University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 1-26-2000 Central Florida Future, January 26, 2000 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, January 26, 2000" (2000). Central Florida Future. 1522. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1522 Baseball~ team debuts at Disney Jan. 28th vs. North Carolina - Sports Serving the University of Central FJorida since 19-68 A DIGITAL CITY 0 R LAND 0 C 0 MM UN IT Y PARTNER (AOL Keyword: Orlando) www.orlando.digitalcity.com Chief Speaks for Council's Actions SHELLEY WILSON student and his rights could've been violated we MANAGING EDITOR should at least hear the case," Wharton said. Wharton added that the Director of Judicial Programs Dr. Garth Jenkins, felt that it shouldn't The Juclic'ial Counc-il made its decision of be a decision that Wharton should make on her returning Andrew Cupicha as the Student Body own, but the whole council would rule on it and President and Jaime Halscott the Vice President the appeal coming from administration to hear it final on Jan. 20. was a factor. The Council held an open meeting that day to "The Council felt since it was handed by discuss this issue and to end speculation that the Administration it carried some weight and was an informal meeting It held the week prior did not influence in that decision to hear it." comply with a group of statues commonly referred Wharton also believes that administration has been to as the Florida Sunshine Law. According to the partly to blame for the confusion surrounding Chief Justice Laura Wharton, the Council did not these issues .. break the Florida Sunshine Law that states that "I feel administration has been giving differ­ meetings should be posted and open to the public. ent views. I think they shouldn't have got involved Wharton wrote in a memo on Jan. 18 that the to begin with. They are there to advise not to PHOTO BY JASON KOKOTOFF Sunshine Law does not apply to the Judiciary and Karen Breakell (left) and Karen Neely (right) draw a name for a door influence. Administration has decided to tell SG the Council was not in violation for the delibera­ prize at the "Relay For Life Kick-Off Breakfast" Tuesday morning in the they would respect our decision because we have tions held on Jan. 13."It was understood that delib­ the right to be wrong." Student Union. The breakfast is used to set up and organize teams for the erations were closed. The Council was just delib­ Many argued that the Council overstepped its "Relay for Life" in March at the UCF track. The relay is a charity fundrais­ • erating on memos we had received. There have boundaries by reinstating Patton and removing er for the American Cancer Society. been issues raised on the formality of that meeting Jaime Halscott from office. Wharton believes there so we decided to make our decision stand firmly are certain checks and balances that are appropri­ Clinton· proposes ~ ded~c­ and so we held an open meeting. I think people ate for the Council to step in, but they did not think this was a big issue for us just to have a apply to this case. deliberation on," Wharton said. ~ "In regards to impeachment the Judiciary .. tion for college tuition The Council originally held the due process does not have to power to go in there and change MATT BERGER dent announced Thursday. hearing for former SG President Darin Patton in the process unless they were doing something U-WIRE The proposal calls for $30 December and ruled his rights could have been ridiculous like let's impeach him since he's wear­ (DC BUREAU) billion to be invested in the violated at his impeachment trial in July. Wharton ing a green shirt," Wharton stated. College Opportunity.. Ta~ _<;!;It, at first did not want to hear the appeal, but the Since the Council ruled that Patton's rights (U-WIRE) WASHINGTON which would provide up to -t:ouncil felt differently. could've been violated and then ruled that they Presid~mt Clinton will ask $2,800 in tax relief for a student "I felt it couldn't be heard because there was shouldn't heard his case at all, does the Council Congress to make college tuition no appeal process for impeachment outlined in our tax deductible as part of his DEDUCTION, PAGE 3 Constitution and statutes so I brought the issue SG,PAGE3 2001 budget proposal, the presi- before the Council and they felt since Darin was a Search starts for fall '00 Resident Assistants coordinators and other RA.s can experiences enjoyable for the JENNIFER MAZZOLI interac_t with the applicants. In students, especially the· incom­ ASST. NEWS EDITOR addition, they will have individ­ ing freshmen," said Lonergan, ual interviews with the area when asked why she wanted to coordinators and current RAs in be considered for a position. It is a position that requires which they are asked a series of Senior and second year resi­ leadership, commitment and the serious and humorous questions. dent assistant Andrea Schearer ability to be a role model. Triscia Panarello, area coor­ feels that being a RA on campus Applications for on-campus dinator of the Apollo is a very rewarding job. housing resident assistants for Community, said that she is "I love being an RA. It is so ' the fall of 2000, will be accepted looking for responsible, rewarding being able to guide until Feb. 7. approachable people to fill the these kids and watch them grow. Approximately 300 applica­ positions. On~ of my most memorable tions will be distributed and the "We look for people with experiences during my years of area coordinators are expecting excellent leadership abilities. being an RA was the time I pre­ about 150 to 180 applications to They must present themselves as vented a student from dropping • be turned in for consideration . capable of being a role model. out of college," said Schearer. Out of these applications, only They must be approachable, Interested applicants are 12 to 17 will be chosen for the especially for the incoming encouraged to call the Libra PHOTO BY JASO!\ KOKOTOFF • positions. freshmen who might need that Community Center at 823-5015 Jed Smock (right) of College Community Church preaches his beliefs to stu­ Applicants must have a 2.5 extra help and guidance," said or the Apollo Community Center dents near the reflecting pond. Smock spoke of students giving their soul grade point average and must Panarello. at 823-5016 for more informa­ to. Jesus while many students demonstrated their disagreement. have at least two semesters of Notification letters for peo­ tion. residential living experience to ple selected will be sent on be considered for the position. March 15. Opinion: p.10 Round one interviews are for all ·Current freshman, LEAD "A So(rJier's P(ace vour • applicants, providing they meet Scholar and Sumter Hall resident P<av" set Va(entine's the requirements. Only a select Erica Lonergan plans on apply­ to rJef>u+ arJ in the fn+er+ainMen+: p.12 ·group will advance to round two ing for a position for the fall. tonight CFF anrJ win • interviews. "I think it will be a great lnsi-de prizes! C(assifierJs: p.18 The second round of inter­ experience. It will provide me ~ore on views will consist of a weekend­ with leadership opportunities page b page 3 Spor+s: p.'18 • long program which includes and I can learn a lot from this. I group activities where the area want to make housing and living ' January 26, 2000 www.UCFfuture.com Central Florida Future • 2 • • Greek Beat • / UCF fraternities and sororities earn higher GPAs than general stu­ Joe Sarrubbo was voted Vice Anchor of the Year for the entire national fraternity. • dent body UCF's fraternity and sorority members earned higher grade point averages this fall Alpha Delta Pi grants graduate study scholarship semester than UCF's general student body. The cumulative grade point average of all Melissa Hinson, a 1999 UCF graduate and Alpha Delta Pi member, received Alpha.. • Greeks averaged a 2.725, compared with the general undergraduate GPA of 2.719. Delta Pi's Maxine U. Blake scholarship worth $1,000 for graduate studies in journal­ Grade point averages were even higher among sororities, achieving a 2.915 in com­ ism or communications. Hinson served as Alpha Delta Pi President, member of the parison with UCF's undergraduate females, who averaged a 2.821. In addition, 27 per­ President's leadership council and was named Greek Woman of the Year. The Alpha • cent of sorority women were named to the Dean's List and 8 percent earned a 4.0. Delta Pi Foundation awarded over $36,000 in scholarships this year alone in an effort to assist women in achieving education and career goals. UCF chapters and Disney bring national conventions to Orlando • This summer, Orlando will host several national fraternity and sorority conventions Delta Gamma preserves COB including Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Tau Omega and Chi Omega.
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