www.ukrweekly.com ф ОСТ 3 11385 ” J ЗЙ?юнт о^Ф^ Published by tht Ukrainian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly vol. Llll No. 42 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKCY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20,1985 25 cents Walter Polovchak becomes citizen Koziak finishes close second at birthday bash in Washington in Progressive Conservative race by Mykhailo Bociurkiw football quarterback and a former minister in the Lougheed cabinet - had EDMONTON - A Ukrainian Cana– finished just 32,votes short of a majority dian man most Canadians have never in the first ballot. heard of until last weekend came within Calgary real estate lawyer RonGhitter striking distance of being the new threw his support behind Mr. Koziak premier of the oil-rich province of after gaining only 428 votes on the first Alberta. ballot. in a close race at the leadership With Mr. Ghitter at his side, it looked convention of the ruling Alberta Pro– for a while that Mr. Koziak could pull gressive Conservative Party, Municipal off a stunning upset. But the coalition Affairs Minister Julian Koziak was was unable to defeat Mr. Getty since defeated by a mere 234 votes out of about 100 Ghitter supporters and senior nearly 2,000 by 52-year-old oilman Don aides broke ranks and crossed the Getty. convention floor to pledge alliance with The race to succeed retiring Premier the front-runner. Peter Lougheed — billed as a Getty Some observers viewed the Ghitter– coronation througham the– 13-week ltoziakcoatttron^asanindicaliorrorfhe race — ended in a finish far closer and close relationship that exists between more dramatic than most Albertans had the Ukrainian and Jewish communities expected. in Alberta.' Mr. Ghitter is Jewish and l Wolodymyr ftrtowcnk Mr. Getty beat Mr. Koziak, 45, with was reported to have received money At the birthday; citizenship party: (from left) Rep. Robert Dornan, Rep. Jack 1,061 votes to 827. The race went to a from Jewish interests outside the party Kemp, Walter Polovchak, Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, Sen. Alan Dixon and second ballot after Mr. Getty — an ex- (Continued on page 3) Julian Kulas. by Walter Bodnar ington, where swarms of photo– graphers, cameramen and reporters WASHINGTON - waiter Po– gathered to greet the All-American lovchak's public birthday party and boy of the day. citizenship ceremony - held five While Tv reporter Bill Cunning- days after the "littlest defector" ham of 1NN news was interviewing turned 18- took place in front of the Natalie Polovchak. Walter's sister, in cameras of major Tv networks on the corridor, Walter, accompanied Tuesday, October 8. The site was by his friend and lawyer. Julian Conference Room 106 of the Dirk- Kulas, strode towards the room where son Senate Office Building in Wash– (Continued on page 11) Feminism and ethnicity are topics at Edmonton women's conference by Mykhailo Bociurkiw American feminist was applauded by younger women and, at the same time, EDMONTON - A three-day confe– prompted representatives from the rence commemorating the 100th anni– Ukrainian National Women's League versary of the Ukrainian women's of America to complain to banquet movement concluded here on October organizers about their choice of the 14 with participants divided but cau– keynote speaker. tiously optimistic about the future of The Edmonton women's conference Ukrainian women in Canada. - organized by a group of young After some 25 sessions, beginning Ukrainian women known as the Second with a keynote address by renowned Wreath Cultural Society - marked the Ukrainian scholar Martha Bohachev– second time in this decade that a large sky-Chomiak on October 11 at the group of Ukrainian women have University of Alberta, the 250 confe– gathered to discuss such a wide range of rence-goers from Canada and the United issues affecting them. States agreed that closer cooperation The society is an independent group between younger and older generations which received funding for the confe– of Ukrainian women is vital to the rence from outside of the community. survival of the movement. The government of Canada and the At the same time, both speakers and provincial government helped pay for delegates acknowledged that "women's the conference. issues" raised by the younger generations The members of the society include of Ukrainian women are often regarded Ukrainian women who are writers, as controversial subjects by traditional lawyers, artists and students. Most of Ukrainian women's organizations. them are not closely associated with For instance, a banquet speech at the mainstream Ukrainian -immunity in campaign speech, Julian Koziak tells delegates hell maintain course set by conference delivered by a Jewish- (Continued on p-.k 8) Premier Peter Lougheed. