PERSONAL TYPICAL OLD TIME KENTUCKY SPECIAL SALE OF COVERLETS PEPPERELL BLANKETS Mr and Mrs Oeorge E. Dowling stroet ob- of Bank street to a stu- of 44 Wyman quietly A fashion borrowed from Pioneer to briny new beauty Extra Size Part Wool at Bt Louis University, where served the 25th anniversary of Days Large is registered in tha School of their marriage on Friday. and charm to our modern room schemes. 80x90” Plaid Blankets with 4 inches Wide There will be a first meeting In large Slock plaid bound sateen and 4 rowa of atltching. These blankets Loretta O’Brien entertained a tomorrow night of the newly binding I and are full 30x00 inches in atse. of her little friends at a formed Catholic Study club at the weigh >4 pounds Colors: rose, green, orchid and gold. i'en party at her home on auditorium of the Waterbury Blue, avenue on Saturday after- Catholic High school at 7:10. The Extra Special Price ,'noon. The home was prettily deco- club is under the direction of the ) rated in a color scheme ol orange educational committee of the In- Pair. *2.99 ■•and black. Games were enjoyed ternational Federation of Catholic 'and a delicious luncheon was Alumnae and the Diocesan Bureau '.served. The guests included; Jane of Social service. Members of Part Wool Solid Color '•Bryce, Helen Dowling, Rosemary either of these organizations being Pepperell Dowling. Imelda O'Brien, Bernice eligible to Join the Study club. JThe Blankets I McCormack, Ethel Greenwood, committee in charge Includes the double bed else. Bound at both ends with ■ Betty Jane Moore, Loretta O’Brien Misses Mary Bennett, Miss Kath- Largs 3 inches wide sateen binding. Colors: Rose, blue, 'and Joseph O’Brien. leen Fitzgerald and Miss Ruth Barry. gold, green and orchid. * Mrs George Rivets was hostess Special Price .at a Hallowe'en party given recent- Mr and Mrs J. Barry of Collins ly for her son Paul. Games were street, entertained friends from Each. 99' -played during the evening and a Boston over the week-end. I 1 ‘luncheon was served. The guests of these hand made obtainable Blankets attended in costumes and Includ- A very successful Hallowe’en Reproductions genuine eoverlets, Baby Pepperell Crib •ed: Misses Virginia Ivon, Margaret was social sponsored by the Bast in our at the low In Trlnkeltot pattern with scalloped edge. Colors: Dlmond, Norma Blanket Department following prices: ; Shaker, Gladys Farm Community club on Satur- Pink, blue, and yellow. Slse 30x40 inches. Shaker, green Dlmond, Mary Olga Cyr, day evening. Refreshments were Regular 03c. Athelle Cyr, Rita Morin and Mor- served during the evening. First HICKpRY LEAF DESIGN ris Byron, Homer Ivon, Ronaldo prize for originality in costume Special Price ‘Pyr, Auretten Grampre, Robert Tet- was awarded to John Martin In 72x80 for twin BA 90x108 For dou- reault, John Hassel, Harve Moris, the men's division and to Rose $M Each. 49' .... “iwV ble each. 'Robert Mozzel and Paul Rivets. Souey in the ladies. Prises for fun- Beds, each beds, <4.98 niest and prettiest costumes were A testimonial dinner was tend- awarded to Margaret Monahan, WINDING TRAIL DESIGN Figured Cretonne Garment Bags ered James Galvin at Lift-the- Carl Boch, Henry Boch, Helen For dresses. Will hold eight hangers. This excel- Latch Inn on Friday evening by a Kitzchenka, Adolph Hespelt and 90x108 For double beds lent is of weight cretonne and is full ‘number of his friends. Mr Galvin is William O'Brien. The judges were bag made heavy *0 inches long. Just the bag for keeping dresses to be married to-morrow morning Mrs E. Kopicsh and Mrs William gg clean and In perfect order. Worth $1-29. to Miss Anna Hanley. Among the Stabler- Those attending were: Mr guests attending were: Jerry Mor- and Mrs George Miller, Mr and Special Price larty, Joseph Shea, Bert Travers, Mrs Jacob Albert, Mr and Mrs H. Reproductions in Handsome Wool Power Loom Coverlets in Peter Lawlor, Thomas P. Kelly, Manuel, Mr and Mrs Edward Bron- Each. 95 'Charles Lynch, Louis DeNigrls, son, Mr and Mrs F. Helper, Mr William Carbon, John Fitzmaurice, and Mrs George Millet, Mr and WHIG ROSE AND BLAZING STAR DESIGN .John Carey, Charles Dillon, Pat- Mrs E. Koplczh, Mr and Mrs A. Extra Fine Turkish Bath Towels rick Brown. Hugh Keenan, Thomas Hespelt. Mr and Mrs Hickey, Mr 90x108 For double beds butterfly borders. iGalvin, John McWeeney, Frank and Mrs W. Stabler, Mr and Mrs M. All wh(te with fancy jacquard Price, each. and yellow. Regu- ■ Carroll, Joseph Corcoran, John Wilhelm, Mr and Mrs Edward <10.50 Colors: Blue, pink, green, orchid Sayles, William Pendy. George —Gualtierl photo. Monahan, Mr and Mrs William Colors: Rose, Orchid, Blue, Green and Gold. lar 09c. Mulligan, Nicholas Sallnardl, Dan- MISS SOPHIE NIZELSKA Christian, Mr and Mrs Martin, Mr Special Price iel Sullivan and John Kelliher. and Mrs Shaw, Mr and Mrs Bur- (Orders filled In about ten days for Whig Rose and Blazing Star is