Journal of the AU Dl0 ENGINEERING SOCIETY This issue contains the papers presented at the Audio Fair held in conjunction with the Fourth Annual Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. in New York. October 29. 30. 31. and November 1. 1952 . Binaural Disc Recording -- Enzory Cook ......................... Methods of iC.leasuring Surface Induction of Magnetic Tape -- J . D . Bick .............. A New Professional Magnetic Recording Tape -Edward Schnzidt ................ Constant-Current Operation of Power Amplifiers-Howard T . Sterling and 'llan Sobel ......... A New Pocket Wire Recorder - Oliver Read ....................... Musical Therapy .. R . L . Cardinell ........................... Some Consideration Regarding Volume Production of Electronic Musical Instrun~ents- George H . Hadden . Gun-Shot Reinforcers and Synthesizers - J . L . Hathaway and R . E . Laferty ............ The Deposited-Carbon Resistor: An Essential Component of Good Audio Design Practice - LEewelEyn Bates Keim Electrolytic Capacitors. Why and When - Mark VanBuskirk .................. Choice of Electron Tubes for Audio Circuits - FV . R . Ayres ................... Review of New Printed Circuit Development and Audio-Frequency Applications - Arthur W . Kelly, Jr.... Intermodulation Measurements - H . H . Scott ....................... Measurement of Nonlinear Distortion - Alan BEoch ..................... Comparative Study of Methods for Measuring Nonlinear Distortion in Broadcasting Audio Facilities - Donald E . Maxwell ................................. Distortion in Phonograph Reproduction - H . E . Roys .................... Basic Problems in Audio Systems Practice - W . E . Stewart ................... Audio-Frequency Input Circuits - William B . Snow ..................... Attenuator Types and Their Application - Chester F . Scott ................... The Design of Speech Input Consoles for Television - Robert H . Tanner ............. Grounding, Shielding, and Isolation - Arthur Davis ..................... Consideration of Some Factors Concerning the Use of Audio Transformers - W . E . Lehnert ....... Bypass and Decoupling Circuits in Audio Design -Lewis S . Goodfriend .............. Resistance-Capacitance Networks in Amplifier Design - E . D . Sissofz ............... Attenuation Equalizers - F . R . Bies .......................... Network Transformations - L . Norde .......................... Analyzing the Long-Playing Pickup Problem - Theodore Lindenberg ............... Binaural Sound Reproduction at Home - H . T . Sherman ................... Testing and Adjusting Speaker Installations with the Sound-Survey Meter -W . R . Thurston ....... Concert-Hall Realism through the Use of Dynamic Level Control - John Nigro and Jerry B . Minter .... Journal Authors ................................. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society Volume 1. Number 1. January. 1953. Published quarterly by the Audio Engineering Society . P~~blication office 104 Liberty Street. Utica. N . Y . ~xec;tive and editorial ofice. Box 12. Old Chelsea Station. New York City 11. Application for entry as second- class'tnatter at the post oftice at Utica. N . Y . is pending . Subscription to non-members is $8 per year . Copyright 1953 by the -4udio Engineering Society . AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY OFFICERS FOR 1953 President F. SUMNERHALT, Executiae Vice-President JERRY B. ~V~INTER Central Vice-President Western Vice-P~esident Secretary W. S. PRITCHARU R. L. BURGESS C. J. LEBEL GOVERNORS COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Admissions J. D. COLVIN Awards Finance Publications H. F. OLSON R. 0. SUMMERLIN JERRY B. MINTER Constitution and By-Laws Public Relations V.J. LIEBLER WALTER0. STANTON Convention Lecture Course Sections JERRYB. R~INTER C. J. LEBEL JAY H. QUINN Educational Standavds Standards R. H. ROSE JV. H. OFFENHAUSER,JR. E~nploynzentRegister Test Reco1.d~ C. G. MCPROUD N. C. PICICERING Sections Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Los Angeles -1pplication blanks for membership New York may be obtained from the Secretary at San Francisco P. 0. Box 12. Old Chelsea Station, Southern Michigan Sew Yorli I I, Kew York. Publications Editor: LEWISS. GOODFRIEND The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society is publislhed quarterly and supplicd to all members of the Audio Engineering Society in good standing. Back numbers can be obtained from the Secretary at P. 0. Boa 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, New York. Journal of the AU DIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY E s OFFICERS FOR 1953 President F. SUMNERHALL Some -4udio Considerations in Air Control Towers- Executive Vice-President JERRYB. MINTER Johrz C. Webster and Paul 0. Thompson .....171 Central Vice-President W. S. PRITCHARD History and Development of Stereophonic Sound Recording - Western Vice-President Ross H. Slzyder ............... 