Carlo-Schmid-Programm für Praktika in Internationalen Organisationen und EU-Institutionen Praktikumsangebote Programmlinie B Ausschreibung 2020/2021 Stand: Dezember 2019 Inhaltsverzeichnis Referenz-Nr. Sitz Land Schlagwort Stud. Grad. Stud. Grad. A BA B MA MA BIM Wien Österreich Human Dignity and Public Security Department - x x x EBRD1 London Vereinigtes Taskforce for Climate Financial Disclosure - x x x Königreich EBRD2 London Vereinigtes Economic Research - - x x Königreich EBRD3 London Vereinigtes SME Finance & Development HQ Team - x - x Königreich EBRD4 London Vereinigtes Economics, Policy and Governance Department - x - - Königreich EUDEL Genf Schweiz Political Press and Communication Section - - x x FAO1 Rom Italien Agricultural Extension and Rural Advisory Services - - x x FAO2 Rom Italien Technologies and Practices for Small Agricultural Producers - x x x Team FAO-UNECE1 Genf Schweiz Environmental and Forestry Communication - x x x FAO-UNECE2 Genf Schweiz Forest Products and Circular Economy - x x x GGKP-UNEP Genf Schweiz Green Growth Knowledge Platform - - x x ICC Den Haag Niederlande Trial Division - - - x ICMPD Brüssel Belgien Policy and Strategic Partnership Unit - x x x IFC1 Washington DC USA Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure Department - - x x IFC2 Washington DC, USA/Vietnam/ Economics & Private Sector Development - - - x Hanoi or Nairobi Kenia IISD Genf Schweiz The Global Subsidies Initiative - x x x INTERPEACE Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Peacebuilding Project Management - - - x IOM1 Genf Schweiz Border & Identity Solutions - - x x IOM2 Genf Schweiz Immigration and Visas Unit - - x x IOM3 Genf Schweiz Labour Mobility and Human Development Division - x x - IOM4 Genf Schweiz Migrant Protection and Assistance Division - - - x IOM5 Genf Schweiz Migration Health Division - - x x IOM6 Genf Schweiz Office of the Legal Counsel - x x x IOM7 Genf Schweiz Policy Hub Team - - x - IOM8 Manila Phillippinen Office of Legal Affairs, Contract Division - - x x IPC-IG Brasilia Brasilien International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth x x x x ITC1 Genf Schweiz Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - - x x ITC2 Genf Schweiz Communication and Events - x x x ITC3 Genf Schweiz Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa Project x x x x Coordination Unit Inhaltsverzeichnis ITC4 Genf Schweiz Women and Youth in The Gambia Programme - x x x ITC5 Genf Schweiz Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - x x x ITC6 Genf Schweiz Innovation Lab - x - - ITU1 Genf Schweiz Capacity and Digital Skills Development Division - x x x ITU2 Genf Schweiz The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment x x x x Programme ITU3 Genf Schweiz Child Online Protection Initiative x x x x ITU4 Genf Schweiz Development of global telecommunication standards - - x x ITU5 Genf Schweiz Financial Inclusion Global Initiative - x x x MRG London Vereinigtes Fundraising Department x x - - Königreich NATO1 Brüssel Belgien Digital Outreach x x x x NATO2 Brüssel Belgien Nuclear Policy Directorate x - x - NATO3 Brüssel Belgien Policy Planning Unit - - x x NATO4 Brüssel Belgien Public Diplomacy Division - x x - NATO5 Brüssel Belgien Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, - x x x Peace and Security's Office NATO6 Brüssel Belgien Strategic Communications x x x x OAS Washington DC USA Effective Public Management Department - x x - OECD1 Paris Frankreich Development Cooperation Directorate - - x x OECD2 Paris Frankreich Global Relations - South Asia & Southeast Asia Division - - x x OECD3 Paris Frankreich Centre for Responsible Business Conduct - Latin America - - x x OECD4 Paris Frankreich Science Tech and Innovation - Shipbuilding and Steel x x x x OECD5 Paris Frankreich Environment - Climate Change Expert Group - - x - OECD6 Paris Frankreich International Law Division - - x x OECD7 Paris Frankreich Centre for Educational Research and Innovation - - x x OECD8 Paris Frankreich Statistics and Data Directorate - - x x OECD9 Paris Frankreich Executive Directorate - - x - OECD10 Paris Frankreich Public Affairs and Communications - Editorial and Corporate x - x - Content OECD11 Paris Frankreich International Migration Division - x - - OHCHR1 Brüssel Belgien Donor and External Relations (sub)Section - - - x OHCHR2 Genf Schweiz Training, Learning and Staff Development - x x - PCA Den Haag Niederlande PCA International Bureau - - - x UNAIDS1 Peking China UNAIDS Country Office China - x x x UNAIDS2 Kairo Ägypten UNAIDS country offices in the Middle East and North Africa - x x x UNAIDS3 Maputo Mosambik Mozambique National AIDS Council - x x x Inhaltsverzeichnis UN-CEB1 Genf Schweiz Human Resources Network - - x x UN-CEB2 New York USA Support for the CEB Secretariat x x x x UNCTAD Genf Schweiz International Investment Agreements Section - x x x UNDESA1 New