VOL. II JULY 1, 1907 NO. 21 TEN CENTS A COPY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GOLDFIELD GOSSIP A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO EXTENDING KNOWLEDGE OF THE MINES AND STOCKS OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Goldfield Shipments VALUE, $1,161,120.00 7257 TONS OUTPUT FROM GOLDFIELD MINES FOR ONE MONTH Value, $1,161,120.00 ^ The output of the mines of Goldfield for one month since the last issue of Gossip, according to the records from the Nevada Reduction Works and the shipping receipts are as follows: TONS Week Ending June F i r s t ...........................1 , 4 4 5 Week Ending June E ig h th ...........................1 , 2 7 3 Week Ending June Fifteenth ..................... 1 , 5 4 9 Week Ending June Twenty-second . 2,990 Total ................................... q The estimated value of the output — based upon known values of the same class of ores — is $1,161,120. This is the product of seventeen mines and leasers. And the camp is just fairly getting into action. Published by GOLDFIELD GOSSIP CO., (Inc.) Wall Street, Goldfield, Nevada GOLDFIELD GOSSIP A SUMMER BARGAIN Ruby Wonder Extension at IN TWO PAYMENTS TO GOSSIP READERS. HALF 10 Cents a Share CASH. BALANCE 30 DAYS THE BEST BUY This Ground Will Make a Mine. Buy It for Dividends. Buy It for Profits on the Strength of the Values in the Ground. It is Being Put Out at the Low Price of 10 Cents a Share in Order that ALL THOSE WHO BUY AT THIS FIGURE MAY MAKE PROFITS. Mr. Norrington has left for the East to List Ruby Wonder Extension and Oro Wonder on the Board of the N. Y. Produce Exchange. Struck Struck Ore Ore Z'nnn™by^ m ndeli. Extension Mining Company is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada. Capitaliza- 1 ’ *i>£?°>000; 400,000 shares in Treasury stock, fully paid and forever non-assessable Norrington^of Goldfield*’ J‘ J' M°SS °f Wonder; vice-president, John Reynolds of Goldfield; secretary-treasurer, R. W. line w £ eiv,y e^St ° l -the *luby W.°nder ground, which is now sacking high-grade ore, and in a straight properties * th N d Wonder> being about midway between the Nevada Wonder and the Spider and Wasp rlaimcT anriRfr/rt;^^den Extel?sl0n ?rouPd consists of a little over fifty-five acres, and is composed of the following ciaims and fractions. Decoration Hill Decoration Hill Fraction, Prize, part of the Daisy Fraction and Peerless Lode. r d V iv ]edg®s of tbe Ruby Wonder, which have yielded high-grade ore, have been traced across the ground of the Ruby Wonder Extension, and two other well-defined ledges outcrop on the ground. Prospecting of the ledges is being actively prosecuted, and the company’s shafts will be immediately sunk to depth at the most advantageous points. essrStock Certificates Shipped Immediately on Receipt of Wire, with Draft Attached, to Designated Bank or Remittances May be Made Direct to PARMETER KENT & CO. = JOHN REYNOLDS & CO. Drawer 588 Goldfield. Nevada = Reynolds Bldd. Goldfield, Nevada To Win Out in the purchase of a leasing stock, §et ,n lL'ith the right people.— Ed. “Gossip." GOLDFIELD GOSSIP A Monthly Magazine of Nevada Miniing VOL. II JULY, 1907 NO. 21 GOLDFIELD GOSSIP to expend in continuing the shaft to the 400- I have taken an option on 125,000 shares of the foot level, and for the necessary crosscutting to treasury stock of this lease for “Gossip” readers find the ore-shoot. at 25 cents a share, upon the understanding that A big body of ore has been opened up, and the payments may be made in three equal parts, THE MARKET GUIDE the shoot has been tapped in three places, giv­ if desired, one-third cash, balance thirty and sixty ing assays of from $200 to over $3,000 to the ton. days. I strongly recommend the purchase of this stock both because the terms are so favor­ SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 per annum The lease is already a shipper, and the stock able and the ground good, and because, as I Single Copies - 10 cents each which was sold at 30 cents at the beginning was have shown you, the Macmillan crowd are mine- listed immediately after the finding of the ore- makers and can be thoroughly relied upon in body, and is now in demand with no offerings every way. Follow the winners. Publisher: THE GOLDFIELD GOSSIP CO., Inc. at 50 cents. It will be a dividend stock, and should not be Editor - - - Sydney Flower sold for any such figure as 50 cents. The equip­ The Time Is Now Office - The Gossip Building ment on this lease is of the very best and most complete kind, and it will be a record breaker There is scarcely a reader of this paper who Goldfield . Nevada in the amount of ore lifted before the term of could not spare from $25.00,which will secure a the lease expires. certificate for 100 shares of this stock, to $250 NOTICE.