The ANSFR Project Workshop 2 - Frederikssund- Halsnæs 28th September – 1st October 2009 “European Exchange of Good Practice in Identification, Assessment and Management of Environmental Fire Risk” Report compiled by Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Department and Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service 24th February 2010 This report documents the sessions and findings of the Frederikssund-Halsnæs Workshop, the second of four workshops to be delivered during the ANSFR Project. The workshop and the ANSFR Project are co-funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment under the Civil Protection Financial Instrument, 2008 Call for Proposals (grant agreement number: 070401/2008/507848/SUB/A3). The European Commission is not responsible for any information contained within this document or for any use made of the information contained therein. © This publication, excluding logos, may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study or internal circulation within organisations. This is subject to information contained within the handbook being reproduced accurately and not being used in a misleading context. Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Department, Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco – Nucleo Investigativo Antincendi, and the Emergency Services College Finland must be acknowledged as the owners of the material contained within this handbook and the title of the publication must be specified. Report compiled by: Dr. Robert Stacey ANSFR Project Manager Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 2ED United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Kim Lintrup Beredskabschef / Chief Fire Officer Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Department Løgismose 3 3600 Frederikssund Denmark Email: [email protected] 1 Executive Summary This handbook documents the sessions delivered and the material produced during a European workshop hosted by Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Department (Denmark) on 28th September – 1st October 2009. The workshop was the second of four workshops to be delivered over the course of the two-year ANSFR Project: “Accidental, Natural and Social Fire Risk (ANSFR): The prevention and diminution of the human and financial costs of fire through effective risk assessment and management”. The ANSFR Project is being managed and coordinated by Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (UK) working in close partnership with Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Department (Denmark), Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco – Nucleo Investigativo Antincendi (NIA) (Italy), the Emergency Services College (Finland), South West Finland Emergency Services (Finland) and Kanta-Häme Fire and Rescue Service (Finland). The project is co-funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Environment under the Civil Protection Financial Instrument, 2008 call for proposals (Grant Number: 070401/2008/507848/SUB/A3). The ANSFR project aims to develop new frameworks for the identification, assessment and management of accidental, natural/environmental and social fire risk. The materials developed during the project will help Fire and Rescue Services in Europe to protect life, property and the environment through the effective assessment and management of fire risks. The ANSFR Project is divided into three key work themes: accidental fire risk; environmental fire risk; and social fire risk. The aim of the Frederikssund-Halsnæs Workshop was for participants to “develop a good understanding of the environmental fire risk assessment and management practices currently adopted by the partner organisations and to discuss and debate potential synergies and improvements to these practices for effective use in all project countries.” The workshop focused on the assessment and management of fires occurring within rural/outdoor environments such as wildfires, forest fires, moorland fires, grassland fires and fires on agricultural land. There was also some discussion and reference to other similar types of outdoor fires such as heathland fires, and fires in coastal locations. The event benefited from the attendance and contribution of a number of specialist operational wildfire officers and research and project specialists. Based on the evidence presented and analysed in the full Post-Event Evaluation Report, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service and Frederikssund-Halsnæs Fire and Rescue Service have jointly concluded that the workshop successfully fulfilled all of the predefined learning objectives and delivered all three desirable outputs. Consequently, it was concluded that the event achieved its key aim. The event was even more successful when taking into account that a further unpredicted outcome was achieved. A number of