e ' ) 1 FF Baseball Scouting Report! Killl! 1.^ How a neutral observer rates this year's Wild- cat baseball team. email DAN RENN RF Converted infielder . has fought way into VOL. 36 No. 22 VILLANOVA UNIVEI rLLANOVA, PA. MAY 18, 1961 1 I 1 1 starting line-up with stinging line drives and . I . hustle . likes to pull the ball . Junior • • • . good speed, good arm . bats and throws right. J Climactic Council Result: JACK LYNCH SS . strong Soph . terrific range either way Wall In; New Statutes Out arm, forms strong middle with Weigand and Baier by Henry James McAteer . bats left/ throws right . good potential as Tom Wall, former Vice-Chair- Vice President of Student Gov- fully cognizant of the responsi- batter, but still fooled too easily . could be great. -m-.^-^ ^ man of the Student Council, last ernment. bility I must bear, and will cer- Wednesday was elected to suc- Charlie Labus, junior class taiidy do all in my power to fuU ceed Rob DeLisa as Chairman resident C & F Representative. fill the expectations of the DON MELEGA 3B of the Council and President of was also a Candidate for the top CounciL" / ' - the Student Body. position. He was nominated by Privately, Wall confided that Key man in Cat's success . .never stops think- Wall, junior clas.s resident retiring Council Chairman Bob he felt "great!" His elation was ing . bats and throws right . hard to strike Arts representative, id.so served DeLL-^a and seconded by Jim t('mi)ered by the weight of the out . Junior, team comedian along with Platco as class president during his Stra/.'/ella, Council Executive problems confronting him. His . best big league prospect. ;; .sophonKu-e year, :.-... Vice President for Educational immediate difficulty will be pas- ^l. Wall had been nominated for Affairs. , ;*:; sage of legislation and organi- Al WEIGAND the Cnairmanship by Rill Deep Gratitude zation of the Blue Key, student Freind. Social Affairs Commit- Wall's immediate reaction to host group, as the ollicial con- Junior . bats and throws right . very good tee Chairman and a member of his election was one of deep ductor of freshman orientation. arm and smart receiver . take-charge guy, the Student Senate. The nomin- gratitude. "1 (extend my sincere Also, he is working to select never stops chatter . hits long ball, but infre- ation was seconded by John thanks to everyone who help(>d Otie Drayton upholds a fast ffrowinj; Penn Relay tradition in crossing the tape to win the the Executive Vice-Presidents, quently . Con be fooled, but has improved over Oljerlies, Council Executive me in my effort," he said. "1 am *•; (•ommittee Chairmen, and com- last year's .200 B.A. W' Mile Relay Championship of A merica, Villanova's seventh straight. (Photo by Rich Sloughton^ Tom Wall : Photo by .Mik'e pci^tore) mittee membership which will assist in expediting his Frank Budd Ties Mark ijiiiiiiiiiiii Relay Roundup Seniors' Dads Elated As him BILL PLATCO LF First Use of N^ew Mendel overall program for next year. in Triangular Meet (Cont'd on page 8) The "blue blazer" .. always good for a Hard Luck String Brokeri Wildcats Defeat Pirates laugh . one of three seniors on team . Villanova'.s Olympic .sprinter To Be Giving of Exams by Ed Lohr The filial .social activity of liid to private and parochial Class Elections See good arm, accurate . suffering from slump at Frank Rudd equaled the world , 1'he fullowing is the sclieihile for junior and senioi- examina- the senior elass as undergrad- schools. bat but is better hitter than has shown .... bats "ii record in the 100 yard da.sh la.st tions whieh are to beginMay 22. Students are reViut-sted to not(v Faces, New Names uatesv \ the annual .Senior . After the talk, the assembly New and throws from left side. track At 4:10 p.m. Saturday afternoon, on a wet chev\^ed-up tilt: eluinge of the to Saturday, flying over the dis- name of .Mendel Hall Tolentine Hall. The Father's Day, closed on a i>ar- adjourned to the Resident Cafe- vic- at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, Bob Raemore, who was ne\v Sc-ieriee l|tiil(!ing lu'ars t he rinnie\\leii(l('l Hall. In Leaders' Capacities tance in 0.3 seconds. Twenty ticulai"!.^' impre.s.sivc \\o\v. last teria in Dougherty Hall where JOE CRAMER' timized with the longest and mo.st heart-breaking hard luck riNAL K.XA.MI.NATIO.N SCHKDILi: I OK PROSIMX'TIX K , 1 . ii Sat u I'day M :). The : y ou g, the seniors and their fathers minutes later he r;in the fasti'st ay Ingenious iiinovat ions, vigor- Jl streak in many a year on the Main Line, snatched the Silver NK (iKADlATIOS .AM) OTIIKR STM)I-:NTS .NOT Kl^ talented Wildcat l)asel)all were .served a fillet migiion din- team ous exhoration, and ji taut air Captain, Senior . .. traditional Stanky, Hemus 220 in the country this year* a (Miin:i) '!