Federal Workers Union to Fight Mail Pay Hifee SEE STORY BELOW Rain Expected Cloudy and mild, rain ex- pected today and ending to- FINAL night. Sunny, milder tomor- row, Red Bulk, Freehold Long Branch EDITION (Sen Detain. P*» » I Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 190 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 34 PAGES 10 CENTS raSijatBIKiiiEIJi'SSt'"!!?!!;!!!!:;'™!!1 Car swell Foes See Victory By JOHN CHADWICK porters failed in their effort to hinge on how many GOP the floor if Bayh wins. His ting him — Nixon — down- WASHINGTON (AP) - for a quick vote on Cars- votes the opposition could committee approved Cars- gently." With the iielp of a new strat- well's nomination. muster. well's nomination by 13 to 4. Carsweli is Nixon's second egy designed to attract Re- Only a few weeks ago, the, Opponents Gain GOP Leader Hugh Scott choice, for the high court va-. predicted defeat for the re- cancy created last May by publican votes, opponents of opposition felt Carswell's ap- An aide to Edward W. 1 G. Harrold Carsweli indicate proval was a virtual shoo-in. Brooke, R-Mass., a leading committal move, but a Abe Fortas • resignation. their uphill fight to block his BuMhe list of negative votes opponent, said the senator spokesman for the senator Haynsworth was rejected by confirmation to the Supreme steadily grew in past weeks feels the opposition is close said he was not ruling out a 55-45 vote. , • Court is close to success. as anti-Carswell forces, to getting the 10 or, 12 GOP the possibility it could carry chipped away at what they with five' or six more votes Scott and his deputy leader, The key vote will come votes considered necessary Sen. Robert P. Griffin of called the judge's lackluster to recommit. in the opposition camp. April 6 when a move will record. Michigan, issued a statement be made to send the Talla- Sen. Birch Bayii,. D-Ind., The strategy, the idea of Wednesday night categori- hassee, Fla., judge's nomina- President Nixon, who failed- offered the motion to recom- Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., cally denying a report the tion back to the Judiciary to win confirmation for his mit the nomination in hopes gives an out to GOP senators GOP leadership told the . Committee, If that motion first nominee, Judge Clement of wooing more GOP votes. said to be leaning against White House Bayh's motion fails, the Senate will vote F. Haynsworth, remained: He said if his move is suc- Carsweli but reluctant to would carry. The White April 8 on the confirmation confident that Carsweli will cessful; he hopes Nixon will vote directly against the ad- House also denied the report. itself. be accepted, presidential withdraw the nomination/ ministration, opponents said. "They have done a quick Opponents engineered the press secretary Ronald L. But Sen. James 0. East- A Republican source said rundown, and. .there are, move to try to send the Ziegler said. He said Nixon lantj, D-Miss., said he thought such senators might find it are enough votes to defeat nomination back to commit- is standing behind ihe judge. his committee would simply easier to vote for re- the motion to recommit," the tee yesterday after sup- The nomination appeared put the nomination back' to committal "a3 a way of let- statement said. Marlboro High Hit By Racial Tension By HALLIE SCIIRAEGER 12:30 p.m., but "there were MARLBORO - Eight teen- no weapons, no teacher was agers were suspended from involved, there were no se- Marlboro High School yes- rious injuries requiring treat- terday in the wake of three ment. days of racial tension at the "We are trying to figure .school. out what triggered it. There As rumors of continuing was a parking lot incident at racial trouble abounded here the high school dance Friday yesterday, the situation was night, but we don't know if minimized by Dr. William R. that caused it. We can't pin- Satz, superintendent of the point one single reason, aside AFTER SENATE APPEARANCE — Stokely Carmiehael, Freehold Regional High from the tensions of the day." former head of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating School District, and Police Dr. Satz said there are 659 Committee, walks with his wife, singer Miriam. Ma. Chief Joseph R. Waiter. students in the high school, keba, after ho appeared under subpoena before a "It was just one incident," with a black population of CRAMPED said Dx. Satz, "despite any about eight per cent. He said KAMp r— Pjanes line the,runway waiting to fake off,tfom j^ew'Tork 'U Suardfa airport yester.day, closed session of the Senate internal security subcom- rumor. That's all nonsense. there have been no black de- with flight delays running I'/j hours due to a massive "sick call" by'members of the Professional Air Traffic mittee yesterday. (AP Wirephoto) It was one specific, brief en- mands, "no specific pressures Controllers Organization. The union has been conducting a campaign for higher wages, but tW slowdown Vis counter between four Ne- . .Right now we are trying due to theproposed transfer of three controllers from Baton Rouge, La. * (AP WiraphotoJ gro youths and four white to work with the parents to youths. Att eight youths were see what seems to be fine suspended. problem*" •' • ' Keansbtirg Patrolman Day Was 'Normal' Chief Walker acknowledged "Aside from that, it was that the police' had been a normal day. .There was called to the' school on Mon- Dies While on Duty an element of tension, but day, Tuesday and Wednes- KEANSBURG - Ponce anything else is fancy." day, but he said it was evi- The chief said Patrolman dently the result of "misun- Chief Robert J. Rronenber- Dr. Satz said the fight Bennett was on duty in a pa- broke out at approximately. (See High, Pg. 2) ger reported that Patrolman trol car with Patrolman Jack Eugene Bennett, 48, died ear- Early when he slumped over, To Fight Postal Pay Hike ly today while on duty. the apparent victim of heart failure. By DORIS KULMAN the state's congressmen at a . Clifford, P. Case, and Harri- ard M. Nixon, said ,he would The Keanstarg First Aid The Inside Story WASHINGTON - The meeting here yesterday. son A. Williams Jr. veto it as • part of. his anti-in- squad rushed him to River- American Federation of Fed- Officers of AFGE lodges at Fought Strike flation fight. • State to Ban view Hospital, Red Bank, Elegant recipes for Easter - _„ page 22 eral Employes, AFL-CIO, federal installations in New "Last week was the hard- Then, On March 4, the De- where he was pronounced Engagements • Page 21 will fight any pay bill for pos- Jersey came here yesterday est week of my life," Mr. partment of Defense ordered Skill Game dead at 3:36 a.m. Associated Press* All-State Team ...... ..._... Page 24 tal employes which doesn't to . seek congressional inter- Gleason said, "We had to 1,350 civilians fired at seven Monmouth ties Hofstra in opener'. : .Page 24 include other federal work- vention in some of the pro- • TRENTON (AP) - The Patrolman . Bennett had fight against the move for N. J. installations by June 29 served on the force as a reg- Bangers lose crucial game to Boston _ Page 25 ers. cedures taken to implement wildcat strikes. We told the in an economy, mo. ve, includ- state of New Jersey, armed Monmouth County bowling roundup ... .Page 28 "We have more people at the personnel cutbacks or- with a year-old .State Su- ular policeman''for 25 years ( congressional delegation that ing 561 at Ft. Monmouth and and wore badge No. 1, the Tbe Chuck Wagon .25 Women's News _:a, 23 lower pay grades than the dered recently by the 'De- the AFGE leadership has' . 129 at NAD Earle, The Ft, preme Court decision outlaw- partment of Defense. : ing gas station giveaway chief said. He was a special Amusements- :. 32, 33 postal' union. We won't sit acted responsibly' and oiir Monmouth. action! will save officer here during World Astro-Guide 27: DAILY REGISTER still for a preferential pay Among those 'at the meet- ' people' have • acted responsib- 57.8 million a year,, the De- games, is about to order an Bridge .27 ^ bill for postal employes," Jo- ing were Charles Christensen ly, but if they pass a pay end to the latest of the War II, His father was the PHONE NUMBERS fense Department, said. games. late KeaJisburg Police Chief Classified Ads ..._..-:-...i8-31 seph E. Gleason, an AFGE, and Edward Harvey; presi- bill that doesn't take care of Rep. Howard and Rep. Sidney A. Glaser, head of Irwin Bennett. , Comics: :.Z1 Main Office 741-0011 national vice president, de- dent and vice president, re- our people, all the responsi- Daniel Button, R-N.Y., Will the State Tax Division, says ' Patrolman Bennett lived at Editorials 6 Classified Ads ___7«-6J0» clared yesterday. spectively, of AFGE Local ble leadership in the world 'introduce legislation requir- he will ask the Mobil Oil Co.41 Waackaack Ave. Financial :.. 11, 12 Hume Delivery _741-0010 Mr.' Gleason, whose region 1904, Ft. Monmouth; Joseph won't hold them back . ..." ing the- Department of De- to discontinue its new No information' was avail- Obituaries _. 4 Middletown Bureau 671-2259 includes New Jersey,' said Gursky, president of Local Federal workers had been fense to notify congressmen "Money Letters Skill Con- able from Assistant County Opinion Page 6 Freehold Bureau ...462-2121 that the-AFGE made its feel- 1659 at Earle Naval Ammu- scheduled for a four per cent of any.
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