IT 1017 Pg A1 Yellow Red Blue Black Volume 115 Number 40 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2002 60 Cents Township Committee candidates Township approves DMDA ‘03 budget Adding $240 in interest brings By Anne L. Malyska the revenues to $231,140. of The Item Turning to expenses, the The Downtown Millburn largest appropriations for 2003 Development Alliance (DMDA) come in the area of administra- introduced its budget Tuesday tion, with a total cost of night without fanfare. $90,545. Included in that is a Pat Holden, executive director $53,000 salary for the executive of the DMDA, presented the director and $24,000 for a part- $231,140 budget to the Township time assistant. Committee, who formally ap- The budgeted 2003 salaries proved it through resolution. The mark a decline from the 2002 spending plan, which marks a spending plan, which called for decrease from the $263,500 bud- a director’s salary of $50,000 geted for 2002, drew compli- and a full-time executive assis- ments from Mary McNett, the tant’s salary of $38,000. Barbara Salvatore J. Bate Annette DiPasqua-Romano Abbott Gorin Mary McNett Committee’s liaison to the Wolfe held the full-time assis- DMDA’s board of directors. tant’s position until her termina- “I think 10 years without an in- tion in June. By Harry Trumbore By Anne L. Malyska By Harry Trumbore By Anne L. Malyska Ms. Holden said the part-time of The Item of The Item of The Item of The Item crease in funding for this organi- zation is phenomenal,” Ms. executive assistant, who is ex- Six years ago, a South Moun- Annette DiPasqua-Romano is In his second run for a seat on Seeking her fourth, three-year McNett said. “I think they do a pected to start Dec. 1, would not tain community leader, Salvatore a lifelong township resident who the Township Committee, Demo- term on the Township Commit- very good job with the funding receive benefits. Insurance and J. Bate, was tapped as a replace- wants to make a difference. cratic candidate Abbott Gorin is tee, Republican incumbent Mary they work with… They have been payroll taxes of $13,545 are in- ment for Township Committee- She has concerns with the once again focusing on the issues McNett is looking to continue ef- very creative with their sponsor- cluded in the administration man Joel Weingarten, who had level of traffic safety and cus- of development of the downtown forts to which she has dedicated ships and outreach for grants.” costs. moved up to the state Assembly. tomer service that the township business area and continued con- her time throughout her tenure. Included in the 2003 budget’s Customer attractions and pro- During a talk with The Item provides. So Ms. DiPasqua- cern for seniors in town. Having served nine years on revenue is $160,000 from the or- motions are budgeted to cost last week, Mr. Bate, now running Romano, a Democrat, hopes During a visit to The Item of- the governing body, the Park ganization’s annual assessment. $21,500. These include the for his third term on the Com- voters will elect her to the Town- fices last week, Mr. Gorin said he Circle resident has spearheaded Ms. Holden said the assessment Shopping and Dining Guide, mittee, looked back at the agenda ship Committee when they head has no objection to older citizens efforts in the township’s deer has not changed since the holiday season promotions and he faced as the new committee- to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 5. “cashing out” while housing management plan, served as liai- DMDA’s inception 10 years ago. sidewalk sale days. Special man. If so, her election would put a prices are high, but wants to see son to the Downtown Millburn Also included is $24,000 in events, including holiday break- “Most issues have not break in a longstanding, all-GOP more incentives for them to stay Development Alliance (DMDA) sponsorships from the Snowflake fasts, pumpkin painting, the car changed,” Mr. Bate said. Traffic governing body. in town. and also to the Environmental Parade, an annual holiday event show and Farmers Market are safety, preserving open space, “I don’t believe it’s about “It’s a big emotional issue,” he Commission. in December, as well as from expected to cost $25,800. geese and deer population prob- having another party,” said the said, bigger, in part, than when In addition, she has worked on general sources. Visual improvements are bud- lems and preserving the residen- Millburn High School graduate he first ran a year ago because of the township’s finance subcom- Ad sales for the DMDA’s 2003 geted at $32,000, with the high- tial character of the township and former bank manager. “It’s the continuing rise of school mittee to help prepare the