THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Office of the President Austin November 13, 1957 TO THE HONOXABLE BOARD OF K2GEDITS OF THE: UNIVi2RSITY OF TEXAS Mrs. Devall and Gentlemen: The dockets prepared by the coniponent institutions listed below are herewith submitted, with my reconmendation for approval, for consideration at the meeting of the Board of Regents in Galveston on November 21-23, 1957: Main University M. D . Anderson Ho Texas Western Tumor Institute Medical Branch Southwestern Medi Dental Branch Postgraduate School of Medi I reconmend approval of the following budget items for Central Administration and Available Lbiversity Fund: 1957-58 Budget Central Administration Office of the President 1. Change-- the title and appointment of Mr. R. P. McCutcheon from Consultant in Special Programs; Visiting Professor of English, one- third time for nine months at $4,200, to Consultant; Professor of English, one-third time for nine months without salary from this budget. (604) Office of the Comptroller 2. The-- effective date of the salary?increase for Mr. Halbert G. St. Clair, Branch College Auditor, was incorrectly regorted in the September docket as November 1, 1957. The correct ciate is September 1, 1957. Available University Fund Investment CPfice - 3. 'Change the appointment of Mr. Ernest D. Eubanks, Accountant @I, from $3,840 for twelve months to &,020, effective October 1, 1957, additional funds to come from Available University Fund Unappropriated Balance. (674) -Hogg Foundation; Varner Properties: Approve the reappointment of Mr. Wallace Gorski for 1957-58 to handLe the operation and maintenance of the Varner Properties in Houston at a monthly salary of $457.00, funds to come from Account No. 65720, Mitchell Property, and Account No. 65790, Niscellaneous Expense. (528) CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMMITTEE OF 75 FUND: The following contributions have been receFed to support--- the activities of the Committee of 75: Humble Oil and Refining Company, Houston $2,500.00 (671.) Mr. Rex G. Baker, Houston 200.00 (671) Edgar G. Tobin Foundation, San Antonio 500.00 (671) Mr. Hines H. Baker, Houston 250.00 (710) . L. H. Cullum, Wichita Falls 500.00 (706) Hobby Foundation, Houston 500.00 (704) Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation, Austin 500.00 673) Thompson, Knight, Wright & Simons, Dallas 100.00 . a *.9 ' , Contributions -to Comittee ---of 75 Fund (continued) Mr. A. W. Walker, Jr., Dallas $ Mr. W. Ridley Wheeler, Fort Worth Mr. Estil Vance, Fort Worth Mr. George P. Hill, Fort Worth Vf. J. A. Gooch, Fort Worth Mr. B. B. Fuqua, Fort Worth Mr. James H. Snowden, Fort Worth Mr. F. Kirk Johnson, Fort Worth Senator Hubert Hudson, Brownsville Mr. Harvey Gaylord, Fort Worth GRADUATE LEGISLATIIX COUNCIL: At the March, 1953, meeting of the Board, approval-- was given to the creation of a Graduate Legislative council. (~age11, Minutes) The composition of the Council was divided between vo$ing and on-~oting~embers, the latter group being defined in part as ". ., and the ahinistrative heads of all branches, colleges and schools shall be entitled to non-voting seats." Subsequent to this, the position of "Vice-President for Medical Affairs" was created and the Council reconmends the inclusion of this position among the non-voting seats. I concur in this recomnendation. REETAL CONTRACT, SOWHWZSTERN MEDICAL SCHOOL: On the basis of appropriate requisition from Southwestern Medical School, the State Board of Control has mde an award of a rental contract as listed below. I recomnend ratification and approval of this action and that the Comptroller be autnorized to sign the agreement: Rental agreement betveen The University of Texas and John F. O'Connor covering 3,800 square feet of floor space located at 3802 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, to be used for offices, pkoto work room, art work rocm, shop work space and photographic dark rooms for the two-year period beginning Septeaber 1, 1957, at a monthly rate of $200.00. This lease contract ray be canceller? by either party by giving thirty days1 written notice. RZAPPROPRUTIONS -AND LAPSES ---OF PLANT FUNDS UNEXPENDED BAUNCES AT AUGUST --31, 19Y(: I r=nd for your approval the following schedule of reappropriations and lapses of August 31, 1957, balances of Plant Funds, submitted by Mr. C. H. Sparenberg, Comptroller. W. Sparenberg1s recoraendation further states: I recornend that all the free balances marked "R" be reappropriated and that all tie free balances marlred "L:'be lapsed. All the items marked "L" under Available University Fund appro~riationsshould be lapsed to the Available University Fwd Unappro- priated Balance except Account 30. 