Spotlighting the Sr Billies Read all about ‘changing Football critters’ on Page 2B Page 10A ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 SENIOR CENTER TO AUCTION QUILT Quorum Court discusses hospital business, funds BY MELISSA ORRELL he continued. “It is very import- have gotten $1.3 billion. The [email protected] ant that we get these things done counties have not seen a whole and hopefully people get more lot of money but the state has Hospital business, better than comfortable.” gotten that much money. This is expected revenue for the county Barrilleaux continued to re- something the state should par- and announcements about July’s port that the health system is at ticipate in whether they want to Quorum Court meeting were the 23% total revenue and their total or not and it should not be just topics of discussion at the June operating revenue is currently at on the counties because they regular meeting held Monday, $7 million dollars, down at least have gotten so much federal June 8. $1 million from the usual oper- money. It is $1,800, I am sure During the meeting the court ating revenue pre-COVID-19 the courthouse has the money to listened as Drew Memorial and is indicative of the lower do that, it is just the thought that Health System Chief Executive volume. A higher volume of pa- it should be paid for by some Officer Scott Barrilleaux report- tients equals more revenue for federal money.” ed hospital volume was inching the hospital. During the meeting the Court back up, however, some areas Barrilleaux also reported also heard form County Trea- are more depressed than others. that the machines purchased surer Charlie Searcy about the One reason for this is because with grant money to test for state of the County’s finances. people are avoiding coming to COVID-19 have been ordered According to Searcy the Gen- the hospital, as a result, the pa- and should be in by the fall or eral Fund, at the end of May is tients being seen in the Emer- winter. The addition of the ma- $60,000 better off than June of gency Room are sicker than nor- chines will enable DMHS to be 2019, however, funding sources mal, according to Barrilleaux. the resource in the area to get are light. This should be helped, tested. Once the machines are in, “The issue we are seeing with according to Searcy, as District the hospital will be able to run 8 this is people avoiding coming Court picks up and fines are tests at once with a 45 minute to to the hospital,” said Barrilleaux paid. The one cent sales tax will “When we do see them, espe- one hour turn around time. Bar- begin again on Wednesday, July cially in our ER, we are seeing rilleaux continued stating that 1, and Drew County should start really sick folks. I am encourag- he hopes they will be able to test seeing that money in September. ing people, and it would be great everyone once the machines are Searcy also reported that the if everybody could encouraged in but right now DMHS is only county hasn’t seen a big drop in all of our family, friends and able to test those who have signs loved ones, please do not put off and symptoms. funds because they do not rely your healthcare. Go in and get The Court also discussed on the State very much. your checkups.” Judge Bynum Gibson’s request “We haven’t seen a really sig- Barrilleaux continued by in- to have glass in areas of the nificant drop,” said Searcy, “ We forming the court that DMHS courtroom where a six foot dis- are fortunate that a lot of our began elective procedures in tance may not be possible, such county general fund, we do not May. Elective, according to as in front of the judge’s bench rely much on the State for that.” Barrilleaux, does not mean the and the witness stand, among Also announced was a change procedure is not necessary or other places in the courtroom. to next month’s regularly sched- that it is cosmetic, it means you The total cost would be about uled Quorum Court meeting on can choose what date you want $1,800, according to Drew Monday, July 13. The meeting it done. Elective procedures in- County Judge Robert Akin. will begin early, at 5 p.m. so clude colonoscopies, mammo- “We are probably one of the the Court can see a presentation grams, MRIs and other diagnos- only courthouses that don’t have on solar panels to cut costs to tic procedures like these. (the glass) in it because I have the county for their lights and “The information what you been trying to figure out who is HVAC units. According to Akin Special to the Advance get and what your provider gets going to pay for it,” stated Akin. the plan is not to build a big farm The