63540 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 206 / Friday, October 24, 2014 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION deletion of these parcels does not were to contain and control sources of AGENCY preclude future actions under contamination. Surface water and Superfund. ground water quality were not 40 CFR Part 300 DATES: This action is effective October specifically addressed in the remedies [EPA–HQ–SFUND–1983–0002; FRL–9918– 24, 2014. for these operable units. Site-wide water quality is specifically addressed in 37–Region 8] ADDRESSES: EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket OU12, which is an active operable unit. National Oil and Hazardous Identification No. EPA–HQ–SFUND– Under OU12, response action can be Substances Pollution Contingency 1983–0002. All documents in the docket conducted anywhere on the Site if Plan; National Priorities List: Partial are listed on the http:// needed to address releases that impact Deletion of the California Gulch www.regulations.gov Web site. Although or may impact water quality goals in the Superfund Site listed in the index, some information is Arkansas River. In OU4, OU5 and OU7, all responses actions have been AGENCY: Environmental Protection not publicly available, i.e., Confidential completed and institutional controls are Agency. Business Information or other in place. A responsiveness summary ACTION: Final rule. information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other was prepared and placed in both the SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection material, such as copyrighted material, docket, EPA–HQ–SFUND–1983–0002, Agency (EPA) Region 8 announces the is not placed on the Internet and will be on www.regulations.gov, and in the deletion of the Operable Unit 4 (OU4), publicly available only in hard copy local repository listed above. Upper California Gulch; Operable Unit form. Publicly available docket EPA maintains the NPL as the list of 5 (OU5), ASARCO Smelters/Slag/Mill materials are available either sites that appear to present a significant Sites; and Operable Unit 7 (OU7), electronically in http:// risk to public health, welfare, or the Apache Tailing Impoundment, of the www.regulations.gov or in hard copy: environment. Deletion of a site from the California Gulch Superfund Site (Site) Æ By calling EPA Region 8 at (303) NPL does not preclude further remedial located in Lake County, Colorado, from 312–7279 and leaving a message, or action. Whenever there is a significant the National Priorities List (NPL). The Æ At the Lake County Public Library, release from a site deleted from the NPL, NPL, promulgated pursuant to section 1115 Harrison Avenue, Leadville, CO the deleted site may be restored to the 105 of the Comprehensive 80461, (719) 486–0569, Monday and NPL without application of the hazard Environmental Response, Wednesday from 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m., ranking system. Deletion of portions of Compensation, and Liability Act Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m.– a site from the NPL does not affect (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is an 5:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday 1:00 responsible party liability, in the appendix of the National Oil and p.m.–5:00 p.m. unlikely event that future conditions Hazardous Substances Pollution FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: warrant further actions. Contingency Plan (NCP). This partial Linda Kiefer, Remedial Project Manager, List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300 deletion pertains to the Operable Unit 4, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental protection, Air Upper California Gulch (media of Region 8, Mail Code 8EPR–SR, 1595 pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous concern—waste rock and fluvial tailing Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO 80202– waste, Hazardous substances, piles); Operable Unit 5, ASARCO 1129, (303) 312–6689, email: Intergovernmental relations, Penalties, Smelters/Slag/Mill Sites (media of [email protected]. Reporting and recordkeeping concern—slag and soil); and Operable SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The requirements, Superfund, Water Unit 7, Apache Tailing Impoundment portion of the site to be deleted from the pollution control, Water supply. (media of concern—tailing and soil), of NPL is: Operable Unit 4, Upper the California Gulch Superfund Site California Gulch; Operable Unit 5, Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); 42 U.S.C. (Site). Operable Unit 2, Malta Gulch; ASARCO Smelters/Slag/Mill Sites; and 9601–9657; E.O. 13626, 77 FR 56749, 3 CFR Operable Unit 8, Lower California 2013 Comp., p. 306; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, Operable Unit 7, Apache Tailing 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O.12580, 52 FR Gulch; Operable Unit 9, Residential Impoundment, of the California Gulch 2923, 3 CFR 1987 Comp., p. 193. Populated Areas; and Operable Unit 10, Superfund Site (Site) in Lake County, Dated: October 9, 2014. Oregon Gulch were partially deleted by Colorado. A Notice of Intent for Partial previous rules. Operable Unit 1, the Yak Deletion for this Site was published in Shaun L. McGrath, Tunnel/Water Treatment Plant; the Federal Register (79 FR 47043) on Regional Administrator, Region 8. Operable Unit 3, the Denver & Rio August 12, 2014. [FR Doc. 2014–25286 Filed 10–23–14; 8:45 am] Grande Western Railroad Company Slag The closing date for comments on the BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Piles/Railroad Easement/Railroad Yard; Notice of Intent for Partial Deletion was Operable Unit 6, Starr Ditch/Penrose September 11, 2014. Two public Dump/Stray Horse Gulch/Evans Gulch; comments were received. One comment FEDERAL EMERGENCY Operable Unit 11, the Arkansas River supported the partial deletion. The MANAGEMENT AGENCY Floodplain; and Operable Unit 12 other comment requested that the OU4, (OU12), Site-wide Water Quality will OU5 and OU7 not be partially deleted 44 CFR Parts 204 and 206 remain on the NPL and is/are not being due to concerns over water quality. In [Docket ID FEMA–2013–0004] considered for deletion as part of this response, water quality has greatly action. The EPA and the State of improved since the NPL listing in 1983. RIN 1660–AA78 Colorado, through the Colorado The Upper Arkansas was recently Disaster Assistance; Fire Management Department of Public Health and the designated a Colorado Parks and Assistance Grant (FMAG) Program— Environment, have determined that all Wildlife Gold Medal Fishing area. The Deadline Extensions and appropriate response actions under media covered in OU4, OU5 and OU7 Administrative Correction CERCLA, other than operation, are wastes from mining, milling and maintenance, and five-year reviews, smelting activities. The general remedial AGENCY: Federal Emergency have been completed. However, the action objectives of OU4, OU5, and OU7 Management Agency, DHS. 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