CD 7/3 IEmg.! ©IF HWU=iE DflE~EEC~W@4. PAn IIAERICRn SANITARY BUREAU REG IOR L OFFICE OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGRnlZATION 1952 WIASHIIETOI, D. C. I : | 9 la a :V X. tr2*l I i / Representatives at VI Meeting of Directing Council of Pan American Sanitary Organization, Havana, Cuba, 15-24 September 1952 I I I I CD7/3 (Eng.) 1 October 1953 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR of the PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE AMERICAS of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 1952 1501 New Hampshire Ave., N. W. Washington, D. C. ABBREVIATIONS AIDIS Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering CREFAL Regional Center of Fundamental Education for Latin America FAO Food and Agriculture Organization IIAA Institute of Inter-American Affairs ILO International Labour Organisation INCAP Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama ITC International Tuberculosis Campaign LEA Liga Ecuatoriana Antituberculosa OAS Organization of American States PASB Pan American Sanitary Bureau PASO Pan American Sanitary Organization SESP Servico Especial de Sauide Piblica (Brazil) SNFA Servico Nacional de Febre Amarela (Brazil) TA Technical Assistance UN United Nations UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund USPHS United States Public Health Service WHO World Health Organization ii CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ....................... ix DIRECTOR'S GENERAL REVIEW FOR 1952 ............. 1 DIRECTOR'S OFFICE ............................ 11 SECRETARY GENERAL ......................... 17 DIVISION OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING ............. 29 DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ..................... 37 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION ..................... 51 ZONE I ...................................... 59 Caribbean Field Office .......................... 61 ZONE II ...................................... 65 ZONE III ..................................... 73 ZONE IV ..................................... 81 ZONE V ..................................... 95 ZONE VI .................................... 101 PROJECT LIST ................................ 112 iii ILLUSTRATIONS Facing Page Representatives at VI Meeting of Directing Council of Pan American Sanitary Organization, Havana, Cuba, 15-24 September 1952 .... Frontispiece Signing of Additional Protocol to Pan American Sanitary Code, 24 September 1952, Havana, Cuba .......................... 4 Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters, VI Meeting of Directing Council of the Pan American Sanitary Organization, Havana, Cuba ....................................... 5 A session of the First Inter-American Congress of Public Health, Havana, Cuba ....................................... 9 Round Table on Malaria, First Inter-American Congress of Public Health, Havana, Cuba .................................. 11 Principal dates in the Chronology of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau; part of the exhibit presented during the Congress of Public Health .... 14 Exhibit of Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization, at meetings in Havana, Cuba, September-October 1952 ................................ 15 Brucellosis training course, Sanitago, Chile ..................... 32 Third Nursing Workshop, Lima, Peru ......................... 32 WHO fellow from France studying techniques at Red Cross Regional Blood Center, Peoria, Illinois, U. S. A ....................... 33 Explaining serology of rickettsial diseases at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Montana, U. S. A., to WHO fellows from Yugoslavia and Norway ........................................ 33 Children waiting to receive BCG vaccination in Costa Rica ........... 40 Technician searching for Haemagogus larvae in tree trunk in Costa Rica ................................... ...... 41 Insect control, Costa Rica. Searching for Addes aegypti in water container .......................................... 41 Medical supplies being transported on a river in Surinam ............ 65 Nurse mounting horse to start daily round of visits in Guazapa region, El Salvador .................... ..................... 72 Mother proudly shows her son to visiting public health nurse on daily visit in Guazapa region, El Salvador ........................ 72 Making biopsy on blind victim of onchocerciasis near Yepocapa, Guatemala ......................................... 73 v ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont.) Facing Page Home visit to pre-natal patient in Apopa region, El Salvador. Public health nurse trains midwife, by practical demonstration emphasizing cleanliness and disinfection .............................. 76 Public health nurse at Unidad Sanitaria, Nejapa, El Salvador, demonstrating infant care to expectant mothers attending clinic ...... 76 Public health nurse, visiting home of midwife, explains use of basic instrument kit in connection-with birth, Health Demonstration Area, El Salvador .................................... 