111 Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Tapio Roiko-Jokela A Century with the Same Problem – Similar but still Different Solutions? Four perspectives on the security policies of Finland and Estonia during the approximate period of 1917–2018 Preface Background of the Article Nowadays, the Baltic Sea Region is full of tensions because relations between the European Union / NATO1 and Russia have worsened. But that is not the first time when there are tensions in the Baltic Sea Region. Nevertheless, the small countries of that region have managed to survive and preserve their independence. For instance, Finland and Estonia, the countries analyzed in this article, have celebrated the 100th anniversaries of their independence in 2017 and 2018, respectively, and their history has been topic for many studies in Finland. Kalevi Holsti has studied Finnish foreign policy of the early 1920s. He wrote his dissertation2 on his father’s – Rudolf Holsti, a Finnish Foreign Minister – political activities concerning Finnish foreign policy. His research was also published in Finnish3. This dissertation is important when one wants to understand Finnish security policy decisions, especially, when they are related to Estonia, in the early 1920s because Rudolf Holsti had an important role while the Finns were shaping their foreign policy and when they orientated to Border State cooperation, of which architect was Rudolf Holsti. 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 2 Kalevi Holsti, The origins of the Finnish Foreign Policy, 1918–1922: Rudolf Holsti’s Role in the Formulation of Policy, published in 1961. 3 Kalevi Holsti, Suomen ulkopolitiikka suuntaansa etsimässä vuosina 1918–1922: Rudolf Holstin osuus, published in 1963. 112 Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Tapio Roiko-Jokela Kalervo Hovi’s studies4 are dealing with themes related to Baltic States and/or Finland. They give information about the activities, related on Baltic Sea Regions, of different countries. Kalervo Hovi has studied French policy but neither the British policy have been neglected. Olavi Hovi has studied British Baltic Area policy in the period of 1918–1920 in his dissertation5. He has also studied Finnish volunteers in the Estonian Independence War. Seppo Zetterberg has written his dissertation6 on political relations between Finland and Estonia. Estonia has also been dealt with in his later publications7. These publications give important information about history of Estonia. Due to that, it is important to acknoledge these publications when it comes to research on history of Estonia. These above mentioned studies have formed the first wave of Finnish research on the Baltic history. Later studies have been made, for instance, by Heikki Roiko- Jokela, who has studied Rudolf Holsti’s role in Finnish foreign policy concerning the international de jure -recognition of the Baltic States’ independence and Border State cooperation in his dissertation8. He has also made other studies related to Finnish- Estonian relations9. During the second wave of Finnish research on Baltic history, Jari Leskinen wrote his dissertation10, of which theme was secret military cooperation between Finland 4 Kalervo Hovi, Cordon sanitaire or barrière de l’est? The Emergence of the New French Western European Alliance Policy, 1917–1919, published in 1975; Kalervo Hovi, Alliance de revers. Sta- bilization of France’s Alliance Policies in East Central Europe, 1919–1921, published in 1984; Kalervo Hovi, Estland in den Anfängen seiner Selbstsändigkeit. Die Tagebuchauf-zeichnungen des dänischen Generalkonsuls in Tallinn Jens Cristian Johansen 13.12.1918–29.5.1919, publis- hed in 1976; Kalervo Hovi, Interessensphären im Baltikum. Finnland im Rahmen der Ostpolitik Polens 1919–1922, published in 1984. 5 Olavi Hovi, The Baltic Area in British Policy 1918–1920 I. From the Compiègne Armistice to the Implementation of the Versailles Treaty, 11.11.1918–20.1.1920, published in 1980. 6 Seppo Zetterberg, Suomi ja Viro 1917–1919. Poliittiset suhteet syksystä 1917 reunavaltiopolitii- kan alkuun, published in 1977. 7 As examples, we can mention the following publications: Seppo Zetterberg, Die Liga der Fre- mdvölker Russlands 1916–1918. Ein Beitrag zu Deutschland antirussischem Propagandakrieg unter der Fremdvölker Russlands im ersten Weltkrieg, published in 1978; Seppo Zetterberg, His- torian jännevälit, published in 1995; Seppo Zetterberg, Samaa sukua, eri maata: Viro ja Suomi – historiasta huomiseen, published in 2004; Seppo Zetterberg, Viron historia, published in 2007. 8 Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Ihanteita ja reaalipolitiikkaa: Rudolf Holstin toiminta Baltian maiden kan- sainvälisen de jure -tunnustamisen ja reunavaltioyhteistyön puolesta 1918–1920, published in 1995. 