—Requests for Sample Copies, Changes of “Gossip” readers are to be congratulated on which buys a block of 1,000 shares. Get some their purchase of this stock at the opening price. of it anyway, and do it now. You can send us Address and Newsdealers Orders should be We have never been much of an advocate of that $25.00 in three payments of $10.00, $10.00 sent to GUY GUINAN, Circulation Manager, the purchase of a leasing-stock, but in this as in and $5.00, and rest assured that by the time your Carson City, Nevada. all things it is wise to discriminate, and a lease last payment is made this lease will be pretty that has the right people behind it, in well- close to the 400-foot depth. chosen ground, is as good a buy for profits in I had a great deal of trouble in getting this ADVERTISEMENTS.—Rates, $180 per Page; $60 Goldfield as any of the listed stocks. option on the terms allowed, and take the greater per Column; $6 per Inch. Guaranteed Issue, All those who purchased stock, for example, part of my commission in a small block of the never less than 10,000 copies. in the Mackenzie lease on the Mohawk, made owners stock, having fullest faith in the value big money on their investment, because Mac­ of this lease. kenzie is one of the active operators in this This stock will be listed, as was the Mohawk- Send Annual Subscriptions to GUY GUINAN, Carson camp, and there is no man in this camp who Jumbo, as soon as a strike of importance on the City, Nevada. “Gossip” has NO authorized works his ground more thoroughly or more ground permits it, and in order that the con­ Subscription Agents. quickly than Mackenzie, unless it is Macmillan. ditions governing the listing of leasing-stocks To make money in Goldfield leasing-stocks it may be complied with, there will be added to the is of first importance that you get in with the holdings of the company one or two claims in right people. the Goldfield district, which will also be the The leasers of Goldfield have MADE Goldfield, property, of course, of the stockholders. I do not and that’s the hard, cold fact. Macmillan and attach much importance, or give much weight Mackenzie both know good ground when they to this feature, because the LEASE, under the EDITORIAL NOTES see it, and both know how that ground should Macmillan management, is the important thing be worked to get the most out of it in the short­ in this stock offering. But the extra claims might not come amiss some time or other. SYDNEY FLOWER est possible time. Also they may both be re­ By lied on to treat their stockholders squarely. The time for you to buy this stock at this price is NOW. I do not know of anything in which you stand as good a chance to make good profits. We have never encouraged the small A New Macmillan Lease investor to put his money in stocks with the idea Follow the Winners of making a fortune from his investment, but in I have just returned from a look over the this case it looks to me as if the small investor Chiefly responsible for the recent buJg® ground of the lease that the J. H. Macmillan could not do better than send in his $10.00 and price of Jumbo Extension is the fact tha J - • Company has taken over from Malcolm Mac­ reserve for himself 100 shares of this stock, with Macmillan has cut two ledges of pic donald and others on the Kewanas. It is a big our assurance that he has the right people be­ in his Mohawk-Jumbo lease on the Jum tract of good ground, over 200 by 600 feet, and hind him and with him. The first buyers get tension ground. ,Viis the lease has over a year to run. The property this allotment. Write or wire us today, making We take more than a passing interest i has a first-class equipment up and ready, gallows- your reservations. record of J. H. Macmillan for two^ reasons. frame, 25-horsepower gasoline hoist and double The first reason is that “Gossip read P compartment shaft sunk to a depth of 100 feet, all ready to go right ahead with toviorrow, when A Chance for Someone chased a big block of this leasing ^ ocM :nan in fact the work of putting this sha.
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