of Announcement made the engagement and coming marriage ham, Mr and Mrs 8tone, Misses designs in twin bed size.) Each. 49 of Miss Sophie Nlzelska, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Nlzclska of Alice Schell, Mary Schell, Olive Clark Cooke of Hillside avenue Edson avenue and Carl Czarzasty of Giles street. The v/edding will Betty Manuel, Helen Bilks, and Charles Connors of Stlllson Ascott, take place on November 16. Mary O’Brien, Gloria and Jean DIAL .road attended the Holy Cross- Hespelt, Marjorie Louffe, Rose Brown (tame in Worcester on Sat- Mrs Lewis Curtiss was 3-1116 entertained at A Halloween birthday party Saucy, Dorothy Wilhelm. Margaret BISSET & Inc. They had as their guests urday. a farewell at her home on In honor of Miss Catherine GRIEVE, HOLLAND, party Monahan, Christian, Ruth Warrenton of Baltl- given recently Misses Christian, Helen Ketohenka. and of Thursday evening for Miss Kath- Philomcna Mastandrea, the oc- Mary 'more, Md., Margaret Ryan Kechenka, Mildred Ballard. also attended the erine Sorenson of Watertown who Mary Boston. They casion being her ninth birthday. Edna and Clara and dance at the left yesterday to enter the Bridge- Armstrong Holy Cross victory The home was attractively deco- Wilson, George Warner, Mr and Mrs James J. Brady was Hotel in Worcester. port hospital training school for Edgar Bancroft Frank of honor at a nurses. Those In atetndance were rated In a color scheme of orange Albert Ascott, Jr, Ascott, guests housewarming Gilbert Claude their new home on Col- Mrs Charles Sorenson, Mrs Hans and black. was Cavanaugh, Gray, given at Members of the Junior Guild of .Entertainment Mr Sorenson, Mrs Richard Walter Silks, Frank Helper, Jr, lins street, Friday evening by church enter- Sweeney, enjoyed and a luncheon was served. 8t John's Episcopal Mrs Hans Sorenson, Mrs Richard Kenneth Moyer, Loren Alexander, and Mrs Edward Morgan of Eas- tained at a masquerade the recently Sweeney, Mrs John Maegher, Miss- Those present were: Misses Bridget Fern Smith, Michael O’Brien, Wil- ton avenue. Among guests Hallowe’en party and a miscel- Florence Made- liam David were Mr and Mrs Andrew J. Fin- es Rae Caperano, Alice Barbierl, Guerlno, O’Brien, Ralph Hickey, showed for Miss Florence Pegulhnot, laneous Josephine Carle. Myrtle Sweeney, line Shaker, Jennie Caserio, Emily Burns, Henry Boch, Carl Boch, ley, Mr and Mrs John E. Murphy, The Official of Contract who to be married on ] Veld is the Fratangelo, Vera and Mary Ca- George Monahan, Robert Chris- Mr and Mrs Daniel Sweeney, Miss System Bridge Elsie Sorenson, Eleanor Sorenson, J 4th to Ernest Bowman. Miss Pet- Clifford Pat- Alice Ollalre, Harriet Cone, Je- serlo, Hose Colangelo, Ameco tian, Martin Stone, Stone, Mary Barry, Miss Ann Barry, Feld was presented with several Jenine Ruth Richard John and Charles Mrs Collins, Miss- Featured Exclusively in The Waterbary Democrat anne Pecausky, Nellie Peruginl, tlnlcchi, Buzzelli, Gruber, rick Kelly, Mary jgifts from those who attended. Ber- Garthwalt and es Genevieve Molly Russo, Marilla Herbst, Flor- Spring, Rosemary I’aduanco, Monahan, Clyde Mary Mulhollapd, the were Mrs John Tes- John S. Mr Among guests ence McGrath and Lconore Colo- nice Clalfl, Rosemary Shaker, Richard Kreidel. Gullfolle, Barry andd N. Mrs Carl Mrs By “THE COLONEL” Lewis, Loether, santo. si Pettlnicchi, Theresa Mastandrea, and Mrs Patrick C. Scanlon. Joseph Bowen, Mrs Harold Man- Josephine Guerlno, Edith Hahn, Mm Frank Reilly of Englewood OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN FOR BRIDGE HEADQUARTERS vllle, Mrs Eanl Treat, Mrs Samuel Barbara Spina, and Robert Spring, avenue entertained on Thursday A Hallowe'en social was enjoy- The of the Sis- Miller, Mrs Vernon Abel, Mrs regular meeting A. Pagone, Hendry Rache, Fred- afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock In ed at the home of Miss Helen Tell- terhood of the Israel will Frank Granger, Mrs Frank Bristol, Temple erick William Delflno, An- honor of her two daughters, Bar- erdav of Shelton avenue Saturday he held to-morrow at the Clalfl, Mrs Ward Hobble, Mrs Charles evening tonio Barberl, Frederick Spring, bara Frances, who observed her evening. Various games and forms Temple Center on Willow street. Holiman, Mrs Ovid Rochon, Mrs Antonio Barbierl, Frank DIzzella, fourth birthday and Elaine Janet, of entertainment werfc enjoyed and Rabbi Breslau will be the Leslie Ward, Mrs Joseph Wilhelm speak- Antonio Caserlo and Daniel Clalfl. who observed her first. The home refreshments were served. Those er for the All members Mrs Jay Whitehead. Misses Edna evening. wua attractively decorated tin Hal- attending included the Misses Helen LESSON NUMBER S, The Opening He mar reWd his own *ult; assist <»> are urged to attend. Coo, Ada Treat, Mary Wheaton, Miss Emma D’Ambrosi was hos- lowe’en colors.
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