Wiformia Mato Weary Saaressao 9, -Calliarata - No Rain TodayJust Fog Graduation Petitions Due The nearest thing to moisture Candidates ter bachelor's 0.- for today should be morning gees in June and fog, according to the weather- Mon are urged to make appli- man, who apparently liaa given cation far graduation prior to Jan. 25. Department up on an espected rain that heads' ap- has y et to materialize. No protata of majors and minors radical change in temperature should be flied in the liteirharhes hovering around 64, shout the Wire before seheduliag an 111P- aline at. eatertlay. Orlitneent to molts application for graduation. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, URSDAY, JANUARY' 17, 1957 NO. 66 Council Appoints Pentzer, St te May Force Greeks Hustedt To Head 'Daily' Bob Pentser yesterday was ap- the request earlier this week be- American colleges and universi- proVra as or ' I c w-ntoy-rett-It WOUld-be-set- -ttes for further -schooling -an& o Eliminate Segregation DAILY for the spring semester ting a dangerous precedent of asked the Council's opinion on by Student Council and Henry giving student body funds to col- such a move at San Jose State, Hustedt was approved as business lege departments, according to The, Council, after lengthy dis- manager for the same term. Treasurer Dick Arlington. cussion, concurred that it would All Frats Vote Law Would Ban Racial, The pair had been recommended President Ray FKeeman urged, favor San Jose State underwrit- Frat Plans Lunch to the Council by the Department however, that the Council override ing the necessary expenses for two For Expansion of Journalism and Advertising, fol- the veto since the C1PA conven- such students. Japanese food will be featured Religious Restrictions lowing a vote by' the editorial tion deaws a thin line between Approximate cost per refugee at the Tau Delta Phi faculty - and advekising staffs. being a faculty or a student func- student per semester was an- At IFC Meet student luncheon today in the San Jose State's Greek social organizations, in Ole midst of an Pentzer is ,serving as news edi- tion. "It's neither b Jac k nor nounced as $600. The students Tower. Japanese members of the expansion movement, may have to meet the segregation issue heed A unanimous vote by the Inter- tor of the SPARTAN DAILY dur- white," he told the Council. would first have to pass the re- honorary scholastic fraternity will on if the State Legislature passes a bit now being considered, which traiernity azunril made the poor- ing the fall semester, while Hue- Freeman's statement came after gular entrance examinations, It prepare the food, according to prohibits stet* colleges and the University of California from recog- aittlIty of fraternity expansion a - -.tedt is a member of the adver- some members of the Council had is planned to start the program Ted Johnson, magistrate. Rising fraternities or sororities which restrict nwmbership on the basis reality last itight only after Kap- tising staff. voiced the opinion that they were next pernester. of race, 'Religion or pa Tau fraternity relinquished its The Council also approved the If use a bill wean to pass, Cargo:or/lie colleges and univirel- IFC granted right to block any recommendation of Janet Nielson - - tins would face, much. the .aaine expansion move until Kappa Tau as editor of Lyke, campus humor UNITED PRESS ROUNDUP profiteer% that currently Plagues /IP became affUlr with a national niagasine. schools in Illinois and Colorado. fraternity. In the main financial matter of Conunenting on the resolution the day, the Council voted to Kappa TM% agreed to vote in which was introduced yesterday, override a veto of the Board of favor of esrainsion if the pro- Ike Asks $76 Million Miss Helen Dimmick, associate Control regarding a $150 appro- gram is Set up and approved by dean of woman and adviser to the priation to the Journalism Depart- the IFC, not the individual fra- Panhellenic Council. said that she ment. The sum, approved by the ternities, and- if there is tangible will definitely discuss the matter Council at its meeting last week, For Relief evidende that-new fraternities of with the members of the sorori- will be used to host a convention some consequeswe were interested WASHINGTON President reported here Tuesday night. ties. of the California Intercollegiate in coming to San Jose State. Eisenhower asked Congress Wed- 'reveler, from the Hungarian Dean Dimmick pointed out that Press Association. kappa Tau still Maintains t he nesday for $76 million to help capital Said the posters read In such a law can work both ways The Board of Control had vetoed right to study the program. farmers and ranchers reduced to part, "65,000 HUNGARIANS DID Negro, Jewish and other racial privation by drought. NOT fraternities also would be pro- Action now can be "darted to- DIE IN VAIN ... DO NOT hibited under California state law. ward bringing more `fraternities Mr .Eisenhower returned last FORGET THE DEAD," and urged "Nongof aptional Feature_Book_- Item tFC mint --truer a -theee-day-- Seer at- _the people..to..!'stabd lor_,Ian. the sororities 26.; - - presumably on this campus have racial or re- steps in finding interested frets. the drought -stricken Midwest and the date of a new revolt. ligious restrictions written into Thereafter, the college adminis- Southwest. He will make addition- Sales Behind The date ttleir constitutions." lam Dinunick tration must approve the housing al 'proposals later for coping with has no other sigedf icance in the which any new group wishes to one of history's worst dry spells. Hungarian citieedar. First Edition BOB PENTZER HENRY HUSTEDT There had been recurrisircetz "At the time nationals were ... News Clued . .. Ad Head inhabit. Only after thes e pre- The $76 million program would ports that Hungarian admitted here a number of the Sales of the Semi-Centennial ed- liminaries are completed can the include direct federal loans to re- to "save desperate in the grip of a decree sororities had some type of under- ition of Lyke, campus feature going over the veto only ,In dthet action, the Council rFc. recommend to the personnel finance farm debts. It seeks $36 prescribing death as the punish- stood racial or religious restric- magazine, were described today face" after approving the request officially recognized the formation deans that a fraternity be con- million in extra spending to June ment for strikes or other resist- tion, but for the past eight years as being "as good as the majority last week. of Saber Air Command on cam- sidered for acceptance. 30, another $35 million for the ance to the prepar- the college has been of last year's editions but short The appropriation was awn:feed, pus. The group, a national or- year starting July 1, and $.5 mil- mime, were very care- In another important action, record peak reach, by the with an added stipulation that the ganization, is composed of lower ing to rise against the Siatilet ful not to t organizations of the fo. leInctriers -rest adittorrillts ralz .1.oio Lierawitsiimil..ainii. .siege-Avtinurtl$12, ""1111-___.s.147.1C9111:- was elected pros.r. uent of tne 'try- Dean DiAtmick lard that "One by Dr. William Gould, faculty ad- methods of financing the con- Their entrance into SJS marks far the spring semester. Working BONELLI PAPERS FILED sorority which was not approved viser. vention in the future, the fifty-second campus on which NEW HUNGARIAN UNREST they are located. with him will be Joe Clark, Delta SACRAMENTO Extradition here because of racial restrictions Dr. Gould explained that cus- Also approved was a request Upsilon, v ice president; Bob VIENNA - - Posters appeared papers against William G. Bonelli was so unhappy about the re- the winter edition has from Alpha Phi Omega, national The day's final matter saw tomarily the Wednesday on walls in revolt-crip- were filed with Secretary of State strictions in its constitution that sold as well as the fall be- service fraternity, that unclaimed Council sending two get -well cards Rush, Kappa Alpha, secretary; not pled Budapest calling an anti -So- John Foster Dulles in Washing- efforts were made to strike out of the post -Christmas lack books from the lost and found to Vice President Don Ryan, and Al Corral Pi Kappa Alpha, cause who viet citizens to prepare for a new ton D.C. by Gov. Goodwin J. the offending clauses, and five funds. Copies of the current is- be turned over to them for use was absent from the meeting. of treasurer. uprising 10 days from now, it was Knight. years later the same sorority was sue may be obtained at the Stu- in the ASH book exchange. It admitted on campus. dent Affairs Business Office. was reperted to the Council that Dean Robert Martin, lnterfra-, An arresting feature of the mag- the Spartan Shop had picked up the books last semester, breaking ternity Council adviser. said "I do azine was the traditional inclusion Revelries Show Reopens Tonight not feel qualified to make a state- a 16 year precedent of giving the of the "Lykable Doll", who was ment on Both a sensitive issue, books to APhi0. Spartan lovely Jan Kerrigan this until I have found out who is also told the Council trip around. f.Freeman backing the anti -segregation bill that a move is underway to bring "Lykeable Prof" for the Semi- For Frat, Sorority 'Block' Audience and why It was submitted to the Hungarian refugee students t o Centennial Edition was Dr. Mary State Legislature." Wiley, professor of education and By -JIM nrsuAw performance. by MontiMa and Manny Correa in the show, comprise the plot He added, however, that if such recreation.
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