; \ ATcrate Dafly Net Prea Ron . W w e For tlM Weak Sutod Fw— *ta< P.m Fabnuty 1 ,19M Olew, adld toaigM, wilXH 13,889. Low It to U. ’nitoiey>; MamW of tha Audit nfldor. HiiitI to M i. r w. \ Buraau of CiroidatUm M anehetier^A City o f ViOago'Charm 1 (OtoaaMad Advagrtfdiic aa Pago IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 105 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1964 __________________ ,.L----------- Events In State Quarter of N.Y. Pupils Coins Loot Found In Depot Locker IIn Boycott—‘A Fizzle’ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — De­ tectives looked in a locker in the Bridgeport railroad station | last night and found a coin col­ 50 Per Cent lection valued at $80,000. I It was part of the loot taken Participation from the home of Arthur Aln- binder of Wantagh, N.Y. last 1 ■ ',' ~ ;r .- •'■» - V t ,■ Monday night, police said. .Also ' Was Expected taken was Jewelry valued at $20,000 and $4,700 in cash. Six men have been arrested NEW YORK (AP)—An in connection with the robbery. estimated quarter of New Some of the jewelry and $2,- York City’s million pupils 360 of the money have been recovered but the rest of the boycotted the nation’s larg­ loot is still unaccounted for, est public school system to­ police said. day demanding total racial Patrick Chemero, 44, and integration. Thomas Hill, 18, both of Monroe, The participation in the one- a town north of Bridgeport, were day demonstration was about arrested Saturday night. Chem­ half that anticipated by boycott ero is the father of two youths leaders. The chairman of tha already accused in the robbery, board of Education, James B. Chernero and Hill were charg­ Donovan, called it “ mostly a ed with receiving stolen goods. fizzle.” Police said Hill brought some Children remained away from of the loot to the Chemero home. classes because of “a regular Che’-.-iero's son, Michael, 18 , campaign of intimidation," and Michael Orfino, 23, of Donovan asserted. Bridgeport were arraigned last Donovan did not report the week on charges of being fugi­ amount of absenteeism among tives from Justice. Young Chem­ the million-pupil school system. ero was turned over to police tai A boycott spcdcesman, how­ New York. Orfino refused to ever, estimated participation at waive the extradition proceed­ 262,000 children, about half ings. what the movement leaders had Another son of Chemero, Pat­ anUcipated. rick, 20, was arrested in Mine- There are about 440,000 Negro ola, N.Y. last Tuesday with and Puerto Rican children in Frank Rickhey, 21, of Bridge­ the. public schools. port. They were charged with Pickets march m fronf of Seward Park High School on New York’s lower Efforts to keep the children Marina Oswald, voluntajry witness in JFK assassination. (AP Photofax,) first degree robbery. East Side today in boycott of city’s public school system. (AP Photofax.) away from schools were like The coin collecUon was re­ offering them candy and ice covered when two Nassau cream, Donovan said. May Versus Pinney County, N.Y. detectives, Sgt. The Citywide Committee set Mrs. Oswald John Farley and Lincoln Wan- up "fre^om schools" la gerlen, received anonymous Security Boss T churches throughout the city to phone calls that the collection Viet Cong Raids keep the pupils off the streets. Quizzed hy was in the locker and the lock­ 1 SIKCS Lill6 in Dick Grego^, the Negro co- State GOP Faces er key was hidden in the men's median, flew here from Atlanta, room of the railroad station. Ga., aid told one of die classes Warren Unit The detectives had been stay­ American Billet German Jail his experiences in the racial ing in Bridgeport in the investi­ movement in the South. gation of the Long Island rob­ A spot check indicated poor WASHINGTON (AP) — The Extended Warfare bery. DORTMUND. Germany (AP) SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—Two Communist attendance at the one-day Warren Commission, invesUgat- — Ewald Peters, Chancellor schools. tog the assassination of Presi­ GOP Hit$ Conkling guerrillas were killed and one U.S. officer wounded to­ Ludwig Erhard's chief security Even at the public schools HAMDEN (A P )— ^The prospefet of extended intra- day in the first Viet Cong raid on an American military officer, hanged himself during dent John F. Kennedy, began HARTFORD (AP) — SUte with almost empty classrooms party warfare faced Conpccticut Republicans today af­ compound since 1959. ^ the night in the Jail where he there was some attendance by today its secret Interrogation of Finance CJoBunlsstaisr Oeerg* was being hold on suspicion of Marma Oswald, SS, widow of ter Edwin H. May’s waakend barrage against the lead­ C. ConkHng is g “ shadow