MONDAY^ A n t 10, lOBB 4 m fAG® TWENTT Average Daily Net Press Run The Weettim ’ lEv^nins Iftralb For the Week Ended Foreanst ■( D. 8. Weethw M nae May 8, 19S6 Partly suaay aad pfaaaaat ha- went to Mrs. Mary BotUeallo Manchester W A TE S will meet The Bible School teachers day, cloudy aad cooler toalght, law of Zion Evangelical Lutheran School Children for "Poonles,” an oU, Shsrwln- 14,165 tomorrow at the Italian Amer­ r Eupnittg near 50; mostly aaaay and mOd Church will attend a Vacation Winiams Co. pris*. Mrs. Harry About Town ican Club, ladridge St. Weigh­ Member o f the Audit Bible School Workshop on Cite Policeman Blch, Association president pre­ tomorrow, Mgk la 70a. ing in will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Bureau o f Circulation B«n Sera Oiapter of B'nai Miss Nancy Munson of the Con­ Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 sented the awards. HOUSE &, HALE] Maneheater— A City of Village Charm B'rith win sponsor a nimmsflre necticut Food Council will be p.m. at Bethany Lutheran William OrlKln, school po­ The Fine Art Association MANCHESTER ■ale tomorrow and Wedne?- guest speaker. The members Church, West Hartford. liceman at the Center, was hon­ wishes to thank everyone who m a i n s t r e e t dsy from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at contributed to the S^olarship are reminded to bring coupons ored Friday afternoon by Lin­ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 188 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1965 (Clamlfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENTS T73 Main St., the form er for the W PO P contest. The Buckley School P T A will coln School children in celsbra- Fund while attending the an­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) Tweed’s store. meet tonight at 8. Grade 6 tlon of his 65th birthday, "O f­ nual exhibit Women’s Christian Temper­ children and their parents will ficer Bill,” as he la affectionate­ The board of directors of ance Union will have its annual have a chonce to learn about ly known to the school chil­ Manchester WATES will meet children's May party for White the junior high school program. dren, was presented with more Town Employes Ibursday at 8 p.m. at the home Ribbon Recruits and their moth­ than 300 birthday cards and Events o f Mrs. James Meacham, Rt. 6, ers tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. in the Miss Doris-Anne D l e h 1, waa escorted from one class­ W E LOVE Etolton. reception hall of South MeUk)- daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Am­ room to another where the To Have Cookout dlst Church. brose Diehl. 129 Keeney St., will children repeatedly sung the THE LOOK Chapman Joy Circle of Junta Awaiting Word begin her clinical experience at traditional ‘‘Happy Birthday” About 36 town municipal em­ In State North Methodist Church will The directors of the Kiwanis Yal4-New Haven Hospital. She to him. ployes have already said that meet Wednesday at 2 p.m. at OF LINEN Club of Manchester will m eet' is presently a sophomore at the Griffin had been honored they will attend a picnic and the church. Members are re­ tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. at Man-: University of Coimecticut previously by the children of cookout Thursday at 6 p.m. at minded to bring sewing ma­ cheater Country Club. |School of Nursing. Center Nursery School. He plans terials. Mrs. LaVem e Holmes. Center Springs Park. College Girls Mrs. William McKendrick and to retlrs this year. The picnic,' open to all town The Manchester Ministers As­ employes, will Include a pot- Mrs. Robert Arendt will be V F W Auxiliary wil meet to- j sociation will meet Wednesday ludc, volleyball and dancing. Going Hungry Bostesses. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Of Wessin Resignation at 11 a.m. at Second Congfega- V F W Home. The annual me­ Weiss Work Wins morial services w-iU be conduct­ tional Church. Luncheon reser­ The South School P T A will Vice Commander To Aid Needy ed. Members are reminded to vations may be made by calling meet tomorrow night at 8 to Edwin M. Edwards of 38 Wells bring items for a kitchen yo- the church office. Wives will be Popularity Prize elect new ofhoers and hear Gil­ NEW LONDON (A P I- ciaJ acheduled for next week. included. Rabbi Abraham J. St. has been elected junior vice bert B. Hunt, Manchester High Feldman ■ of Temple Beth Is­ commander of the Hartford-Tol- "Fisherman’s Paradise,” a wa- For The Regularly 14.99 More than 450 Connecticut School English department Rebel Foe The Chew 'n Chat Toastma.s- rael, West Hartford, will be