. » .-j j.rj' .. V . t$ — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. Nov. 23. 1985 ( 1 1 1 I I SPORTS WEATHER LOOK FOR THE STARS... * [Coast Guard to let UConn soccer booted Clear, cold tonight; Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get [barge stay on bottom out of NCAA tourney [cloudy on Tuesday ... page 4 ... page 13 ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-271 1, Mondoy-Friday, ^ 8:30 o.m. to 5:00 p.m. if KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE '®l»y Larry Wright MI8CELUNE0U8 Jlanrlipatpr HrralJi ^ F O H S A L E TAB BALES Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Monday, Nov. 25, 1985 — Single copy: 256 Like New 6 ft. Baked Tag Sole — Furniture, enamel over aluminum bikes, toys, miscellane­ I moek.umeRE' (lldtne glass doors with ous. 23 Lookout Mountain frame. S70. 649-4003.a Drive, Manchester(off SERVICES TImrod). Saturday, No­ OFFERBl Rue Shampoo ottochment vember 23rd, 9am-2pm. Arafat foes blamed for crime for Electrolux vacuum. Perfect condition. S10. OM fobs, iTrutklSE: ■gb‘8 Coma * Stomps. y^Roilobta Lean Oeazynskl Bulldir: 649-7951.□ Home repoN. You itMBr U.S. and Foreldn <lo1ns. wofcb yptir New tiomes, odditloilnb If, wof do It; FfjHt 0$H- Boagbotl cords, comic*, ;$vliome full tlm» ramodellng, rec ro ■ Gv John Phillips dead. The third American, Patrick Gibson Skylark Ampli­ Tag Sale — Saturday, PdOtboll cords, b<kri(ef-£/work. Colli gorppee, kitchens n Onlfod Press International Baker, .was reported slightly wounded. fier, 110-125 volts AC, 50-60 10am-3pm. 105 Bissell ---------- ------- —;------- -rr-v, ball,;f«ockey. Tools, ondl;. ..... i. doted, eelllngi, both tlNt; Mifsud and the State Department cycles. S50. 646-7719 after Street. NIc nacs, furni­ ^ k e s Tred Se^ed ^ / modhlnlst tool boxes - GOOD USNO dofmers, roofing. MisI' ' VALLETTA, Malts — Egyptian said no Americans were believed to 5pm, ask for Bob.a ture, baby Items. (Inside Bdckef TrucM GChIppgr.; orooden, PO Box 2793, m damond. V dontlol or commerelafi commandos stormed a hijacked air- have bren still aboard the plane during garage). smmlUmo4ot. f ^ b * v New, Britain, CT. 06050. vwiflo tlig fuimii .eobdaoi. the assault. Commercial two way ra­ Hmotaa. Special contliMriJ PO Nox 423 Bolfoh, Cfj/iie longer use li j .......... linar and fought a lO-ihinute gunbattle dios for Sale — Aerotrons, otlon for Elderly and Hon<,> M ^oFdoys OOT^OMljitam ^ flodiTtall Meirond Remidcllng — with Arab terrorists who exploded three The (plane’s pilot, Capt. Hani Gala), 1 scanner base radio and 2 dlcopped. 647^ 553. to 6pm, 647-14851 CoMnets, roollne, guf- grtiiades among the passengers, leav­ who tfas held at gunpoint throughout mobiles plus complete Automotive tors, .room oddltloni. ing 87 people, including one American, the ordeal by the gunmen’s leader, said base package freauency Delivering rich loom Handyman for Carpijnfry'£■’14 decksii all typet of rtmh dead in history’s bloisdiest hijacking thb hijackers shot and wounded five 450-512 MHZ, 16 channels, yards, $65 plus tax. Send, elecfrical, piumbingi an(|!% deiinglomdropolirs. FRC6 and rescue. other people during two gunfights with $2,500. 6466001. grovel, ft stone. 04M M cleonlng. Neot, reiiM>le./<£ e in ^M 'i^ii The commandos, called into action Egyptian sky marshals aboard the Free quotes, Monclwstei.... Teioplioae fTTICARS/TRUCKS 6pm,6W7«S09. after five passengers were shot in the plane. Sewing Machine, 4 Lad- L L i J FOR SALE Loving Mothfr will dore^ home owner. 6^<>l150%j|Namg your owA head and thrown from the EgyptAIr He said the aircraft was the same one derback chairs, men's Ice fgt'', your child Jn aur< Steve Glorrotono. ithor and sem hethe.Coli64f 4i90t t>umok Elecfrlz^Havlng CtmhyNEA, Me. plane, blew in a cargo door and stormed that had been4;arrying the Palestinian skates - Sizes 11,12. Vic 20 opondoblo: S' the Boeing 737 with automatic weapons hijackers of the Italian cruise ship computer and 5 games. 1971 Lemans — 350, V6. ' «ii. I I ''n FrdfiOstonaln w.ieeeiunai POlni inting. Pi ^loctHcol f^oblemsT 646-6531. Excellent running condi­ i* , .1- . Seefiliilizino In Romovol. Coll: ■ Need R large |r o smdit ablaze at about 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Achille Lauro when it was intercepted tion. New exhaust, jtprefessienol •ervldo,'^ Free.estimates. 647- : R ^ lr ? Wo Spicldllzo In officiala said. by U.S. Navy fighters in October and brakes, snows, battery, tdllbrad to your hgineii;... - .... , , Inting end ,Residential W o «. Joseph CELEBRITY CIPHER .The gunmen, identified today by the forced to land at a NATO base on Sicily. - FOR SALE - $750 or best offer. 