g to- |toj. Gen. Charles J. Timmos, guerrillas cut their way through Negro and Puerto Rican chil­ commander of the U.S. Military a barbed wire fence around the war crimes, the state prosecu^ dren. the accused KIsyer. ership of GOP State Chairman A. Searle Pinney. emor," says Connecticut Re- or's office announced today. Brought to Washington on publican Chairman A. Searle Advlsiory Assistance Command compound. "W e Just wanted to come to Pinney, who refused to oom-^ in Viet Nam, flew to the moun- While one guerrilla stood The prosecutor's^ office^ ^said school," said two Negro boys Sunday, Mrs. Oswald was es­ ment on May's insistence that corted by Secret Service agents recently changed party rulM,, ***^^gy weekend tata city of '^nhim, ^ miles guard at the fence, three others; uwd a bed etoeet to a among the 570 pupils attending he must has already said will be elected by town.commit­ this morning ta the headquar­ statement that Oonklihg hU northeast of Saigon, to present ?an toward a building housing I >’0Pe and tied it to the window Haaren High School, a boy's he would stok re-election in tees in ringle town ematorial ters of the ^sidential commis­ tried to do things o f “qutotion-. the Army Commendation Medal field grade officers, who range high on die West Side of Man­ Juhe. districts and, by town chairmen Peters had made the security sion to undergo dt least one ddy able legality” Ihat have “ob­ to the soldier who killed the in rank from major through hattan. Its enrollment of 1,800 .-. May said he. would deflnltoly and 'Vice chairmen In rnulU-town guerrUlas, Spec. 4 Gale D. Flinn colonel. arrangements for Erhard's trip is almost equally divided of questioning on' the fitOve- not s e ^ the chairmanship. viously been in opjKMriition to to visit President Johnson in ments 'and activities of Lee districts. of Fowler, Kan. Flinn opened fire with his rifle smong white, Negro w d Puerto There were strong indications he the best interests o f the State Texas last December as well as Rican. Harvey Oswald, the professed As a result, there is a possi­ of Connecticut." The award is the highest that but the Intruders made it into will support Howard Hausmah bility of primary fights between Timmes is authorized to give the building and each tossed for his recent visits to London But the City's 860 schools re­ Marxist who was dlaln two days Gov. John N. Dempsey "has and Rome. He was arrested in after Kennedy was shot Nov.' 22 o f New Britain, Republican leg­ the two forces in some towns in without reference to a hi^er one grenade. mained open in the face of the islative commissioner. permitted the commissioner to Bonn last Friday after he re­ in Dallas, Tex. an effort to gain control of the pursue this course without in­ command. One grenade went off in the demonstration—even those insti­ The Job of choosing a chair­ town committee. The grenade attack was made room of a U.S. officer, wounding turned from Rome with the tutions with high absenteeism Slender, unsmiling, dressed in terference,” Pinney charged in chancellor. black, Mrs. Oswald stared at man belongs to the State Cen­ May, former Republican the latest GOP attack on Conk­ at 4 :80 a.m. on the headquarters him and setting the building and some teachers marching in tral Committee, which votes at chairman and an unsuccessful of a detachment of 130 U.S. of­ afire. He was being held in the Bonn the ciidl rights picket lines. reporters and cameramen as ling. Jail on suspicion of taking part she was brought into the com- the close of the Republican con­ aspirant for the party's guber­ ficers and men in Kontiim. It As the terrorists ran for the Shortly after class bells rang, Pinney did not say what in mass killing of J ^ s in the vention June 12-13. natorial nomination in 1962, things were of "questionable was the most daring Viet Cong fence, Flinn opened fire again. authorities reported about 2,700 Committee members, under opened his assault on Pinney at exploit against an American unit They shot back but missed and Soviet Union during World War pickets outside 300 schools. Thia (See Page Seven) in . a news conference Saturday. (See Page Seven) since terrorists in 1059 invaded Flinn killed two of them. The a movie performance at an other two guerrillas c3caped in, Peters was one of two lead­ (8«e Page Sevea) “A majority of Republicans ing members of Erhard's gov­ lack confidence in the leader­ American billet and killed a the darkness. U.S. major and a sergeant with The wounded officer, whose ernment accused of war crimes. ship of our present state Re­ The government is investigating publican chairman,” May said.
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