CQMPWENENSIVE CO MM drNl TY PLAN TOWNSHIP OF BARRETT M 0h'R 8 E C Q UNT Y 17 P E NN SY L V AH I A PREPARATION OF THESE STUDIES HAVE BEEN FINANCED IN PART THROUGH AN URBAN PLANNING GRANT FROM THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 707 OF THE HOUSING ACT OF 1954, AS AMENDED. THESE STUDIES WERE PREPARED UN- DER THE SUPERVISION OF THE BUREAU OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 8 E''L.L A N T E AND CLAUSS PLANNING- CONSULTING SERVICES TOWNSHIP Of BARRETT MONROE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS Rapha C. Sieg Chairman ktcher M. Camthers Secretary Stanley Bender TOWNSHIP PlLAEKtNO COMMISSION Elmer J. Daniels Chairman Lawrence Wile Secretary Chester Seese Marshall Reese mu Lewis TOWNSHIP SOLICITOR Christie D. Shull TOWNSHIP ENGINEER Edward C. Hess BARRETT TOWNSHIP COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS MEMORANDUM TITI2 -PAGE No. 1 Description of Barrett Township and the Planning h-ogram 1 to 3 MAPS Area Map following Page 1 No. 2 Existing Land Use and Development 1 to 6 Appendix -MAPS Existing Land Use following Page 1 No. 2A Vacant Lsnd Analysis 1 to 3 Topography following Page 2 Vacant Land Analysis Page 2 No* 3 Population Characteristics and Projections 1 to 12 Population Distribution following Page 3 No. 4 Economic Base Study 1 to 6 No* 5 Housing Report 1 to 7 NO. 6 Community Facilities Survey 1 to 6 Community Facilities following Page 5 No. 7 Fiscal Analysis 1 to 7 Appendix No. 8 Traffic and Parking Study 1 to 5 Road Conditions following Page 3 Highway Adequacy Page 4 Parking Facilities Page 5 I 1 I MEMORANDUM TITLE 7PAc;E No* 9 Comprehensive Development Plan 1 to 19 1 -MAPS land Use Plan following Page 8 I Traffic Plan Page 14 No. 10 Capital Improvements Program 1 to 5 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 d I I 1 MEMORANDUM NO. 1 I I BARRETT TOWNSHlP MASTER PLAN 1 I I DESCRlPTlON OF BARRETT TOWNSHIP AND THE PLANNING PROGRAM I Township of garrett, ,Monroe County, Pennsylvania I IN TRODUCTlON Incation Barxett Township is located in the northeast corner of Monroe I COU~Q,the heart of the Pocono Mountain Resart Area. ManJr of the largest and most popular Pcpcono resorC attractions and developments may be found in the 'kosmship, including the Pocono Playhouse, Onawa Lodge, Skybop Irodge, I and 'Fhe Inn at Buck Hill FerlLs which is the largest resort hotel in Pennsylvania The Township is easily accessible both as a resoxt area and as a hg.aaing I residential area withfn reasonable proximity 'bo the region's centers of employmento I Major State roads which traverse the Township include Routes 191, 290, 390, and ll23 major highways which are not in the Township but provide easy access to the 'pownship inalude Ua S, Routes 611, eO9, the Northeast I Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and Pennsylvania Woutes 940 and U.5; praposed roads which will serve the area include the Bystone Short- way and Interstate Routes 81s and 84. I This extensive network of highways all increase aecessgbility from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvaniaj it will also increase the area's accessibflity to major employment centers such as Scranton, WILlkea-Barre, I Bazhton, EaBton, and AUntovn, I ~~ ~~ ~ _~__~~~ ~ ROCHE STER BUFFALO LAKE ERIE NEW YORK 15 0 15 30 45 BELLANTE AND CLAUSS INC WASHI NGTON PLANNERS ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS VlRG lNlA 1 1 'Size,- Barrett Township is the second largest Township in Monroe County havw an area of about 5104 square miles. &e 1960 population level was I reported at 2,395 persons; this represents a nominal increase of about ten percent from the 1950 level of 2,190 persons. I Development, Development in Barrett Township is concentrated in the five (5) villages of Skytop, CanadensSs, Buck Hill Falls, MountaLnhome, and 1 Cresco, which run from North to Sputh respectively, Only about 16 percent of the !Bwnshlp is developed; thSs development is scattered throughout the !bwnship with heavy concentration In. the central. area dong Rates 390 and 290, &e Township is relatively undeveloped to I the East and West, Natural Features. The elevation of the Township ranges from 840 to 2,040 I feet above mean sea level, Approxbately nine water courses provide drainage for Barrett Township. m These are Brodhead Creek, Mill Creek, Buck Hill Creek, Spruce Mountain Run, Rattlesnake Creek, Goose Pond Run, Bright Creek, Stony Run, and Spruce Cabin Ruzo I The Township is fortunate in having several large lakes, some of which have been developed for fishing, sw-, andboating. I State Parkso Among other attractions of the Township as a residential and resort area axe the Promised Land State Park on Route 390 to the north, Ccouldsboro and TobyheLnna State Parks on Rout!e 611 to the West and the State Game Lhds which is partially located in the southwest corner