() ATTIOM) CLASS AFTI<:R may HL VMW (ie.. Baton from teammate Frank Budd and doggedly held off ralli«'d jii-thp' eighth for two net, which drew bewildered of expectation characterized the • • • always hustling; makes up for defects ^ yp® brilliant 20.2 seconds. >li:>lJii:KS OF THK classics of HKH and 11M)2). of the Olympian FZarl Young to give Villanova a shocking upset vic- run.s to tie the game and then comments from many [xvlls at Alumni Hall a week ago with effort . bats and throws right . r / ^"i 100% All exaniinations will extend froinAljiy 22 27, 1001. C(;arh "Jumbo" Elliot claims tory over world record holder Abilene Christian College in toMay .scored a climatic i*un in the last senior I'esident students. Larry elass elections. 'y/^ 1^'^- ''"6 drive hitter, but can be fooled. in the annual .VII t'fioiMii rig rxanii nations vvi 11 begin at nine o'clock. .Afternoon to de- St-nior it was the fastest time ever run the SSO relay. of the ninth with two out Bathgate. Class Pres- Conducted under the au.spices • \aniiriat iotisvvill begin iitytvyo-thirty except where noted. feat their Seton Hall rivals ;^2. ident, delivered the clas.s wel- in the East at 100 yards and V\) to then, "it had been a lonffse'ason," sighed the be- of the senior class by co-chair- RICH mmiM 'r.':[^)\:\:-:;,y-::-'y:^^^-, ib AC-: A nnex Classroom Over 1000 fathers and their ViL come to the visiting fathers men of the Flections Committee oven more amazing it was the spectacled junior. "It all had started in Madison Square Gar- Noted Poet, ( 'F {'onunei'ce & Finance Hldg. htnfVVa sons attended the con- while co-chairman Jack Dona- of Student Council. Brian Scully .' hinged on the mile re- Speaker Surprise of club . known before as good first attempt thi.s season for the den—the ir4A Indoor Championship CHK Chemical Fngineerijig : gest. hue acted as the toastmaster. A ami John O'Connell. the entire field, no hit, has whacked ball at tremendous lay. I was running anchor and on one of the turns, Ron Green flashy junior, who placed fifth in John Crowe Ransom Kldg. short talk about the past four '\'\\v affair ran smoothly through the -^ (lay commenced at eleven early-season pace , • •Switch hitter, better from of ran wide and I slanted for the inside, but when the 100 meters at Rome, Manhattan •ji; ,I(»hn BaiTv Hall. years and the anticipated grad- - o'clock withMass in St. Mary's d ay.- .:;..;^ -.;,:;.>.. '•;.;;'/;. "'.'. .'^" '^\ ''•'-•'' Meft side-. .. .Soph. •/ in (juickly and L elbowed him to pro- To Lecture Tonight the he saw me he came back M Mendel Hall ( XeW Science uation was then given hy San Jose State star Dennis (Irotto beneath overcast skie.s. Throughout the day there was tect myself and was dis(iualified." :: Hidg. t her co-chairman, Dan Kelly. Johnson ha.s <lone O.IVfour times Fx^tendiiig its attempts. '.. to The Ilev. Joseph W. Kemme. a constant milling of candi- BAIER The g-uest speaker for the DAN Manhattan Ajifain bring well-known speakers, to VIL VaseyMatI OSA; the uhivt'J'sity's Vice- supporters this year but the best 220 was dates and their it out again at LIB 'Library luncheon. Villanova's recently- A week later Raemore and Manhattan had tlie \'illanova (>f Afliairs, i-ampus, the; Stii- Pi'esideht Student J 1 1 »o u 1 1 h e e n t ran ce t o t he Alum- . right . Soph bats and throws .has strong- l)all 20.5 by Steyo lijias of Occidental Tif Tolentine Hall ( Fortiier retired basket mentor. Al the Cleveland K. of C, Meet and this time after about one (lent Council Forum program was the celebrant. ni Hall gymnasium. Ju nior Tony est arm on team, almost always accurate . v. '/'':•'''; :.;'::' Hall) Severance, addressed the sen- (ruiif..)';.t;oiie|rt.: half of a lap of jostling, Artie Evans went down and both this evening will pi'esent John Mendel Batemaii develo|)ed ope of the good pivotman, teams well with Lynch . has Inmiediately proceeding the iors, nt first noting several ("I'owe liansom, the most not- Cour.se l)ay ^: Tinie F'lace tendency to be impatient at bat, but could develop the 'Cats and their rivals were tos.sed out of the race. most impressive ideas of the ;^> •>;;;,,' Very :^ Fast Track •Mass, the Rev. Johtt A. Klekotka, humorous anecdotes. In a ser- able, recognized .speaker lo ap- ACCT. i:)2 24 A^L M5,2(H)CF into excellent stickman.
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