RED Issued Weeklr. Entered as Second-Class Matter «t the Poit- VOLUME L, NO. 44. offlee at Bel Bank, N. J., under tli« Act 'ot March >, 18,19. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1928. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES! TO X4; GUESTS AT PERTH AMBOY. STUDENTS' TEA DANCE." SCHOOL LETTERS ISSUED BUSINESS IN NEW HANDS Twenty-four Red Bankers Mado the ODDLY TRAGIC INJURY 50WLERS' BIG BANQIjET Over 260 Students Gathered at St. ilFTS FOR INJURED GIRL PROFITABLE DANDELIONS Trip Last We'dnelday Might. Jamci'i Auditorium Lait. Week. BASKETBALL PLAYERS AND NTHONY BACIGALUPI SELLS DOG LED THE WAY TO ITS NNUAL GATHERING OF RED LEASANT SURPRISE FOR.MAR- A: NEW SOURCE OF INCOMB TO ASBURY PARK FIRM. ;. Twenty-four membors "of the STRICKEN MISTRESS. BANK PINMEN. An informal tea dance was given THA EMMONS AT HOSPITAL. FOR FARMERS. DEBATERS GET AWARDS. 'bung men's and young women's He- last week by the junior and senior Th» Letten Are Worn on Sweater Wholesale Produce Buiineit on }rew association of Red Bank at- Mrs. Christina Schaffer of Colt'a lommercial Bowling. League Held classes of Red Bank Catholic high or Atlantic Township Schoolmates Former Long Island Farmers in JhU Front, and Denote Activity in Wharf Avenue Bought by tha Na- tended a play given by the Perth Neck Lay Outdoors for an Hour Its Annual Banquet Last Wednes- school to the junior and senior clas- Sent a Big Lot of Gifts to Her Section Find a, Good Market far Sport, and Debating by Puplli of tional Produce Company—New Amboy association last Wednesday and a Half With a Broken Leg day Night—Copi, Medal), Gold ses of St. Mary's school of Perth Last Week—Martha it Getting Dandelion Planta lit New Yorhi-t tho Red Bank High School. , Owner, Took Possession Monday. ight. -The trip was made in private Before She Was Found. and Merchandise Prizes Awarded. Amboy, St; Mary's school of South Well from Injuries. Get »I.2S a Hamper for Them. The Red Bank high school hag the Anthony /Bacigalupl has sold his :ars. Those who attended the play Mrs. Christina Schaffer of Colt's Two hundred persons attended the Amboy and St. Rose's school of Bel- Martha Emmons, the Atlantic Dandelions havo becomoomo' a isource maroon colored letter. "R" as an wholesale produce buiiness on Wharf from Red Bank were Mr. and Mrs. Neck is in the Freehold hospital with hird annual banquet of the Com- mar. Over 250 school students were awnship school girl who lost mo^t of profit on a number of MonmbutN award for achobl students who have avenuo at Red Bank to tho National Harry Feldt, Mr. and MrB. Harry a broken leg as tho result of a fall •cial, bowling league last Wednes- present. The auditorium was decor- f her fingers in an explosion at tlfe county farms which aro occupied by; : playod one season on the, high school produce company of Asbury Park. Kohn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kauff- whllo she was gathering wild flowers. lay night at tho Smoke Shop tavern. ated with cut flowers, potted plants, bolt's Neck schoolhouse three weeks former Long Island farmers;. Th,<j football, basketball or baseball team. The-new owners -took possession man, Mr. and' Mrs. Hyman Heller, She lives with her sisters, Misses i chicken dinner was served and ferns and palms. A three-piece or- go, received a pleasant surprise last daiideliona are not sold for win* Members of the debating teams each Monday. They have leased tho build- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rueckhausi Minnie and Elizabeth Soffel. The as followed by an entcrtainmentr chestra rendered tho dance music. reek. Her schoolmates, without making purposes. They aro market* year also get a letter; To' disting- Ing where Mr. Bacigalupl conducted Misses Fannie, Rose and Sarah Lip- broken bone has been re-set and it iancihg. and awarding of bowling Mary E, Grause was chairman of ggestion from their teachers,- ed at New York and tho buyers arc uish-the first and second team play- the business and which he owns. In- sack, Sarah Klatsky, Ida Miller, Ruth shows signs of mending. Mrs. irizes. the party committee and her as- ;arted a fund to make gifts to the almost entirely Italian residente of ers In. each athlotic sport, the let- cluded In the least) is a large gar- Fisher, Anna Flnberg, Jennie Cohen Schaffer is 72 years old. George W. Bray was toastmastef sistants wero Charles C. Shanner, ijured girl and a considerable sum that place. Tho ehtiro dandelion ters received by the first team play- age, with living rooms on the sec- and Jennie and Rose Beckenstein, Mrs. Schaffer had her Airedale ind awarded the. prizes. The Cloth- James J. Sammon