A ME RICAN SQUARE DANCE - 46 -T- le . QUALITY SOUND SYSTEMS FROM CALIFONE LOW COST, VARIABLE SPEED PHONOGRAPH/P.A. SYSTEMS WITH NEW "CALLER ENDORSED" MICROPHONE VOLUME CONTROL 1875K —DELUXE HIGH-POWERED SYSTEM 200 Watts peak power solid-state amplifier with separate amp/phono on-off switches, two mike inputs with individual volume controls and combined mike tone control, separate controls for phone/aux-in volume, bass and treble, output jack for two 8-ohm speakers, and many other outstanding features, PLUS pair of matching 12-inch round heavy duty speakers which form separate case. (Priced under $400.00) 1875K-S/U — Same outstanding features as 1875K but without speakers. (Priced under $300.00) 1845K — HIGH POWERED SYSTEM — 125 Watts peak power solid-state ampli- fier/turntable with separate on-off switches for amp/turntable, one mike input with mike volume control, phono/aux-in volume control with sep- arate controls for bass & treble, output jacks for two 8-ohm speakers, and many other outstanding features. Includes one detachable 12" round heavy-duty speaker which forms lid of unit. (Priced under $275.00) 1845K-S/U — Same outstanding features as 1845K but without speaker in lid. (Priced under $260.00 ) 1845K-12 — Same as 1845K-S/U but with pair of matched 12" round speakers which form separate case. (Priced under $350.00) AVAILABLE FROM THESE FRIENDLY DEALERS DOROTHY'S SQUARE DANCE SHOP SOUTHERN DANCEWEAR THE ALLEMANDE SHOP 35021/2 Strong Avenue P.O. Box 5233 1111 Pine Kansas City, KS 66106 1561 Haslett Road Harrison, Arkansas 71601 Haslett, Michigan 48840 (913) 262.4240 (501) 535-0565 (517) 339-2530 CONTINENTAL/MIDWEST CO. CIRCLE "C" ENTERPRISES 4604 West Burleigh St. RILEY'S RANCH CORRALS 262 Worcester St. South Center Shopping Center Milwaukee, Wisc. 53210 North Grafton, Mass. 01536 (414) 445-1350 Seattle, WASH 1206) 236-6220 (617) 839-2038 Totem Lake Shopping Center DON RISING Kirkland, WASH 1206) 822-5700 RAYBUCK'S RECORD SERVICE Star Route Northgate Mall #750 Route 1, Box 226 Cascade, Idaho 83611 Seattle, WASH (206) 365.2911 Advance, North Carolina 27006 (208) 382.4561 1919) 9984216 Califone FREE LITERATURE UPON REQUEST WRITE TO: Department SD-15 Califone International, Inc. 5922 Bowcroft Street Los Angeles, Ca 90016 • VOLUME 31, No. 7 A ME RICAN JULY 1977 SOURRE DANCE 4g THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES 4g Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick • Workshop Editors 4 Co-Editorial 6 Grand Zip Willard Orlich 7 By-Line Bob Howell 11 Is the Square Dance an Art Form? Ed Fraidenburg • 15 Let's Keep Dancing • 17 Square Dancing Is For Everyone Record Reviewers • 19 Georgians Do-Si-Do 21 Keep Your Kaller Kool Don Hanhurst 23 Encore Frank & Phyl Lehnert 24 Square Dancing In Germany • 27 It Really Happened Feature Writers • 29 Callerlab Confab Harold & Lill Bausch 31 Selecting A Clogging Team • 33 LEGACY Jim Kassel 35 Feedback Mary Jenkins 37 Rhyme Time tU 39 A Grand Square Dancer Or Two Editorial Assistants 41 Straight Talk Mona Bird 42 Love Me, Love Square Dancing 47 Sequel to the Sequel Mary Fabik 48 Dancing Tips Jo Homyak t 49 Calling Tips Mef Merrell 50 Keep 'Em Dancing 52 Easy Level Page • National Advisory Board 53 The Day Little Minnie Saved 56 Challenge Chatter Edna & Gene Arnfield 59 Workshop Bob Augustin 64 My Mother Doesn't Dance! Al "Tex" Brownlee t 66 People 68 Sketchpad Commentary Orphie Easson 69 Puzzle Page Phyl & Frank Lehnert 77 Dandy Idea Singin' Sam Mitchell 78 R/D Record Reviews 79 S/D Record Reviews Ken Oppenlander 84 Events Vaughn Parrish 88 Best Club Trick Dave Taylor 89 Steal A Peek 90 S/D Pulse Poll Bob Wickers 91 R/D Pulse Poll AMERICAN SOUAREDANCE magazine is pub- 93 Product Line lished by Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- 96 Rave tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline first of 100 Hemline month preceding date of issue. Subscription: $6.00 105 Book Nook per year. Single copies: 60 cents each. Mailing ad- dress: Box 788, Sandusky OH 44870. Copyright 107 Finish Line 1977 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 108 Laugh Line 3 In Kurt Vonnegut's book Slapstick, he fantasizes a hero who becomes president of the United States, after campaigning on the slogan, "Lonesome No More." His first official act is to issue new middle names to the populace. All who share the same middle name become members of an mixed squares instead and allow the "extended family," who can be called singles couples full participation. To on in times of need or when lonely. Each continue our analogy, singles, widows family eventualy has a newspaper to and widowers are part of