647-9606. dOAnlng neeids. B$tab-|FHO(^leantna — ' BxteHor Dumo$. Fully lUeemodi CtlGbflty CIphGr cryptoorami ar* crGGtGd from quolRtkxti by famous Egyptian government as memltors of a ” I can’t describe to you how I felt Free »tlfli^es|!e466^ ' pooplG. post ond proGGHt. Each Mtcr tn thG cLphtr BtandG for locolly - Cofttbany. ’ cieonmo service ceilings snothor. TodMy’a clua: K aquala Q. Palt^nian faction opposed to the seeing my passengers killed in cold UMd Mtcluinics I, Insured, freeestl-^ Ing for homes to cl ’oniees, fully Ipadership of PLO Chairman Yasser blood,” Gala! said. Tools The Houseworks, >> your areo. Ri work, ____ Robo(rt B. |lorvteV by CONNIE WIENER Arafat, had commandeered Flight 648 Maltese and Egyptian commandos 6 4 7 -3 7 7 7 . ^ Reliable Bonded ovminiMii^''i6er Buflalng-RomodottiiG Saturday night on a flight from Athens had surrounded the Boeing 737 airliner Dotsun Pulsar, 83 — 4 Nm Addlfons, e(ir> “ lUNUNSUI BLUO RLU Mostly "Snap On", one .^Insured 10 years II., to Cairo. at the airport when it landed at 10:20 PRINCESS DIANA owner tools. Wide yar- door sedan, automatic, Leew es, Hondo. Call Bob, _ . _ .6lno,.lSfe air, mint condition, low tnos. 742-6462. Chbnsi bothr<mms, rpf WZYQCRF PE NZVCD BYVO’R ; Officials initially said there were four p.m. Saturday after being seized over related to Nathan Hale lety. Will sell Indi­ mileage. Asking only p I d e 0 A e n ' terrorists but government Information the Greek island of Milos. vidually or complete. director Paul Mifsud said it was $5,190. Call 649-0286. wlndOM7doorsi643-6712. NUYVZlUJ CO JUDC8UQV7" Seven passengers wounded in battles believed a fifth accomplice was also between the hijackers and air marshals Call 742-6764 For 1981 Honda Accord — 3 SeiTices, Carpentry ond^emodoH. aboard and that all five had been killed. were allowed to leave the plane for Ing services — ^omplota — JPZK QYIVPO. after Spm anytime on door, average mileage, treatment and 11 women were released Dl has ties weekends excellent condition, red. Bxporlenc home repoirs c N remei* PREVIOUS SO LUTIO N : "Without heroes, we are all plain THE CAIRO NEWSPAPER AI Ah- and taken to a hotel near the airport. Asking $4,800. 742-8379. vsitter ova people and don't know how far we can go." — Bernard ram, however, said in an unsourced The hijackers, linked to an extremist own Malamud. report today that one of the hijackers Egyptian group, demanded only food 1975 Dodge Window Van oceeptod, was still alive and being treated at a and fuel. But Maltese Prime Minister to Coventry’s MUSICAL — With back seat, 3 speed flm*. Good I Valletta hospital. It said Egyptian Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici refused to on column and removable uol Attention? authorities asked the Malta govern­ ITEMS bed frame In bock. Call 647>^1. upi photo >' allow the plane to be refueled unless the Court of Probate, District of NOTICE TO CRIDITOR8 ment to keep him in (nistody for after 4pm, 742-5824. Andover hijackers first released the passengers. E S TA TE OF interrogation by Egyptian authorities. favorite son Akal Amp plus tuner, NOnCe OF MUUUNQ WILLIAM H. BURKE, JR. Glide Blanc of France lies in a hospital bed in Malta today after President Reagan was kept informed techniques equalizer, 1905 Honda Accord L X — 4 E S TA TE OF o/k/o W ILLIAM H. Mifsud said the Egyptian troops crept of developments but the raid was JANE DRAKE BURKE, Iota Of being wounded on the hijacked Egypt Air jetliner during the By George Lavng compact disc, Aiwa door, loaded, 5,000 miles. Pursuant to on order of Hon. up to the plane — the same one fo rc ^ entirely "an Egyptian action,” said a Manchester, deceased - Herald Reporter cassette, Marantz turnta­ Excellent cnditlon. Bal­ Norman J. Prtust, Judea, _ The Hon. William E. Flfr- down by U.S. fightersjas it carried the night. Egyptian commandoes stormed the aircraft. A newspaper White House spokesman. He said the ble, four excellent speak­ ance warranteed. 646- dated November II, 1915 a (^rold, Judee, of the Court Acbllle Lauro hijackeKs out of Egypt — in Cairo said today one of the terrorists has been hospitalized for United States had offered to assist but ers, 6 months old. $550. 0560. hearing will beheld on on ap­ of Probate, District of M od-. after the lights were turned off at the was not asked. COVENTRY — Most people know Coventry is the 649-0501. plication praying for the Chester at o hearing held on his injuries. ______________1 authority to enter Into a new November 20, 1915 ordered field at Luqa Airport in southern Malta The Egyptian government today birthplace of Nathan Hale. Connecticut’s official AM X, 1969 — 390, Auto­ oareemant for the sale and that all claims must be pre^ before launching their assault. declared its regret at the loss of life but hero. But only a few know the town is also the Lloyd's AM/FM stereo matic transmission, mortoaga of sold real astote Mnted to the nduclory on oT "The hijackers threw three hand were explosions,” he said.
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