![Assemblies of God](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
45TH GENERAL COUNCIL ISSUE Kathryn Kuhlman Assemblies of God ...... "rison r-------~-- - The Early Years In the PART 1 SUMMER 1993 VOL. U. NO.2 5 ~UMMtH: 1993 VOl. 13. NO, 2 PAGE 16 5 G. RA YMOND CARL""S,,0<eN'-________ ARCIIIVES STAFF-WAYNE E. WARNER, EDITOR AND ARCHIVES DIRECTOR, Beginning of a two-pan series on the early years in the JOYCE LEF, ASSISTANT ARCHIVIST; Upper Midwest for the retiring general superintendent. By GlENN GOHR, ARCHIVES ASSISTANl AND COPY EDITOR; JULIE SPEARS. Fannie Mae Hall SECRETARY ARCHIVES ADV ISORY BOARD--CHAIRMAN JOSEPH R FLO\\ ER. 9 R.D.E. AND GO LD"I"E~S'"M"I""T'"'H'___:_--------­ J. CALVIN HOLSINGER. GARY B. McGEE. A feature on Assemblies of God second generation E\"EREIT STENHOUSE. leaders . By EdiIh B1umhofer A.'fSemblles 0/ God Heri/a~e is published quane-fly b) Ihe ,\ ssc-mbliC'S of God Ar(hi'e-~, 12 KATHRYN KU=H"L"M'CA"N'-:--__-:- _____-:- ____ 144~ 11oon,i1Ie- A'e-., Springfie-Id. r..hswuri 65802·1894. This maga;o;me- is frtC" 10 membcr~ of Don't Call Me a Faith Healer. An excerpt from a new Ihe- A\~emblie-~ of God Herilage- Sociew Ye-arly biography Kathryn Kuhlman, The Wornan Behind the mcmbC"r~hips arc a~ailable for $10: lifellme mcmbcr\hip~ are 5100. MembC"rship fees are Miracles, By Wayne Warner u\cd to pub1i~h Ihe magaJ;ne and support Ihc Arehi'es. "COME_'U_ NT_O_M"E_" 16 _.,.-.,-:-:--,--_-,-:-_--=----,.,--___ Assemblies 0/ God Heri/oge is inde~cd in A Heritage rocus on the Hjalmer Krans family, Religion Index One: Periodicols, published b~' Ihc Ame-rkan Theologkal Library ASSociation, 20 DQNALD GEE 820 Church SlrtC"l. Suilc )00. E\"anSIOIl, IL 60201 Thi~ inde-A is pan of Ihe ATLA Religion An excerpt from a new book Pentecostal Experience, The Dalabasc-. a~ailable on Ihe Wilson Disc CD· ROM Writings oj Donald Gee. Compiled by David A. Womack from H . W Wilson Co. and online ~ia Wilson· line, IlRS Information Tc-chnologic-s, and 24 PRECIOUS PROMISES STILL PRECIOUS DIALOG Informalion Stnice-s. After 70 years a Gospel Publishing House promise box is Microfilm of Hf'rl/age is a,ailablt from The-ological Re-starch Ex(hange- Ne-I"'orl found in a California antique store, By Glenn Gohr (fREN). ~ "20 N.E. Glisan. Portland. OR 97213. 27 J . BASHFORD BISHOP Pe-rsons "'Ishmg 10 donale- hiSlorical male-rial, to the- Archl\e-s-such as corrC'Sponde-nce-, pholo­ Concluding pan of feature on "Bash" Bishop's 50-year graphs, rc-cordings. films. magazinc-s. bools. ministry, By Glenn Gohr mmUIe-~. diarie-s, Cle., are- urgtd 10 ",rile- to Ihe­ abo~e- addre-ss or (all (417) 862-2781. Informa· tlon aboul Ihc Archi"C'S Building Fund is also 36 TATHAM FAMILY CHRONICLED IN NEW BOOK a,ailable- on rt<\ue-'il. The true story of an A/ G family in Rising in the West, By Copyrighl 1993 by Ihe- General Council of Ihe­ Dan Morgan Assc-mblie-s of God, 144~ Boon,·illc A,e-., Spring­ fiC"ld, Missouri 6~802-1894. DEPARTMENTS ISSN 0896·4394 3 Heritage Letter-Traveling With the Ediwr POSTMASTER; Send address change-s 10 HUI/age, 144 ~ Boon,ilie- A\e .. Spri ngfie-Id. MO 18 Time Frame-1941 Minneapolis General Council 6S802-lg94. 23 Archives Activities-Donations to the Archives 30 From Our Readers HERITAGE LETTER FO/lOH'illg the Ediror From \fiss()uri Wesse Is is a professor at Bangor Theological Selll1 nar) and currently rcsearchllig on n paper about Charles F 10 Illinois, ,VeH' Eng/anti, Indiol1o, Parham's Pentecostal te<lchlllgs Pat Pid-ard is rl'­ ,\/ississippi. and ,\1iJll1eapofls scarclung and l'ollecting material for a histor) of lion Bible lnstllute, Formerly located at Fast Providence, By Wayne Warner Rhode Island, Zion is no\\ on the old Barrington Col­ lege Campus in nearhy Barrington and \\ hose president ne o~lhe j~ys of di recllng I he Archi,\'es rind editing is Benjamin Crandall From Bangor I headed west throu!.!h the mountains to O lIerlfogl! IS to meet our renders In general and district councils. church anmversaries, retreats. nnd the bnd of Canaan That's right, C'jnaJn, 'C\\ ILlIllP­ other functions. This year has been no exception; and sillfe There my hOSIS, Reginald nnti Eleanor n.lrnc) because it is impossible for you to go \'.'jlh me.]']l gi\'c took me on a 10llT of places associated \\ oh the earl) you a quick report of some of my outside aCli\ilies for outpouring of the Holy Spint This included the ['Irst the year. Fruit Haneslers (no\\ !