our "family"; keep them up-to-date on members' so are teen dancers. activities. Another facet of this analogy: just as We'd been looking for an editorial family members discuss, plan, work to idea for a week, so, in reading solve problems, as well as play, so must Slapstick, it was easy to jump to a the family of square dancers. Each time parallel with square dancing. While we attend another Mini-LEGACY or none of us have yet adapted our names callers' clinic, we realize the benefits of to read John or Jane Square Dancing talking things over, face to face. Sticky Doe, we are part of a huge "family" of problems arise in square dancing, just as dancers. In our "family newspapers," in other walks of life; some seem we read about benefit dances, blood unsolvable. And this sometimes makes banks, helping hands on the road, teen us shy away from attending a confronta- advisors, volunteer help in nursing and tion at a meeting or clinic. However, it's rest homes — all the kinds of things strange but true that when the situation family members might do for one is brought into the open and discussed another. positively, the crisis shrinks in size and In our "family," too, are a growing is often averted. Of course, the key number of single square dancers. These word is "positively." That's why some folks are sometimes still lonely in the members of the "square dance family," midst of merrymakers. A report, during a recent Mini-LEGACY, stated that the LEGACY trustees, are working on same-sex couples are becoming an formats for Mini-LEGACY conferences accepted fact-of-life in some retirement and providing leadership for them. areas. The Mini-LEGACY group dis- As long as we can communicate, we cussed this for a while; the consensus can be one square dance family — with was that this is a good sign, and if members of all ages all around the callers find it difficult, they must watch world. 4 O. DON'T FORGET AAC1 /AA1 & Starting September first, subscriptions will be $7.00 per year. But you can get in "under the fence" by renewing now (no matter when your subscription expires) at the lower rate. Send $6. for one year renewal, or $10 for two, and we'll do the rest. Look at the value you're getting American Squaredance magazine has definitely improved in quality. 32 pages nine years ago. 108 pages each month today. Dozens of features bring you the best square dance information you could desire. PO Box 788 AMERICAN SCJURRE DRNCE Sandusky, Ohio 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed. 0 One Year at S6 0 Two Years at $10 Canad.an and Foreign add 504 per year postage. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5 We were able to persuade Wes Huxtable, a caller from Wellington in Somerset, to make the long journey 64,14,1 Zip every Saturday night. The outcome was that after six months of student classes we were able to graduate four squares in March and form a new club. We dance only 100 yards away from Woolacombe's famous surfing beach and miles of beautiful sands and cliffs set in Old England. We couldn't call our club any other than "Devon's Ocean Waves." Our main purpose in writing is really to give an invitation through American Squaredance to our square dancing Thanks for printing my article friends in the U.S.A. who may be "Straight Talk" (May 1977). It makes planning a holiday trip to England. no difference to me if you omitted my Please come and visit this beautiful part name as anyone could have done Just as of England either in a party or in well. The important thing was that it couples and have a dance with the was written and hopefully read. newest club in the country. We would I'm looking forward to the continued be delighted to see you at any time. Let saga, The Pyramid Story. But look at us know when by letter or telephone on the pyramid closely. Notice the point or arrival in the U.K. the peak. There are two ways to get off Alma & Leon Oldham this point, if you're at the top. One way Woolacombe, North Devon, England Is to do it just as slowly as you went up, Tel. Woolacombe 423 enjoying yourself all the way down. The Enclosed is my subscription for two second way is to jump off, and get to the years. The whole family enjoys the bottom (the area below the pyramid, magazine where there is no square dancing) much Vern & Karen Seifert faster. Muscoda, Wisconsin The second way I suspect usually incurs the death (of a square dancer). Please renew my subscription for Skip Uhlig another two years. I have enjoyed it very much the past two years and find it Thank you for listing our South most informative.
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