••" •• r Railway Record, Tuesday, October 19,1926 Harrington Emerson to Rahway Altar Guild Card Party Speak at Town Circle Case Before Grand Jury THE RECORD Held at Miss Moore's Home (Continued from P«Q» One) THE WEATHER FEDERATED CHURCHMEN'S CLUB (Continued from P»no One) Cloudy and warmer today, fol- IS THE VOICE A card party was hold Friday night a loss had occured in a war we would lowed by showers tonight or OF THE COMMUNITY by the Altar Oulld of the Church of the War Department In laying .Its he horrlllod. Something must bo HOLD SECOND BANQUET HERE the Holy Comforter at the home of Alaska. cables. Ho also guinea w\do done to curb tin1 roclfloKs drlvlns of tomorrow. Miss Laurn Jloore. 51 Factory street. Washington Camp to Parade recognition on account of tho results automobiles. It Is for you to deter- Prizes were won by tho following: New Jersey Advocate ®^ Plans for Its The mine .If the'deceased rarau to their Pinochle—MrsPinochle-Mrs. XJ . Henryv Flake.. Mrs.Mrs.; ; members to participate lie obtained by elllcli'ncy methods in- deaths from a reckless dlnroRard of Absorbing The Rahway New«-Herald, the successor of The Union Draocct. Ettatili.jied ia^ «t i Tho strand semi-annual banquet of Itaymond Eggers, S. 0. H. Mills, Wm. Gustave Ohlwcllor, Harold OMwellor. In the Armistice Day parade were stalled on the Santa IV System. Mathew Armstrong. Mrs. Harold Bee- made at the meeting of Washington Mr. Emerson Is the author of nearly human life on tho part of tho drivers the Federated Churchmen's Clubs ofU- Bodwoll. Harry S. Martin, William the Federae a score of .technical books on effici- Involved. The pedestrian has an PRICE THREE GENT3 u D: Ke Jr nl be. Miss Fannie Roarke. Mrs. William; Camn> N-o. ^o. Patriotic Order of VOL. XVI. SERIAL NO. 1773 - RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 22,1920 Sixteen Pages Uniot,,,wn annn,d, Middlesex counties wawasll^.s Brower'!.. Jess;:Ile Wators°^^";, -,^!=°Charles Ar.' Wagner. Mrs. A. C. Feakes, Miss Mao' . ^ ,, _. , ency and kindred subjects. He reequa- l right to tin- highway with the, .* held in the Rogers Memorial Parish Moore, R. D. Uhler, L. p. Turner, C. Bartels. Mrs. E. M. Seaman. Mrs. J. C. America, at its meeting Thursday sides at 125 Ulversido Drive, New automobile driver. •"*"••—IntMinightt . Thosoe in charge of the arur-York, and his business address Is 30 Pul House of St. Paul's Church Wednes- P. Maury. E. E. Congleton, John Bose, Pickcns. Jerr>' Wood. Mrs. William "You must consider nil the circum- smi< David Simmons, Percy Hulick, Her Lorkwood. Milllam Helm. J. C. Pick- rangements are Vernon M. Bugg, P Church street, New York City. stances suritnunilinR these cases. day niglHnight. 'HiThe keynotKeynote uofi ualnl tht-ueu uu-ji,,,,,!ad , •.,,„.....,..„, . v ons. Miss Clara Garcia, Miss Helen F. Corey nnd Charles Weinman. Mayor Endorses Circle "In three cases before you, throe dresses was service, and centered on j lion Smith, Manton D. Martin, Will OBBINBBING like any other FORMAL ESTABLISHMENT Williamson, Mrs. A. J. McCoy. Mrs. The Camp will be represented at "Mrs. Mary Paulson, women were killed; 111 three cases Individual service and joint, effort for iam A. Baker. Ross O. Fowler, G. A 'Business nnd Professional Women's three children wore killed; In six tailoreild d productiondti , Karl Bender, Mrs. Emil Hamtil. Mrs.!lle B «ivic, moral and spiritual betterment ISrachliuusim. Raymond Ford, George i ... T-rmston Mrs renri>» \Tiv.' l "owTown Circle tomorrow nignighmt bo/y i "« - T ml V " *r— cases, seven men were killed, two hav- ORDINANCE PAS of die clubs expressed in practical Dunn. -M. J. Fischel; Frederick E. bunMissTra£ Van&m. M£ LH.iHorbor, Cannon and Charles Welg- Club,Rahway, X. J. tailoreld d productiontht it, "Dear Madam t ^ ing b'-eii killed In ono collision '- OP MERGK&CO.HERE, OF 101 CIRCLE ON Christian citizenship. Senior Warden Hyde. Jr., W. W. Pendleton. Henry bury- , -M:S -S- uruc e- -v*i -u - oam— ,» .ms *. ^. **.iman, . „,.,.Willia. m _U_ . _ ,Priestley \vas| I>ear Madam. "The movement being made by the Cherry slrool. In Elizabeth. must be planned so that its Edward S. Savage, ot this city, was'l.andon, Edward Oliver. Robert Leon- Wolff. Mrs. Mathew Armstrong;!m!ln- ^"'am U. Priestley was | hard, of-this city. r am(; i Business and Professional Women's "Four of the collisions occured on the toastmaster. Ilinch-Miss Grace Gage, Mrs. C. Hnr-| . < Aalrman of the American^ Club to oo-onlliiate tho efforts of alll ' Kour "' lm' •""""""" "•'-•-- -•• symmetry—its style be ReTT J Loring Clark. D.D., of; M.' G. Bougllton. J. P. Salter. Ferdi- nn ris. Miss Anna Friguletto, Miss Bessie " committee. One application for Rnhw.iy clubs la most commendableIst- Oorge avenue, between EHraboth correct to artistically frame TUESDAYJOVEMBER 3 York City gav! one of the chief nand Wetterburg. James R. Tynan. 