Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLIII No. 4 February 21, 2012 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial The US-Aquino regime is keeping the peace talks in a quagmire t has been more than a year since formal these through negotiations. peace talks between the National Democratic From the beginning, it has been clear that the I Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Gov- GPH is not genuinely interested in talking with ernment of the Philippines (GPH) resumed on the NDFP. On February 14, 2011, the very eve of February 15-21 in Oslo, Norway. But the negoti- the resumption of formal negotiations, it treach- ations have not progressed because of the out- erously arrested Alan Jazmines, a valued con- standing issue of the arrest and continued deten- sultant of the NDFP and a key figure in its nego- tion by the GPH of key NDFP peace talks consult- tiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on So- ants and staff in violation of previous agree- cio-Economic Reforms. Despite Comrade ments. Jazmines' undeniable identity as an NDFP con- The possibility of any significant advance has sultant, the GPH outrightly refused to recognize become even more remote under the US-Aquino his rights under the Joint Agreement on Safety regime in the face of the GPH's refusal to respect and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). The JASIG is previous accords and the utter lack of interest it an agreement signed in 1995 that guarantees the has shown in addressing the issues that are at safety of persons involved in the negotiations. the roots of the armed conflict and in resolving At the conclusion of the first round of formal talks in February 2011, the GPH pledged to un- dertake steps to release 17 NDFP consultants then under detention, aside from 349 political detainees. After a year, 13 NDFP consultants re- main in prison, including Jazmines. The GPH con- tinuously refuses to comply with its obligations under the JASIG to free Jazmines and 12 other In this issue... Detention of Alan Jazmines et al 3 NPA in Abra and Kalinga hailed 6 Superprofits of oil industries 9 NDFP consultants. their safety and the talks strated his utterly reactionary Lately, the GPH has even would not be able to proceed character by endlessly spewing had the gall to accuse the smoothly, Respect for the counterrevolutionary venom NDFP of using the JASIG as a JASIG is crucial to the continu- against the NDFP. The NDFP means of securing the release ation of the peace negotia- has nothing but profound dis- of CPP officials. It stubbornly tions. appointment for Padilla, a for- declared that it would only rec- The more than 12 formal mer human rights advocate, for ognize NDFP consultants if the agreements—including the the contempt he has been NDFP could show the original Comprehensive Agreement on showing for the peace negotia- list of consultants along with Respect for Human Rights and tions. their true names and photo- International Humanitarian After a year, the peace graphs. Law (CARHRIHL) that was talks are caught in a quagmire The GPH has been exploit- signed in 1998—were all forged due to the GPH's complete lack ing the issue of JASIG verifica- within the framework of inter- of interest in fulfilling its obli- tion to justify its refusal to national laws and rules. As bel- gations. It has become plain as abide by the agreement, pro- ligerent forces in a civil war, day that the GPH does not val- long the detention of NDFP the NDFP and GPH are obliged ue its peace talks with the consultants it has captured to respect them. The GPH's NDFP at all and its catchwords and cover up their persecution. compliance or non-compliance of peace and human rights are This also serves to obscure the with its obligations under the all empty blabber. GPH's responsibility for tram- JASIG is indicative of its readi- The NDFP and the entire pling on the JASIG by abduct- ness to implement any future revolutionary movement are ing and forcibly disappearing agreements it may enter into. acutely aware that the GPH's NDFP leaders in the past. It is a matter of palabra de priority lies in crushing the The GPH claims that the honor. New People's Army and sup- JASIG is merely a side issue. Instead of complying with pressing the people's mass On the contrary, the JASIG is its obligations and keeping its struggles through armed re- one of the key agreements de- promises, the GPH has been re- pression, psywar and intelli- signed to create favorable lentlessly maligning the NDFP gence operations. This priority conditions for negotiations. and concocting one lie after is in line with the 2009 Coun- Without its guarantees, nego- another. Its chief negotiator terinsurgency Guide laid down tiators will constantly fear for Alexander Padilla has demon- by the US-Aquino regime's