\cw Eng land Fello\\ ship) camp· The May schedule included a week in l\e\\ England groll,nds at Rumney and the old inn and stage coach stop \\-here [ met some of our lIeriUlg{> charter members outSIde of Canaan \\ hlch Ihe Bnrnc) !"anul) bought and \\hile participating in the Northern '\Jew England Dis­ con\'erted to a Pentecostal church (aitl.'r the Rumnc) tTict Council and researching in \1aine and Nc\\ CllrrQIi ynd Hnmpshire. Superintendent Samuel R. DiTrolio, Peler I'al " kkud, Miller, pastor of Bethel Assembly in Ponsmolllh, Ne\\ fd il or'~ hO~IS In Hanj(or, Hnmpshire, and the district were wonderful hosts, Leaving Portsmouth I crossed inlO Maine and dro\'c up U.S, Route I along the beautiful Atlantic Coast toward Bangor. The many used bookstores at Wells, Maine, pulled me in like a magnet. There I found several books for our archival collection. Staying overnight in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, gave me an opportunity to visil the camp grounds where what became the Christian a nd Missionary Alliance was founded in 1887 and w here some early Pentecosta l outpourings occurred. evangelical majority decided they did nO t \\anl My hosts in Bangor were Carroll and Patricia Pickard. Pentecostnli sm). Called EI Nathnn, this 1830 buildlllg Pat has shared some of he r New England Pentecostal was a friendly refuge to the often maligned Pentecos· collection wi lh the Archives. She co-authored wi lh the ta ls early in this century They later formed the lale Ja mes Pelers Pre\"ailillg Westerlies, a story of Assembly of God in Canaan, \\hich Eugene II Pentecostalism in Maine, While in Bangor, I also Hinrichsen now pastors. Here 100 I met Eva Barney, a enjoyed visits w ith Mary Campbell Wilson, for many former instructor at thc o ld Nc\\ England Bible Insti­ yea rs associated with Zion Bib le Institute; and Roland tute in Framingham, Massachusetts: and George Wessels, Bethany Coll ege graduate, M rs. Wilson's Walke r, son-in-Ia\\ of William Mitchell (see article on book on Zion foundcr Christine Gibson, The Ohedi­ Mitchell in last winter and spring issues of lIeritage) ence of Faith. is now available from the school. Dr. Watch for a later article on the Pentecostal outpour­ ing he re \\ hieh gave early spiritual Impetus to· aTllong C~ mp I/,TO unds al Old Ort ha rd . Maine, .. hl'rc lurn-of-lhe cl'nlu r) .. or..hlpus many- pastor Verne Barney and his wife Eva, mis­ " l'rc bll plilffi In lhe 11 01) !o. pirll, l he !o.a t. allon Arm) no .. o .. ns Ihl' properl). s ionary Jessie Barney (composer of "Who Will Go',)") and Alice Belle Garrigus, founder of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland (sec her slOry in summer 19861leritllge), nd ~peakin~ of resea,rehing, an.d writing, dur,i n.g A Apn l l was 111 Napervil le, !l11l10ts, where [part IcI­ pated in thc Consultat iOIl on t he W rit i ng of Pentecost a I H istory whic h the Inst itute for the Stud y of American Evangelicals ( ISAE) sponsored. For 8 hours 16 of us holed up in a Holiday Inn conference room and shared histo ricnl researc h idea" AlG IIt.Rn AL~.. "l MMI R .993 3 and experiences on hiography. international dimen. SHl/lS, doctrine, neglectcd aspects, and culture and the conte'l(t, Panicipatlllg wcre Dan \1organ. Wavhillj.!um P(HI reporter (scc his book on the A G Tatham family. IU,inj.! inlhe JI"{'.H. in this Issue). Grant Wacker, profes· sor at Duke Divinity School; Edith Blumhofer. ISAE project director and associate professor of history. Wheaton College, Russ Spitt ler and Cecil M Robeck Jr. professors. Fuller Theological Seminary; Gary B McGee. professor, Assembl ies of God Theological Sem in a ry: Dan Bays. history chair, University ofKan­ sas. Paul Tinllll. pastor. Evangel Assembly of God. S<:haumburg. Illinois. Marie Griffith. Ph.D candidate. Harvard University; Clarence Taylor, professor, I eMoyne College. Roger Robins, Ph. D candidate, Duke Ht"gin.ld .nd Hu n!)r H.rnt). (;an ..n . ' t.. lIampshirr. HuildinK ~nrd .s LdllvcrSlty; Da\id Daniels, professor, McCormick tarl) )'t nl«osial church and ..·.s "nown as .J '.than. Seminary; Gus Ce rillo, professor, Cal Stat e Long Beach, R. Stephen Warner. professor, Uni ve rsi ty of Also in Indiana. I will attend the anni ve rsary of the III i nois at Chicago; Doug Jacobsen, professor, Messiah /omzom ship that the Germans sa nk in 1941 Aboard ('oll ege; and Curt Berends, graduate student . Wheaton the ship were aboul 100 mi ssio naries. Four of the College missionaries we re under A G ap pointmen t: Paul and Eve lyn Derr, and C laude and Ruth Derr Keck, who tthis writing ea rl y in June. I am making plans for we re on their way to Africa.
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