91501 which should be lapsed to Account So. 91500 - Major Repairs and Rehabilitation Projects. Under Plant Fu;~dsUnexpended for Medical Branrh, Accounts Nos. 93230 93232 should be lapsed to Account No. 93W0 - Eousing and Eome Finance Agency Project Tex. 41-CH-11 - Allot- ment Account. Under Plant Funds Unexpended for Main University, Account No. 94014 should be lapsed to Accomlt No. 52700 - Athletic Cowncil General Accoui~t, afid Account No. 94353 should be la~sedto Account No. 92090 - Reso~refor Lapsed Balances - Nev Construction. All items marked "L" under Plant Fuds Unexpended for Southrrestern Medical School and Texas Western College should be lapsed to Plant Funds Unexpeided - Unappropriated Balatlce. It is arther recommended that the August 31, 1957, Dental Branch Unexpended Plant %ads item "Due from General Fund+'' amounting to $42,150, be lapsed to the General Funds Unappropriated Balance account. Reappropriations and Lapses of Plant Funds (Continued) Available-- University Fund Appropriations Central Administration Account no.- Consultina Architect - Mark Lemon Office and Travel Expense Preliminary Planning and Site Work for Permnent Improvements Consalting Architect - Pagq Southerland and Page - Campus Development Plans - Services and Traveling Expenses !rsit-r Main UniveI 90630 W AdditLon to Radio House 90665 Completion of Unfinished Areas on Third and Fourth Floors of Experimental Science Building New Engineering Building Consulting Architects Fee - Page, Soutner- land, and Page Associate Architects Fee - Jessen, Jessen, Millhouse and Greeven Architectural Supervision Extension of Outside Utilities to and Drives for ROTC Building Associate Architect Fees - Atlee B, and Robert M. Ayres Architectural Supervision Mechanical Contract - Bradshaw and Furyear Air Conditioning Pain Building J. M. Boyer Contract Engineering Fees - Zwalt and Vinther Addition to ROTC Rifle Range Building C and H Construction Co., Inc., Contract Rebuilding Physical Plant Storage Sied and Material Yard ROTC Building Consulting Architect Fees - Mark Lemon Associate Architect Fees - Atlee B-and Robert Vi. Ayres Architectural Supervision Generai Contract - Southeastern Construction Conpany Pl-ing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilating Contract - J. M. Boyer Electrical Contract - Seco Smith Electric Company Furniture and Equipnent The Abel Stationers Contract Improvement of Grounds around ROTC Building Three Expansion Chambers to Replace Expansion Services in Underground Steam System Kajor Repairs and Rehabilitation Projects Imgrovements at University Junior High School Ray L. Wimberly Contract Main Building - Alteration and Refinishing Extending Campus Lighting S:rstern on 21st, 23rd, and 24th Streets Loyd Electric Co., Contract Expansion of Power Plant Const~~ctionof Power Plant Offices, Lab and Storage Room New Power Generating Equipment Addition to Power Plant Building Westinghouse Electrtc Corporation San Antdnio, Contract Reappropriations -and --Lapses -of -Plant --Funds (continued) 91140 Stean; Generating System - A. M. Lockett Company - Contract 91500 Major Repairs and Rehabilitation Projects 91501 Replacement of Pearce Hall Roof 91502 Acme Roofing Co. Contract 91506 Replacement of Gregory Gym Roof - Ray y;Jimberly Contractor 915c8 Replacement of Sutton Hall Roof - $7. D. Anderson Co. - Contractor 91510 Replacement of Deficient Lighting and iJq.ste Lines in Chemistrji Building 92070 Interest on Construction Funds - Time Deposits 92090 Reserve for Lapsed Balances - New Construction Medical Branch Appropriations from Proceeds of Ten Million Dollars Par Value Permanent University Fund Bonds and Other Funds 93000 Medical Branch Buildings 93075 Contract rrith James A. Hamilton Associates- Consaltants Housing and Home Finance Agency Fmject Tex 41-CE-11 93200 Allotment Account Three Additional Dorms and Building for Cafeteria, etc. 93220 Plumbing, Seating, and Air Conditioning Contract - Strar~sFravllr Co. 93225 Electrical Contract - Puhl Electric, Ltd. 93233 biovable Furnituze and Eqnipment for Tnree Dorms aild Cafeteria Lounge and Faculty Eousing Building 93232 Suniland Furniture Co. -Main Universit:. 94014 Construction of Addition to 9ill Ball Addition to Central i,:ater Chilling Station and Modifications to Utility Sjstems 94021 J. M. Eojrer Contract 94025 Engineering Fees - Zuaralt end Vinther 94030 The Taylor T. Room Project 94031 Noore Construction Co. Contract 94040 Piodification of Main Building Elevators 94041 Otis Elevator Co. Contract 94055 Additioils to Physics Building New East !<ling and Home Finance Agency Pro;ects Tex 41-~~-12 94090 Allotment Accov~t Housing and Home Finance Agency- Project '?ex 41-CB-26 Kinsolving Dormitory 94170 Allotment Account 94171 Associate Architect Fees - Kuehne, Brooks and Barr 94172 Consulting Architect Fee - PI. Lemon 94173 General Contrazt - S. 0. and C. D. Yarbrough Construction Co. 94174 Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Contract
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