VO L.111 NO. 9 DECEMBER 2001 50 CENTS IN THIS ISSUE National ID Proposal GE Continues to Resist Hudson River Cleanup Threatens Our Liberty Page 2 s President Bush prepared to sign the Patriot Act of 2001 into law in October, The People noted that provisions of the newly enacted law “expand previous federal encroachments on Union Boss Backs War A civil rights and liberties and further grease the skids toward a police state in the United With Pledge of Support States.” Given the post-Sept. 11 social environment in which Congress found it feasible to pass the Page 3 draconian act, Bush found it easy to hail its provisions as merely “new tools” to fight terrorism. Momentum now appears to be and updates wouldn’t be free). would be used by such a system. Li b - building for another “tool” that would On Sept. 27, a Bush administration erals like Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D- Edi t o r i a l— be very useful to a police state—a spokesman rejected the notion, claim- Calif.) and Harvard professor Al a n Hunger in America national identity (NID) card system. ing “We are not even considering the Dershowitz have also lent their sup- Page 4 Since Sept. 11 the public waters have idea.” But an Oct. 7 article in The New port to a NID system. been continuously plumbed for polit- York Tim e s noted that “at least one By the time this issue of The People ical support for a system of identifi- company that makes scanners has went to press, hearings on the subject Bin Laden Family ca tion similar to the worker ID or “in - reportedly said several federal agen- were being convened in the House, Cuts Its U.S. Financial Tie s ternal passport” systems that once bol- cies had been in touch about using the and a New York State antiterrorism st e r e d apartheid in South Africa, fas- devices in connection with ID cards.” committee had reportedly already call- Page 8 cism in Germany and bureaucratic By mid-October, Oracle’s Ellison ed for the creation of such a system. state despotism in the former Sovi e t said in an interview with the Me r c u r y No matter what the reason for a Union and its satellite nations. Ne w s that he had already “met with NID system—as a hedge against ter- Capitalists and their propaganda U.S. Attorney General John As h c r o f t rorism, crime, drugs, illegal immigra- SLP FINANCIAL CRISIS mills have had a field day with the and officials at the CIA and FBI in tion or merely against inefficiency in idea—in the name of antiterrorism. Washington, D.C....to discuss the distribution of government services, For ‘ Peace on Earth’ The week after the attack, the Pew idea.” On Nov. 8, according to a Re u t - all of which have been used as ratio- Research Center released poll results er s news report, the Bush administra- nales for various identification card “T o plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these that it claimed showed “seven of 10 ti o n ’ s special advisor on cyber-s e c u r i t y , schemes, workers should lend them things they misname empire; and when they Americans favored a requirement that Richard Clarke, conceded “that the no support. Whether the cards are for make a desert, they call it peace.”—Tac i t u s citizens carry a national identity ca r d administration doesn’t yet have a for- particular purposes—such as board- at all times to show a police officer mal position on the concept.” ing airplanes—or for universal identi- We are approaching that time of the year upon request.” A week later, a Ne w Others have jumped on the national fication, they cannot serve workers’ called the season of peace and good will. York Tim e s /CBS News poll reported ID card bandwagon—including, of in t e r e s t s . But the Christmas season changes nothing 56 percent supported the notion an d course, the CEOs of other companies Proponents claim that everyone will under the barbarous capitalist system. The a CNN/Tim e poll reported a similar that stand to gain financially if such a gain personal safety and security, spirit of peace and good will hailed in song figure. system is established in the United albeit with “a little less privacy.” But and story remains a fata morgana—a mirage That week also found Oracle soft- States. As a SiliconVal l e y .com article such schemes actually work to de c r e a s e that only conceals the source of violence ware chieftain Larry Ellison, as a Sa n headlined “Support Grows for Ellison’s individual security while doing noth- and destruction. We know this is true, des- Jose Mercury News report put it, National ID Card Proposal” put it, one ing to curb the activities of terrorists pite appearances and claims to the contrary. “calling for the United States to cre- estimate says “the U.S. government and criminals. Any NID card system It was certainly true during the violent and ate a national identification card sys- could end up spending more than $3 conceivable would do far more for cor- tumultuous 20th century, when “peace” was tem—and offering to donate the soft- billion on computer chips, hardware, porate bottom lines and the possibili- nothing but a brief hiatus between wars. ware to make it possible” (although software and services that go into cre- ties for police-state repression in the And it already seems that the 21st century he later admitted that maintenance ating so-called ‘smart’ ID cards” that (Continued on page 3) will bring more of the same. Nonetheless, preachers will chant about the peace that surpasses all understanding NEW YORK FIREFIGHTERS PROTEST (which “peace” certainly does under rapa- cious capitalism) and hold out the promise of rewards “in the hereafter.” From Heroes to Landfill Politicians will mouth pretty phrases By John-Paul Catusco workers who died on Sept. 11 would ute to their brave comrades has dried about the “peace” they are shaping, while Many Americans were shocked on be reduced to a token crew of 75: 25 up. “Yesterday my husband and his they go on creating and using deadly instru- No v . 2 by the images of New York City from the FDNY, 25 from the NYPD friends were heroes, today they’re land- ments of mass destruction. firefighters staging a massive and vio- and 25 from the Port Au t h o r i t y . These fill,” said Theresa Regan, the widow of The hired “opinion makers” of the capital- lent protest at “ground zero” in lower workers would not be taking a direct a missing firefighter. ist media will spin their yarns about the Manhattan. Most Americans were un - part in recovery efforts but would be The firefighters and their normally beauties of this monstrous war- and poverty- aware of the events of the previous day, waiting in holding pens for cranes to conservative union know this is the breeding system, while capitalism’s deadly which prompted the militant protest. dig up the bodies of their comrades. case. They know that Giuliani’s deci- fruits are being served up with increased A summary of those events follows: The cranes have been operating at sion to scale back the recovery opera- fury and frequency. On Nov. 1, Mayor Rudolph W. full speed and have sent the torsos of tion is not about safety concerns, as Reformers will wring their hands in des- Giuliani announced that more than several firefighters in dump trucks to the mayor and Fire Commissioner pair and blame their failures on the alleged $230 million worth of gold and silver the Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Is- Thomas Van Essen have stated. It is “stupidity” and “blindness” of “the people,” bars that had been stored in a huge la n d . The speedup has disgusted the about money. the supposed object of their solicitude and bomb-proof vault owned by the Bank FDNY rank and file and other work- When firefighters went to the WTC affection. In truth, however, it is they who of Nova Scotia had been unearthed by ers everywhere. The speedup is part of site on Nov. 2, they were banned from have contributed to the evil by helping to recovery crews at the ruins of the Gi u l i a n i ’ s plan to have the site cleaned entering what to them is hallowed strengthen the cause that make the people World Trade Towers. Markets every- up before he leaves office to add anoth- ground. One of them punched a police what they are. As John Milton said: “Th e y where celebrated the news. er credit to his already inflated legacy. of f i c e r , but union officials were quick to who have put out the people’s eyes, reproach The bodies of five New York City On Nov. 2, the recording secretary for point out that most of the 18 firefight- them of their blindness.” firefighters were also recovered from the Uniformed Firefighters As s o c i a t i o n ers arrested (including five union offi- Shall we, then, despair of attaining peace, the rubble on Nov. 1 by their hard- (which represents New York City’s fire- cials) did nothing more than chant pl e n t y , and the liberty that can only fl o u r i s h working comrades at ground zero— fighters) said that when Giuliani said “U.S.A.” and cross a police barricade.
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