1 1 DIESi XI VEST ORANGE McCoy. Miss Lottie Thompson. John. momoorsnlForestep rwasrecolved Officers Re-electe. d and I believe it will prove practicable.! "" "»1"™>'- Tlio llm of these fatal- itk s !;i FULL-TIME ASS iHotlimann: door prize—Mrs. H. B. At the annual election of officers !__"Co-opcratlor. Inspires enthusiasm. I ' Kriwltig with each term of tho your face. We can pro- Johns; (j Johnson;—non-play cr£*._a,wanl,_Mrs\_G^ duce an effect in bobbed 'U homos are amiss...it theihi rif influ-i | Mtindemahn, R. A.- Brown, C R. I W. Thorne. "You must weigh the facts, as lali •He""Cam"e"Berc~From~GermaDf UnamioJtts Sentiment ii ence is not what It should be. It is be-; Brown. W. S. Gordon. H R. V: The committee Inn cchargge comc - America. wore re-elected'. Chief before you by the Prosecutor, and coiffure that—will- add -to cause Christianity has been taken out tine. James S. Wight. Merrill prised the Misses Lettle Thompson, Ranger, Alvin Mlntel; sub-chief achieved. where ti willful disregard of human la 189], and Located of Project; Emerson Gives "Thoso partlolpating are rewarded your personal attractive- Councilman Jones Says Law New Route to Start Mon- or them Fear ol uoa faUh in fellow-; Mosher, John H. Love. Daniel Demar- Helen Williamson. Clara Garcia. Mrs. life Is shown It Is your duty lo return of them. 1' •••- — r William Thompson; senior v IHnd ,'elfcontrol are three of: the ost. of Woodbridge; John Bergman. r',.,ir".> TX-" Thorno Mrs fieoriro Cot-1 a"ger, « imam i uuiui'&uu, .™». hy having succeeded. --i indictment. ' ami self-control are three of tue ost. of wooonrioge; jum. KS»»».GIWuir., W. Thorne. Mrs. ueorj ness. Plant in Rahway Fine Address . °l, ,.„""%. ,;^°^ ! woodward. George Benedict; Junior ' "There are matters of great Im- "It is the duty of autolsts to be- care woodward. Andrew D'Angelo; senior '"I Here ;we tu.v^-- *-. .,- day; Utilities Commission he declared. Witnessing for Christ in rison. Arthur Dawson. Henry" Toft, porunoo now landing which will bo "It Is mi' imiy m ui»»».» ,v .v "Railroaded" Through; beadle. Fred Sanderson: Junior beadle, daily service was portrayed as the Kuud Hanson. Howard Toft. John j easier accomplished if the united'"1 If they observe a child, aged oi Chester Lamb: leoturer. C. William Despite a uuaTSiuou.s ijeulluieiii. Iu" greatest thing in the world. Hanson. C. K. Seman. W. Duncan,! 1 moral support ot all organizations iBpntlrm person walking across !hp hlch George MercE chairman of t With - y.M.C.A. Ityintol: recording secretary. A. J.given. I way tltey must stop! It is llielr dutj Johu Wood, D. C. L., also of New C. E. Ullman. Charles Petorson. Will-1 [to"sloi> "to observe caution, and nw board of directors of Merck & Co.,favor of ,a Town Circle, the formal Upholds Decision Zirwes. One application for member- I'" vton. to observe caution, anil n<v tomorrow, York City, was another speaker and iam Merrill. Alexander Quelch, John' ' o on In a reckless manner. A ma ; ship was received. Plans were mndo bt $10000 W" manufacturing chemists, Rahway's establishment of this body did not serration told of the extensive and successful Kehoe, Franklin Brown, John Shop-! i.-iv be careless in driving an auto t largest industrial concern, died yester- take place at the meeting Tuesday i.. Knismiial church was doing herd. Leslie, SuTivaTt. ko'ttgrr—Kglftpi ^'s^ce^*^^ "stOU •K[KTri r"~ : *de day at his home in Llewellyn Park, night at the Woman's Club on West in Brazil despiio th e hardship, ,-.-;..„s au--..dI ton>--, . IrI*.a, TiceTin.-, , MessrsMn^srs , BunionKlllltOn.. KogersJiOCOrs., i Th....e. TSSual membership drive, of j' plan for Deputy's Visit ! ^'V"""1'0';' .™ mTTehool' The pro-! ot the pre; difficulties which art encountered. Joinson. Thoman. Yerkcs and Charles PLAN RUMMAGE SALE NO ASSESSOR APPOINTMENTS MADE West Orango, after a week's illness. Milton avenue, attended by more than JOHN McGUIRKJVETV tho association will star; on Novem- vians for a visit from District |';"""\/''''':pw,,r will be a large uu-j Ktv. Robert W. Elliott, of the Seaman. Jr.. of Perth Amboy. •r IS and It is tho aim ot the assocla-1 Deputy Mrs. Ora M. Guth. of Wood-i '°^d;^,r^ ,, ,, -o other matters T.h-o \V(>niaira Auxiliary of St. Paul Ho" was ntty-nlne yeas "old: Two a-hunared representatives Xrom thirty Tlie next club meeting will be held Th r aI WESTFIELD LINE GIVEN PERMITS- has KahX Church of the Holy Comforter, gave . ,, , ,. , organizations. The formal action was -would be! ••ADS" ARE AN INVESTMENT Charging "railroading" in the introduction of an or-years ago he retired as president of a£med ^m Tuesday, November 9, in this Tie tho company here.
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