77 Anti-Tuberculosis League of Ecuador, field unit, Guayaquil, Ecuador .... 86 Department of Physio-Pathology, Anti-Tuberculosis League of Ecuador, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Determining, with help of Tissot gasometer, quantity of air passing through lungs of TB patient .............. .. 86 Health examination of rural clinic, Vegueta, Peru ........... .. .... 87 Mothers' club demonstration at Health Center, Huacho, Peru .......... 95 Temporary laboratory building at Aftosa Center at Sao Bento near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ................................. 101 Aftosa Center at SAo Bento near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The guinea pig, although not susceptible to aftosa, can be infected by inoculating the virus under the skin of pads of feet ...................... 101 vi CHARTS AND MAPS Facing Page Organization chart of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the World Health Organization ......... viii Jungle yellow fever in the Americas. Places where confirmed human cases of jungle yellow fever occurred in 1952 ...... 42 Smallpox in the Americas. States, Departments and Provinces of American countries reporting cases during 1952 .................................. 43 Plague in the Americas. Localities in which human cases occurred during the year 1952 ..................... 48 Supply services, 1948-52 ........................... 51 Membership of the Executive Committee, 1947-52 .......... 111 vii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 - Projects Filed during 1952 (Unit of Coordination) ......... 14 Table 2 - Conference Section Work Load Statistics for 1952 ......... 21 Table 3 - Translating Unit Work Load Statistics for 1952 ........... 22 Table 4 - International Conferences and Meetings ................ 22 Table 5 - PASB Bulletin 1952 .............................. 24 Table 6 - Summary of Periodical Publications .................. 25 Table 7 - Topics of Original Articles Published in the Bulletin ....... 25 Table 8 - Original Articles Classified by Countries and Regions (PASB Bulletin) .............................. 25 Table 9 - Monthly Distribution of the PASB Bulletin .............. 26 Table 10 - Special Publications ............................. 26 Table 11 - General Summary - Periodical and Special Publications ..... 27 Table 12 - Awards of Fellowships in the Americas, 1952 ............ 34 Table 13 - Fellowships (WHO, TA, PASB) Administered, 1952 ........ 35 Table 14 - Fellowships, by Field of Study, 1952 .................. 36 Table 15 - Jungle Yellow Fever in 1952 - Distribution of Deaths Confirmed by Laboratory ........................ 41 Table 16 - List of Project Agreements Concluded in 1952 ........... 57 Table 17 - Typhus Control, Bolivia (1952) ...................... 85 Table 18 - Ecuador: Tuberculin Tests, Vaccinations, Reaction to Vaccination and Revaccination with BCG, Effected in the Country from December 1951 to December 1952 ........ 93 Table 19 - Venereal Disease Program, Asuncidn-Villarrica Area, Paraguay (Total Serological Tests Made) ............. 108 viii PAN AMERICAN SANITARY BUREAU REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION CHART ..... .... .. .. .. ..... ......... :..................................................................... It m,,.,--I r : __ .~~~ OFFICE OF OFFICE OF COORDINATION PUBLIC INFORMATION I CONFERENCES EDITORIAL LIBRARY L .I I 1I . v 3 LOFFICE OF LEGAL OFFICE +| INTERNAL AUDIT U HEALTH PROMOTION ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICABLE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGENENT BUDGET & FINANCE FELLOWSHIPS BRANCH SANITATION BRANCH DISEASES BRANCH GENERAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONNEL BRANCH BRANCH BRANCH EDUCATION BRANCH PROPERTY CONTROL PUBLIC HEALTH MUNICIPAL SANITATION ACUTE COMMUNICABLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHIPPING AND RECEIVING BUDGET PREPARATION MEDICINE MEDICINE ADMINISTRATION RURAL SANITATION DISEASES AND TECHNIQUES RECORDSAND COMMUNICATIONS FUND CONTROL PUBLIC HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING HOUSING AND TOWN EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PRINTING AND DUPLICATING ADMINISTRATIVE (UNTA,WHO, PASB, SANITARY ENGINEERING SANITARY ENGINEERING MEDICAL CARE PLANNING STATISTICS VISUAL MEDIA MANUAL PROCEDURES TRAVEL OASTA, GRANTS, NURSING NURSING MATERNAL AND INSECT, RODENT AND TUBERCULOSIS PERSONNEL RECRUIT_ HEADQUARTERS MAINTENANCE INCAP) VETERINARY PUBLIC CHILD HEALTH OTHER VECTOR VETERINARY PUBLIC VENEREAL DISEASE MENT BANKING AND DISBURSE_ HEALTH HEALTH EDUCATION CONTROL HEALTH VETERINARY PUBLIC PERSONNEL PROCES_ MENT NUTRITION FOOD SANITATION SUPPLY HEALTH SING VOUCHER EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL ORIENTATION AND PROCUREMENT SERVICES FOR ACCOUNTING PHASES OF OCCU- PROJECTS AND MEMBER TRAINING PAYROLL AND LEAVE GOVERNMENTS OF PASS
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