CHANGE WORKERS CHANGE for STUDENTS for CHANGE for THE ECONOMY CHANGE for OUR KIDS CHANGE BETTER CHANGE FAMILIES for the for PRACTICAL STEPS CHANGE for SENIORS CHANGE for the BETTER Authorized by Heather Harrison, Financial Agent, 604-430-8600 | CUPE 3787 WORKING TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE OUR HOPES AND DREAMS !e NDP platform is the result of intensive consultation with British Columbians by our party and the entire NDP caucus Dear friend, !e NDP platform is the result of intensive consultation with British Columbians by our party and the entire NDP caucus. You told us that you want a thoughtful, practical government that focuses on private sector jobs and growing our economy, lives within its means, and o"ers a hopeful vision of the future. !at’s what we have worked to achieve. First and foremost, our priority is to create opportunities for British Columbians to suc- ceed in a fast-changing and competitive economy. Our platform outlines the practical and a"ordable steps we can take to get us there – from expanding skills training, to reducing poverty and inequality, improving health care, pro- tecting our environment and #ghting climate change. !e changes we are proposing are designed to open up new opportunities for British Columbians to make the most of their own lives, and to build strong communities in a thriving, productive and green economy. As Leader of the BC NDP, I work with an outstanding team of British Columbians from all walks of life. I can promise you that we will work as hard as we can to provide you with a better government that listens, that cares, and that works with you to build a better, greener, more prosperous future for you and your family. Adrian Dix Leader, BC NDP Our key priorities: $. Create jobs, build a prosperous and sustainable economy and increase the number of skilled workers %. Improve learning conditions for our children &. Signi#cantly reduce child poverty and reduce inequality over four years '. Improve care for BC seniors, people with disabilities, and those living with chronic conditions (. Invest in healthy forests and a strong land base ). Revitalize the treaty process and support First Nations’ economic development *. Oppose the Northern Gateway Pipeline and #ght climate change +. Restore faith in our political process I !" #$% %&'()*+, -./0 INTRODUCTION CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, ONE PRACTICAL STEP AT A TIME his platform is about the BC the skills they need to get the jobs of we all know is possible. It tomorrow. describes the speci!c, practical We can reduce growing income inequality changesT Adrian Dix and the BC New and reduce high levels of child poverty. Democrats will deliver for British Co- lumbians like you if we earn your vote We can !ght climate change and invest in in this election. It shows exactly how transit and green infrastructure. we will pay for those changes. We can improve public health care and We have been careful not to make provide better care for BC’s seniors. too many promises. "e changes we propose are practical and will make And we can build a greener, more equal, a di#erence. In uncertain economic more prosperous province for every British times, your government needs to make Columbian. responsible choices about spending. It will take tough choices, hard work "ose choices should be guided by your and a generous spirit to get us there. priorities. Because the BC Liberals have left the After $% years in government, the province with a large and growing de!- BC Liberals have lost touch with what cit, we have to be realistic about what matters to British Columbians. From can be achieved over a four-year term. the growing skills gap and creating new But we can make important changes jobs, to improving seniors’ care, to tack- that chart a better course. ling inequality and taking steps to !ght "at’s what Adrian Dix and the New climate change, the BC Liberals have Democrats o#er in this election: failed to act responsibly in the public interest. Change for the better – one practical British Columbians deserve a new step at a time. government that represents the priori- What does that mean for you and ties of all British Columbians – a com- your family? petent government with an optimistic Change for the better vision that brings people together. means creating new jobs in "ink of what we can achieve if we a sustainable economy. work together and focus on the right Adrian Dix and the New Democrats priorities. will provide economic stability. "ere In British Columbia, we can create won’t be any HST-like surprises if jobs, build a prosperous and sustainable you elect New Democrats. We will economy, and give our young people tackle the growing skills gap and II !"#$%&' ("')(*)# (" +,*%)-) ".