7/t7/tss Quarterly Nervsletter of the Rev. Gyomay M. Kubose Dharma Legacy Vol.4 No.2 Stlrnner 2000 @n C4,Gnon'arr Rev. Gyomay Kubose passed away on established the American Buddhist As- Wednesday, March 29,2000 at St. Jo- sociation in 1955 and later a Buddhist seph Hospital in Chicago, lllinois. He was Educational Center as well as a medita- so fortunate to have had a lifetime of good tion group. health. Never before in his 94 years had Among his many honors and awards he been hospitalized until he was afflicted are: The 5h Class Order of the Sacred with severe pneumonia. His family is Treasure Gold and Silver Rays from His gratefulthat his passing went peacefully. Majesty the Emperor of Japan; World Rev. Gyomay Kubose was born Buddhist Mission CulturalAward from the "Masao Kubose" in San Francisco on Japanese Buddhist Mission Cultural As- June 21, 1905. When he was only 3 sociation; Senior Citizen Hall of Fame years old, his parents divorced and he Award from the City of Chicago; Distin- was sent to Japan to be raised by his guished Service Award from the 15h gen- grandparents. After finishing elementary eration GrandTea Master, Sen Soshitsu, school, he completed studies at a newly of the Urasenke Tradition of Tea: Silver - opened agricultural school. Then at the Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of ol 17, he returned to the United America; Honorary Life Member of the - States."g" He learned English by enrolling Uptown Lions Club and Uptown Cham- Rev. Gyomay M. Kubose at the Piedmont Elementary School in ber of Commerce; Brotherhood Award Oakland, California ("1 was the tallest in 1 905 - 2000 from the Japanese American Citizens my class!"), graduating in1924. He went League; Outstanding Community Service on to graduate from the prestigious Pied- Award from the Japanese American Ser- mont High School in December, 1931. He 1936 he married Minnie Taniguchi of vice Committee; and the Chicago Nikkei started out supporting himself by being a Fowler, California and went to Rev. Community Father of the Year Award from "school boy" and lived with the Pusey Akegarasu's temple, Myotatsuji, for min- the Japanese American Association of family in Piedmont. He later started a isterialstudy in Buddhism. The Kubose's Chicago. thriving landscape gardening business in first son, Don, was born at the temple, Although Rev. Kubose was kept very the Oakland area. where they lived for five years. During busy with temple and community activi- While attending his grandmotheis me- this time, Kubose accompanied his ties, he always had time for his family. morial seruice at the Oakland Buddhist teacher on lecture tours throughout Ja- There are many treasured memories of Temple, the minister, Rev. Taigan Hata, pan, China and Korea. Rev. Akegarasu him enthusiastically sharing life with his gave him a book written by Rev. Haya gave Kubose the Dharma name loved ones: wrestling with his grandchil- Akegarasu, a famous Jodo Shinshu min- "Gyomay" which means "bright dawn." dren, playing basketballwith his children ister. Reading this book turned the young Before Rev. Kubose left Japan, Rev. at age 70 in his dress shoes, going Masao Kubose's life completely around. Akegarasu advised him to start an inde- horseback riding in Moab, Utah at age When Rev. Akegarasu toured the United pendent temple in the United States so 87 with wife Minnie and family. He con- States in 1929, Kubose accompanied that he could freely present the Dharma stantly found WOWs in life, and showed him as his interpreter. This was the be- teachings in a way that could be under- others wonders that they would not have ginning of a long and meaningful relation- stood by Americans. He returned to the noticed otherwise. "WOW look at those ship. Rev. Akegarasu counseled Kubose States in July, 1941 just prior to World dandelions!" "\ /OW, look at the traffic!" to complete his college education and in- War ll. After a brief stay in Los Angeles, 'WOW, this tastes delicious!" r.;'vited him to study at his temple in Japan. he was interned fortwo years in the Heart Rev. Kubose lived fully every day of his Kubose attended the University of Cali- Mountain Relocation Camp in Wyoming. 