the tercolor by Hans Weiss, was College for Women stu­ head, teik about the ’’New Eng­ land Counties Council of the ters Club will meet tonight .it speaker. voted the moat popular entry Ladies In Waiting lish.” Veterans of Foreign Wars. He dents and faculty members 6:45 at Willie's Steak Houre in the 13th annual exhibit of the plan to skip dinner Wednes­ for the election of officers. Hose Co. No. 1 of the 8th assumes this duty after a June Manchester Fine Art Associa­ Swlmaolts, Nursing and Ma­ Considers The Manchester Council of District Fire Dept, will hold its 20 convention of the Department tion which closed Saturday at 5 ternity Braa, Olidlea, Uni­ day in a mass effort to United Church Women will meet Hose Co. No. 1. Town Fire regular monthly meeting to­ of Connecticut VFW. “rhe Hart­ p.m. at M ott’s Community Hall. forms, Dresee*. Tops, Stretch raise funds for a destitute tomorrow’ at 9:30 a.m. at Com­ night at 8 at Fire Headquar­ ford - Tolland Counties group Mr. Weiss received a gflft cer­ Pants, etc. munity Baptist Church. The DeparUtient. will have a drill Negro family in Atlanta, tomon'ow at 6:45 p.m. at the ters, Main and Hilliard Sts. comprises 28 po.sts and towns. tificate from Hartford Framing .... and ao win you! Next Move meeting is open to all key wom­ George C. Eklwards, command­ Ga. an and minister’s wives. firehouse, Pine St. and Hartford Co. Th* merpury can aoar The Manchester Green PTA er-elect for Anderson-Shea Post, ” Nite-Surf,” an oil by Armand The "freedom fast," sponsored SANTO DOMINGO. Do- Rd. Glazier's to any degree but your will hold a meeting tomorrow Manchester, was elected district Nevea, was voted the second by Uie college's Civil Rights Corset and Uniform Shop ' Club, is expected to produce minican Republic (A P ) — The Immaculate Conception night at 7:30 in the school autU- and county service officer for most popular entry for which Unen look ataya criq;> M l Main St — Manchester i $250 for the family, a leader The head of the civilian- Mothers Circle will hold a meet­ torium. the coming year. Mr. Nevea recelv^ a Robert and fresh .... and I said. ing V^ednesday evening at 8 at Vincent Dondi of Glastonbury Simmons, Inc. prise. Third place military junta said today that’a the beauty o t Lucia A. Pellecchia, a senior the home of Mrs. Bert Gay. 138 Marine Lance Cpl. Gerald W, was named commander of the he will accept the resigna­ LECLERC Hartford - Tolland group and these Irish Unen beau­ from Newark, N.J., and club Parker St. Mrs. Raymond Au- White, son of Kenneth D. White tion of P>rigadier Gen. Wes­ Francis Jones of Blast Hartford secretary, said the head of the dette of 42 Lancaster Rd. is of 189 W. Center St., is serving ties. Sleeveless, aklm- FUNERAL HOME achieved the office of senior Atlanta family was fired from sin y Wessin, arch foe of oo-hostess. with Marine A ir Base Squadi’on itier and shift styles IB vice commander. his job because he opened his the rebels, if it is offered. 26 at the New River Marine natural, dark green or FUNERAL WRITTEN LATELTY home to civil rights worker.s. Brig. Gen. Antonio Imbert Corps Air Facility, Jacksonville, F«al closer to those you love with a Long Dietance 0*N. dark brown. Some with I "H e has a wife and two young Barrera.s, president of the junta, Edward Diehl of 129 Keeney N.C. ; children and now they have no .said in an interrtew he knew SERVICE St., a freshman at Union Col Easier than writing. And fatter. And nioar— H’a the naict authenUc Cluny laea Things Are Humming money," added Miss Pellecchia. nothing of Wessln's resignation, W A L T E R N. Airman 3.C- Gregory F. Man- lege, Barbourville, Kentucky, trims. Siaes 7-16,10-lt. ‘ At best thing to being thorax The Southom New England Slie did not idenUfy the family. reported Monday by the U.S. LECLERC chuck, .son of Mr. and Mr.s. has been installed into Alpha She said the college will re­ Phi Omega fraternity, a na­ Talephona Company. ' Embassy as a peace overture to Director Hamilton Standard R. Manchuck of 107 Pine St., Bathtuh Stuffing Schoolboys’ New Spring Fad fund the price of the missed tional service organization of the rebels. Later the embassy has been graduated from the meal. Part of the money will said Wessin had recon.sidered. 23 Main Street, Manchester An Equal Opportunity male undergraduates who have High school boys in Dayton, Ohio, practice for a series of bathtub stuffings technical training course for be given to the needy Atlanta "As pre.sident of the country,” previously been affiliated with planned for area scliools this month.
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