munic- Shopping and Dining Guide are est costs coming in the area of were all topics to be addressed. about having a new person, a costs and the school’s growing ipal budget, and the subcommit- expected to net $25,000, while sidewalk sweeping and mainte- And as the only Committee- new mind… someone to offer portion of the local tax bill. tee on repairing curbs and gutters. grants are budgeted to bring in nance ($18,000) and wayfinding man from the Millburn section of new ideas and a new way of He proposed an informal dia- But it is revitalizing the down- $10,500. The budget anticipates signage ($8,000). the township, Mr. Bate recalls, doing things.” logue between the Township town that the 22-year resident $11,400 from DMDA signature The budget drew some ques- “There was an ‘us vs. them’ Her main issues in this elec- Committee and the Board of Ed- points to as her top priority if re- events, such as Petfest, the Clas- tions from Committee members, mentality. I think my candidacy tion have focused on traffic and ucation. He warned, however, “a elected to office. Among the sic Car Show, and Halloween, which touched on the availability Continued on Page 14 Continued on Page 13 Continued on Page 15 Continued on Page 13 Bunny and Santa breakfasts. Continued on Page 23 Schools tackling allergy issues “I cannot express the anxiety late June and take a year to com- By Harry Trumbore these parents go through sending plete. of The Item their child off (to school),” said Several Wyoming school par- At Monday night’s Board of Susan DiAnthony, who runs a ents asked that plans to expand Education meeting, the recent food allergy support group out of classroom space at that school be bond referendum took second St. Barnabas Ambulatory Center re-examined. The parents made seat to the superintendent’s at- in Livingston. Ms. DiAnthony the point the September referen- tention to what parents see as a said the draft was inclusive “and dum only passed by a small serious health problem. showed a depth of understand- margin in the Wyoming district. Kudos were given at the meet- ing.” According to the construction ing to Superintendent of Schools “We are committed to provid- plans approved by the board and Richard Brodow for responding ing a safe environment for all the state, a detached four-class- quickly to parental concerns children,” Dr. Brodow said. room annex will be built in front about the dangers facing children The board briefly reviewed the of the school, connected by a with food allergies. results of the voting on the bond hallway. “He met with us and was very referendum: the school class- Wyoming parent David receptive,” said Hartshorn parent room expansion program passed, Rosenzweig questioned the aes- Janet Antico. “He gave us his along with numerous improve- thetics of the design and asked if word that in two weeks he was ments to all school facilities, there would be an opportunity going to have guidelines in a while the request for artificial for Wyoming parents and resi- draft.” turf for the high school athletic dents to review the plans for ex- A draft of district guidelines field was voted down. pansion. Dr. Brodow said, how- indeed was ready by Monday’s Dr. Brodow told the audience ever, community members had meeting. The document estab- the next order of business is to already debated the plans and the Staff photo/Jim Connelly lishes responsibilities and proce- hire a construction manager and board’s hired architect had con- HELPLESS FEELING—First-year head coach Rob Grosso (far right) and the rest of the dures for parents, students and solicit bids during the winter. sidered alternatives. bench look on as time winds down in the Millburn varsity boys’ soccer team’s 2-0 loss staff to follow in order to lessen Light preparation work will “I am confident that the work to Columbia Sunday afternoon in the first round of the Essex County Tournament at the danger presented by food al- begin in late spring, he said, but that is completed will be excellent Cameron Field in South Orange. Game story, more photos on Page 17. lergies. real work will begin in earnest in Continued on Page 23 DMDA cites former Bate switches to offense in Committee contest election, he had sent a letter to Joanne Monar- man confronted workers at the polling place employee in complaint By Eveline Speedie que, the township clerk, informing her of al- about the switched machines. of The Item leged violations by Mr. Romano and Mr. Compounding Mr. Bate’s ire at the time was “This action was deemed nec- Saying he is “tired” of all the negative cam- Gorin he had witnessed at the South Mountain his observation that Mr.
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