# *"/)0 +&1 1#)+20 make post-secondary education more a!ordable. We will support a diversi- "ed economy by investing in forestry, mining, agriculture and oil and gas industries, as well as "lm, high tech, and tourism. We will help communities create thriving local economies, with a strong middle-class, successful small businesses and a thriving entrepreneur- ial culture. Change for the better means investing in our future and improving public education. steps to reduce the cost of prescription Adrian Dix and the New Democrats drugs, and provide support to improve will improve classroom conditions so patient care in rural communities. our children will have the tools they Change for the better need to learn. We’ll make childcare means supporting BC’s more a!ordable. resource economy. Change for the better means reducing poverty Adrian Dix and the New Democrats will and inequality in BC. invest in our forests and land base, help agricultural producers market locally Adrian Dix and the New Democrats grown food in BC, and encourage sus- will work to signi"cantly reduce child tainable LNG, oil and gas, and mining poverty with the BC Family Bonus developments. program. We will tie minimum wage Change for the better increases to the cost of living, and means building government- increase earning exemptions for people to-government relations on income assistance. We will build with First Nations. more a!ordable housing. Reducing poverty will help support strong com- Adrian Dix and the New Democrats will munities and a productive economy work with First Nations and Aborigi- where everyone has the opportunity to nal communities to support economic succeed. development through revenue sharing, Change for the better and revitalize the treaty process for First means improving your Nations in treaty. We will work with health care. First Nations and Aboriginal peoples to support economically and culturally Adrian Dix and the New Democrats vibrant First Nations communities, a will invest in home support for seniors, critical step towards a better future for improve mental health services, take our province. III !" #$% %&'()*+, -./0 Change for the better jobs and hurt our economy. By show- means protecting our ing exactly how we will pay for our environment and fighting commitments, our platform supports climate change. economic stability and certainty, and contributes to a strong business climate. Adrian Dix and the New Democrats $e BC New Democrats are ready will invest carbon tax revenues in to take on the challenges ahead. Our climate change solutions like transit, candidates come from every part of the retro!ts and green infrastructure. We’ll province and all walks of life. Our team oppose the Enbridge pipeline. We’ll includes business people who know ban the use of cosmetic pesticides. We how to create jobs and meet a payroll, will ensure that BC has rigorous envi- teachers who believe passionately in ronmental standards and follows best the importance of education, working practices. people who understand the critical link Change for the better between good jobs and healthy commu- means restoring trust in our nities, and municipal leaders who know democracy and o!ering what it means to be accountable to the good government. people we serve. We are focused and united behind Adrian Dix and the New Democrats one goal – to make life better for you will work to bring people back to the and your family in a greener, more political process, particularly young prosperous province with more oppor- people. We will enable young British tunities for every British Columbian. Columbians to register to vote when We invite you to read this platform they turn "#. We will put an end to carefully and consider the practical taxpayer-funded partisan advertising. changes we propose and how they will We’ll take big money out of politics help your family. And please, ask us by banning union and corporate do- any questions that you may have. nations. Improving our democracy Like all elections, this one is import- also means saying no to the politics of ant. Elections are how you choose the personal attacks. New Democrats will future you want for yourself and your be tough on the issues, but we will treat loved ones. If you believe it’s time for a our opponents with respect. new government with better priorities Change for the better then we ask for your support. We invite means showing you you to work with us to bring about how we will pay for our change for the better – one practical commitments. step at a time. In the last election, the BC Liberals did not tell you the truth about their bud- get de!cit. $at dishonesty led directly to the HST and enormous uncertainty for businesses and consumers. It cost us IV V BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY & CREATING NEW JOBS A sustainable, diversi!ed economy that creates new opportunities, good jobs, and a strong middle class is the foundation of the BC NDP platform ii KEY PRIORITY INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SKILLED WORKERS sustainable, diversi!ed economy We will make key investments in skills that creates new opportunities, training and student grants.
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