GOTLAND IN FIGURES 2017 GENERAL INFORMATION Facts about Gotland, Gotland weather statistics ............................................4–5 Population Statistics Gotland is the Baltic region’s most Population ..............................................................6–7 In- and Out-migration ................................8–9 Nature and Culture creative and magical place, Nature and Geology .....................................10 –11 Trade and Industry History and World Heritage..................12–14 Services characterised by nearness, Annual Events .....................................................15 International sustainable growth and love of life. TRADE AND INDUSTRY From Vision Gotland 2025. Structure, Industries and Business Creation .............................................16–18 Major Employers ..............................................19 Labour Market ....................................................20 Economic Facts and Housing .............21 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing ...22–23 Tourism Industry ..............................................24–27 SERVICES Transport Options ..........................................28–30 Broadband .............................................................31 Environment ........................................................32–33 Childcare and Education .........................34–40 Leisure and Culture .......................................41–43 Healthcare and Care Services .............44–46 About International ........................................................47–48 ABOUT REGION GOTLAND Region Dialogue and Influence ......................50 Political Organisation...................................51-53 Gotland Departments ........................................................54 Dialogue and FINANCES Influence Allocation of Tax Revenue ......................55 Organisation Costs and Revenues ......................................56–57 Finances Results and Investments ...........................58–59 Personnel Budget ........................................................................60 Responsible publisher: Region Gotland, Ulrika Holm PERSONNEL Editor: Region Gotland, Louise Florin Summary ..................................................................61–63 Production: Kusinerna Kommunikation Visby Salaries and Retirement. ...........................64 Photography: Region Gotland, Bildvision, Gotland Museum Printing: Exakta, Malmö Centres of Population, Roads, Region Gotland disclaims responsibility for any printing errors. Ports, Services .....................................................65 Visby and Parishes. .........................................66-67 3 Facts about Gotland Weather statistics In 1971, Gotland formed a municipality. On 1 January Gotland has a typical coastal climate with fairly mild win- 2011, Gotland Municipality changed its name to Region ters and pleasant summers, even though summer arrives Gotland. There is no county council. Instead, healthcare, a little later than in the rest of central Sweden. On the other public transport and other traditionally county-level hand, the warm weather often lasts well into autumn. activities are managed by Region Gotland. The region is There are clear climatic differences between the coast also responsible for regional development issues that in and inland areas. The average temperature during the many other places are dealt with by the county adminis- coldest month, February, varies from just below -1°C on trative board, since Gotland has the status of a county. the coast to almost -2.5°C in the middle of the island. In July, the differences are much smaller, with an average tempera- Land area 3,140 km² (0.8% of Sweden’s land area) ture of around 16°C across the island. Annual precipitation Fårö 114 km² varies from 5000 mm100 on the200 coast to300 600 mm400 inland.500 600 Gotska Sandön 37 km² Furillen 4 km² SUNSHINE TABLE 2016 Stora Karlsö 2.4 km² 536 Lilla Karlsö 1.6 km² 530 503 Gotland’s coastline Incl. Fårö approximately 800 km 496 Longest river Gothemsån approximately 55 km 454 Largest lake Bäste Träsk 6.3 km² 437 Deepest lake Sigvalde Träsk 16 m 426 Highest elevation Lojsta moor 82 m.a.s.l. 423 Width 52 km 405 388 Length Fårö to Hoburgen 176 km 365 Regional animal Hedgehog 345 338 Regional bird Collared flycatcher Hours of 287 Regional flower Ivy sunshine Regional mushroom Earthstar 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Regional insect Lygaeus equestris (black and red bug) Visby was the 2016 winner with 536 hours followed by Regional fish Turbot Öland’s northern tip and Luleå. Hours of sunshine are de- Regional stone Hoburg marble fined as the time when direct solar energy exceeds 120 W/m2. Regional moss Ctenidium molluscum SVT Väder has measured hours of sunshine at various lo- Regional apple Stenkyrke cations around Sweden over a seven-week period in the Regional element Calcium summer since 1990. 