Barbara Aston Senior Center is raffl ing a quilt to help with their fund raiser for local seniors. Due to the COVID-19 based off those diagnostic stud- “I am a little frustrated that we but to install solar panels by the pandemic the center has not been able to do any of the fund raisers this year that the center depends on. To help ies can tell us a lot about what we have gotten, according to (Con- helicopter pad at DMHS and will support the seniors at the Senior Center, the center is selling tickets for the quilt this year with curbside drive-up or need to do to keep you healthy,” gressman Bruce) Westerman, we be enough for the county to use. call the senior center at 870-367-2434. The tickets are $2.00 and will be on sale through June and July. ASA Grow for the Green Soybean Challenge open SPECIAL TO THE ADVANCE 1. Northeast Delta: Mis- receive $5,000, and third place The application period for sissippi, Crittenden, and East contestants will collect $2,500. the 10th annual Arkansas Soy- of Crowley's Ridge in Clay, In addition, the state's top pro- bean Association Grow for the Greene, Craighead, Poinsett, ducer will receive a bonus in Green Soybean Yield Challenge Cross counties prize money and a trip to the 2. Northeast: is officially open. All soybean Randolph, Law- 2021 Commodity Classic in San producers in Arkansas are eligi- rence and West of Crowley's Antonio, Texas. As an added in- ble to participate in this contest, Ridge in Clay, Greene, Craig- centive, producers achieving 120 which is funded by the Arkansas head, Poinsett, Cross counties bu./ac. will receive an equal por- 3. White River Basin: Inde- Soybean Promotion Board, with tion of $10,000. Production data pendence, Jackson, Woodruff, crop management assistance and contest results from 2019 White, Monroe counties provided by The University of 4. Central & Grand Prairie: and previous years are available Arkansas Extension Services. on the ASA website. Pulaski, Lonoke, Prairie, Arkan- "The growers who participate Participating producers from sas counties in this contest should all be com- across the state compete for a 5. East Central Delta: St. mended for their efforts," said chance to win a cash prize by Francis, Lee, Phillips, Desha Rusty Smith, ASPB chairman producing the highest yield crop (Snow Lake Area) counties and soybean producer from Des in their region. The contest was 6. Southeast Delta: Jefferson, established to recognize and re- Lincoln, Drew, Ashley, Chicot, Arc. "Being engaged in the in- ward the top soybean producers Desha counties dustry this way and sharing their in Arkansas, collect valuable 7. Western: Remainder of the talents with other farmers helps production data, and promote state us learn and refine the produc- best production practices in the 8. Conventional Division: tion methods and management state. Entire State non-GMO produc- practices used in our state." The 2020 edition of the con- tion. Entry forms and contest rules test follows the format of pre- Cash prizes for each category are available upon request from vious years in which the state is will be awarded to the top three the ASA office at 501-666-1418 divided into seven geographic producers at the ASA Annual or your local county extension Melissa Orrell/Advance Monticellonian regions or categories, plus one Meeting in January. Those who agent. They can also be down- Drew Memorial Health System Chief Executive Offi cer Scott Barrilleaux speaks to the court about the importance conventional (non-GMO) cate- place first in each category will loaded at www.arkansassoy- of screening and seeing a health care provider during the COVID-19 pandemic. Barrilleaux reported Emergency gory, that covers the entire state. receive a cash prize of $7,500, bean.com or www.themiracle- Room patients have been sicker than normal due to fears of going to medical centers. These include: second place contestants will bean.com. INDEX Opinion ..............4A Calendar ............2A Religion .............5B Classifi eds .........9A Sports ...............8 A Kids’ Corner As we all adjust to the measures put in place to protect our community and Obituaries ..........7A Kids’ Activities .. 1B nation, we at the Advance have dedicated two pages for the kids who are at Page OUR 149TH YEAR & Education home during this unprecedented time. It is our hope we can bring quality, fun, NUMBER 24 • 18 PAGES educational materials the kids will look forward to every week. So kids, this is for 1B & 2B Page you! Look on pages 1B and 2B to see what we rounded up for you this week.
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