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20,1985 No. 42 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Unregistered Baptists' homes searched by authorities in new crackdown interpreting Soviet history: KESTON, England — Soviet autho– conducted at the homes of other mem– rities have made a concerted attack on bers of the CPR. the Council of Prisoners' Relatives, The Kozorezovs home in voroshilov– violation of international law? according to reports from the Friedens– hrad was searched three times that day, and almost everything which could be by David Marples feelings about the USSR well-known. stimme mission. The Council of Pri– The second point, however, evokes a soners' Relatives (CPR) is the relief confiscated was taken away. Alexei An article by B.M. Babiy, a promi– more interesting line of criticism, organization of the unregistered Baptists Kozorezov, 52, had been released on nent Soviet Ukrainian lawyer who is namely that the United States is concen– in the USSR founded in 1964. June 20 after four years in prison. His director of the institute of State and trating its efforts on discrediting the On May 25 the homes of viadimir wife, Alexandra, the president of the Law at the Ukrainian Academy of "economic development of the union and Lyudmila Rytikov and of vasili CPR, was not able to spend much time Sciences, maintains that by adhering to republics," and that these attacks and Natasha Dimitriyev were searched. with her husband for threats of im– certain interpretations of historical constitute a violation of international The archive of the CPR was found in minent arrest caused her to go undcr– - events in the USSR, the United States law because they question the "internal the home of Mr. Dimitriyev, who is now ground. She had left before the house government may be violating interna– competence" of the USSR and impede living under the threat of arrest and searches took place. tional law. This is the basic premise of a its ability to guarantee "peace" on its trial. The Khorev home in Kishinev in thesis that appears to have the ulterior own territory. According to Mr. Babiy: Mr. Rytikov and Mrs. Dimitreyev Moldavia was also searched, vera is a motive of preventing further debate "The latest stage in the escalation of are the children of Galina Rytikov, who member of the CPR; her husband. about an event that the Soviet authori– 'psychological warfare'and interference has been working for the CPR for 15 Mikhail, is serving his fourth sentence. ties have refused either to acknowledge in the internal affairs of the USSR is the years, her address being the official in Dedovsk. not far from Moscow, or discuss: the Great Famine of 1932-33 provocative, hysterical campaign, set in address of the council. Her husband, two homes were searched. One was the in Ukraine. motion in Washington, centered on the Pavel Rytikov, 55, was released on home of Pyotr and Lyubov Rumachik. Mr. Babiy has long been a prominent food problems of the 1930s in Ukraine... April 2 this year, having completed a Mrs. Rumachik has been a member of writer on historical legal matters. His Bourgeois 'researchers' have more than two-year sentence. Since his release the the CPR since 1968: her husband has book "vozzyednannia Zakhidnoi U– once turned to this and other events in family has suffered intimidation and been in prison since August 15, 1980. krainy z Ukrainskoi RSR"(Kiev, 1954) the history of our country with the has been under constant surveillance. in the Kharkiv district, the home of is considered by Soviet historians to be intention of giving them a distorted On June 1 at a service at Krasnodon the Germanyuk family was also search– one of the most authoritative works on interpretation... But the current cam– which was broken up, Pavel Rytikov ed on July 12. Stepan Germanyuk,5l,is– the subject and is regularly quoted in paign, in its character, is no ordinary was among nine people arrested and a member of the Council of Churches scholarly articles today. More recently ideological or propaganda measure, it sentenced to 15 days'imprisonment. He and is at present serving a three-year he has written on Ukraine's role in the is an act of unlawful 'psychological was, however, detained for a longer sentence, which is due to be completed formation of the Soviet Union (1972) warfare' with openly manifested aims." period than expected and on his release on May 8, 1986. His wife. Ulyana, has and legal research in the Ukrainian According to Mr. Babiy, "non-inter– went underground. He and his wife been an active CPR member for 12 Academy of Sciences (1974). Now 71, ference in the internal affairs of another have 10 children, of whom four are still years. She was arrested on July 23 while he has been affiliated with the academy nation" is a cornerstone of international minors. visiting her daughter in the Crimea. She since 1966, and has been director of the law, and actually formed part of the Also on July 12, house searches were (Continued on page 16) institute of State and Law since 1974.
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