Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 10-17-1996 The Daily Egyptian, October 17, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1996 Volume 82, Issue 43 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: Glyph chro~icles Homecoming·<elebrations otyears pa.st{~lthiini/ern.i.njs·ce '..li.: :,: ·. •·Ca}bQndale Self-budget. bt1sinesses plan to start. .llcii>n, i~g for Mbrrfe~omi~K .,_: .. for· colleges · · By Tracy Taylor : .. Daily Egyr,1ian Reporter By Dylan Fenley }:Jomeco~ing weekend is one of Daily Egyptian Reporter the biggest weekends of the year for .most ..... local businesses in SIUC will make budge1ing of money for each cul­ h . • Caibotiilalc, a. local businessman lecc in 1hc Uni\•ersiiy more efficient by ghing the t.-ol• says. • · · lege!;' more w.;ponsibilily for their own budgets, an : . As Homecoming weekend official says. approaches. local businesses arc In the current budget sy~tem. tuition money paid by rolling out the red c.upct; putting up studenL~ is collected by the Uni\'ersily and dbtribu1ed sale signs and upping their staff to to aC"..idcmic colleges as the Uniwrsity s..--cs fil. get rc:idy for the crowd, With 1hc new plan. Beggs said academic ccn1ers . Brian Griffin. the manager of would dircclly n.'CCi\'c tuition money from studenL~ Applebecs, 1125 E. Main SL, said who take classc.s within lhat t.-ollege and would he Homecoming weekend is_ the busi­ ru:sponsible for budgeting the money themselves. est weekend of the semester. and the restaurant is preparing to handle ' Responsibility -------~----• I Centcr.cd the crowd by increasing the daily Management is 11 You don't run a staff. a style of bud­ "We got a chance to wann up geting fu_nds for community of with the Garth Brooks concert and SIUC that offi­ ParenL~' Weekend," he said. "We cials hope to scholars like you expect an even bigger crowd for implement at all run a free market." Homecoming, and we're increasing SIU campuses in our staff to about five extra bodies a night." ., . the next few Albert Melone, years, SJUC George Warren. the manager of Chancellor Don SJUC faculty senate the Pasta House located iri , University Mall, said they cxpct.1 a Beggs said. president , . huge ero~\'d of alumni, student~ and . Under. t~e , .• , . .. familic.~ for the weekend . plan. academic · ... · . (. ... ~We usually stmt getting b!JSY and support units will he formed i,nto se,f.budgeling right nftei- the football game :iround units rc.~ponsiblc for paying their own expenses like 4 p.m:. and we stay bu.~y until we personnel salaries, mainlenance. utilitic.s and rent for close at I0:30," he said. ''We offices and classroom~ in Uni\'crsily buildings. onlered-in more stock. and·we·re Academic unit~ include schools and colleges, and increasing ol!r waiters and wai~ support units are non-college units including mainte- cs by two on each shift" nance.. secretarial and security unit~. · Restaurants are not the oniy busi­ Non-academic support unit~ also will he divided nesses getting ready for the week­ into responsibility centers and will he responsible for · . end.· Many area hotels are .:!ready billing otht!r units for services 1hey pro\'ide. · booked. Beggs said the plan will cncour.igc colleges 10 be · Michael Davis, the manager of more efficient and 10 design their programs to be more Knights lnn.'3CXXJ W. Main SL, said appealing to students. · . 1hc 128-room hotel is fully booked "Under this system. if you have the demand and the for the weekend, and the hotel Iias studcnt~.you'II have the income to teach thedao;s," he increased its staff by six people.• said. "I so KrNOl!A 7he /J;Jil): qi)plian wish we had more space we "But if your cour"c.~ do not attract the students, Ht~R - could accommodate more people," then there won't be the income to reach it." Da_ric.Edgnr; n sc11ior_i11 ci11e111n.n11d 11/rotogrnphy, helps_parnme,~ics l:L'i}I nu m!idm- · he said, · Albert Melone. president of the SIUC Facully lifted 11,an who wns i11j1m•d when l1e s!ruck n .111!111va11·wl11le ndmg n bicycle . · D:ivis said the business the hotel Senate. objcl'tcd at the OcL 10 SIU Boan! ofTrustL-es Wednesday aftemoo11 near Wham Etlticntw11nl B111ldp1g . gets from SIUC is vital to the hotel. meeting about a lack of faculty input on the new plan. "The busincs.