of the Town- I ship along Route 191, Railroads. The Township is served by the Erie-Lackawanna Railroad which m has its passenger and freight station in Cresco. Historical Background. In 1847 the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail- I road was constructed through the Cresco section of the Township. By 1900 a group of Quakers from Philadelphia came to the area and eslxib- lished a resort a* Buck Hill Falls. This was the beginning; of the resprt 1 and entertainment facUities in the Pocono Mountains. The populaeion of Barrett Township has been Increasjng steadily since the I mea was settled. En the f'uture, the increase in population -1 probably be at a much faster rate than ever before due to the increased emphasis on tourLst a&%ivitiesby the State Department of Comerce andbecause the area I wfll be more easily accessible when the new interstate highways are completed. -1 Page 2 1 1 THE PLANNING PROGRAM During the winter of 1961, the Township of Barrett authorized its Planning Comission to undertake a comprehensive planning program to guide the future growth anddevelopment of the Township. This program is being undertaken under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 as amended, The cost of the program is distributed between the Federal Government and the Township, In order to expedite the planning program, the Township has employed planning consultants who will provide technical assistance, advice, and guidance. The plans, however, will be developed by the Township's Planning Commission and its elected officials. Essentially the planning program will include three phases: 1. Inventory and analyses of existing conditions, needs, and resources including land use and development, population, houshg, economy, f2nance, and community facilities, 2. Plans for the rUture developmen%of land, roads, utilities, and public facilities. 3. The effectuation of plws through zoning, subdivision regulations, and capital improvements programming. These are the basic elements of the planning program, but the planning pro- cess will not be concluded upon the completion of the studies and plans,that are currently scheduled. The master plan uill be a starting point - - a blueprint to guide the rUture development of the Township. The mas%er plan should be contbually revised and up-dated to reflect changing conditions, aMZtudes, and goals of the Township. The success of the planning program will be measured only in the form of accomplishment; the effectuation of the plan wXLl be the responsibility of the Township's residents; it will require public support and positive action by the Board of Township Supervisors. J MEMORANDUM NO. *2 BARRETT TOWNSHIP MASTER PLAN EXISTING LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT Township of Barrett, Monroe Cwnty, Pennsylvania IN TRODUCTlON This is the second memorandum In a series of studies of fhe Township of Barrett, Pennsylvania, being prepcared under the Townshlp'e "701" Master Plasnbg Program, This mnoraaldxun is concerned with the ex%stihguse and 8evelopmnt of land Sr. the TOWnship. The character of the existing development waa determlmd by a, smyof the entire !bwnship. %be data accumulated !Ln this survey has been mapped, tdbu- lated and analyzed. 'Fhis data Ss presented in the form of a colored Property Map, at a scale of one Inch equrels 1,000 feet, which shows elght different oategorigs of uses found %nthe !bwnshIp. me maps incl-d in thls IpQp1oran- 8um are more hkalled than the colored map and show tan different categories of uses. Ike data, maps turd (c3L&1yses inoluded herein are designed to set forth the existlng characteristics of dmelopment in the Townah%p. SURVEY DATA '! The basic land use data was obtained from a detailed fleld smyof the Tawnship as well as fromthe examhation of aerial photographs an& available mps lnolrrBing U.S. Geological Survey Maps and Monroe County Assessment Maps. I I I I I 1 I I I SOUTHWEST I iI I I I I I 1 \\ EXISTING 1AN.D USE \i-' \-------/ BARRETT TOWNSHIP, PA. "SKYTOP AREA" DETAIL MAP "A" I --------:I I I PREPARED BY BELLANTE AND CLAWS INC I 1 PLANNERS ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS I I , DECEMBER 1961 -_ I ---- , --__---_ I SUMMAR;/ OF MAJOR LAND USES Barrett Totimskslp is prba,rily a resort community located in the heart of the Pocono Vacationland. The Township contains ab 900 acres of land (51.4) sqwe miles) of which about 5,300 acre 6 percent is developed; this development Includes residential, c lal, Sndwtrial, public, resort uses and roads. The remainder of the !bmship is made u$ of vacant or wooded lands and water areasa Hearly 2,000 acres, or 37 percent of' the developed land is us and resorb purposes, This includes such uses as resort; hotels, motels, tourist homes, gif"t; @hops, golf courses, etc.
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