the organisations present at the workshop agreed to collaborate at a later date to deliver and receive theoretical and practical training in risk prediction tools and techniques that can be used to fight wildfires more safely and more efficiently. In addition, wildfire officers from Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service have agreed to provide assistance and advice, based on their professional experience and training in multiple countries across the world, for the planned burn of an area of forest in Frederikssund-Halsnæs in 2010/11. This outcome represents a great example of how cross-border sharing of information and expertise in risk identification, assessment and management can yield significant mutual benefits for European Fire and Rescue Services and the communities that they serve. 2 The information presented in this handbook will be of interest to all organisations in Europe with a responsibility for fire prevention and fire risk assessment and management. The handbook will be of particular interest to Fire and Rescue Services in Europe, and all public and private organisations involved in work associated with environmental fire risk assessment and management, such as forestry organisations, civil protection authorities and other government agencies in Europe and the wider world. If you would like further information about the Frederikssund-Halsnæs Workshop or the ANSFR Project, please contact Robert Stacey or Kim Lintrup using the contact details on page 1. Overordnet Referat Denne håndbog dokumenterer de møder og materialer, der blev produceret under et europæisk seminar holdt af Frederikssund-Halsnæs Brand- & Redningsberedskab (Danmark) – fra den 28. september til 1. oktober 2009. Seminaret var det andet af fire seminarer, der vil blive afholdt i løbet af det toårs ANSFR-projekt: Utilsigtet, naturlig og social brandrisiko (ANSFR): Forebyggelse og formindskelse af de menneskelige og finansielle omkostninger ved brand gennem effektiv risikovurdering og administration”. ANSFR-projektet styres og koordineres af Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service (Storbritannien), som er i tæt samarbejde med Frederikssund-Halsnæs Brand og Redningsberedskab (Danmark), Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco – Nucleo Investigativo Antincendi (NIA) (Italien), og Emergency Services College (Finland), South West Finland Emergency Services (Finland) og Kanta-Häme Fire and Rescue Service (Finland). PEuropa-Kommissionens Generaldirektorat for Miljø medfinansierer projektet under det finansielle instrument til civilbeskyttelse, Opfordring til forslag 2008 (Legat: 070401/2008/507848/SUB/A3). ANSFR-projektets mål er at udvikle nye rammer for identificering, vurdering og administration af utilsigtet, naturlig/miljømæssig og social brandrisiko. Materialerne udviklet i dette projekt vil hjælpe Brand- og Redningsberedskaber i Europa med at beskytte liv, ejendom og miljøet gennem den effektive vurdering og administration af brandrisici. ANSFR-projektet er inddelt i tre nøglearbejdskategorier: utilsigtet brandrisiko, naturlig brandrisiko; og social brandrisiko. Målet med Northumberland-seminaret var for deltagerne "at udvikle en god forståelse for miljømæssig brandrisikovurdering og de administrationspraksisser, der i øjeblikket er indført af partnerorganisationerne, samt at diskutere og debattere potentielle synergier og forbedringer af disse praksisser til effektiv brug i alle projektlandene." Seminaret fokuserede på vurderingen og administrationen af brande i landlige/udendørs omgivelser såsom skovbrande, skovbrande, brande på hedelandskaber, græsmarksbrande, og brande på landbrugsjord. Der blev også diskuteret og refereret til andre typer udendørsbrande såsom hedebrande og brande i kystområder. Arrangementet nød godt af deltagelse og bidrag fra en række kampklare brandmænd med speciale i skovbrande samt forsknings- og projektspecialister. Baseret på de beviser, der blev fremsat og analyseret i den komplette evalueringsrapport efterarrangementet, konkluderede Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service og Fredrikssund-Halsnæs Brand- og Redningsberedskab i fællesskab, at seminaret opfyldte 3 alle dets foruddefinerede uddannelsesmål og leverede alle tre ønskværdige udfald. Følgelig blev det konkluderet, at arrangementet opnåede sit hovedformål. Arrangementet var en endnu større succes, hvis man tager i betragtning, at et ekstra uforudset resultat blev opnået. En række af de tilstedeværende organisationer ved seminaret blev enige om at samarbejde på et senere tidspunkt om at levere og modtage teoretisk og praktisk træning i værktøjer og teknikker til risikoprognose, der kan bruges til en mere sikker og effektiv bekæmpelse af skovbrande. Derudover indvilligede brandmænd med speciale i skovbrande fra Northumberland
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