9 We may mention, for instance, the books Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Virallista politiikkaa – epäviral- lista kanssakäymistä. Suomen ja Viron suhteiden käännekohtia 1860–1991, published in 1997; and Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Etelän tien kulkija. Vilho Helanen (1899–1952), published in 1997, edited by him (the latter one in cooperation with Heikki Seppänen). 10 Jari Leskinen, Vaiettu Suomen silta. Suomen ja Viron salainen sotilaallinen yhteistoiminta Neu- vostoliiton varalta 1930–1940, published in 1997. A Century with the Same Problem... 113 and Estonian between the World Wars. At the late 1990s, Marko Lehti continued the list of Finnish studies concerning the Baltic history by writing his dissertation11. Finnish researches are not the only ones, who have studied relations between Finland and Estonia. As for Estonian researches, we may mention Heino Arumäe, who has studied Estonian independence process and foreign policy12. In addition we may mention Toomas Karjahärm, who has studied Finland and Estonia as neighbours of Russia13. The Third Estonian researcher to be mentioned is Magnus Ilmjärv, who dealt with the foreign policy of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in his dissertation; he has also, for instance, studied the Great power policies towards Norther Europe14. Mati Graf is also important to be mentioned. He has studied, for instance, Estonian policy during the first years of the Estonian independence15. In addition to above mentioned researches, Eero Medijainen should be mentioned. He has studied Estonian foreign policy and its Baltic State orientation16. Research Questions and Materials and Methods of the Article This article is continuation to tradition of Finnish research on Baltic history. The main theoretical background idea of this article is that societal crises have an influence on the international relations and security policy decisions of countries. This fact applies to both Finland and Estonia when modifications in the policies of 11 Marko Lehti, A Baltic League as a Construct of the New Europe. Expressing Sovereignty and the Territorial Imagination in Estonia, Latvia, and Finland after the First World War, published in 1998. 12 Heino Arumäe, Vandenöu või revolutsioon. Vabadus- või kodusõda, published in 1987; Heino Arumäe, Der diplomatische Kampf um die Schaffung des Baltischen Bundes 1919–1925, pub- lished in 1971; Heino Arumäe, Eesti vabariigi välispoliitika üldised suundumused aastail 1920– 1924 – kaks algust. Eesti Vabariik – 1920 ja 1990 aastad, published in 1998; Heino Arumäe, Noch einmal zum sowjetisch-deutschen Nichtangriffspakt, published in 1989. 13 Toomas Karjahärm, “Venäjän varjossa: Suomi ja Viro Venäjän naapureina”. Virallista politiikkaa – epävirallista kanssakäymistä: Suomen ja Viron suhteiden käännekohtia 1860–1991, published in 1997; Toomas Karjahärm, Ida ja Lääne vahel. Eesti-Vene suhted 1850–1917, published in 1998. 14 Magnus Ilmjärv, Silent Submission. Formation of Foreign Policy of Estonia, Latvia and Lithu- ania. Period from mid-1920-s to Annexation in 1940, published in 2004; Magnus Ilmjärv, Eesti välispoliitika 1930. aastatel – sõja ja rahu vahel, published in 2004; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Eastern Pact Project, published in 2006; Magnus Ilmjärv, Hääletu alistumine. Eesti, Läti ja Leedu välispoliitilies orientatsiooni kujunemine ja iseseisvuse kaotus 1920. aastate keskpai- gast anneksioonini, published in 2004; Magnus Ilmjärv, Põhijooni Euroopa suurriikide välis- poliitikast Kirde-Euroopas 1930. aastate teasel poolel, published in 2004. 15 Mati Graf, Eesti rahvusriik. Ideed ja lahendused: ärkamisajast Eesti Vabariigi sünnini, published in 1993; Mati Graf, Parteid Eesti Vabariigis 1918–1934. Koos eellooga (1905–1917) ja järelloo- ga (1934–1940), published in 2000. 16 Eero Medijainen, Eesti välispoliitika Balti suund 1926–1934, published in 1991. 114 Heikki Roiko-Jokela & Tapio Roiko-Jokela the great powers, alterations in societal systems, and changes in local hegemony have transformed the geopolitical map of the Baltic Sea Region. At the same time, these changes have directed the actions and decisions of states when they have tried to preserve and secure their interests. Now, in the aftermath of the 100th anniversaries of the independence of Finland and Estonia, we ask: How have Finland and Estonia reacted to changes in international politics, especially questions related to Russia, with regard to their security policies? And secondly, what is the historical perspective on modern Finnish and Estonian security policy decisions and how do previous events explain the decisions made in the last few years? In order to give answers to the above mentioned questions, we have to form our methodological approach. This article is a study on history of diplomacy and it is empirical, material-driven research, which is mainly based on some of above mentioned
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