call for your grades at the from July to August II for chil- 26 Girls At Sunday and Mrs. Donald Sevrens, and Dr. Del Whitfield drove out three Registrar's office, Thursday, June dren from kindergarten through and Mrs. William Sweeney. hits in four trtps to the plate to 29th or thereafter. seventh grade inclusive, announces DECORATIONS Evening Open House become, the leading Avalon slug- Grades will be withheld for stu- Miss Emily DeVore, directer. Silver stars and a wealth of ger, while at the Name time baf- dents who owe fees or library Purpose of the school is to pro- Twenty-six girls won USO phis spring flowers will dress up the fling Daily batsmen with his slow fines, or who have not checked vide an enriching program for last Sunday night at the weekly dinning room into an appropriate ball, floater, and change of pace. In college equipment. children of average and superior Open House, for continued service setting for the formal affair. Leola Right behind him was catcher ability. It serves as a "demonstra- vkith the USO committee since Conklin, chairman in charge of Stevens, with two hits in two of- tion" center for teachers, pros- last November. flower arrangement, asks all stu- ficial times at bat. Message To pective teachers, and parents who Beverly Bigger, chairman of dents and faculty members who On the Daily side of the ledger, attend summer school at San Jose USO girls, outlined requirements have flowers which might be used Carl Data tied into one or Whit - Art Majors State- College." for pin holders, which includes 90 for decorations to contact her im- field's pitches for a four-bagger Principal of the school is Mrs. hours of service within the past mediately. All special secondary art majors with a man on base. Seabees Frank elementary su- 6 months who want to do their student Frances Lanyon, in addition to committee Stoddard, Dominic Valenzanio, and schools. teaching in the autumn quarter, pervisor for San Jose work and cooperation in running Enrollments In Russ Robinson each came through at Seventh dances. should contact Dr. Nlarques E. Horace Mann school the with a hit to boost the number In the Phillip Reitzel at once. (Continued on Page 2) absence of Mr. Drafting Course garnered by the Dailyites to 6, ilammei, chairman of the USO while printer Jack Anderson's council; Mr. Josef Shargin pre- Still Accepted late-inning triple drove across two sented the pins. runs. Senior Scram Begins 5:30 p.m. There is still time to enroll in CERTIFICATE Pitcher Ed Loudon broke his the tuition-free course - in engin- Those who had chalked up 60 previous record with 111 strikeout* eering drafting to be taught from Sunday- At Student Union hours of work in addition to the game to take tempor- June 26 to September I by Dr. in a single Final plans for the Senior scram be served there. Each senior at- -Service for pins were ary possession the "K-man" H. A. Sotzin. were told to the fourth year stu- tending is asked to bring his own presented With a certificate of title. Although Whitfield struck The course, given under the dents in senior orientation Tues- sheet and pillow slip. "Wear com- award for nigitorious service from out only two, fine fielding sup- sponsorship of the U. S. Office of day. They will meet in front of fortable clothes as we will be the National USO. port kept the Daily batters off Education, is to prepare persons the Student Union at 5:30 Sunday roughing it and doing plenty of As bean,. Helen Dinunick, co- the bases. for industry and construction ser- afternoon to start on the scram hiking," warns Miss Jones. chairman of the dance committee, Friday's contest will sec a vice in blue print reading, making to Mt. Hermon. Monday morning the seniors read the names, Mr. Shargin gave pitching battle between Loudon of blue prints, and other methods will leave for Forest Pool where the girls nib. awards. and Rex Muddy of Theta Mu on they will engage in swimming, of reproducing drawing. Seniors who have agreed to USO girls receiving pins are: one diamond, with the outcome not dancing, hiking, and riding. Anyone who is a high school take cars to the Scram should Patricia Beard, Marie Carman, much in doubt, while the Avalons Seniors will attend the Bacca- graduate and likes mechanical or pick up cards in their Co-op Wanda Carnahan, Jeanne Clark, meet the Sluggers on the other laureate.,services before going on technical things is eligilainfer the boxes listing the student who Roberta Corcoran, Doris Hayward, the scram.
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