York USA Global Economic Monitoring Team x x x x UNDESA2 New York USA Policy Analysis and Development Branch x x x x UNDESA3 New York USA Strategic Engagement and Policy Integration Branch - - x x UNDESA- New York USA Development Cooperation Forum - - x - OESC UNDOS1 New York USA Division for Special Activities - - x x UNDOS2 New York USA Strategy Performance and Analysis Section - - x x UNDP1 Genf Schweiz Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative - x x x UNDP2 Maseru Lesotho Communications and Development Team - - - x UNDPI New York USA Department of Global Communications x x x x UNECE Genf Schweiz The Aarhus Convention - x x x UN-ECLAC Washington DC USA Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean x x x x UNEOSG1 New York USA Executive Committee - - x x UNEOSG2 New York USA Global Risk Management and Analysis - - x x UNEP1 Nairobi Kenia Communications Division - x x - UNEP2 Genf Schweiz Economic and Fiscal Policy Unit - x x x UNEP-DTU1 Kopenhagen Dänemark Institutional Development Section - - x x UNEP-DTU2 Kopenhagen Dänemark Mitigation and Data Analysis Group - - x x UNEP-TEEB Nairobi Kenia The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Office - - x x UNEP-WCMC Cambridge Vereinigtes Species Programme - x x x Königreich UNESCO- Paris Frankreich Open Government in Education - x x x IIEP1 UNESCO- Paris Frankreich Planning for flexible Learning Pathways in Higher Education - x x - IIEP2 UNHCR1 Genf Schweiz Research and Knowledge Section of the Division of - - - x Resilience and Solutions UNHCR2 Kopenhagen Dänemark Refugee Education x x x x UNHCR3 Lima Peru Information Management Team of the National Coordination x x x x Platform UNHCR4 Genf Schweiz Office of the Special Advisor on Climate Action - x x x UNHCR5 Genf Schweiz Reproductive Health - - - x UNICEF1 New York USA The New Talent Team x x x x UNICEF2 Nairobi Kenia Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa - - x x Inhaltsverzeichnis UNITAR Genf Schweiz Division for Multilateral Diplomacy x x x x UNLOCAAC Brüssel Belgien Children and Armed Conflict - - - x UNLOPS Brüssel Belgien Liaison Office for Peace and Security - - - x UNOCHA1 New York USA Programme Unit of the Central Emergency Response Fund x x x x UNOCHA2 New York USA Strategy, Planning, Evaluation and Guidance Section x x x x UNOG Genf Schweiz Political Affairs and Partnerships Section x x x x UNOPS1 Yangon Myanmar Access to Health Fund x x x x UNOPS2 Brüssel Belgien Global Programmes Team, Cities Alliance - - - x UNOPS3 Buenos Aires Argentinien Gender and Diversity - x - - UNOPS4 Genf Schweiz Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council - Policy x x x x Advocacy and Innovation Unit UN-RC Maseru Lesotho Development Partners Coordination Forum - - - x UNRWA New York USA UNRWA Representative Office x x x x UNSDG Dubai Vereinigte Support to the UN Deputy-Commissioner General for - - x x Arabische Expo 2020 Emirate UNSSC1 Turin Italien Knowledge Centre for Leadership and Management - x x x UNSSC2 Turin Italien Knowledge Centre for Sustaining Peace - - x x UNV1 Istanbul Türkei Capacity Building and Outreach - x x x UNV2 Nairobi Kenia East and Southern Africa Regional Office - x x x UNV3 Panama Stadt Panama Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office - x x x UNV4 New York USA New York Office - x x x UNV5 Amman Jordanien Regional Office in Amman - x x x UNV6 Dakar Senegal Regional Office West and Central Africa - x x x UN-Women New York USA Deputy Executive Director's Office - - x x WB1 Washington DC USA Analytics Team of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction - - x x and Recovery (GFDRR) WB2 Washington DC USA International Development Association - x x x WB3 Washington DC USA Social Protection & Jobs Practice, Latin America and - - - x Carribean Region WB4 Wien Österreich Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice - - x x WB5 Washington DC USA South Asia Region - - x x WB6 Washington DC USA West Africa Resilience Program - - - x WFP1 Amman Jordanien Sub-Regional Office, Advocacy, Partnerships & Outreach - - x x WFP2 Kairo Ägypten Emergency Preparedness Unit x x x x WFP3 Kampala Uganda The Monitoring, Learning & Capacity Development Team - - x x WFP4 Johannesburg Südafrika Social Protection and Cash-based Transfers Team - - x x Inhaltsverzeichnis WFP5 Lilongwe Malawi Supply Chain / Emergency Preparedness - x - - WHO1 Kopenhagen Dänemark Child and Adolescent Strategy - x x x WHO2 Kopenhagen Dänemark Knowledge Management, Evidence and Research for Policy - x x - Making Unit WHO3 Maseru Lesotho Public Health Communication - x x - WHO4 Kopenhagen Dänemark Migration and Health Program - - x x WWF1 Paris Frankreich International Relations and Development Team - - - x WWF2 Paris Frankreich Food & Agriculture Program - x x x CARLO SCHMID PROGRAMME FOR INTERNSHIPS IN
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