and Bernardette i'as collected. The girl, who is a plants are sold and tha plants are) ers aro larger than the letters re- ond floor. - In addition to buying Nathan Wltkin, Morris Cohen, Leo dog for her only companion when crs won the championship this year Emmons. aughter of Holmes Emmons, is at gathered just before the dandelion ceived by tho second team members. the business the. National produce Goldberg and Andrew Fisher. the accident occurred. She was ith a record of fifty games won and he Long Branch hospital. Every- flowers blossom, Tho plants are eut The debating letters are all the same company bought four • automobile walking near, the edge of a bank iixteen games lost. A large silver iing was bought for the child that even, with tho ground with knivea size. trucks which were , owned ./by .Mr, when she met with her injury. The :up was presented to the team and THE MOCKING BIRD PLAY. ould possibly be of use to her at the similar to those used in cutting as- • Last Friday morning the membeb Bacigalupl, The,company conducts RUMSON PUBLIC MATTERS bank caved beneath her .weight and iach member received a gold medal ospital, and there was a balance of paragus. The plants aro cooked In* of this season's basketball and debat- similar fruit and vegetable businesses she slid into a hole which was filled ind a silver cup. Monroe Eisner do- ROMANTIC COMEDY BY ST. 15. It was decided to save this to "greens" by tho Italians of Ney* at Aobury Park and Lakcwood. It with leaves. Mrs. Schaffer .was loney to buy more gifts for Martha York who buy them. This dish is ing teams were presented with let- GARBAGE INCINERATOR BIDS ated the individual silver cups. The JAMES'S PUPILS. has a total of fifteen trucks, includ- thrown by tho fall and her leg was members of the team are Philip T. 'ter shoj returns home. considered a great delicacy at thla tors denoting membership on these REJECTED LAST WEEK. teams during the past season. The ing the four which wero bought broken between the knee and tho iannine, Eugono Magee, J. William High School Students Wifl Present The gifts wero taken to the hos- season of the year, when mosjtfruJU awards were made' by Miss Ruth Irom Mr. Bacigalupi. To Advertiie For New Bids to be n,nkle. With much difficulty the floim, Henry Henenberg, Abram a Three-Act Performance at a ital in automobiles by Reed Gager, and vegetables are scarco and expen- Loddy,' Mrs. Theodora Brown and Under the terms of tho sale Mr. Opened May 10th—Waterman aged woman pulled herself out of ICridcl, Julius Straus, Ehvood Ivins School Benefit on Friday Af- he principal of the school, and by sive. The former Long.Island farm- George Lovett Bacigalupl retains an interest in the Avenue Grade Diacuaaed—Motor the hole. She tied a handkerchief nd Frank Rice. ternoon and Night, May -25th. liss Elizabeth Read, one of tho ers now in Monmouth county are; The girls who received letters are Red Bank business and ho has been Mechanic Appointed. about her dog's neck and tried to The Eisner team finished in soc- lachers. Martha was as much de- familiar with market conditions at make tho animal understand that it "TJie Mocking Bird," a romantic ghted as she was surprised. She New York and the harvesting of Marguerite Zweifel, Bernico Soule, made one of the directors of the Interest at last Thursday night's nd place and each member received comedy, in three acts, written by Ruth Moore, Mildred Schledt, Grace company, Tho National produce was to go to tho house as a sign to silver medal. Bronze medals were ias shown great—fortitude in the dandelions is a Long Island custom meeting of the Rumson commission- the folks there that Mrs. Schaffer Sidney Rosenfeld,,of New York, will ace of intense pain and she is a imported into this county. Patrick, JesBio Thomas, Polly Bruy- company is* owned by four Asbury ers centered on the garbage incinef- iresented to the members of thcSee- be given by pupils of the Red Bank ero, Grace Brooks, Vivian Layton', Park men. They are Jacob Epstein was in distress. But the faithful nd National Bank team, which fin- eat favorite with the doctors and One day last week Frank Gunther, ator_ project. At the previous meet- latholic high school on the after- formerly of Long Island, who w« Marian Dletz, Marian.M»ir and Car- presidentpFrank Lerner vice presi- dog would not leave its mistress and ished third. noon and evening of Friday, ursea at the hospital. She will re- ing bids were received from four Mrs. Sehaffer had nothing to do but iain there for several weeks until cently' bought tho Frank Matthew* olyn Ert.
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