94 years and was a true example of how fornia at Berkeley and graduated in 1935 He came to Chicago in 1944 and estab- to live the Dharma teachings. His life is with a B.A. in philosophy. In January lished The Chicago Buddhist Church. He a tremendous inspiration for us all. Rev. Gyomay Kubose touched many lives during his "Oneness." In addition, we would like you to askyour long, productive life. The family has received many relatives and friends if they'd like to be on our mail- expressions of sympathy, a number of which have ing list. We feel all people can benefit from Rev. included nice remembrances. We would like to com- Kubose's teachings regardless of their religious ori- pile and print a collection of these remembrances in entation. Rev. Kubose's approach goes beyond the a booklet to be titled, "Remembering Sensei." We usual idea of religion; his teachings are so open and are in the process of obtaining people's permission easily applicable to everyday life that they can help to print their remembrances. We make an open in- someone become a better Christian or even a better vitation to anyone who wishes to submit a remem- atheist. In short, to become a better human being, a brance of Rev. Kubose to be included in this book- person who lives his or her own true and real life. let. As an expression of appreciation, this booklet The most important thing is to live a meaningful, cre- will be given to the many people who have expressed ative life- living with inner peace and in harmony theirsympathies. This collection of individual remem- with others. A spiritual life is to live joyfully- with brances will give a concrete historical perspective genuine acceptance of life's realities and deep grati- as well as a great personalized tribute to Rev. tude for all that one has received. Kubose's life. The whole purpose of the Kubose Dharma Legacy During his active life of over 60 years as a minis- is to help people by perpetuating Rev. Kubose's Way ter, Rev. Kubos_e kitdled a fl4qelhglhas_provided of Oneness. The Kubose Dharma Legacy is not a light and warmth to many people. lt is the intent of memOersnp organizition but is an educationEt re- v the Kubose Dharma Legacy to maintain and build source. We can work towards fulfilling our purpose this flame to an even greater brightness that will help only by reaching outto others by word of mouth. We future generations to nurture and deepen their spiri- ask for your help. We invite you to become an "am- tual lives. The Kubose family is very appreciative bassado/'for the Kubose Dharma Legacy. Being a that the Rev. Gyomay M. Kubose Dharma Legacy new, small and independent organization, we need has been established. Without such an organiza- your help in actively spreading the word- by doing tion, Rev. Kubose's influence could gradually become things like: adding interested persons to our mailing just a warm memory of a past time in history. After list, buying Rev. Kubose's books for friends, telling such a productive life, it would be sad if his contribu- others about our website (brightdawn.org) or our Dial- tions did not continue their influence. Many dona- the-Dharma "lnspirational Hotline," which consists of tions in memory of Rev. Kubose have been made to daily taped telephone mini-teachings (Call 847-677- the Kubose Dharma Legacy. These donations will 8053 and hear Rev. Kubose's voice!). Help us to help in the reprinting of Rev. Kubose's books, the help others. In this way, our purpose will be fulfilled publishing of new works, and also will go towards as the impact of Rev. Kubose's life expands in ever- the printing of the "Remembering Sensei" booklet. widening circles. This is how we can best honor and Looking to the future, beyond those whose lives remember Rev. Kubose. Thankyou very much. Rev. Kubose directly touched, the Kubose Dharma Legacy asks for your help in expanding our commu- In Oneness, nication network. We would like to keep you on our mailing list to receive our free quarterly newsletter, The Kubose Dharma Legacy v The purpose of the Kubose Dharma Legacy is to offer a non-sectarian, non-dualistic approach, the Way of Oneness, to further individual spiritual growth in everyday life for people of all backgrounds. Universal Teachings For Everyday Living Page 2 EVERYDAY IS THE LAST DAY Rev. Gyomay M. Kubose A group of students was visiting the developed liver trouble and was when a friend passes away, par- :.. temple recently and I talked tothem sick only about a week before he ticularly a young person, the real- about Buddhist teachings. After- died. Death came unexpectedly ity of death hits close to home. wards there were questions and and the fathertook it very hard. His A very good friend and a char- one student asked what the Bud- sadness was so deep. There ter member of our temple moved dhist way of life was. I said that it were no words to comfort him. to California many years ago. was to live each day most beauti- However, this is the reality of life. About a month ago he called me fully and most meaningfully. Then Time is the only thing that will heal and said, 'Well, Sensei, I have can- he asked what happens when we his wounded heart cer.
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