![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1995 No. 129 Senate (Legislative day of Monday, July 10, 1995) The Senate met at 9 a.m., on the ex- the Department of Defense bill, which reading of the amendment be dispensed piration of the recess, and was called to the clerk will report. with. order by the President pro tempore The assistant legislative clerk read The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without [Mr. THURMOND]. as follows: objection, it is so ordered. A bill (S. 1026) to authorize appropriations The amendment is as follows: PRAYER for fiscal year 1996 for military activities of (The text of the amendment is print- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Ogilve, the Department of Defense, for military con- ed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Amend- offered the following prayer: struction, and for defense activities of the ments Submitted.’’) Department of Energy, to prescribe per- Mr. EXON. I thank my friend and Let us pray: sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Almighty God, Holy Father, You cre- colleague, the distinguished chairman Armed Forces, and for other purposes. of the Armed Services Committee. ated us for Yourself and our hearts are The Senate resumed consideration of AMENDMENT NO. 2112 TO AMENDMENT NO. 2111 restless until they rest in You. We con- the bill. fess our ambivalence. We want You to (Purpose: To strike section 3135 of S. 1026 au- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. thorizing a program for hydronuclear ex- be Lord of our lives and yet, some- THOMAS). Under the previous order, the periments) times, we are filled with reservations. Senator from South Carolina [Mr. Mr. EXON. As per our previous agree- We need Your love, and yet fear the im- THURMOND] is recognized. ment, I send an amendment in the sec- plications of loving others as You love Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, we ond degree to the desk at this time and us. We want Your direction in our are ready to proceed now on this bill, ask that it be read in its entirety, and lives, but are troubled about losing our and I believe the distinguished Senator I also ask that the cosponsors of the own control. We pray for America to be from Nebraska desires at this time to amendment be identified as part of the a great nation under Your sovereign take up the amendment. reading. reign, but there are times when we are Mr. President, I suggest the absence The PRESIDING OFFICER. The reluctant to ask You to begin a vital of a quorum. clerk will report. spiritual awakening in our own hearts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The assistant legislative clerk read But Lord, we are willing to be made clerk will call the roll. as follows: willing. Help us to see what our lives The assistant legislative clerk pro- The Senator from Nebraska [Mr. EXON], for could be if we loved You with all our ceeded to call the roll. himself, Mr. HATFIELD, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. hearts, and if our self-erected obstacles Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I LEVIN, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. GLENN, Mr. HAR- to trusting You completely were re- ask unanimous consent that the order KIN, Mr. SIMON, Mr. KERREY, Mr. KENNEDY, moved and You had Your way with us. for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. WELLSTONE, and Mr. BUMPERS, proposes And so, today we open our minds to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without an amendment numbered 2112 to amendment No. 2111. think inspired by the wisdom of Your objection, it is so ordered. On page 33 of the underlying amendment, spirit; we commit our wills to seek the AMENDMENT NO. 2111 strike out section 3135, lines 11 through 19. guidance of Your spirit; and we face (Purpose: To propose a substitute to title The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the challenges of this day with the XXXI) the previous order, the Senator from power of Your spirit. In Your holy Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I South Carolina will have 70 minutes name. Amen. send to the desk the Thurmond-Domen- under control in this debate and the f ici amendment and ask it be reported Senator from Nebraska will have 90 immediately. minutes. The Senator may proceed. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. DOMENICI. Will the Senator THE PRESIDENT pro tempore. clerk will report. yield? Under the previous order, the leader- The assistant legislative clerk read Mr. EXON. I am happy to yield to the ship time is reserved. as follows: Senator. f The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, pursu- THURMOND], for himself, Mr. DOMENICI, Mr. ant to the unanimous-consent request, NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- LOTT, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. BOND, Mr. THOMP- I thought we said we could speak about TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996 SON, Mr. FRIST, and Mr. BINGAMAN, proposes the bill first, and then it would go to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under an amendment numbered 2111. Senator EXON for the debate. the previous order, the Senate will now Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I Did I misunderstand? If I misunder- proceed to the consideration of S. 1026, ask unanimous consent that further stood, it is all right. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11353 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:50 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S04AU5.REC S04AU5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S11354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 4, 1995 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Exon-Hatfield, et al., amendment is a Energy’s request for nonproliferation, the order, immediately after the read- very simple and a very straightforward verification, and arms control research ing of the amendment, the Senator one. It would delete—eliminate—sec- and development. from Nebraska was to be recognized to tion 3135 of the bill in its entirety, and This bill sends the message that the offer a second-degree amendment to remove the $50 million authorization Senate will support the necessary in- the Thurmond amendment; there for hydronuclear testing. Our amend- vestment in this crucial element of would be 70 minutes debate under the ment makes no adjustment to the strategic nuclear deterrence. Working control of the Senator from South funding for either the stockpiled stor- together, we will continue to do what Carolina and 90 minutes under the con- age program or the overall energy de- is necessary to maintain the safety and trol of the Senator from Nebraska. partment budget. Our amendment is reliability of the nuclear stockpile. Mr. DOMENICI. I did not need the funding neutral. It simply removes the Maintaining the Nation’s smaller nu- time. Just so I know when we would be authorization in the bill for the use of clear stockpile in a safe and reliable speaking. $50 million to resume nuclear weapons condition to meet the requirements of Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, it is testing. the Department of Defense is the first my understanding, and I ask the Sen- With that brief opening statement— priority mission of the national secu- ator from Nebraska and the Senator and I will be expanding on this fur- rity programs of the Department of En- from South Carolina if they agree with ther—I now yield 10 minutes to my col- ergy. The Department of Energy and this, that during this period that has league, the junior Senator from New the administration must not lose sight just been identified, we would be able Mexico. of this fact as they work to fund a vari- to speak on the underlying amendment The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ety of other important programs, such or on the Exon amendment or on both, ator from New Mexico. as the Environmental Restoration and and the statement I intend to give Mr. BINGAMAN. If I may ask the Waste Management Program, which would be a statement on both, starting, Senator from Nebraska, I hoped to this amendment also supports. of course, with a description of the have about 15 minutes before the end of I yield the floor. Thurmond amendment and my reason the debate. May I take all that time at Mr. DOMENICI. Will Senator THUR- for sponsoring it, and also discussing this point? MOND yield me 5 minutes to speak on my reason for supporting the amend- Mr. EXON. Yes, I will yield 15 min- the amendment? ment of the Senator from Nebraska. utes. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. THURMOND. I thought I had to yield the able Senator from New Mex- ator from Nebraska. make my opening statement. ico 5 minutes. Mr. EXON. Mr. President, if I might Mr. EXON. If the Senator from South Mr. DOMENICI. I thank the Senator. respond and clear up any misunder- Carolina wishes to make an opening Mr. President, first, let me thank standing, the time agreement that was statement preceding the 15-minute re- Senator THURMOND for the kind re- entered into and was specifically marks by the Senator from New Mex- marks. Obviously, for those who know agreed to last night was 90 minutes ico, I am certain that will be agreeable. of my interest in the defense labora- under the control of the Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tories that are operated by the Depart- Nebraska, and 70 minutes under the ator from South Carolina. ment of Energy, in particular the three control of the Senator from South Mr.
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