im- perialist master. Under this framework, the peace talks on- ly serve to camouflage the all- ANG Contents out war it is unleashing against the people. Vol. XLIII No. 4 February 21, 2012 Editorial:The US-Aquino regime is The Aquino regime has been keeping the peace talks in a quagmire 1 further emboldened to cast the Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligay- Detention of Jazmines et al 3 peace talks aside in the face of non, Waray and English editions. intensifying US imperialist in- GPH wants to junk THJD 3 It is available for downloading tervention in the country, the at the Philippine Revolution Web 2 hunters killed by soldiers 4 growing presence of American Central located at: Anti-militarization in Panay 5 troops and bigger military as- www.philippinerevolution.net sistance to the puppet govern- Ang Bayan welcomes contribu- AFP-bandit collusion 5 ment. US intervention in the tions in the form of articles and NPA in Abra and Kalinga hailed 6 news. Readers are likewise Philippines' internal affairs is enjoined to send in their com- Aquino regime to set up “new Subic” 7 currently one of the biggest ob- ments and suggestions for the stacles to the advance of the US intervention slammed 8 betterment of our publication. peace negotiations. Internsify- You can reach us by email at: Oil superprofits 8 ing US intervention and the [email protected] Aquino regime's puppetry stand in the way of forging Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee agreements to resolve the peo- of the Communist Party of the Philippines ple's fundamental problems. ~ 2 ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012 Detention of Jazmines et al is a from arrest and detention. The military and police per- continuing violation of the JASIG sonnel dismissed the JASIG and Jazmines' rights as a JASIG he arrest by the Government of the Philippines (GPH) of Alan holder. He was immediately de- TJazmines on February 14, 2011 is a grave violation of the Joint tained at the PNP Custodial Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). His contin- Center and slapped with ued detention and that of 12 other consultants of the National Demo- trumped-up criminal charges. cratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) aggravate GPH violations of This serious violation becomes the JASIG and do not help create conditions for the resumption of graver the longer he is kept in formal peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GPH. detention. His prolonged incar- ceration is in violation of JASIG Statements by the GPH that nel. provisions calling for the sus- it has abided by the JASIG are The GPH is merely trying to pension of all legal proceedings complete falsehoods. The GPH cover up its brazen violations of against persons covered by the has exaggerated the importance the JASIG, especially in the out- agreement. On top of all this, of verifying the identities of standing case of Jazmines' de- Jazmines likewise faces perse- NDFP consultants and tention and arrest. When cution from abusive police offi- claims that the Jazmines was arrest- cials. problem lies with ed, he presented his The GPH must be held ac- the NDFP and its Document of Iden- countable for its refusal to free failure to pro- tification that had the consultants it has illegally ar- vide proof that the reference num- rested and continues to detain. the detained ber ND 978213 and It should also be held responsible consultants are the name Dodi for the abduction and forced dis- the persons Lapida. He insisted appearance of Leo Velasco, Pru- whose names are on his rights as an dencio Calubid, Rogelio Calubad contained in a list of NDFP Peace Panel con- and other key consultants of the JASIG-protected person- sultant enjoying immunity NDFP. ~ The GPH wants to do away with The Hague Joint Declaration t is not only the JASIG that the GPH wants to set the character and objective of the peace talks. Iaside. Also under attack are other key agree- In refusing to recognize THJD as a fundamen- ments like The Hague Joint Declaration (THJD) tal agreement, the GPH has deviously invalidated which was signed by the NDFP and GPH in 1992. all previous agreements forged on this basis, in- In February 2011, the GPH feigned recognition cluding the JASIG and the CARHRIHL. It wants to of the 12 previously signed agreements with the negate all the victories attained in the peace nego- NDFP that were the fruits of decades of negotia- tiations in the past two decades and set new bases tions. At the same time, however, it dismissed for the talks, with the aim of having the revolution- THJD as a mere mechanism, and refused to see it ary forces surrender their weapons and submit to as the foundation document that defined the char- the reactionaries.
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