~ we get froni SIUC "I ohjected tn the cn.":ltion of a slccring commilll'e is the core business," he said. with only administr.itors :md no faculty members," "Parents and visitors don't come every weekend; but if you treat see BUDGET, page 7 SJUC studeot, them right and give them the right impression. they will come back." Wanda Vahle, 1he manager of Inside· Index· Super 8 Motel, 1180 E. Main. said . the 63-room Super 8 also has been booked for Homecoming weekend· Greeks make Opinion ••• pg. 4 m,iniVan colHde since last year. floats "We've been booked for this for 10 weekend parade. Classified·· pg. · By Brett Wilco~~ tion;.and his only apparent injury was a weekend since before I became Comics ••• pg. 13 Daily Egyplian Reporter gash above his left eye. · manaecr, and that was in January;· "He's okay;•·11c said. "He's conscious she s;tld; · p~ge 3 Sports •••• pg. 16 and oriented." · Da,·e Edgar wa'i driving to cla,;s at about Vahle said in celebration of 111c driver of the minivan 'was Robin • Homecoming, the moicl staff will Entertainment Weather noon Wednesday when he saw. an injured Dodson, a senior. in elementlll)' education not be required to wear the hotel man lying on the road. from Madison. unifonn this weekend. "I· saw him lying on the ground and "I wa~ getting rc:idy to make a left ium," Glyph previews · :•ff any of the staff, have Saluki . Today: Cloudy stopped to help," Edgar, 28; a senior in cin­ she said;: · sweatshins or T-shins, they can Hootie/Giants . cma and photography, said. High· "He came from around:the curve and \\'Cllrthem·and forego the uniform." concert. Witnesses on the scene said the injured slammed into the van:• · · · she said man wa.'i riding a !Jicycle along Lincoln . Dodson said the man was riding inside, 6 :a: Drive and cra.~hed into the side of n mini­ extremely fast. • . _GusBode 50 van near the entrance 10 lot 29 near the "He slammed on his br.ike-:, und there Sports Wham EduL-alional Building; was a screeching noL~." she saitl. Edgar held a cloth to.the unidentified "But he just couldn'.t stop in time Tomorrow: Sunny ma,rs heid m,til paramedics arri\'ed and hecau.~ he was going so fa,;t." Salukis battle stayed on the scene unt_il the man Wa'i taken · Jessica Peck, 20, a junior. in ou1door old nemesis, High awaY. by par.imedics. : · recreation from. Rockfonl, said she wit~. · 55 ----,_-.i-... · ;Weslern Illinois. Edgar said he i~ a former paramedic, arid nCl>sed the incident and said Edgar wa.~ noi -;~~I~]y· -~-----_•.. Low he'perfonned first aid on the jnjured man. anymore. It'~ ' page 16 35 ··.·He sai_d the man was in fairly good cond!~ see ACCIDENT, page 14 the Avenuei · . ' ,_, •--~--1_,. ·-,,.---------• . ,: Thursday, October 17, 1996 ,.-(t1~1_ 7E_·irixR_.,_._:1· · • --~··,...;{ ,.,·.:;~t.,t;~;'r-~ .. ,1-.------------- . - ,,,., . ~ TODAY_ presents Matt Peters~ environmenul th .. • : SIUC Library A.ffairs seminar - ~:.t~:i J~::Stt~;tt "Introduction to Web Publishing • • Black Think Tank Political (HTML)," 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Morris Library 103D. Co:itact Action Committee meeting. I0p.m., Undergraduate Desk at 453-2818. : Student Center Ohio Room. Contact Chantee at.536-7401. · • Equestrian Team and Riding Club meeting, every Thursday, • Hillel Foundation for Jewish 7 p.m., Student Center Missouri · Campus Life organizational mect­ Room. Contact 1-,ri at 351-1725. ing, 6:30 p.m., Student Center Mackinaw Room. Contact Betsy at • Catholic charismatic prayer S49-7387. meeting, every Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Newman Catholic Student • United Asian-American Council ;;!.,.•~- ~r-. ,,-.,~ .-, .\00,. "'" Center. Contact Tom at 549-4266. ~:fb~~f;!f i~c. ~:~: • Microbiology Student Andy at 351-1172.' . START.THE '; Organization meeting - guest speaker, Vickie Olivi:r, Care,,r • Southern.Illinois Collegiate . YEAR. \ Services, 7 p.m., Life .scienc.: ,II Sailing Club meeting, 8 p.m., -1059. Contact Derrick at 351.1431. Student Center. Saline Room. ! OFFRIGHT 1 Contact Myron at 351-0007. UPCOMING RUNNING OUT ••• lri~illfii;icf..'c;, TIME IS ,,i;ed ~,:;.~rf ~i;,/5~~-;~~i'. • Jup;mese Table meets for infor­ .:; QUIT_ SMOKING fj Bernadene at 453-2534. mal conversation in Japanese and Only English, every Friday - Oct. 18, 6 to 8 p.m., Melange Care, S. Illinois Avenue. Contact Terry at Z days left 1111~=:~~z::""-~ ~1~~~r~:::ee:~;;I;;; 549-6742. ~ iPARTIC::IPATION'.GR) 453-2534. to get in )2):'QOfr:~MQKING~~i • Film Alternatives general mect- • Artists Reception, Oct. 18, compliance with the 6 to 8 p.m., Associated Artists' Gallery, 213 S. Illinois Ave. Contact immunization law. i~~~tl~!ll1l, ~~~t~:;.mc:~::~:!:r:; Judy at 5-19-2491 or~57-4743. Avoid a $25.00 late fee and a health service hold ~~90N_~~,1.9~~1 ]:~ • Habitat for Humanity mecting­ being placed on your spdng ·'97 registration.
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