4 IN GENERAL Source: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological IN GENERAL 5 Institute and SVT.se/väder Population POPULATION TREND 1945-2016 60 000 The number of people who live and work on Gotland all 59 000 year round is 58,003. The percentage of Gotlanders with 58 000 a foreign background is 6.4%. Roughly 24,300 people 57 000 56 000 live in Visby. The average age is 44.6 years. Average life 55 000 expectancy is 83.1 years for women and 79.9 years for 54 000 men. The population is expected to increase in the fu- 53 000 ture according to the most recent population forecast. 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2016 AGE DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM 2016 POPULATION DENSITY Land area, km² People per km² The population distribution diagram shows how each Gotland 3,135 18.5 gender’s different age groups are spread across the gen- Sweden 407,311 24.5 eral population. The population of Gotland comprises a large proportion of people aged 20–24. The current size of this age group is due to a high birth rate throughout POPULATION, IN- AND OUT-MIGRATION, ETC. the country during the early 1990s. The proportion of 31 December 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 elderly people is expected to increase going forwards. Population 57,241 57,161 57,255 57,391 58,003 100+ years Change -67 -80 94 136 612 Total no. Total no. 95-99 years Births 566 525 529 491 509 of women 29,093 90-94 years of men 28,910 Deaths 631 660 554 628 641 85-89 years 80-84 years In-migration 2,126 2,212 2,284 2,499 2,851 75-79 years Out-migration 2,132 2,158 2,166 2,230 2,107 70-74 years 65-69 years Net migration -6 54 118 269 744 60-64 years 55-59 years 50-54 years POPULATION TREND AND FORECAST 45-49 years 40-44 years There were 23,902 people living in Gotland in 1749; this 35-39 years figure rose to 31,129 by 1800. In 1900, the figure had 30-34 years 25-29 years increased to 52,781, and at the turn of the millennium 20-24 years there were 52,313 Gotlanders. Region Gotland predicts 15-19 years 10-14 years a small increase to around 58,500 people by 2025. No. of No. of women 5-9 years men 0-4 years 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 6 IN GENERAL Source: Statistics Sweden, Region Gotland Source: Statistics Sweden IN GENERAL 7 Prognos 2025 (bakomliggande ålderspyramiden) 100+ år Totalt antal 95-99 år Totalt antal kvinnor 29310 90-94 år 85-89 år män 28 457 80-84 år 75-79 år 70-74 år 65-69 år 60-64 år 55-59 år 50-54 år 45-49 år 40-44 år 35-39 år 30-34 år 25-29 år 20-24 år 15-19 år 10-14 år 5-9 år Antal kvinnor 0-4 år Antal män 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 In- and out-migration 10-YEAR POPULATION TREND IN THE PARISHES, 2006–2016 In 2016, approximately 2,850 people moved to Got- Fårö land, while 2,100 moved away from the island. Do- Hall Fleringe mestic relocation accounted for almost 85% of in- Bunge KAPPELSHAMN FÅRÖSUND Hangvar migration. Migration primarily took place to and from Rute Stockholm, Västra Götaland, Uppsala and Skåne. The Stenkyrka LÄRBRO Lumme- Hellvi proportion of inhabitants with a foreign background lunda TINGSTÄDE Martebo Othem is lower on Gotland compared to other municipalities SLITE Lokrume Väskinde Hejnum and counties. Finland is the most common country of Boge Bro VISBY Fole Bäl origin after Sweden. Hejdeby Vallstena Käll- Endre unge Väster- Follingbo Ekeby hejde Gothem Trä- Barling- GOTLANDERS WITH A FOREIGN BACKGROUND, kumla Ake- bo Hörsne Sten- bäck Dalhem m Bara kumla BASED ON COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Tofta Vall ROMA Halla Norrlanda Hogrän Björke Gant- hem Foreign background is defined as being born abroad or Anga Eskelhem Atlingbo Sjonhem Mäster- Viklau by Kräklingbo KATTHAMMARSVIK being born in Sweden with both parents born abroad. Västergarn Väte Vänge Sanda Guld- Ala Östergarn rupe Gammel- Finland 610 Buttle garn KLINTEHAMN Hejde Ardre Klinte Syria 384 Etelhem Alskog Fröjel Lojsta LJUGARN Germany Garda 238 Gerum Lye Eksta STÅNGA Lau Levide Linde Thailand 235 Fard- hem Sproge HEMSE Burs När Polen 210 Silte Alva Rone Norway 173 Hablingbo HAVDHEM Eke Irak 173 More than 2% increase Grötlingbo Denmark 120 Näs Difference less than +/- 2% Fide United Kingdom 106 Over 2% decrease and Northern Ireland BURGSVIK Afghanistan 104 Öja Turkey 99 Nr. of people Hamra Vamlingbo 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Sundre Gotland has 92 parishes, most of which have a fairly low number of inhabitants. Over a 10-year period, three out of four parishes have seen population decreases. Visby and nearby Västerhejde and Väskinde have increased the most. 8 IN GENERAL Source: Statistics Sweden Source: Region Gotland IN GENERAL 9 Nature and Geology Gotland’s flora is unique, shaped by the special
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