176 R. L. BURGESS An <4dventure in Microphone Design - Howard T. Souther ..180 Secretary C. J. LEBEL Modern Methods of Filter Design - Leslie Xorde ...... 186 GOVERNORS The Vibrating String as an Audio-Frequency Circuit Element - Johpz 4. McWaid ............... 199 The Application of Printed Circuits and Miniaturized Assemblies to Audio Amplifiers and Equipment - Jesse Kanarek .... 202 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Admissions: J. D. COLVIN .4 Condenser Microphone for Quantitative Determinations of Awards: H. F. OLSON Ballistic Shock-Wave Intensities-W. G. Hornbostel and Constittction and By-Laws: V. J. LIEBLER Marcus C. Eliason 208 Conveation: JERRYB. MINTER .............. Educational Standards: R. H. ROSE Employment Register: C. G. MCPROUD A Low-ru'oise FM Recording System -- Walter T. Selsted ...213 Finance: W. 0. SUMMERLIN Historical: C. A. RACKEY Aircraft Public Address System Operation under High-Level Ambient Lecture Course: JAYH. QUINN Noise Conditions - Jackson C. Baker ...... 2 16 Membership: W. H. HAZLETT Nominations: C. R. SAWYER Publications : JERRYB. MINTER Journal Authors ............. 221 Public Relations : WAI:~ER0. STANTON Sections: C. J. LEBEL Section Meetings ............... 223 Standards: W. H. OFFENHAUSER,JR. Test Records: N. C. PICKERING Editor: LEWISS. GOODFRIEND Sections Associate Editor: VINCENTSALMON Cincinnati New York The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society is published quarterly and supplied to Cleveland San Francisco all members of the Audio Engineering Society in good standing. Application blanks Columbus Southern Michigan for membership and back numbers of the Journal may be obtained from the Secretary, Los Angeles P. 0. Box 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, New York. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Volume 1, Kumber 2, April, 1953, Published quarterly by the Audio Engineering Society. Publication office 104 Liberty Street, Ctica? N. Y. Executive and editorial office, Box 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York City 11. Entered as second-class mattir at the post office at Ut~ca,N. Y. Subscript~onto non-members is $8 per year. Copyright 1953 by the Audio Engineering Society. Journal of the AU Dl0 ENGINEERING SOCIETY OFFICERS FOR 1953 President F. SUMNERHALL Executive Vice-President Structure and Performance of Magnetic Transducer Heads - JERRYB. MINTER Otto Kornei ................ 225 Central Vice-President W. S. PRITCHARD Western Vice-President 232 HARRYBRYANT* New High-Grade Condenser Microphones - F. W. 0.Bauch . Treasurer RALPHA. SCHLEGEL Secretary A Variable-Speed Distributor System for Synchronizing Out-of-Sync C. J. LEBEL Pictures and Sound Tracks - H. Af. l'remaine ...241 GOVERNORS A Novel Audio Sweep Generator - Peter Pohl and Henry Wolcott . 244 The Amplifier and Its Place in the High-Fidelity System - COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN j( 8. H. Scott ................ 246 Admissions: J. D. COLVIN Awards: H. F. OLSON Constitution and By-Laws: V. J. LIEBLER Two Ears in Three Dimensions - Norman C. I'ickering and Convetttion: JERRYB. MINTER Eric Baender, M.D. .............. 255 Cooperative Researrh: PRICEE. FISH Educational Standards: R. H. ROSE Employment Register: C. G'. MCPROUD - Finance: W. 0. SUMMERLIN A Variable Inductor R. E. Allison ....262 Historical: C. A. RACKEY Lecture Course: JAYH. QUINN Membership: W. H. HAZLETT Review of New Materials and Techniques in High-Fidelity Trans- Nominations: C. R. SAWYER former Design-Le,wis W. Howard ......... 265 Papers Procurement: W. R. DRESSER Publications: JERRYB. MINTER Public Relations: WALTER0. STANTON Journal Authors .................. 269 Sections: C. J. LEBEL Standards: W. H. OFFENHAUSER,JR. Test Records: N. C. PICKERING Section Meetings .................. 2 71 Sections Cincinnati New York Cleveland San Francisco Columbus Southern Michigan Editor: LEWISS. GOODFRIEND Los Angeles Associate Editor: VINCENTSALMON British Lioison British Sound Recording Association The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society is published quarterly and supplied to London W. C. 1, England all members of the Audio Engineering Society in good standing. Application blanks * Inieri~nappoint~nent to replace K. L. Burgess, for membership and back numbers of the Journal may be obtained from the Secretary, decc;~sed. P. 0. Box 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, New York. Journal of the .\udio Enginrering Society Volume 1, Number 3 July, 1953, Published quarterly by the Audio Engineering Society. Publication ofice, 104 Liberty Street, I'tlcn. W. Y. ~xe&tive and editorial offick, Box 12, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11 N. Y. Entered 3s second-class matter at the post ofice at Vtica, N. Y. Subscription to non-members is $8 per year. Copyright 195j by the Audio Engineering Society. Journal of the AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY E S OFFICERS FOR 1953 President F; SUMNERHALL Executive Vice-President
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