PHYSICAL REVIEW C, VOLUME 66, NUMBER 3 Selected Abstracts from Other Physical Review Journals Abstracts of papers which are published in other Physical Review journals and may be of interest to Physical Review C readers are printed here. The Editors of Physical Review C routinely scan the abstracts of Physical Review D papers. Appropriate abstracts of papers in other Physical Review journals may be included upon request. Supernova neutrinos and the LSND evidence for neutrino oscil- We present a study of inhomogeneous big bang nucleosynthesis lations. Michel Sorel and Janet Conrad, Department of Physics, with emphasis on transport phenomena. We combine a hydrody- Columbia University, New York, New York 10027. ͑Received 15 namic treatment to a nuclear reaction network and compute the light December 2001; published 23 August 2002͒ element abundances for a range of inhomogeneity parameters. We ®nd that shortly after annihilation of electron-positron pairs, Thom- Å The observation of the e energy spectrum from a supernova son scattering on background photons prevents the diffusion of the burst can provide constraints on neutrino oscillations. We derive remaining electrons. Protons and multiply charged ions then tend to formulas for adiabatic oscillations of supernova antineutrinos for a diffuse into opposite directions so that no net charge is carried. Ions variety of 3- and 4-neutrino mixing schemes and mass hierarchies with ZϾ1 get enriched in the overdense regions, while protons which are consistent with the Liquid Scintillation Neutrino Detector diffuse out into regions of lower density. This leads to a second Å →Å ͑LSND͒ evidence for e oscillations. Finally, we explore the burst of nucleosynthesis in the overdense regions at TϽ20 keV, constraints on these models and LSND given by the supernova SN leading to enhanced destruction of deuterium and lithium. We ®nd a Å Ϫ 1987A e's observed by the Kamiokande-2 and IMB-3 detectors. region in the parameter space at 2.1ϫ10 10Ͻ ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 033009 ͑2002͔͒ Ͻ5.2ϫ10Ϫ10 where constraints 7Li/HϽ10Ϫ9.7 and D/HϽ10Ϫ4.4 are satis®ed simultaneously. ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 043512 ͑2002͔͒ Perturbative saturation and the soft Pomeron. A. Kovner, De- partment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Plymouth, Nonlinear QCD evolution: Saturation without unitarization. Al- 2 Kirkby Place, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom and, Depart- exander Kovner, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Univer- ment of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecti- sity of Plymouth, 2 Kirkby Place, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United King- cut 06269; U. A. Wiedemann, CERN, Theory Division, CH- 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. ͑Received 24 April 2002; dom; Urs Achim Wiedemann, Theory Division, CERN, CH- published 28 August 2002͒ 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. ͑Received 17 December 2001; published 30 September 2002͒ We show that perturbation theory provides two distinct mecha- nisms for the powerlike growth of hadronic cross sections at high We consider the perturbative description of saturation based on energy. One, the leading Balitski-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov ͑BFKL͒ the nonlinear QCD evolution equation of Balitsky and Kovchegov. effect, is due to the growth of the parton density, and is character- Although the nonlinear corrections lead to saturation of the scatter- ized by the leading BFKL exponent . The other mechanism is due ing amplitude locally in impact parameter space, we show that they to the infrared diffusion, or the long range nature of the Coulomb do not unitarize the total cross section. The total cross section for ®eld of perturbatively massless gluons. When perturbative satura- the scattering of a strongly interacting probe on a hadronic target is ϭ tion effects are taken into account, the ®rst mechanism is rendered found to grow exponentially with rapidity t ln(s/s0), ineffective but the second one persists. We suggest that these two ϰexp͕(␣sNc/2)⑀t͖ where ⑀ is a number of order unity. The origin distinct mechanisms are responsible for the appearance of two of this violation of unitarity is the presence of long range Coulomb Pomerons. The density growth effects are responsible for the hard ®elds away from the saturation region. The growth of these ®elds Pomeron and manifest themselves in small systems ͑e.g. ␥* or with rapidity is not tempered by the nonlinearity of the Balitsky- small size ¯uctuations in the proton wave function͒ where satura- Kovchegov equation. ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 051502 ͑2002͔͒ tion effects are not important. The soft Pomeron is the manifestation of the exponential growth of the black saturated regions which ap- pear in typical hadronic systems. We point out that the nonlinear generalization of the BFKL equation which takes into account wave function saturation effects ͑``Pomeron loops''͒ provides a well de- Atmospheric gamma-ray observation with the BETS detector ®ned perturbative framework for the calculation of the soft for calibrating atmospheric neutrino ¯ux calculations. K. Kasahara,1 E. Mochizuki,1 S. Torii,2 T. Tamura,2 N. Tateyama,2 K. Pomeron intercept. The conjecture of a perturbative soft Pomeron is 2 3 3 3 4 consistent with picturing the proton as a loosely bound system of Yoshida, T. Yamagami, Y. Saito, J. Nishimura, H. Murakami, T. Kobayashi,5 Y. Komori,6 M. Honda,7 T. Ohuchi,7 S. Midorikawa,8 several small black regions corresponding e.g. to constituent quarks 9 1 of size about 0.3 fm. Phenomenological implications of this picture and T. Yuda Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan, 2Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan, are compatible with the main qualitative features of data on p-p 3 scattering. ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 034031 ͑2002͔͒ Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan, 4Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Toshima-ku, Japan, 5Department of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Setagaya-ku, Inhomogeneous bigbang nucleosynthesis and mutual ion diffu- Japan, 6Kanagawa Prefectural College, Kanagawa, Japan, sion. Elina KeihaÈnen, Department of Physical Sciences, University 7Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, of Helsinki, P.O. Box 64, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Fin- Japan, 8Information Department, Aomori University, Aomori, Ja- land. ͑Received 26 April 2002; published 16 August 2002͒ pan, 9Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya Univer- i SELECTED ABSTRACTS PHYSICAL REVIEW C 66 ͑3͒ ͑SEPTEMBER 2002͒ sity, Aichi, Japan. ͑Received 24 June 2002; published 30 Septem- For these, the quality of the global ®ts is as good as the one from ber 2002͒ the best oscillation solutions and the same as for the convective zone pro®les examined. It is also found that the 2 of the ®ts in- We observed atmospheric gamma rays around 10 GeV at balloon creases when the most recent data are considered, owing to the altitudes ͑15±25 km͒ and at a mountain ͑2770 m a.s.l͒. The ob- smaller errors involved. This in turn provides more precise predic- served results were compared with Monte Carlo calculations to ®nd tions for Borexino than previous ones, thus resulting in a clearer that an interaction model ͑Lund FRITIOF1.6͒ used in an old neutrino possible distinction between magnetic moment and the currently ¯ux calculation was not good enough for describing the observed favored oscillation solutions. ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 053006 ͑2002͔͒ values. Instead, we found that two other nuclear interaction models, Lund FRITIOF7.02 and DPMJET3.03, gave much better agreement with the observations. Our data will serve for examining nuclear Off-axis beams and detector clusters: Resolving neutrino pa- interaction models and for deriving a reliable absolute atmospheric rameter degeneracies. V. Barger, Department of Physics, Univer- neutrino ¯ux in the GeV region. ͓Phys. Rev. D 66, 052004 ͑2002͔͒ sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706; D. Marfatia, Depart- ment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215; K. Whisnant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State Texture of neutrino mass matrix in view of recent neutrino ex- University, Ames, Iowa 50011. ͑Received 18 June 2002; pub- perimental results. Ambar Ghosal and Debasish Majumdar, Saha lished 23 September 2002͒ Institute of Nuclear Physics, 1/AF Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700 064, India. ͑Received 10 July 2002; published 20 September 2002͒ There are three parameter degeneracies inherent in the three- neutrino analysis of long-baseline neutrino experiments. We de- In view of recent neutrino experimental results such as SNO, velop a systematic method for determining whether or not a set of Super-Kamiokande ͑SK͒, CHOOZ and neutrinoless double beta de- measurements in neutrino oscillation appearance experiments with cay (0), we consider a texture of neutrino mass matrix which approximately monoenergetic beams can completely resolve these contains three parameters in order to explain those neutrino experi- ambiguities. We then use this method to identify experimental sce- mental results. We ®rst ®tted the parameters in a model independent narios in which the parameter degeneracies may be ef®ciently re- way with solar and atmospheric neutrino mass squared differences solved. Generally speaking, with two appearance measurements de- and a solar neutrino mixing angle which satis®es the LMA solution. generacies can occur over wide areas of the (␦,13) parameter The maximal value of the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle comes space; with three measurements they occur along lines in the pa- out naturally in the present texture. Most interestingly,
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